PAGR J1VI3 I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON $ FRIDAY, JANUARY, 16, ln-JO LIBERTY 1 ; "tiim Irtimr n'w "STUB ItriCKoV II .W. POOLE,' Owner. M yM TONIGHT t The Great Emotional Actress MADLAINE r &tiM , The story of n woman being scorned and And a Peerless Cpmedy "All Jazzed Up" Tomorrow "CHEYENNE HARRY" CAREY ' "BARE FISTS" - - Wboro the "Ace of thb Saddlo" ploys his role through practically all of a tig now western drama without n gun In his belt COMING SUNDAY Mnry Plckford In "Pollyanna.f You'vo read tho story you'll llko tho picture YoiVe Sife Wken You Bay Here . Ypu know our reputation for reliability. We fill prescriptions accurately, ecientificalty. And w boy In iharamgh way. That is on rtanon why w caifry Jdhnson & Johnaon'a Abaorbtnt Cotton, Baby Pottolart Shaving Cream, Firat Aid; ate. Tbay aia made by a Orm whsaa Idaats correspond with curs. W ate alwayo glad to bear you ask for Johnson'o. STAR DRUG, CO. STOLEN TREASURE IS CACHED IN HIM c t HROWN8VILLE, Tex., Jan. 16. Vast 'treasures of silver and gold, stolen by bandits over a period of many years, nre'rached In the moun tains of Chlhunhua, Mexico, and In the romoto and wild sections of the Mexican states of Duranga, San Luis l'otoal and Zacutccax, nccordlng to American mining men who hiivo been Investigating operation of foreign owned mines In bnndlt-rlddln sec tions of the southern ropubllc. Among tho peons rumors run of hurled treasure stored In Chihuahua and Durnngo mountnlns by tho ban dit, Francisco Villa, rivalling the riches Cortex found among tho peo plo when tho Spaniards conquered Rest yet. Herald Want Ads Help tho census taker. Jt ?, .AWVVSAAWlVAAVWWVWWVWJy 1 J f BBbHRSb (fi 'tMaBBBBBBBBBH M vl Wn&Kiaat(&3&aay&&Wffi i f6M, wkwmm? 'harrvrapf production Jmmmm.Jim , !' , AT THE ' ' r ' ! Mondale Theatre SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' SPECIAL SINGING AT EACH SHOW THEATRE TMn ittrriTiiE'uii v TJHH riCTUIlKH" HAItllV 1IOHEL, Musical Director W iW li j , TRAVERSE ' i ' , ?ATE DECIDES" who "know the sorrow of the joy of-belng loved s TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BALK Dundy little cottage for two; linn living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, screened porch, bath, toilet, lafutory, beautl- ful Mini and trees. nrlrni2.ifin liUil)' mull, balanco 131 mpnthft I forest crops for tho future. The ,,,. ., ,. ' , . .'center of the timber Industry Is fast FOR HALE; Ilesldenco lot on paved , . .. ... ,? . st all graded ready to build upon and can be nnd at tho 1917 price. 14 75 cash, FOH SALE 14 acre Industrial site, juai ouuiue me ciiy iiihub, odi county road, R. It. Spur on the prop erty und It Is all hlghand-dry. , -f. T. WAIIO CO., 1155 N. 7th Klrcct. FOU ItENT Tloom for ono or wo men. Apply 203 'Main stTeet. 10-17 FOR SALE Six, room, modern houe. Vcll located, jlne 1ov,', largo lot, Price r25.00, terms to ult. A real bargain, by owner. Phono 50R. 16-17 FOR RENT Furnished room, closo In for two gentlemen able. Phono $0R. Ren son,- lc'7 ; F.OR SALE I leather couch, rock ing chair, ladles writing desk, lib rary table. 415 Washington St.16-19 TlWateTtfTthe HcSpngfrbAhW-?111" th )roin cIo8,e to Jhf - house Is more beneficial than modi cine. 1 PROHIBITION SAVES LIEE OF HORSE SAN FRANCISCO, Jnn. 16. Pro hibition saved tho life of n horse hero the other day, officers of thej San Francisco Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals report- ed. Tho horso was hauling a wagon i out of a wholesale produce storr when tho floor gavo way; precipitat ing the nnimal Into a great wlnefctor nge al, now empty as n reBUlt of pro hibition. If tho big tank had heW Its customnry quota of wine tho 6or would have drowned, tho humane of- fleers snld. FOREST POLICY IS BIG NEED NEW VOHK, Jan. cunrerve the timber 10. Plans to mpuiy of the 'JnlUI Mtaiui through fnn'it inWy, In order t nutlo'ial t: inert dm future demands of Industry, were Adopted today at tho annual, meeting, o' tho Amerlca'n Foretry nssoclttlon. The programme Includes' ejtenlon. of federal Holdings, co-or-cmMon with Ktntes In fire protection and sllvlul-f tuie, forest taxation and luauranco loans. oo .growing timber, land classi fication and forest 'supply and search. "Let us have a national forest pol icy,""' sdld Charles Lathrop Peck, president of (he association, "so the tlmo may never como when other na tions, may see us helpless and find us easy to attack. The great lesson of the forests of'France must be horns, home to the people of this country. There n national forest policy of 125 years' standing answered when tho call came," He declared 2G years "Is about the limit of supply under our present system of waste, or rather lack of system with the forests our great est nntlonnl, resources Asserting that Industry will make great inroads Into the present timber supply, eve nmore thnn did the war, MriReck said: ''wo. must now. at once, nrovldo "'"' lu '" 'cinc coasi. wnoi ?tbat means to a 'bulld-a-home' cam- Ipalgn east of the Alleghenles is easily seen In high freight rates and pro- hlbltlve costs." "Lake statee now Import lumber for their Industries," he added, "and the New England stntes are no lon ger self-supporting. We must have a national forest policy without delay." Mr. Peck was re-eletted preside;. FKMJ.MNj; (iKML'S CONQUKKA IMtOIILKM. Hero Is a cold-wenthnr ntnrtlnir (Btun't that disproves the claim that Important discoveries are man-made. This one yns discovered by n von)'in motor 1st. Instead of teljing on ether mixtures and hot water bag) the lady simply 'hitches tho electric flatiron tc a convenient socket In her garage Isoir straight nnd' the last, curl has been tucked where It shows to ad nntage, carbureter and Intake are nicely warmed up and, the engine Is off with the first few turns of the starter. The scheme Itself is most convenient, devoid of fire danger and certain to produce the desired results. American Motorist. IA)S ANGELES WOMAN LIVED IX RED AND PILLOWED CHAIR UNTIL SHE STARTED ON TAN LA 9 VI had to he cared for Just llko a bnhy before 1 began taking Tanlac," bald Mrs, Alce 'Murphy, of, 1501 Pennsylvania Ao., Los Angeles, Cal. "Two years ngo I had a very sev ere attack of muscular lheumatlsm," bho continued, "and no one knows tho pain and torture I have suffered since. My hands swelled until I could hardly work my fingers (nd I haven't been nble to put on n pair of shoes because my feet were swollen so. 'I "had bharp pains through my back so bad that at times I simply could not keep from screaming, Sometimes I got so dizzy everything seemed to spin around nnd then I would have sharp pains and a chilly feeling af terwards, I was so helpless that I lived propped up with pillows In a chair or In bed all the time and had to be helped from one place to an other. "I tried every medicine or treat ment we could hear of, but it was money thrown away and I got so blue I did not care to live. Then my hus band read in the papers about Tan lao and by the time I had taken It four or five days I saw it waB help ing me. Now, after taking several bottles, I can't praise Tanlac enough. My nerves are so much better, I sleep like ft child all night long, I am already doing my housework again and It Is the first tlmo In two years I have been nble to get around at all and wear my shoes," Tanlac is Bold In Klamath Fall? by the Star Drug Co., and In Lorclla by the James Mere, Co. Adv. in os ni -o CALIFORNIA NEWS .: WOODLAND, Jan. 'lC ''Thirty-1 flvo per cent or tho school children of California nro deprived of proper I food and care, and the averago child has only ono-fAurlh to one-half to muchmllk as It should have," ' Bo 'declared WIII C. Wood Slate Superihteddcntf'cf-Schools, when he addressed a meeting of the Tbwn and Country Club a- women's organiza tion, here. t ' J--, - i i riEPDlNO; Jan. 16,-4-noddlng's first nrkt Commission has, organized by ele"ctlnV Superior Judge J. Kjjlar-l ber, chairman;-8, C. Baker Is store- tarjr Ut I "r- . SAN, FRANCISCO, Jah, 16 Doug las Tffden, sculptor, creatorof many statu commemorative of. Pacific coastrhlfitory, has become Jnaihln-. 1st Info San Francisco factory t A lack of appreciation of art asserted Itself short(y after tlfe European war be gan, be said today, and drove him In to another line of endeavor to earn a livelihood. . .' " ' SA'N FRANCISCO, Ja,n. J6 Floyd Leo ifcClure and VIHIam Chastain. who pleaded guilty last week to (be murder of Anton, Schoembs, a San Francisco police department detec tive, hnve been sentenced to life im prisonment In San Quentln peniten tiary!' ORLAND, Jan. I6.i-Nels I5oterson,j employed by P. D. Dane,,locai rpch-, er. Is In a critical condition Jn, a Chlcq hospital as the result of'' burns sustained, when be came ln contact wltha Mlve wire while working oni the ranch wljh Bane. , AL'TllRAs!vJan.'l6. in a rabbit' drlvd near,",. Centervllle, Yen miles' iromnerc, over, ivv raoDiis were Kill ed, "The rabbits were sold and"shlpp ed tcj a San ,FinncIsco firm. The sale of (he ," ratiblfV together'" with" he bounty on 'the same will, net"heftrly S20ft T1heJmoniv w:lll be turned o'ver to tSe trustees of the 'County Park at AJturas. . " CHICO, Jan. 16. A new brand of cleafettes distributed bv Mornhlnei peddleig" and 60 Id to school children,! has been uncovered here. This is ac cording' to a statement credfted to W. H. Marshall, local Health Offlc er, JKhCi'lg conducting an iftvestlga tlon . -' jj WILLOWS, Jan. 16. Despondent oves-ill Jiealth and brooding over the death Jo( her sister, who succumeM f a'n3allment similar to her own '.1ss Annie Ellis, daughter of George Ellis, rancher resfdlng six miles west Xctbls 'city,' ended her llfeearly Sun- day by shooting. I) ' MODESTO, Ian. 16. Miss Maymejjt Helm, pretty 19-ear-old Fresno glrl,'i was found7 dead Monday morning un- der a bed 'In' the Waterford hotel, east of here, "and the police arb.en ilfinvnrfne 'to untanirle a web of "my-: sterlous circumstances surrounding lie .lonfh t DUNSMUIR. Jan. 16. Marshall Sam Fiske Xfondny captured ) Harold W. Sascom, aged 19, on the charge he stole a seven-passenger autorho- bile from in front of a hotel in OaTc- land, and has since beeriusjng the machine in carrying passenfifers be- tween towns in this section.' Bnscom tried to trade a lap robe for gnsoline at a local garage. FJske followed t. the on til In his automo-i bile, and caught him between Sisson' and Weed. Theatres Today STAR ''The Miracle Man" Special, TEMPLE: ,!Lady of Red Butte," Dor othy Dalton. adv It takes nearly 130,000 of some of the screws used In watches to weigh a pound. Follow the Crowd to the BIG DANCE at DORRIS Saturday Eve., Jan. 18 r Dancing All Night Music that makes you dance by McKenzie'a Orchestra Admission $1 Ladies Free ASAA,WWWMVVrfWMVMWWWVWMWWVWWV Houston Opera House MM, MM t- L.M . . 1 America's Supremely Satisfying Musical Comedy ,: bUbbbbbbbbI tV A bbbbB' IibbbbbbbHibbbTbI l"H I ' :u BBSaBBBH.BBBBBBBBBBSSSIltBSl BSl H BL .Bl I H aWaWaTW'ia 1 H maSBHLsBBBl -t I jufl J aaXaMLrlaaamm ' 1 H M aW bLbbIbH H m7 JaWW bbIbbbbbb ' ' BBLHaBBBBt al kLjSI aW ' ' BBBBBBTBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTarBTaTaTaTaTaTaTal BBBB 'aTlBBTaTaTaTaTfl ' ' bBBBbbIbbbbbbbA bP aalaHBBBBBBl ' ' HOMMHk. . ' - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl - Bfafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa r VAPMiMr!irii t .' ''J ' with shows of similar names. This 11 '"' ' ' ' . . -t . : if? 'V");J A , ... ,-. r ao ' . i production consists of 28 Aasen- - T. , , .' . un ; , - . "" MB WW i . ?ff can artists anobi Hawaiian artists. r '(3 i- . Ijflt. , ,. , ... , s ' Prices: S1.5CT: Si.OO. olus tax ... .. .. . . x Children under 12 vein. SO cents , Seats on sale at box office Thursday. Special attention to mail orders ' i imii i t.o.H.iHu, . , I Three I t BHiMM : Ki nr SyHiriQaOi o le aWaW sflb aWWWW. aaaW BbRb ' i aWWaW Ss1bB 4" .. ' , Sk aW H-l WmaaaW . laWWa- fr- BBBBBBB1 aiMMai r z : I ju 1 rimwt . M' t a v - :t n ... ,,. . fa i-f v 'sCvKai-.M ..saJftS ' hSJBmJm, wsi T 'WWW- V h V (6 mV a BMlfc vi Mvlwf &'$S. a. BMjBBBBBBBJBr I'mWgm 'Naliifiiav IT r-mJT. T --J J. J .. - m -. . BW . MtftlWaiyaaiPSIiffliSglBHI IIIMI I f. These numbers "tpllttnebfc a lrido anrf nrnfrkVMBSiBTaVP'l t this time of theyfiKi t dry" vamp andffiBI rnced at- $74B $7.85 1 I antR59.35 I - DonYdVerftfok This Sale aT r av im& -t 18 M " 4 V Ve have selected three Shoes from' our men's stocks and offer them at Reduced Prices for all requirements, for ser ie shoe you will" need for id heavy soles, with "bone j , , r i aaV am V ( ti, . . ji 4.Aa..iiMf.,.MHf...4j,.. HmnlMH. 4 41 bo I?on K -