The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 16, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    VRIDAV, JAXUAUY 10, 11)20
Ladies' & Men's
madk to oitncn
Prices arc very reusonuble
Your Inspection Invited
Clias. J. Cizek
81 H Main St.
Little Oregon Quarterback Dcopernlsly Trying: to Overcome Havvartl'o Ono Point Lead
- 4 , "
xssrrsgaaasr mmimmgaiwq
Apply tew drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
fingers No pain!
van I
MADRID, Dec. 20. (Ry Mali )-
Tho "Spanish swindle" has shown
1(9 hood again. America luvs been
Inundated with letters from "n dy
ing prisoner, persecuted by political
enemlct. only nbla to communlcntu
with tho cutsido world through tho
kindness of n prison chaplain." Tho
writer of tho letter claims relation
ship with tho person addressed and
explains that a valiso containing
valuables has been concealed In
Spain, the contents to bo left to nil
only daughter and the American re-
t latlvo.
j 'should the American loply, he
later receives a letter from "the
'chaplain" stating- that thcuprhonor Is
'dead and that a certain sum Is re'
quired to releaso tho prisoner's bag
gage, including tho mysterious va
lise. Fortunately, when tho corres
pondence ' reaches this point tho
"American relative" usually becomes
.curious and as a result1' tho embassy
Iln Madrid nhd 'tho consulates
I throughout' Spnln ItuVe n flood of
I correspondence On tho subject. I
I In other cases the. victim take sthe i
'bait without question and parts with
his money, or even worse still goes
to tho expense of traveling to Spain
to pay tho required sum to release
the valise and claim his share of the
In the latter case the swindler Is'
generally brought to book,' for thol
Spanish police arc on the lookout,)
and the presence" of a strnngqr'look-
ing for lost relatives arcusps their
suspicions. "
JRecently an American arrived In
Madrid with a certified check to
claim his share of a prisoner's estate.
The Spanish police put him in prison
until he could be convinced that he
had been the victim of a clever
swindler. It took all the eloquence
of an American consul to do this and
Induce the man to return home.
- .H - -t, -f T , - i A . i
TliN photoKiapli, (he first ieciieil In the eiist of tho lliirxiitd-Orcgon footlmll kiiiiki plnild on New Yi'inN IMy ut Pnsiiilt'iui, Oil., h1iov oiiii of
tho most CMlting plajs In the si-ooud poiltd. In vvlilili nil tlu .ciiIiik was dune. With tin m-oip lliuvnitl 7, Okroii II, "tfla-rti-i" Miinciiido, Iho
Oregon u:iitvibmk, tepcnliMlIy tiled to cnii) the Ii.tll iiioiind the cml-i. fM i;iriinlt wliu weight onl, I'M p Hindi, l mtu lino Mllf-iiunlnK
DcMinind, 1 1 ii r Mini's 'Mi p mud left cud . M.uici utle had' picvlotislv UrUi'd OickduN second field kI.
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but
a few cents at any drug store, but is remove every hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and the calluses, without soreness or
Freezone is the sensational dis
covery of a Cincinnati genius. It is
Dr. King's New Discovery
will do that very thing,
easy and quickly r
DONT sny, "Poor little young
sterI wish I knew vv hat to
., , ij or ?ou!" Just give a
little Dr. Ivlngls .New Discover- as
directed and the croupy-cough won't
A cold Is not to be fooled with.
Get after it at once. Loosen the
congestion, the phlegm-stufilness,
and the throat-torture.
A family remedy for colds, coughs,
grippe, and kindred attacks. Fifty
years, a friend to cold-sufferers.
Fifty years of highest quality. COc.
and $1.20 a bottle all druggists.
Bowels, on Schedule Time
the bile flowing frsely, the fer
menting body fKjIsons eliminated
Dr. King's New Life Pills make the
bowels function regularly and keep
the system cleansed of gaseous Im
purities. UZc. a bottle, all druggists.
It is a strange fact that the eggs of
sea-fowl are almost conical In form,
so that they will only roll in a circle.
As many of them are laid on the
bare edges of high rocks this provi
sion of nature prevents them from
rolling off.
EL PASO, Texas, Jan. 16. Fif
teen million head of cattle are graz
ing on the ranges in the El Paso dis
trict, according to figures recently
complied by prominent cattlemen. Re
cent completion of tho Elephant
Butte dam has provided irrigation
for a large tract which increases the
feeding possibilities for live .stock.
Even during the past year, when
the Mexican ranges were virtual!';
v'ithout cattle, because of internal
troubles by factional strife, EI Paso
Ir-ndled 250,000 head of cattle. 260,
000 head of sheep, 18,500 hcad'of
lursps and mules and 20,000 hogs.
The vast ranges below the border
tnce were a great source of prosTsr
Ity for this section and heavy Impor
tations were made for American con
sumption. Business men are ount
Ing on a resumption of this .'Drmer
Itosperlty insome frtnre dati, when
outlawry shall have bpcomp a thing
of the past. Possibilities of prnd'i -tlon
on both sides of ;ho Rio Grande
are considered unlimited.
This Is Eneland's John U.
CIIICC, Jun, 1G. SI. , Josep't
' Hooker Oak, said lo bo tuo llitKcst
jtiou of Its. kind In the world, lucunt-
1 entered In tllo Hull of Fittuo for
trees nt Washington, has a brunch
spread of 200 feet.
iilDTIS '
LONDON. Dec. 25
Until tho Germans
(By Mall).
complete the
IllSlli:n, Arb. , Jnn. lrt Mining
engineers luivo solved tho hixtoilc
Hooker Ouk li located In llldwcll prophet's problem and hao lltornlly
Park which won deeded
the Into Mrs. Annlo K.
to Clilco by
K, Bldwoll,
sweeping of mlno fields they , laid! who wus told by Sir Joseph llgokur,
In tho North Sei thoro will bo con-J when lib was ror guest that tho trou
sldernblo danger to shipping In Wat-j was tho fnrgost oak In tho world
eis adjacent to the British lsloi. say This stntoment hva never boon (U
Britlsh and American naol autliorj-i putod.
f!. rn nflnr Wni uorlf lins onilnilf Tlir, llnnlm O.iV In 101 fn-t ll'ch
..4. ...... H..b-B .... ..... .. . .U ..WW..U. U.... .U .-- . ...c..-,
Jwhlch will not be earlier than lt.s a tr.nlc d'axctor e: more
Rockefeller, fin Is more than that
he is it world rival ot America's
great oil king. It Is Edward K.
Peamon, who with his brother,
Lord Con dray controls British oil.
They have Just scored a big coup
on our Standard OH. Great oil
fields were discovered in Dekka,
Algeria, last year. The secret wag
so closely guarded that British
Interests grabbed all exclusive
rights of the production which Is
already averaging over a million
barrels daily. It Is claimed.
summer, theio wilt bo somo danger
which, they predict, will g.udually
d.mlnlsh. ,
"The American barrags Is swept
ns completely as Is humanly pos
sible," Admiral Harry S. Knopp, of
the American navy, said to The As
sociated Press correspondent. "Af
ter our nrea naJ ueon pronounced
1Q0 per cent clear we re-swept 86"
squnre miles of It (about 15 percent)
and found only four moto mines.
Tl-ese wero at n buoyed spot where
the sweepers believed they had miss
ed some."
'The greate3t menace now," said
l.leutcnnnt Commander Benson, of,
the International Mine Destroying
Committee, "Is the unswept German
aren. Until thnt field has been clear
ed thero will be a good many drift
ing mines about. Afterward there
will bo some danger but it will inp-
( Idly diminish as the elements des
troy the effectiveness of the mines."
He said the committee accounted
for mines as follews: Five percent
e'xplode when laid, five percent u
defective, 10 percent soon become
useelss through leakage and 50 per
cent of the total number laid are
JUAREZ, Mex., Jan. 16. Ameri
can steel is being used for the manu
facture of steel dies by Mexican mint,
according to advices received by Ed
ward A. Dow, American consul here.
Steel dies are especially needed for
the coining of the new copper piece
of 10 centavos, which has come into
existence In order to relieve the scar
city of sliver coins. Formerly British
or German steel was used In the man
ufacture of these dies.
LEGE. Corvallis, Jan. 16. (Special)
r, A. Ward, of the First National destroyed by thellfferent systems of
Rank of Bend, Oregon, knows thatl sweeping employed by tho British
seed testing caved him from almost and Americans.
r. mnleto crop failure which would) Committee members believe that
fctive happened had he planted the a great many of the other 30 percent
seed. A sample of sweet clover seed will be carried by the natural north
on which a germination test was ward currents of the North Sea Into
r'ade for him at the seed laboratory
recently gave a germination of 0,5
percent. Over 85 per cent of the
3eed was hard and would not germln
pte because the seed coat was Imper
vious to moisture. Similar results,
tl ougli not so extreme, have bren
noted In tjie tests run by the labora
tory. Hard seed connot be controlled ex
cept by the choice of the strain which
may or may not tepd toward the con
dition. There have not yet been
found machines entirely satisfactory
lor "scarifying" or scratching the
Artie ice packs and destroyed, others
will go ashoro on the Norwegian
coast, as have many already, a great
many will become harmless through
long presence In the water, and n cer
tain number will be destroyed by
patrols which 'the British navy still
Is maintaining.
Also the British navy has Just
armed all merchantmen, except those
calling at Irish ports, with high
velocity rifles that they may destroy
fry mine sighed. So many ships call
ing at Irish ports have been raided
for arms that the admiralty believed
Effective Jan. 1, 1920
(reeds to render them germlnable on it advisable to add to this danger.
a commercial scale, and the only) Two Irish fishing boats off Cork
practical way to pervent the loss of recently sighted a drifting mine, The
Storage Charges will be as follews:
' Vi,i
Live Storage, $7.50 Per Month
Dea j Storage, $5.00 Per Month
it- i
1 M If j
the crop and the use of the )and Is
to avoid planting that kind of seed.
Testing, the seed before planting
time, even before buying it, Js easy
land safe. Most seed firms will gladly
X furnish samples of all their seed Iota.
and these or any other samples, will
Klamath Garage Men s Association
captajns mistook it for a cask ot
rum or wine and made a race for it.
kTlie winner was the loser. Ills boat
was sunk. ,
The Admiralty has had several re
ports, of jft d.rlfting mine about 600
miles southeast of. New York which
ibe tested free at the seed laboratory, officers hope some of the newly-arm-
Orogon Agricultural college, Corval-jed merchantmen will destroy If It
J lis, Oregon. The laboratory is gov-(has nol already been rendered harra-
T eminent; mamiainea ior wie iree useless by the elements,
i Ol uregUII, VYUBUJUIUH luauu, U11U
Montana farmers.
.J--'l-'J--'''.-.'J...v. o' water Is easily tasted
CfinAhnrlna (a tin awont t Virir rtrta
part dissolved in ten thousand parts ' cathedral In Genoa six
A vase cut from, a single emerald,
measuring twelve and a half inches
Inwllnmetef, has been preserved In the
I years,'
than nine feet und a clrcur.ifercnco
of moiu tliun 28 feet. Tho fumoas
tiee js viewed annually by n num
ber of noinblo visitors, General
Grant, estlmnted that 422S persons
could stand under Its branches.
Treo Surgeon O, F. Haskell of St.
Helonn hn Juit completed tho nsk
of doctoring tho famous old oak and
ho reported thct a four foot branch
hr.i been shot from the treo by light
ning recently. As this was tho upper
most branch a change In the domon
slon from 105 to 101 feet was made.
A proposal that tho popartment of
the Interior seek a chonge In the
iform of contract by which Doak and
Brown, San Frnnciscco contractor.,
wnuld reclaim 10,000 acres of marsh
lands on Upper Klamnth Luke, "Ore
gon, has been under consideration by
Secretary Franklin K Lane.
Tho new plan would Involve a cash
payment by tho Government to tho
n ntrartors In compensation for this
work instead of giving thorn tho use
of tho land for thirty joars In re
imbursement. In this way tho land
would bq mode available for settlers
wth preference rights to soldiers, as
demanded by American Legion Post
'I Klamath Falls.
Tho government land to bo re
claimed represents only one-fifth of
the contract held by Doak and
T- own. "
Senator Chnmborlaln and Repre
sentative Slnnott of Oregon, and Rep
resentative Raker of California were
Mesent at the conference.
Alex Iosbdrough of Yreka, Cali
fornia, representing the California
company against some of the charges
tl at have been hjnted In complaints
t the Jpterior Department, He said
tha the dam, which the power com
puny prpppscs to construct on Uppei
K'amath, Is an aid to the reclama
tion of a large area.
Edward B. Ashurst of , Klamath
Falls and John Thomas Taylor of
this city, National Counsel for the
American Legion, spoke for tho vet
erans' organization.
More record? Karl Shepherd, 2t
The 1020 census closes January
16. Are you listed?
"moved tho mountain U Mahomet."
Ten million feet of Sue rum on to hill,
ud'olnlnx ItlsbcQ, Is being Hliovuleil
by steam and carted nway by rall
roud so that tho Phelps Tlodgo cor
poration can rench 7,000,000 tons
ot copper oru which Is part of tho
ramifications of tho Uoppor Queen
m no.
It Is a gigantic projsct. Alt tho
SonliH of tho engineering depart
ment ot tho organlrntlon was re
quired to put Into effect tho leveling
of tliu mountain, tho work of which
begun In 1917. Cnro had to bo
used In .blustlng to provent dumago
to property And llfu In Illsbeo und
Warren from boulders hurled down
tho mruntalnsldu Into the town.
Where to put tho earth covering
of this mining trcusuro was another
problem. Warren and Rlsboo occupy
tho gulch at the foot of Sacramonto
hill. It was necessary to build rail
road tracks Into several spur gulches
and because of tho narrow width
thesu hud to bo single trucked. To
prevent accident, and facilitate con
tinual mocmcnt of curth from tho
steam shovels working at tho hill
top, a competent railroad train dis
patcher nnd telephone equipment was
Tho work was begun. In tho midst
of tho war, while machinery was
hard to obtain and labor difficulties
wero Increased by I, W. W. agitators.
Yet In spite of those handicaps, tho
workmen havo leveled tho top of tho
hill and removed n largo sllco from
:no sldo of tho mountain.
The steam shovels havo not yet
reached tho rich copper veins of tho
Copper Queen, but they have como
Into ore containing ono-halr to ono
por cent coppor. Somo duy, perhaps,
a means may bo discovered to ex
tract this coppor at a profit. Ex
periments Jiave been made in heap
leiichlng of low grudo oro, which
promise n fow cents a ton profit by
separating It Into piles for loachlng
by water alono.
In tho meantime tho steam shovels
ore keeping steadily ut woik In tho
hope that soon these glnnt Instru
ments may be rivaling tho Copper
Queen underground minors in tho
production of copper. '
This Is said to bo tho first experi
ment of Its kind In mining and Its
success may mean a revolution In tho
BERKELEY, QaJ., Jan. J.6. The
Unlvorslty of California with t,68
studontH Js the largest jinlvorslty In
the. Unljed 'tqtos, ltrwas announced
here .recently. Columbia University
was given .second place with 8,204
BERLIN, Dec.C. (By Mall), -A
number of German business men
will soon go to America to purchase
raw materials, whether on credit ,or
with cash Is not stated, says tho new
Berlin Gazette,
FOR Murphes Feed & Seed Store
CHICKENS 126 South Sixth St
Phone 7