,1 ' ft Mtmm i OFFICIAL IMI'lIlt OF KLAftfATU IMLLB OFFICIAL PAPKR OF KLAMATWCOUNTY Fourteenth Year No. 3820 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDJY, JANUARY 16, 1920 Price, Five Cents ''' I Mil II II ! I I 3 4 DHEUT IS IN EFFECT T ' T Ml r DrMtlc Amendment to the American Constitution, Forbidding Manufac ture or Hale of Liquor, WIllTio Law One Minute After Midnight. Constitutional prohibition, ef fective at midnight tonight, and tie enforcement HlezlsUttoa en acted by Congress, make the fol lowing provisiens: ,Declaro unlawful the manufac ture, sale of any beverage con taining one-half otfone per cent or more of alcohol. Declare place wharo liquor la old in violation of, law to be common nuisance, abatablo as such. x Search and solzure powors given prohibition enforcement officers, oxcopt for tho search of prlvato dwellings, unless used for tho un lawful sale of Intoxicants or In part as places of business. Liquor aolzod to bo destroyed, vohlclcs and othor proporty to bo sold and proceeds paid Into United States treasury. Advertising of liquor by any method prohibited. Permit munufacturo at homo Tor personal use of non-lntoxl-eating ciders and fruit Juices. "While "non-Intoxicating" Is not dofliiod specifically, tho term "In toxicating" Is construod by law to moan ono-bnlf of one per cent or "T'nioro of alcohol. , Pormlt manufacture of alco holic liquors for sacramental and medicinal usos, under restrictions. Pormlt manufacture of alcohol for industrial and scientific usos, Pormlt possession of liquor in ' homo If purchased beforo prohibi tion became effective Physicians prohibited from pro scribing liquor for patient unless In good fait h thoy bcllcvo It will afford rollot from ailment. Not moro than ono pint can bo pro scribed In any month for ono per son. Completo records of sales, In cluding names of persons obtain ing liquors, required of manufac turers und druggists. Various penalties for violation fixed, tho most severe bolng $2,000 flno and two yeurB' Imprisonment. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Consti tutional prohibition becomos effec tive at midnight tonight. From 12:01 a. m. tho "munufac tuto, salo or transportation of In toxicating liquors within, tho impor tation thereof into, or tho exporta tion thereof from tho Unltpd States and all territory subject to tho Juris diction thoreot for beverage pur poses". Is prohibited by tho 18th 'amendment to tho constitution, and tho Unitod States becomos tho first nation of tho world to mako such a provision part of its baste law. Con gress has dotlned an intoxicating liquor as any beverage containing one-half of one per cent, or moro, of alcohol. Actually, the advent of constitu tional prohibition will make little dlfforenco In the dally 11 fo of the people of this country, as they have been living undor the nation-wldo war-time ban on alcoholic drinks since last July. There have been eager h opes entertained by the thlrstyfby distillers and by specula tors holding large quantities of whiskey for higher prices, that War time prohibition would be lifted be fore today, in accordance with the recommendation of President Wilson to Congress, but Congress refused to do so and the arid spell now about to begin undor authority otthe na tion's constitution, '.which prohibi tionists doclare will continue in effect for all tlmo, inasmuch as It could bo revoked only In tho samo manner, In which it camo Into oxlstonce, will permit no opportunity for tho replen ishing of prlvato collars or tho un loading of Investment etocksv There aro two cases ponding In tho supremo court, hawovor, njtacklng constltu- "ItHD" AUMIICH NHAJtINO imiTAIK'H FItO.VTIKItB LONDON, Jan, 10. Atton tron )t tho British pooplo Is flxud on tho'Nenr EaBt, whero recent Rolshovlkl successes havo carried tho "rod" Russian armies almost to tho threshold of India, Porsla, and Mesopo tamia. Cabinet members and chlofs of tho British army and nary are today In Paris, whore they wero summonod yesterday and aro conferring with Lloyd Oeorge on military and naval matter In connection, it Is ho llered, with conditions in south western Asia. A wireless dispatch, via Basle, Switzerland, says that Odessa, the chief Russian port on the Black sea, has been opened brCUe Bolshorlkl. WAIN EK STORE IS u PROVSION FOB BY F. M. 9ARIGH D01 PREMIER PARIS, Jan. 1C. At a Joint parlia mentary caucus of tho. senate und house of deputies, which today cast a secret ballot for choice of nrosl- dontlal candidates, tho vote resulted In Paul Deschanol. president of tho chamber of deputies receiving 408 and Georges Clomcnceau, French premier, 389, Sonatora and deputies aftor tho cau cus, generally expressed tho opinion that tho vote means tho elimination from public llfo of tho "Fatjier of Victory," Clemonceau bolng neither senator or doputy. -. , . tlonal prohibition, ono by tho itato of Rhode Island, tho other on be half of tho Retail Liquor Dealers' Association of New Jersey. , Still Stock on Ham! Thousands of gallons of whiskey remain In bonded warehouses, with no chanco to bo sold at prevailing high prices. The liquor can bo taken out only for medicinal and scientific usos, with the bureau of Internal rev enuo exerting oxtromo precautions to seo that none of it is used In viola tion of tho law. During tho last two months many, owners of alcoholic liquors, foreseeing no opportunity for salo In this country, havo endea vored to rush the surplus to other countries. 'Lack of shipping space provonted moro than a fraction be ing exported. Cuba and the Bahamas havo received most of what was sent abroad. Thoro were 70,000,000 gal lons on h5Hwhen;vvy-tiliUrphl- umon wenio eM, W,unt nrnnnni! la nnt lrtintim Itu 'In vli " fW J M VV ItMUITUl MU1 ta, wuv- ably lea sthan 20,000,'000 gallons. Attocks on constitutional prohibi tion, began In several states, appar ently aro not viewed with alarm by tho roform forces. After tho supreme court upheld tho constitutionality of war-tlmo prohibition and tho mea sures to onforco it, Wnyno B. Wheeler, general counsel of the Anti-Saloon League of America, an nounced that tho only question left on which the wots could mako a fight wob whether prohibition was a proper subject for constitutional ac tion and whethor the amendment had been adopted legally. He con tended there was no doubt on the subject. New Jersey officials, who searched state department records of the ratification of the amendment, announced they had found no varia tions in language which would war rant attacking it. , Enforcement of constitutional prohibition was lodged iy Congress with the bureau of internal revenue, which for years has been in close touch witl distilling and brewing interests In the collection of excise taxes and active in running down "moonshiners.' ' Evidence collected by the bureau will be used in prose cutions by the department of Justice. Enforcement Bureau Commissioner Roper has estab lished an entirely separate division in tho bureau of internal revenue for tho enforcement of prohibition, headod by John F. Kramer, of Mans field, Ohio, as prohibition commis- F. M. Qarjch has purchased tho stock, fixtures and good-will of the Wlnnek company., in that sentence Is told the story of tho rise In the business circles ,of this city of two men whose success has been such as to be classed a phenomenal? The announcement will come as, a sur prise to the ffleads and patron of both firms, and the news of the re tirement of the W'nnek company, which consisted only of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wlnnek, will be received with no less regret than will the success of Mr, Oarlch tie welcomed br those who know ,blra, Mr. and, Mrs. Wlnnek. came to thin rlfv -from 'Prlnnrlllar - . --- .-... where they hd met with splendid success In tho general merchandise business, and bought the Ward and Obonchaln grocery, Since that tlmo they hare beet) Identified with every thing that had for jts purpose the de velopment of Klamath Falls and its business Interests. The city can HI afford to lose people of their enter prise, and their decision to retire oven it t 1b only temporary, Is a dis tinct, loss to Klamath Falls. Tho business career of IMr. Garich has been meteoric. Filled with an indomitable energy that brooked no obstacles, ho has tackled Job's that' many hard-headed business men said would prove to bo a failure. As a result of his progressive spirit, Ninth -street tcday Is graced with nlna splendidly built and perfectly appointed homes. Theso ho has built ono at a time and sold when there was, no demand for houses. They stand as an illustration of what a man can do if he tries. When he PERSON MSSED BYENUME ATORS FINDING'S OF FACT IX tyt, lit: CUPID VS DIVORCE. tu. Dan Cupid, as usual, yf'is on the Job In Klamath county ilur- lng 1919 and made a g'ojwi showing despite the fact that nearly halt his work for the year was undone by ttiedlv- orce court. The records show that in 12 ! months 138 marriages were performed In this county, and teen of the divorce suits. were performed la this county, and during the year, but 42 ter ( minated In a court decree -dla- solving, the matrimonial .bonds,1 lear;ri5 still pending. $ . 'COMPOSER 18 DEAD. purchased Jho grocery now known a3 tho GarIcij',grocery, next to the postofflco, It was the general opinion that ho had made a business blun dor, but he put tho samo energy Into that establishment that he put into tho building of his houses, and the result hair been one of the surprises of the business circles of the city. His buying of thq Wlnnek stock will bo recognized, as a shrewd move, as this stock Is one of the best bought nnd cjoanest Jn the city. The loca tion Is a splendid one und will bring to it all of his old customers, as well as hold all of tho natrons of tho Wlnnek company, Associated with him will he W. U, Foster, who has been Identified' with the Garich gro cery for some time. jaey win take over tho bus ness qn.$ie,2Gth of this month and he will consolidate both stocks. Jupt as soon as thoy get their af fairs in shape to do so, Mr. and Mrs1. Wlnnek will load their automobile on tho train and go to southern Cali fornia, where they will spend a few weeks In enjoying a well-earned rest. Mr. Wlnnek todayfeellngly express ed his appreciation, of the splendid troatmont both 'ho and Mrs. Wlnnek huvo received slnco coming to Klam ath Falls. "Words fall us In expressing our appreciation of, the cordial reception always extended to us by the people of Klamath Falls," saldrjlr. Wlnnek, "and we want them to know It. Per sonally and in a business way we have enjoyed every minute of our stay in this city. We haveno other thought than making It our home, and Just as sqpn as we get a little vocation, we will return here and do .what little wecau to help malcefjt the great city I am. sure It Is going to be," vCmCAOO, Jan. 16. Reginald i)e Koven, American dramatic'lckgcer, died here, early today from aBfexy. The Robin Hood play is his most'not- ed opera. 'SWSEL f . , r , . asm " z rimiLUbUt; OF NATION'S SESSIONS HELD The work of census enumeration Will be practically completed in this city tonight, It' was reported today, by Wll Lee, who Is in charge of the assistance extended to enumera tors by the Business Mens association but la order to pick up stragglers; who may hare been missed by, the numerator" in the two week's cam"- pafgfl, arrangements hare been made by the Business- Men's association; to accept Information . from, 'anyed knowing 'they-tare-notvur- ated qt the' office of the California Oregon Power company or' the First National Bsnkf ' ' As far as families are concerned It ti believed. that the census Is practi cally complete, but there are some persons living alone .and away at work during the day, roomers outside of the reguldr hotels and rooming housef, and floating laborers, who have not been reached. The total of these persons Is hard to estimate, but doubtless It would make a consider able difference in the census figures. Any one knowing that he, or she, has. not been enumerated may 'still rectify the oversight by calling up or seeing Leslie Rogers at the First National Bank or the California-Ore-gan Power cdrapany's office. V. F, KayAi secretary of the Cen tral Labor council, stated this morn ing, that a canvass among foreign laborers of the city reveals a large number who have been missed In the census. Kay stated that the member ship lists of the unions contain the names, of many of these persons and salclJie would be glad to check them over Tvlth 'theenumerators to ascer tain those whollad missed the enum erator. , A campaign, to raise funds among the Italian cqpny for relief of San Francisco families of, fisherman lost in the storm outside the Golden Gate heads recently', showed that many Italians had not been reached by tho enumerators, says Kay. Through the Italian, committee in charge of the relief subscription, propaganda In" favor of the census was spread nnd perhaps, some of the recalcit rants, who for -want of information confused the census with the selec- Mt'A .l-oft ft InmmA Inr mtoatlnn- nalre. have since been enumerated.'MARINES BATTLE but the fact' apparently remains that ther.e are still gaps, and-large ones, n a complete enrollment of tho city's population. a In the country districts the census does not. close , until the end of tho month, as enumerators are compelled to tsecuijfe a mass of agricultural statistics in addition to the popula tlon figures and many of tho farms they must visit to get the Informa tion are in remote sections. KL1 TH CETS PLAGE ON FISH N E 0 during the same time 7 0 divorce State LegUlatare Completely Viadl- actions were commenced'.'Thlr- ! .,. . . . . Klamath County Loaen Notbese la Settlemeatt of Fight. SALEM, Jan. 16. The governor; today signed the Norblad-Hadley-Bean fish and game commission MIL PARIS, Jan. 16. Representatives- of France, Britain, Italy, Greece, Spain, Japan and Brazil, UvU 6f the council of the League of Nations, met in the "clock room" of the French foreign office this morning for the first meeting in the history of the league. The council organized by electing: Britain-, 'as general secretary. Bour geois, in the opening speech, express ed regret that Prelsdent Wilson was "The greatest fight In the history of the legislature of Oregon ended. last night with -flie complete rtadl-j. cation of the state fish and gaaw' commission. Klamath county gets '.' member and-will lose nothing." - This brief telegram to the Herald from C. F. Stone, resident member ot the state fish and game commission, who has been at Salem during the week In connection with the Investi gation and legislative change ot the state fish and game control system, tells the tale of the overthrow of tho plans of a small coterie of disgrunt led Portland "sportsmen," to oust the members of the old commission un ceremoniously and create a new commission (hat would do more sub servient to their wishes. It means that while the people ot 'Oregon convinced that newer, needs In regulation of soortlne and com mercial .fishing necessitate that the perosnnel of the commission should be larger, and dlvldent Into depart ments to take care ot both the re creational and commercial branches of fishing, are satisfied with the work accomplished by the men who composed the commission in the pasi.- Leon Bourgeois, chairman, and con firminB-Sl?rTcrummond,'of-Great44uiufiana-that the' stand of' the T.1. ' t . n I -- .-x-..,w,. . -.. ,.n. commission in refusing to truckle to Governor Olcott, in Ihe matter of, re-, instating William Finley as state unable to take the place of presiding, biologist, after it had, with "the cob member of the council. The first formal protest to be filed with the league was received almost before It came Into being with to day's Initial session. It was presented by tho envoy of the elected govern ment of the Irish Republic "against sent and acquiescence of t has. gover nor, discharged him f rom ''thatrpoat- tion has been ratified by the major ity ot people of the state through., their representatives at Salem. And It means that the work that has been done In Klamath county fa. the unreal slmulance by England' of the matter of protection and propa interest in an international league of peace. WITH BANDITTI 1i -o o- Telegraph Tabloids o ESSEN, Germany, Jan. 16. Sev eral persons havo been killed und rnny "wounded In disturbances at Dulsberg and other towns of the in dustrial district, where 219,000 min ers are1 striking. PARIS, Jan. 16. Reports that the French naval forces at Toulon have mutinied and have not been confirm ed. Nothing ot the alleged disorders are known at Mersellles. WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. United States marines and Haitien gend- prmes yesterday repelled an attack on Port au Prince by u force o 30(J bandits, more than half ot whom were killed, wounded or capturedt?jf ter beine pursued outside the"clty, The total marine casualties, was two privates wounded, accordlhff.'fto a report of the engagement received by the navy department today. STATE LEGISLATURE . '.33 lit received ' v REVIVAL WILL LAST t' FOR ANOTHER WEEK (Continued from Page 4) The special 'meetings which are being held at tine Methodist church aro proving yery successful and the church Is fjllod , to capacity each evening. Mr. Johnston's singing Is delighting all wb,o are privileged to hoar him Vnfl Dr. vDanford is a very forceful spoaker. Tho meetings will continue ano'thor week and tho mem bers ot the church aro doing their best to mnke everyone feel at homo and welcome. BERLIN. Jan. 16. Attempts of radical labor leaders to provoke a general strike yesterday, as a pro test against shooting memoery oi the mob which I'jltormed the relchstag "'.V..1. U.x.j DUllatng '4'uesMy, nave laueu ui pletely. ' ',' PARIS, Jani 16. Premier Clem enceau to'da'y announced that he would wlthdrayr is a condldate for president ot thp, French Republic. He asked his supporters to vots for Pre sident PoIncare,',for a second term. r- The lockout 'declared by the em ployers at Barcelona, Spain, threw 200,000 persons, out ot employment, caustng a dally 'loss ot wages of about $3,000,00, BACKS SINNOTT BtCL " fr According to a telegram today by J. H. Carnahan. co er of Klamath post, AmerlcanLe gion, the senate Joint memorial' to Congress urging the passage, ojj'jthf oinnon nut restoring xu.uuu -acres ot marsh lands on the Upper. Klam ath Lake to homestead entry,' with preferential rights to ex-service men. woa adopted by the state senate be tore recess last night. The housSthad earlier adopted ithe.mempriaU-?''f fj WHITE PELICAN SCENE ,. OF GRAND BALL TONIGHi; f The Episcopal Guild ha, about completed plans for the blgmasque halt to be' given this evening aty the White Pelican hotel and a largeVat t en dance Is expected. Thole twhd were fortunate enough to.recol in vitations aro planning; $n a 4eIJgt,- lut evening, nnd it Is expectearthat the fund will be greatly ncroased for tho new church which it is, hoped wU bo built soon. " r London's famous police statlon'nt Scotland Yard has accommodation gation of fish and game during he last few years will not be undone, for Klamath county will have a cora mlssloner on the ground as should be the case, for Klamath county last year produced .four-fifths of the trout eggs used in re-stocking state streams, and sold more sportsmen's Jlcerses than any other county, ex cept Multnomah. SENATE PISSES ' WORKERS' BILLS SALEM, Jan. 16. Legislation, following out the program ot the ' state industrial accident commission. given by the governor as the primary reason for calling a special session ot the legislature, was passed by the senate last night in the form ot threo bills. One bill provides a flat Increase oft 30 per cent in.all compensation bene-, ffts; one creates a rehabilitation, fund, and the third merely returns to the Industrial accident fund $400, 000 set aside by the last legislature tor the construction of-a 'hospital. JAPAN READY TO RETURN SHANTUNG i i' a TOKIO, Jan. 16. The Japanese, government, according to newaW papers, sent Instructions Wednesday evening to YiTKlchi Obta, minister t China, to ,notlfy the Peking gororslC ment that Japan had succeeded H aerWanyiuJlghWjaftKa province, Shantung, by virtue of "the peace treaty of Versailles signed January 10. and was ready at, any time ta negotiate for their return lo China. " A single grain-ogoldj-after. havi u Jfc toon converted . intn i,nu i' cover 4G kniinra'tnoKA ".?"' Mr d -. . . .,..M.a iWWl 1 1: m i -t tlv for threo thousand policemen " ' S 1 " 1J A . - -