The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 14, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    WMNBftnAV, JANUARY 14,
Man mam
Your Kind of Shoes
i - . , - ". - t .
TASTES DIFFER OF COURSE in shoes as in every
thing else. AND THAT IS JUST THE POINT that
we want to bring home to you whether your choice
in shoes be a snappy English, of, deep cherry red with
narrow tapering toe, or aVmbfodignified type in
black soft kid, with broad ;hUand toe, or any one
of a dozen or more styles bitween; you will seejust
what you have in your mind's eye, just YOUR KIND
Personal Mention
A, D. Sliort, manager ot tho Whlta
I'otlcan hotel, is horo trom Ban Fran
cisco on nn Inspection visit.
Mrs. W. :, Winkle, wlto ot tho
Tho nutost sign ot n man's monlnl
dissolution, psychologists toll us, Is
flung uui when ho Indulges In magni
ficent dissipation. Noro find hla hang
ing gnnlcn,B Louis XVI had his Vor
sfillloa wlth'tts lovo courts, nntl count-
suporlntondent ot tho. Nicholson J less other rulortf and man of power
Mtr - i
fS-M-k. (- iPPtruUU'iT
i w laic iu vuuair i fiT
FOR SALE 4 room house, 3 blocks
ot Main street Has bath, toilet,
lavatory, hot and cold water, pantry.
sleeping norcb, wood sned, chicken
yard, lawn, dandy garden plot, cur
rant and raspberry bushes; bearing
fruit trees. Price $2600 $600 cash.
balance $35 per month.
J. T. WARD & OO.
125 X. 7tb St. It
'If IiOHEliliA LOCALS.,''
ranch near Fort klamnth, Underwent
an operation at tho lllnckuurn hospi
tal this morning, Hor condition is
very serious.
W. It. Wheatley ot San Francisco
Is in tho city in tho Interests ot
Goodrich tires and Is n guest lit tho
Whtlo Pelican Hotel.
Louis Dessort, a lumberman ot
Wnusau, Wisconsin, accompanied by
Mrs. Dessort, arc guests nt the White
Pelican Hotel.
Mrs. Will Houston is back at her
duties in tho county recorder's of
tlco after an extended holiday trip
to California. She visited relatives
in Corning and went as tar south as
Lets AngoSts, intending the Now
Year's football go mo at Pasadona,
and visiting in oeverl cities en
Mr. and Mr. Jew Bailey and (on,
George Sherman, left this morning
in their car tor Los" Angeles, where
they will remain until Jane. Mr.
Bailer was the popular proprietor ot
the Jewel cafe until he sold his, in
terest to Mrs. Hate and Mrs. Poeplsll
a short time ago, making the change
tor a much needed rest, " "'
Miss Bess Kttaore will leave la" the
morning tor Portland for a week's
visit with, relatives there,
Miss Ines Kligore returned .trom
Sacramento last night, when; she has
spent the past month on a visit with
relatives In that city.
Word has been received trom Boss
Finley, who is at Klamath ,Hot
Springs recovering from a severe, ill
ness, that he Is very much Improved
hnro hud their pavilions, tholr plena-
uro palaces niul tholr rotronts, secret
mul otherwise.
Docadont modern millionaires hnvo
tholr "studios" und mountain lodges,
concealed until some tragedy rovoals
their exUtenco to tho public. In v.'ow
of this It Is only nntuinl that tho au
thors ot Bluo, lilood," n Sclexnrt
drama starring Howard Hickman,
should huvo dovlsed a Ilka form of
Indttsgonco tor tho principal charac
ter In tholr play. Ho Is Spencer Well
ington, tho last ot n long lino ot sup
posedly aristocratic ancestors, who
marrlos a girl ot fortune without
tolling her ot tho tnlnt ot madness In
his blood.
In n secluded part ot his estato
there is erected a building ot marble
and gilt. Inside all the luxury of the
Orient is recreated for tho Jaded
young man, including a verttabte
harem ot glris. The end ot his orgies
occurs in a mad revel, the .lko ot
which Is never seen in public, prece
ding the death ot the pitiable wreck
of manhood. Wellington's folly is
said to have been Inspire) by the
life o'f a California profligate whose
exploits are known everywhere. The
play comes to the Liberty Theatre
tonight only.
Madtalne Traverse, the besutlhil
William Fox star, will be the At
traction at the Liberty Theatre
Thursday. She has been booked
appear In a new photoplay called J
"When Fate Decides,",, which has a
plot that Is said to be intensely ab
sorbing and stirring from beginning
FOR BENT Four room furnished
apartment. References required.
406 South Riverside. Phone 192M.
WANTED Hides, eggs and potatoes.
Spot Cash Basket Grocery. 822-824
Klamath 'Ave. 14-20
.FOR SALE Groceries, flour and;
ieea ai iow prices, wny pay more?
Spot Cash Basket Grocery. 822-824
Klamath Ave. 14-20'
FOR 8ALE Wire wheeled Chevro
let automobile in first class condl
tlon, $650. Ford 5 passenger car i
good condition, $400. W. H. McPher
ren, 901 Lincoln. Phone 320M.
WANTED Experienced woman for
hotel work- Apply White Pelican
Hotel. 14-15
.More records Barf, Shepherd. 2t
There' will be a big. all night dance
at Dorris next Saturday night, Jan.
Jt7th tt KrcelleatmaMc'l will be furn-
ished by McKenzie's 'cnick dance or-
chestra,o'f Weed. 5vp 4-16
FOR RENT Underboa typewriter,
Winter's Jewelrjistere.
, Come to. the Monaale Theatre to
morrow night. The'aam'isslociWili be
tree, for we wantite'"showydu-r we
have the -finest plcturertmachlnVtnat
money can buy anwHlmfc our pictures
are of the same hlgh'.'character. It
The .winter holiday season whs
quite gay in Langell Valley, owing
to, tho -lovely-winter weather and, the
splendid condition ot the roads.
The school In the Brown district
which closed for a two weeks -vacation
Just before Christmas gave n
fine entertainment on the closing
night. Mrs. Alfred Keller, the teach
er, had charge of the proceedings. A
Christmas tree was provided for the
children, and after the program re
f'eshments consisting ot cake, coffee,
and ice cream were served.
Tbe nigbt after Christmas a mas
querade dance was held in Fordney s
hall. A large crowd was in attend'
ance -and all enjoyed a good time:
Some of the costumes worn were uni
que and deserving ot much praise.
Mrs. R. C Cowley, who has been
nwfty for several months on account
ot ill health has returned much lm
ployed. Mrs. Cowley was greatly
missed and all are rejoiced 4hat she
has returned.
Mrs,, Alfred Keller had tbe regular
December meeting of the Woman's
Club" at her home on Saturday" In
stead., of Thursday, 'that day -Hieing
Chjristma8. Several guests- from tho
jSth'ufatn of'thn vallnv wr nresAntJ
the valley were present. tl
w" -o ni- ...2i.JrS2- 31
mseB .- ,"f.- :..! I
(ny aCa seven o clock, dinner 'New
lSt fr 4 I
years TKve. The bouse was beautl-j
fully decorated with holly, misletoe
ninrA rnlnr thnra about, a wMk irfl.
Mrs. Emmltt Msgee Js-onjoylng n.lo;end' demanding unusuaj emotional
visit from her niece. Miss Feme
Leover, of Fort Klamath. , v
C. H. Underwood. Is In Portland
this .week on business.
Wilson S, Wiley, who Is state de
puty for the B. P. O. E., is paying
official visits to the lodges through
out the state.
the Academy of the Sacred Heart, re
turned to school last Monday,
A dance was held at the head of
the valley New Year's eve, and n
large crowd was in attendance, 'peo-
powers to present adequately on tho
screen. This Is why It was selected
for' Miss Traverse, who has proved
herself to be a remarkably finished
artist In emotional roles.
The supporting cast is said to havo
beon selected with great cars, among
tho members being William Conkiln,
Clyde Fillmore, Claire DuBroy, John
Cossar, Genevieve Bllnn and Cordel
ia Callahan.
A motion plcturo that wilt thrill
audiences wherever It Is shown, not
only because ot Its absorbing story,
but because ot Its powerful heart ap
peal, Is "The Miracle Man," a new
and -evergreens. "Five Hundred" was
played ft 111 the'NewYearfHame, when
(Janclng was enjoyed forAteoupIe ot
uuuib. ,, , u. lit
pie trom all the surrounding-country
being present. A bountiful suppctf
was served at midnight, the tahleS'pa,.., Artcraft fenture' proJue-
..., e.u.u.u mU. w. ... w. ed 6jr Oeorge Loane Tucker, which
buvu iuiu8. t -has been booked, at the Star Theatre
Mrs. H. E.,WInnard entertained at Friday and Saturday. The story deals
a 7 o'clock dinner, Wednesday even-! with a notorious band. of crooks ope
ing, January, 7 ''Five Hundred'' was rating in New York's .Chinatown,
indulged in until the party broke up. 'who learn of an ancient patriarch llv
Dancing seems very popular,, and ( lng out In the country and possessing
another dance was held at Fordney's , the power to heal the sick and make
Hsll Friday evening. January 9. A .whole the crippled.
T 1 . . m . . .
wun tno taea or making money
M W f SaBBBBBHlarf'CJaaHP'BBBBBVlBBar OfjA Sjatj!- SmSSmW.''l SalssaJV
"- -- - -- ji'ifsaamuu i 3rsasaBTrrrrrvvsTWiii r i if
.BBBBBSmSmn WktSd Huh X F t 'VjaSaBllt l arSSaH' i7 1 All
BaaaaaSaSai I atrial U11 fyLMMlUM tfyaf(wKAdlMeW I . V
Hlrai O-Httitr M ... I tLLPPWOKl'Nw
Possibly you have gone along in your home
theWlong Winter nights without Music, principally
because you neglected to getj our prices and terms.
vX good Musical Instrument is still reasonable in
price, and our terms such that no one need -deny
themselves this entertaining and educative influence
fortheir home.
'Terms of from Five to Twenty Dollars per
month will place almost any of our instruments in
your home.
Why not see for yourself 7
" '"' BBnPuAXfttEssal tk
B XaWryyilSaMrnaBBmBWjy BV"MH
I rSffijT'rTBnSaflffrTIWinfti i4ti BMSBBBm
v .1 - j ,
Musical Instrument Exclusively
507 Main Street Phone 282J
SrtAAAAfUVVVAVVVVVVVVVAiVsn(" rsVyTtJV'"V''1lr fl aaaaaaaaa
large crowd was present and an uq-J
us-ally good' time reported I
The Mesdames John and David J
Turner entertained by special Invita
tion the members of the Woman s
Club at the home of Mrs. John Turner.-
At 1 o'clock a regular banquet
was served to 'which all did ample
justice.The ladles left torrhome with
the knowledge that. .the Mesdames
Turners vare experts -ipcine line ot
entertaining,, and all expressed, them
selves, "as having,, bad an unusually
pleasant day, tTheTurners arenew haye re
cently ,purchased,(jihe Df vg Vinson
and Jeatqermsjranches.
toJsTrsv Qus J5ejtr.a has , rejurn-jd
hqme artenr.flpsencq several
'Qk w
v Bsssa ' ,ir
mi "r " XX? s
..-1vrmrn MisiljiiiiJXiUUUUUtJiJ
H-.W. POOIiK, Owner. UARRV tOREtu MmIcaI Director .
iviniuni- -v
Miss Violet Gale, who. Is attendlrJgBBth;n Portland. , While she was
t 5 1 HiiHortland. Mrs. Keuer. underwent a
luajor operation .Her friends are.n y
1 " " tW TV ,",
jj-ftjoicing at, toe lmprpveaconaiuon
H)if fterP peaua.
wlMr,.and,Mrs.,H. J. TIcknor enter
Ltalned at a card party at their homo
Saturday evening, January 10. Tbe
party was, In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
C S. Doollttle, who have been spend-li-jf
tho, winter with thj TIcknors. r.
end Mrs. Doollttle egpect to leave
(or California the coming week.
JMrand Mrs.' WHI" Keller,, from
Klamath' Falls, apent ''the vofik ond
with Gus Keller and family.
A Powerful Dram:
' ;-;
( 'jW
Jfw$M' -'
MiHsaMlsf blood
-HvPz3& j?
rru nnA.!
a. no jjiuviyi
"Smiling Bill Parsons" in
-"llaWIM jjllf USaf I III I 'A
events Jby camera .
hXjgr tt
And Kinoirrams The.latel
' i V.
i V-.
LMary Pickford in her Jatest 'iilay.frPOLLYANNA"
5" -' Her Latest and Bwt Picture 4
r ' "
Nefct Sundkf
; Vi -
' .!
will written on a table cloth was
officially refused, probate here re
cently by Judge Thomas F. Graham
of the superior court because Mrs.
Helen, Scott, who had written It Just
before she committed suicide Novem
ber 3, '1919, neglected to put a. date
on It. t
The will read:
"Tho trunk; In the hall to Fred
Spreen,"the chair to Mrs1. Allen, You
will find money in the bank to pay
all expenses. Put my black dress on
mo. Love to till. Helen."
The jWlll w,as offered by William
M, Varney, a brother of Mrs. ScottV
I lartt4 tit tin
SoU Idw 0. 8.
VMtat Mo. UtHU,
Nanstbor 4. ItlS.
with Stiirges
Tire Soles
Bring us an old.
worn tire like
we'll cover it
with a Sturges
Tire Sole nude
of new, live rub
ber, with heavy
' non-sldd tread
.and you'll have
the equal of a
new tire, which
looks like this.'
guaranteed for
6,000 miles.
Stories Tiro Soles 're
duce your tire eipenee
one lull. We apply
them free, ,
1120 Main St, Phone 904
out ot his operations, Tom Durke and
his pals go to the doaf and blind
healer, Then commences a transfor
mation In these crooks, that makes
one ot the most fascinating stories ot
all time: The chief roles are finely
Interpreted by Thomas Melghan, Eli
nor Fair, Betty Compson, and others
ot similar calibre. A
" '
i "Aloha Oe", one of the sweetest,
by far the most weird, and a swing
ing, plaint lve'melody that fairly bur
rows Into .tho soul.Is featured by the
m-tny Hawallans who are with Nor
man Friedenwald't inuMcal sucross,
"My Honolulu Girl," which comes to
the Houston Opera Houre. Sunday,
January 18,
Consistent- with tho title of this
greatest' of all conceptions, Mr
Frledenwald bas added numerous
other popular and tuneful song hits
pecullarTtcye Hawaiian Island, In
cluding W'Akhhl-Hol," "Nenseyv,
"AlnahauVr Kapalal' and i'Lel
Aloha". Jill these whistling lilting
things ateplaye'd on the ukelel'e and
on the sjtrSng steel stringed guitars,
while the chorucofreallx p're'tiy
gfrls slngsfTslsg,.too.
Every gfrl haMsiif KMetted'bn ac
count of ftertors! and 'iii Been car('o
fully trained by one of the vocalists
in the Vrjl'tM States.
"My Honolulu Qtrl" comes to Kla-
math Falls backod by exceptionally
strong recommendations from both
press and public. It Is a musical ro
mance of. the enchanted land of '
swoet content. Cf courso there Is a
plot; but Just a little' one because
blrong plots are unknown In Hawaii.
Help the census taker.
Prices aro going up nil the time,
but we have a few real bargain to
offer as follows I "'
Brand row aad utrlctly modeni six
room plastered house w'h his; conter
lot on good pavement. Has 'Indirect
lights, bath, linoleum, shades, full
basement am) Is finely finished. A
j real bargain at $4800,00 Terms. ;
new ana strictly modem rive
room house with bathi on pavemeat
In excellent location at the very low
Prirr of 98700.00, Only $1000 cash.
Better. look at this now.
, Modern five room house with bath,
fire-place, screened porches, nicely
located. Price Is SSKI00.00 on very
easy terms. Buy It today for tomor
row, may be too, late,
t Modern four room house on pave
smaf'af the .very low price of ItMO,
flw'on'.eMr terms. We shall be clad
to Www It.
fy M'e have few closc-ln well locat-'
fa lots at me oia prices, nmau casn
navmcnls and small monthly pay
ment will handle them. " .
Ana Main St Phone M.
H-2t' . ' r
nilti ' afWE Sllft J
4 gili.fe'
r 3 fa I Hi II ri
. . '
Even the most casual thinker or observer will admit
the possibilities of development In the Klamath -Country
during the next few years. But there's no reason to
wait years before we startckiolng things. The nest few
months afford their possibilities too,
" -- . " '
'JjfWlth a growing bank account .sad a strong banking
connection here at the First National the sum total of
'alt our accomplishments will' be greater, t
" i "l '"
it-' - , J ' w
' E. R.'Kcamcs, President
, , ' A)J'M;.CpHIrt Vice-President '
JolinM. Moore, Vice-President
l'f, I Leslie. Rogers. Cashier r "
- ,l
VI "
V s,r&w,?r
ft '
" 5