AfJ" j. V PACK VIVH THE EVENING HERALD,: KliAMATH FALLS, OftECON WKDNHHDAT, JANUARY 14, r ItM ''SMPrSM ill tw.i " T. t , STAR THEATRE X TODAY'S EVENTS 4 AWVVVWWWVMVWMMWWWWWMWM m , - n vffk; 2 - Days Only -- 2 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JAN. 16-17 4 Mayflower Photoplay, Corporation Presets ' GEORGE LOANl TUCKER'S PRODUCTION eWI r H JUP Prices' 25c and 50c 4& O rem t play fr ceo m cor VM FRANK L.rACKAHD Matinee 2:30 ' M " Centenary of tho brh of .Robert W. Topic, governor of "Jet tertian territory," which later became Col orado, . ' j, The Marquis of l.ansdowne, cele brated Drltlsh statesman "hud one time Governor-General of Canada, Is 76 years old today, Denver a made elaborate plans for entertaining Gon, Pershing, who irin. bo a guest .of that cltr today, ' p The trial I scheduled to begin In' Paris . ioday of M, Calllaux, former French premier, who la accuied of Jn-J trlgulng to bring about a dlshbnor- iMo pence. Clovernor Rltchlo and other Stato Iofflclnls of Maryland chosen at tho election last November will o form ally Installed In offlco today, J Child wclfafo, probloma of Indus- irJnl Ilfo'nnd conservation of human 'iftfsoiirres will bo discussed at Jho an i r.iiol "convention of tho Social Service I Council of Canada, which meots nt I Montreal today for a throe-day pca B.'on, , .. - - ' A delegation of Western Status , iov0rnprn Is to' visit Washington .to- day for the' purpose ot presentlaj demand lo OonrroM for on npnrop tlutlbn of at least $250,000,000 to fce rft voted to the development of .rrl Kt Ion and reclamation projects In . tho West. FOREST SERVICE II This Date in History I in the War O : 4t . t ' Come to the Mondale Theatre to- q. morrow night. The admission will be l free, for we want to show you we J . have the finest plcturo machine" that money can buy and, that our pictures are of the same high character., It, i Today's Birthdays I American armistice delegation started for Treves. Allies reached agreement for con trol of Siberian railways. Two thousand persons reported 'tilled by Ukrainians at Phremysl. MANY PROBLFMS ARE PASRn UPO (Continued from Page 1) 'P'; Theatres Today 'Pierre Lotl," famous French au thor and academician, born at Roche- fort, France, 70 years. ago today, George F. Pearce, promlnenf'Aua trallan statesman and cabinet minis ter, born In South Australia, "GO. years STAR (Double Bill) "Lovo Burglar'. Wallace Reld and "Tho Crimson, Ugo today. Gardenia" Res Beach. Coe I. Crawford, former United TEMPLE "Men, Women and;Mon- states senator from Kansas, born at Volney, Iowa, 62 years Bgo today". Dr, Charles Upson .Clarkr, fomer I director of the School of- Classical studies of the American Ae"dom'y In 45 ey' , Ethel Clayton. adv. MAIN ST. CORNER ! fe Wc rfcr '?T Vl& "?! - !2l f,! ". b Sprlngflefd, Mass., .5 .cornerow Mala Ht. at tlic very !,, -.j V "aik"' prloe of SSOOO.OO. It's Reed right now yesrs R toda- 4 ', ?X"tV and getting Ix-ttcr nil the time. It) Whlteford It. Cole, president $',?' you're wise, you'll Investigate, this, the Nashville.. Chattanooga' & Iff , 63.1 Main St Phono 06. ' Conio to tho Mondnlo Theatro to morrow night. Tho admission will bo have tho finest picture machine that r nvnfiv nun Imv nml rhnl mil nir.liirAfi !aro of. the same high character. It fr .&&'& ; -Jii. 1 An, eel which whistles when ex cited Is one of the' curiosities found in FIJI. V ?'. iteA"- Come to tho Mondale Theatre to- .morrow, night. The admission will be frnA fni uja vrflnt in nlinw vntl wn -S-jf, have the, finest picture machine that v$& ' money can"buy and that our picture? '&&'? are of the same high character.' It Whlteford U. Cole, president, of the Nashville.. Chattanooga' & St Louis Railway Co,, born ntashvllle.j Tenn., 46 years ago today.' Help the census taker. More records Ettfl Htiepherd. 2t WILL MANAGE THBATEH . - m Vernon Keesoe, whj. ,;haa been operating moving picture; machines In this city for upwards Of.' two years, has gone to tho Mondale theater and will occupy the position of business mnnafjer. ,Ho Is a young man of energy and Is a valuable addition to the new playhouse,. SOUTH. DAKOTA WOMEN OLITICS IN-NAllivmLftE I amPvvJjIs' KsWBsMssssLaiassMaB 4 ' JPLMayhlN f jfel.' L ' AIL T ssBssssssBPtsA w ssjsas "' J i ifiM mmmm Miss Helen Peabody. Mri. John L. .PylaJr 9 J Named byJUsubllcana asPrssl -Chosen as one of th Blg'Four- dentlal Elector. She Js the first vto the Republican National Cou Araerlcon woman so honored, ventlon In June next;' 9be ie a , :. .. ,:. ," Muczarsiul lawve?, ' . - klm Its nn- can Lglon in auopnue -tlonal platform "the great principles of Irrigation development, tor which this congress stands" and, pledges 'most earnest support and cor operation with the Legion in a com,- prehenslvo and constructive pro gram of state and federal reclama tion." - - ; A summary of other resolutions adopted follows:' Defeat of proposed amendment fixing interest at 4jper VPer. cent iimuuuuu. "To obtain "fedWal 'Xlfl Tor con struction of Deschutes- project. Indorsing action of American state highway officials. One hundred mil lion dollars for five years for post roads, $10,000,000 per year for ten years for national forest roads. Urging mall route between Bend and Burns. Appropriation by congress for sup port of water resources branch of geological survey. Amending article 1-B and bill for act to pay interest on district irri gation bonds. Urging completion of John Day project. Appropriation of f 250,000,000 tor national rural credits law. . To provide a bureau to make soil Investigations. To withhold from homestead en try all. reservoir sites now embraced in public land withdrawals. Indorsing of resolutions passed by Oregon State Drainage association. Vote of thanks to Multnomah county for nld in legislation. Indorsement of Powder River irri gation district project. Vote of thanks to Portland Cham ber o Commerce and Oregqn State Chamber of Commerce. Vote of thanks to Portland Press. club. . ..,, . Urging development, of electric pover. Following are committees appoint appeint ed: Executive committee James M. Kyle, chairman, Stansfioid; J. E. Aldrich, Sisters; Ivan E. Oakes. On tario; Leslie Rogers, Klahiath Falls; Walter B. Meaehani, Baker; George H, RubboU, Prlnevllle; John S. Beall,; Portland. ...' Legislative committee Julian A. Hurley, chairman, Vale; A. A. Smith, Thomas A. Sweeney; Portland; Jay H. Upton, Prjheviile; Benton Ci, Burdlcit, Redmond; .R. B. Bradbury, Klamath Falls James J. Donegan, Burns. t , General "federal ajd committee T, H. oleyciairinanrBehdj.Hafry W, Gard, Mad'ras'rT1, G., On tario; Hf Hi de'Armond, Bend; M. A, Lynch, Redmond; O. M, Elklne,' PrlneVll.le;'- "F. s: BrQwnell.'GraLts Pass. Federal old' Jolin Day prpjectir-d.l C, vClar)t, chairman, "Arlington; 'Asa B. Thompson, E?hb; 'Francis Mc Menlmen," Hdppherf W,- J. Mariner, Blal6ck; Jay H. Upton,' Prinevllle. Special fo'presentotlve ,to nWash- ington, D. Oj J. T Hlnltlo, Hermlsi Jou. niifirim iiiisriitf b.F? bj 'I lb,.k V-sVVuVArAnAnAnAAArfWVVVVVXAAJVl eim patrol - SAM FRANCISCO, Jan. 14. The United Slates forest service Is highly plcasetl with the results obtained by the use of airplane fire patrol of 'na tional forests in California 'last year, tho first of its operation, according to officials of the service here. The airplane patrol proved bo efficient that plans are being made to In crease largely Its scope In -California; and to extend It to Wyoming;. Mon tann( Idaho, Oregon, and Washing ton next year, It authorization can bo obtained. In California alono the timber In national forCsts is valued at $210, 000,000, and aviators proved their worth by reporting 412 fires, In acfdl-' tlon to those discovered by the re gular foresters on tho ground. Tho area flown over contained 21,500, 000 acres of timber, and to protect It tho airmen spent 2,457 hours aloft, traveling 202,009 miles. Not withstanding the ruggedness of the -country traversed, making emer gency landing hazardous, 'there was but one fatality, and only .six major accidents to machines, the occupants being, uninjured. Five dally patrols were made, from June A to October 31 of fifteen of the seventeen .national f6rests in California. Two machines were operate'd from Red Bluff, two from Fresno; two from Sacramento, 'two from jllverslde, and one from San Diego. Corresponding crews Were held Jn .reserve with other planes,- so that .each set Worked on alternate. days. -, The; aviators were supplied by the United States army air service, and used the Curtiss type of machine, un til September 1, with but. one man in the plane. De Haviland machines were substituted September 1, carry ing a second man as observer and, .wireless operator. The wireless ground stations were not, completed fUist year, however, -so that, main re- llance''Avas,. placed t upon reports-dig-; patched over the 'forest service tele-:'' jb,oBe;;.Jines radiating- from landing, station. jfrrijtt Houston SUNDAY NIGHT r House fc-'A.JLA 1 JsV sT "-YcT fNWA1 -V-' America's Supremely Satisfying Musical Comedy 8$BSP . , 2E J issssssB sr ssW. wHsassssssssssPrsH I I H Bi'LJsssVBl I I I SSH SJ B'fsslrV 'I I I I I sssH saflaski)HsBi sV I K I BsVLSSKBsHHPI III S HsHh7 " A 1 H Assflssl I I I I k."-'L AaP aaV ' bX9P9Hv' H sBL1BSSSSSSSsllSBB ' ' sslsBaHiBR9srislCBssssssLHsCT .LLLLLItLLLLsifiHBLv 'HsaWCMBssHsBKSPsa SSSHasWBSSSSSSSKmlK3nl!liJllBH si&.Jizee .? ISL hk a :??;- -v. W AKN1NG Do not confuse us 1: il (. ,fs; 2 with shows of similar names. This production . consists of 28 Ameri can. artists and 7 Hawaiian artists. Prices: $1.50, $1.00, plus tax Children under 12 years, 50 cents WV , J 1 . .'Seats on sale , at .-&. boa office Thursday. attentionftjnaiorders- . h rt . MWMrVWMMWWMVVVWMVvUVWVWMWWWVMVVVVMVWMWWWMWVVVVMMrMAAAV Special 'v: Alii 1 A ysaiJsjsyCTswj frheC t 1 " j 'A .ft. fc. A W B. a 3K. JP fcfc 9a 4F j!SL fcM Jm V V V V V V V V "V y VSrV V VrwiW -,( 1 onquest IPilHROUGrf H4K$m " RiTYCO I THE WOMAN WHO WISHES TO CHARM MUST F.1RST OF ALL HAVE RADIANT HEALTH. ALSO LOOK TO HER COMPLEXION. K THE USE OF APPROVED TOILET; XlDS IS ESSENTIAL. , ... 'ft. n Face Creams, PoWjjlkrs, Mas- sage GeamwR ougel -r inarmr 0 v r ' ' '- W$&1 i -' . noiialttu. MFjEXION I t BUT SHE MUST wf t t . ! Complexion Brus STORE IS HEADQUAR1 MJ ARTir.I.ES WHICH: SHOULD HKI .. WOMAN'S DRESSING-TABLE. x T t Mi, Mc: ; . 1 PffiiFOR APPROVED asett - raWPLACE ON EVERY t 3K " V i "sbais . '..vaiiriij- r- jA . "'; ,. , IFYOU SEE ITADVERTISEDHHfiCvE IT FIRST ' X , . . "1 MMvyvMMwvMMVMv.AMvvMVMMvMVNMjSjiSjSenC'AAA' 4W1 . f l.tLJSK-rSSF BABTlrill X ii1a CT S D I er lilli - 'v vvriun b r-ri iiuinn i-.wr it ki WHE R E PARTICULAfrVteOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS wvv, X I I PofeiTY I BUY ThEIR DRUGS t ac6uiJ?a6v1 Y 4H$HHHfHK SI. j.f L5lp.X?,f