The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 17, 1920, Image 1

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    lj SEtttfttmg iteralfr
official papkr or
Fourteenth YearNo. 3821
Price, Five Cents
ftjtltl ItoiiHo mill Hernro Vnrlril (IM
h-Jt Booze, mImi Kulmn-n( fur
Home Distilling I'lant Mnmi-
fm tin n lilipinr.
I ,oii In lliinottl Ih Iii Jul) mill pollco
hciidiiiiirtnrii Ih Uttered up. with
Mlllll) 160 llOlllOM Of IIHHIirtlMl IXIO70,
ii keg half full of hiIhIii "mnsi " niul
Iho ropiHir ruivptiivlci of n "inmm
Hhlno" Ht 111 iih a ri'Hiilt of a raid nn
Iho llonoltl home at 2020 south
Sixth ntruot yostordny afternoon.
llonoltl denies ownership of Iho
rontralmnil ncsortmont found on tho
Iii-i'miInoh. It Ih alleged that ho has
been selling tho lluuor. Tho ki'K "on
tnlnlng tho ralnln brnw was nbuut
half full of raisins anil water. Tim re
mli;ht han hi-mi flftv dnllnr's worlh
of i,iIh!iih In tlm mixture. A quart
Imtlio of while tliiuli!, wild to ho
"rnlHlu" whiskey was wr.01115 tho lot
of lliin r Other liotllij.i aro wild In
fin till ii I io(i r anil whin
It hail nut been decided vlirt'"T a
rhnrgo will In placed ni:nlnst Men
ottl Iffcro 1 10 loral courli or vthoth
or Ijp "v1!! ho trlnl by nutlinrl
lies Tin- police hao hum HUHplcloiiR
of the Sixth id root pin'f for nemo
t lino and ytvtotdny npiuru 1 a warrant
an. I Circondoil upon I:
Mr. nb (I Mm. FrnnclB J
land returned lust night from Grants
P.ish, whoro thoy wore, ninrrlod
Wednesday afternoon, January 14,
at 2: no o'doek) at tho homo of tho
lirldo'H naronlH, Mr. and Mrs.Bort
F. Konyon. Tho coromony was por
formed hy tho Itov. Charles Drako
After tho marrliiKo, which wns wit
nessed hy Iho Immediate family nt
Iho hrldo and wlfo of tho officiating
clergyman, a dlunor was xorved "lj
all jolnud In showering felicitations
upon tho happy hrldo mid bride
groom. Tho hrldo, an Miss Huhy E. Kon
yon, resided In .Klamath Falls for
about eight months hoforo her mar- Bn,i Cn,)t q. C. Applegate, who com
lago. milking her homo with Mr. and ,min,0, a compur.y of state troops
Mrs. II. II, Jenkins, and has ninny UncllcJ to tno f0(crnI command,
friends In local social circle. A )luIlVy f0K colored tho lnvn beds,
Mr. Sutherland cninn to Klamath ,m8 unuku today's fog, did not lift
Tails recently, and latoly establish-) (t no(m Tno so,uor8 fought at a dls
rd tho Klamath Kails Advertising ,lvnntnBOl ti,0 Indians moving swlfl
ngoncy. Mr.fiind Mrs. Sutherland iJy from pnco t0 pInC0 n ti,0 ,ionso
havo rooms- for tho present In tho ' f()(? wtltout offorlng a tnrgot for
First Stato & Savings Hank Imllil-j Um attnckora. Tho fog from Tulo
Ing, but oxpect'to sccuro a cottngo
whon a sultublo opportunity prosonts
Another chnrgp of larceny of a
dwelling has boon placod ngJilnit Hus
OhrlBt, who was nrrcstod early this
week, for breaking Into Iho dwelling
or.John Wostlund on tho old Ft Kla
math road, and ho Is ngnlii in Jail.
Ho Is accused, prior to tho Woitlund
complaint of ontorlng tho dwelling
of II, (I, Hhldlor mid Bto.Uin various
Miinll nrtlclos of porsonul pruprrty
Clulst furnished bonds of J500 on
tho Woatlund complaint mid was re
leased, ponding notion of tho grand
After his arrest yesterday 'n Iho
Sludlor complaint Justlco Chapman
llxod his bonds nt I'lOOl), which ho
was unnldo to furnish. Ho Is In j.iU
awaiting u hearing, which la not yet
sol. '
Tho l'nront-Toathors ABsqclntlon
mot yesterday nftornoon nt the High
School, Mrs. K. V. Lnwroneo, tho
ivntiiinnt. nrosldlnit. An hour was
spent In discussing plans for tho
Inl nctlVltlos of tho students of tuo
high school and a cnmmltteo was
appointed to investlgnto tho quef-f
tiofi of a suitnblo linll..
Tho association havo vory much nt
lmart tho wholwomo recreation of
tho students and arc eager not to necuon wiui mo aepusu. i. x-uiB ol
disappoint them In tho least dogrepratitlcatlons putting Into effect tho
lut tho nuontlon of a hall Is n iWII-treaty of yorsallloB, that conditions
cult onb. Tho commlttoo appointed of tho nrmlstlco still govern relations
wlll.raport nt a special mooting of,utwoon tho Unltod States and Qor
ibo association next Friday nftornoon. many. k
Tho Herald comes to you to-
day half tho Biro that It hint
heen. Tho ronnoti for thin Ih
tlm HCarclty of nowiiprlnt nnd
tho Imminent prospects that
publishers will ho uniihln to
got enough to contlnuo nt all,
It Ih not unlikely that Tho
Herald will have to rhnngo
from a dally to threo limes a
wook, and thlH will happen
within the next thirty days, un-
Iohh negotiations now under
way will Iniiurn for us enough
paper to contlnuo nn a dally
publication. The decision to
reduro the hIxo of tho paper
was definitely reached thin
morning, when tho roprcnonln-
tlvo of tho paper houso from
which wo havo hoon buying
our paper told'tiif of tho serious
nltuatlon ccmfrpntlng not only
Tho Ilornlcl, but ovary pub-
llnhor, largo nrid Rtnall, on tho
Const. Thin reduction will of
necessity force us to Just glvo
the cssontlnl parts of nil nowii
ntorlcH, ollmlnato uvorythlng
that Ih not of general Intercut,
and mako radical changes In
ndvortiHlng rutcn and hpiico.
Those conditions will main-
tain only ho long as conditions
compel us to follow them, and
wo foal that wo will havo tho
co-oporatloii of our nubscrlbors
and advortisorH In one of tho
most critical periods In tho his-
tory of tho Miowspnpora of tho
Only hy following this plan
will Tho Herald ho ahlo to got
any papor at nil. Wo arc allot-
tod Just enough pnporUo carry
out a certain program, and wo
nrp loft, no' choice but to fol-
low ltrJ
Forty-seven years ugo today fod
oral troops stormed tho stronghold
of Captain Jack, leader of tho Modoc
rcbollloti, In tho lava hods, copturlng
tho place after sovoro casualties had
hoon Inflicted upon thorn. Tho Ind
teiiH, hqwever, had fled and wore not
rounded UP until a lator dato.
"It was a day much llko today."
I.ako was ho thick that It was Im
rosslblo to(toll whoro tho lako ondod
nrd tho shoro bognn. Forty-ono boI
dlora, dead and woundod, woro the
total day's casualties."
rUQUIA, 111.. Jan. 17. Tho nnnu
irmeotlng of officers, tlulJBtej.pnl
niehibeis of the eXocutivaorriitiUtoo
of tho American Howling Congress
will ho hold nt tho Hotol Jefferson
hem on March 12.
The International A. I). C. tournn
mont wlli open horo Maren l' and
close MUrch 3twlth 70') t-ams com
potlng, 'according to Sorretnry A. L.
Langtrj' 'two hundred Peorlrt tenuis
will bo onterod nnd Chicago will bo
nct in lino with 170 teams. Tho
pilo llht will total $30,000.
Te;r.iB from ovory fitdto in tho un
ion hnvo boon entorod, and for tlm
first tmu In history ono toam fiom
Mcxtto "will try for tho ohamplonshlp.
Oanudn will also bo ropioientod.
Tho 1021 Congross will bo award
ed Jit the nnnual inootir.f.- on March
I:' Cleveland, Uuffnlo, Hotrolt, Lou
iivlio, St Louis and IndlannpoliF,
will ask for tho 1931 tournament. It
s said Secretary Lnngtr will movo
his he.'id(unrtors to Poorla from Mil-
soc-jwaukco ea-1 yln February,
WASHINQTON, Jan. 17, Fern
'mal notlco has boon sorvod on Gor-
niany by tho United States in con-
Through n deal closed yestorday,
tho properly known ns tho Ford gr
ngo, owned by George II. DIohn, has
passed Into tho control of Jool T
Wjird, John Ilrett nnd B. J. Murray.
Tho proporty was taken over on' a
lenso, carrying with It an option to
buy, which will bo oxorclscd, nccord
Ing to n statement mndo today hy Mr,
Ward, who negotiated tho donl.
Tho properly hus a frontngo of
slxty-rivo foot on Main street tho
snmo on Klamath nvonuo and two
hundred nnd forty .foot on Ninth
xtrcot, nmr Is covorod by n two story
brick block, tho walls and foundation
of which wcro constructed with a
vlow to adding two moro stories. It
Is tlio largest Individual structur" In
tho city In point of floor spneo. Pos
session Is to bo given tho nov ownora
April 1st,
"It Is our Intention," anld Mr.
Ward today, "to romodel the build
ing for business purposos. It will not,
according tb present plans, bo used
for gnrago purposes. Tho building Is
In such shnpo that we can arrango It
to suit tho domands'of tenants, and
this wo shnll do. Already wo havo
had sovoral applications for space
both In tho Main street and Klamath
Avenuo ends, but nothing doflntto
will bo dono In tho matter ot nljot
Ing "spaco until our architect com
pletes plans that he Is now preparing
with a vlow to utilizing tho building
to best possible advantago. Its strat
egic sito at tho bend ot the streot,
makes It vlslblo for long dlsinnccs
and offorfl an Ideal location for busi
ness houses. Wo fool that wo havo a
very dosljoljlo proporty and onothat
will bo In big doinahd."
Mr. Iliohn will dlsposo of his au
tomobile accessories' and gnrago
equipment as spcodlly as possible and
whon ho gots his affairs in shnpo lo
pormlt It, both ho and Mrs. DIohn will
go to California for an extended so
journ. ,
Tho su(t ot tho International Har
vester company against Fred J. Uol-
don, Involving a dlsputo over pay
ment for fnrm machlnory, was dls
missed by Judgo Kuykondnll In tho
circuit court yestorday, on motion
for non-suit.
In tho action ot J. W. McCoy
against Ernest M. Heppner, a Hon of
$7fi7 was givon tho plaintiff on 121
acres of land owned by tho dofendnnt
In soctlon 34, township 40 south,
rnngo 9 oast, and a docreo- foreclos
ing tho lion wns entorod.
.Threo appeals from Judgments of
Iowor courts woro filed yostorday
A. Y. Vogt appoals from a Justlco
court Judgment for $124, with Inter
est from Docombor, 1911, In, a suit
brpuglU by tho Itoblnson Thurlow
Qo.r-Ina; defondont'apponlsrroni a
Jnstlco court Judgment for $08, In
cluding attorney's foes, in tho suit
of tho Portland Morcantllo company
against Louis Schmltz; Harry Poolo
from a Judgment of tho police court,
dated Soptombor 23, 1919, lovylng a
a $25 fino tor speeding.
SALEM, Jan. 17. Allegations to
tho effect that tho stato fish and
gamo commission acquired the Rod
dish gamo farm in Lane county to
pay an alleged political debt, .Incur
red during the last legislature, aro
contained in a sulC filed in tho cir
cuit court horo today against tho
commission by H. A. Holmes. Gov
ernor Olcott Is nlso.'mado a(dotondant
in tho suit, which Is to restrain the
commission from paying obligations
In conpoctlon with tho farm on tho
ground they are Invalid. '
'"Bob" Robertson, not "the laun
dry proprietor but a highway laborer
near Algoma, was arrested last night
l-j tho police, charged with stealing
BOnio traps from George North,
whoso homo Is noar Algoma. The al
leged thoft took placo on January 14,
Tho old mombors of tho fish and
gamo commission aro slated to keep
their positions on tho' reorganized
commission, according to t"ho Port
land Orogonlan, which predicts tho
personnel of tho now commission,
consisting ot nine mombcrs and two
departments, will bo as follews:
For tlio gamo department Waltor
F. Uackus df Portland, K. C. Sim
mons of Kugcnc; I. N. FIciHchncr of
Portland, Charles Stono of Klamath
Falls, and Marlon Jack ot Pendle
ton. Tho latter three aro members
of tho present commission.
For tho commercial fish depart
ment tho selection Will probably bo
F. J. Kendall of tho American Can
company of Portland; Chrl Schmidt,
cold storage packer of Astoria, and
Frank M. Warren, packer of Port
Mr. Warren Is tho representative
ot tho fishing Industry on tiro present
commission. Mr. Warren and Mr.
Flclschner will tako the short terms,
which cxpiro next year, and Stono
andfjack will tako tho next shortest
periods, giving tho now members the
longest terms. Tho ninth member,
who Is to bo an arbiter, has not yet
been suggested.
Tho appointment of tho porsonnol
of the commission is scheduled to bo
madqiby iho legislature today. C. F.
Stono, tho local member of tup old
commission, returned from Salem
last night. He says it Is likely tht
the appointments will rbo mauo as
outlined above, although It Is. pos
sible thoro may be a change or two.
Alex McDonald left- on this mow
ing's train for Chlco, vvlioro ho will
spend tho remainder of tho winter
with"hl8 family.
Mrs. Addlo Walker 'returned -.last
night from a .two months' visit in
Portland.! ' l -
Jus. H. Driscoll returned Thurs-
day night from a two weeks' visit la
San Francisco. 1
W. G. West and J. II. Howartlv, Jr.
and wife of (ho Klamath, Indian
Agency are in town for a few4 days.
W. N. Simpson, representing drug
gist sundries, is registered at tho
White Polican:i
Theodoro Throop, cattloman of
Dunsraulr, Is In town for tho week
J. P. McAullffo, wlfo and sons
aro leaving In tho morning in tholr
car for California, whoro thoy will
spend the remainder ot tho winter.
Homor Knight, latoly omployod
at tho Jowol Cafe, and wlfo havo
gone to San Francisco on account of
the illness of Mrs.' Knight's mothor.
W. E. Lamb of Modoc Point Is a
visitor in town on business.
Mrs. J. A,, fleckers has gono toj
visit her niothor-,In, British Columbia,
W. U, Foster has moved from 120
Washington stroot to a now homo In
Hot Springs addition.
Miss B. Tuttlo ot Maltn loft this
morning to rcsumo her studies t at
Woodland', Cal., aftor spending a
happy vacation with her family nt
Mrs. Bort Mustoo has chnrgo . f
tho topic, ,"Tho Worth While Llfo,"
at tho Methodist Leaguo tomorrow
Mrs. Tlbbots and dnughtor, of Mo
doo Point, loft hls morning for
Portland, whoro, Mrs. Tlbbots wns
called by tho dpa'th of her fatho"
airs, a. J. wise and
Thelma of thq Fort Klnmath hotel
nro In Klamath Frills on tholr way to
San Francisco whoro Miss Tholma Is
to attend school.
The' Young Woman's Class of tho
Presbyterian Bible School, ot wlti'i
Mrs. Slough is the, loader, invites
any woman who can possibly do so
to attend their study hour at 10 a. it.
Sundays In their.' class room in the
now church,
O. O, Eblon and wlfo ot Chlloiuln
are registered nt the Whlto Pollcan.
Mrs. F, R. Gusborgor nnd Miss M.
R. Gusborgor ot Pine RIdgo, voro in
Ml N
1 . i
, Personal Mention
i,i:iisi,ATi;iti; ni'itmi;s
SALi:.M, Jan. 17. With tho
lme for official adjournment
fixed for today nt noon, tho lcg
Ulaluro began tho morning ses
sion by rushing through es
sential moisurcs. A long ses
sion was held last night In order
to complete the work. It was ex
pected tho clocks would be stop
ped Just before noon-
SALEM, Jan. 17. Both
branches of tho legislature
will probably adjourn lalo to
night or early tomorrow morn
ing. Tlio clorks stopped tlio
sennto and houso clocks short
ly before noon, In order that
tho mass of pending bills might
bo disposed of beforo adjourn
ment. ni:sriiAXi:ij km:oti:i
l'Iti:SII)i:.T OK KItANCE.
Paul Dcschnncl was elected pre-
sldent of France by tho nation-
al assembly here today. Ho re-
eelved 734 votes.
Paul Eugene Deschanel,
statesman and author, Is ono of
the most brilliant speakers of
France. Ho was born in Brus
sels during the cxllo of Ills' fath
er from Franco. He has been In
.politics since 1S73.
Guy Schonchin. alleged to havo at-
- . . '.' j-
tackcd"-and stabbdU his wiftr,-Mar-fportilo
nait CnlntiAh(ii nn irinVerfAflf Tinra
garet Schonchin, on tho'street here
Tuesday night, Is in tho city jail. He
was captured at tho homo of his
cousin on Whiskey creek, near
Beatty, last night, by Sheriff George
Humphrey. '
Sheriff Humphrey watched tho
cousin's homo all night on tho night'
following tho stabbing, but Schon
chin failed to show up Last night
ho had better luck and" about 9
o'clock got his man, and placed him
under lock and key at noon today.
BERKELEY, Jan. 17. An entiro
floor of a big hotel hero will be con
verted Into an outdoor camp for tho
housing of delegates- from cloven
stntcs to tho western roundup of tho1
isoy scouts oi America, January -i
to 24.
Tho states represontod Includo
Arizona, Now Mexico, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington, Montana, Colorado,
Utah, Novada, Wyoming, and Cali
In tho dlvorco action of Frances
Gertrude Wincuell against James
Howard Winchell, Judge Kuykondall
jestorday granted tho plaintiff a do
ciee of divorce on the ground ot do
seitlon, and gao hor tho custody ot
threo minor children, Myrtle, aged 9',
Ilnlln 7 xtwl Wlltlnni !?
""' ' , . . . ,. Word has been tecelvod hero of
EllaGrady,yas.BrantPdadlvoro!thQ Jn porHand Sun(Uy
iiuni iiareiii:u pj, vuauy tuiu tuaiuujr
of a minor child, Maxlno Grady.
Thodtvorce suit of Laura V. How
ell against George W. Howell was dis
missed, '
Mr. nnd Mrs, Nathan Johnson are
In tho city today from Merrill. Mr.
Johnson was completing arrange
ments for tlio big auction which ho
vwn haw at hla ranch threo miles
southeast of Merrill noxt Filday,
January 23.,,
town last nigh,t to attend tho mns
auerado ball of tho Anglican Ladles
Mrs. J. H. Hobbs', of Merrill, left
this 'morning for Portland, having
rocoivod word ot tho serious illness
of hor brother in a hospital thero.
Mr. anc Mrs. L. Leathes of Wyo
ming, who have boon visiting Mrs:
J. Hilton, High Street, "for tho past
two weeks, left this morning for
'Portland. '
naval rawer
Commander of American Flotilla
HajH Department Was as lUwiy'to
Klglit Britain as Germany In 1917
Charges Lack of Co-operation.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Rear
A'liiiral Slm3, beforo tho senate com
m.itco for tho Investigation of nWardi
today, told of how, when he was or
dered to England in March, 1917,
just beforo the United States declar
ed war, ho was Instructed by the na
vy department "'not to let -the Brit
ish pull the wool over your eyes,"
mid that "we would just as soon
fight tho British as the Central Pow
ers" Tho admiral also charged that the
acrican naval headquarters at Lon
don did not receive the co-oporatlon
oC the navy department and that the
i department did not arrive at any de
cided plan of action until ten months
aftor he arrived at London. "
Admiral Sims added that "it was
ten months before we really came to
the aid of the Allies, or acted upon
their recommendation."
SALEM, Jan. 17. House concur
rent resolution No. 8, Introduced by
Burdlck, marks the first step in the
promised plan to secure the co-,.
operative construction of a railroad,
from Bend to Klamath Falls.
The resolution provides (or tke
appointment of a commission of
three, one to be appointed by ti(
governor, ono by the senate aid et
by, tho .house, to Jnylate,tadi
.LT". ?- k.i. ' ,T - J-i-T'-i, ,-f' '
-the TleglSlaltiWf-MHlfSIi-!!
I . fPl rt .nmmlonlnM lo fn Wh allrtwfell
Tho commission is to bo allowed
Its nccessary"traveHng"'and other-expenses,
incurred in connection with
Its investigations'. " "
Back of the resolution is a pro;'
posal 'to construct the state high
way between Bend and Klamath
Falls "of sufficient width and upon
such a' grado as to permit the con-
stfucllon of a steam railroad line -of j
standard gauge along1 one edge ot
tho right-of-way. i
This would be done contingent
upon the execution of an agreement t
between the O.-W. K. & N. and,
Oregon Trunk railroads, by which
tlicso roads would consent to take up
ono of the idle lines now laid in the
Deschutes canyon and relay it on
tho grade furnished by tho state b
tweon Bend and Klamath Falls. '
In tho Presbyterian church "tomor-i
row at 7:30 p. m. is being held
special sorvice to commemorate the
prohibition amendment? Thepastor
Invltcs all citizens who feel so inclin
ed to join with him and his congre
gation in this meeting. Theroung4
peoplo of tho Presbytorlan-chura?;.
asked to meet tomorrow evening af
ter tho rogular church service to dis
cuss the organization of a Christian
Endeavor society.
ovonlngtot Mrs.
Q. T.
prior ,to moving to Portland six
years ago lived here for five or six
years. Her husband, who was in
business horo, survives kher. ''She
also leaves a son. Two ' daughters ,
died within a fortnight last" year
from influenza. -The funeral ot Mrs.
leht last" Tear V
Shaw took place at Sllverton.
j J '
Miss Twyla Head, lately returned
from Portland and Salem, reports a
vory profitable and enjoyable visit
to these cities. Miss Head attended '
the State Teachers' convention and
also tho conference ot the county
school superintendents of the state
and listened to the foremost speakers
of the Western coast on the unlver- '
sally interesting topic of education.
: "-J
In Quito every one removes his hat
"on seolng a fa'sh of lightning.