The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 14, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"nm.KShAYi JANUARY 1-1, 1020
J V-'
The particular duty of the company to ittf cus
tomers is to render satisfactory service; to its em
ployees, to maintain loyalty by -fair treatment; to
those whd own itS securities, to maintain integrity of
their investment,, and to others of the common
wealth, under whose rules and .regulations it oper
ates, to convey the information that it is giving them
better service for less money than can be obtained
in any other way, even under government or muni
cipal ownership. Our business is founded on an
economic basis, and if wisely administered and not
hampered. by unfair treatment can continue mutu
ally beneficial .to the customer, tb'lab'oiy to capital
and the. commonwealth.
t - t i
California-Oregon Poto to.
O ! 9.
en s
Prices are. very reasonable
Tour iokpcclloa Invited
Ghas. J. Cizek
BJH Mala Sc
l 4 MM i
r- J
V. 3 b'
larger rOlo thu United States hns
come to piny in bunking and com
mercial circles of Lntlu American
t countries -as a result of tho Inability
of European nations to continue pro-
'war "relations Is reflected by tho
program, tf tho second Pan-American
I Financial' Confcronco, to moist hero
! January "19-34.
Tho first Pau-Amorlcan Financial
Contoronco, helil In May, 1915, was
called as. n result of tho situation
created by tho war. Establishment
of tho enlarged relations between
tho United States and other Ameri
can states on u permanent -peacetime
basis is tho pfo'blom confront-
i Ing tho delegates to tin) second con
i All the twenty-ono. American rq
', publics, except Costa Rica, will bo
i represented by from Ihreo to fivo
delegates. Eight ministers cf tin-
innce, besides thot.tecretary of tho
itreasury of tha .United States, will
uttond. i , j!4 ;
t The seven general subjects, on tho
.program for, open discussion nra tho
credit situation of tho world, Intor-
PJTTSBURGH, Jan. 14. Ona hun-national co-operation in commerce
dred- andforty-fivo Holy Name S6cl-nnd finance, tho work of. the lutex
etics of the Roman Cathollo Church! national high commission. Interna
in tha Plttsbursh. district- havQ(natlcnaJ trade-mark, rights, .interna-
, launched a campaign to stop tho'tional rejjulation of unfair .compotl-
: spread vt Bolshevism amonr? wigp'tton, fiscal and .currency reform 83
earner and, to .further (Amoflcnnlza-ffactors in national credit, and Im-
tion T.iteratiirp Intended .toestnbllsh provement of ocean and land tranS
' closer' relations- between 'capital nhtl portntton facilities,
labor Is-being djstributod by tho or- Former Socrctnry of JheJTroasury
jganlzatlon. j V J , jMcAdoo and Governor. Hording of
i Rev. Claude ' Geary.. ."Dominican the reservo board. Xor tho" United
l monk and a leader in the cnmpn'gn, States, will speak on the credit situ
declared Bolshevism, and Socialism (,ntIon. John Bassott Moore, of. Col
,csri be handled but tlfnt 'problems umbia University, will outllno tho
; confronted 'by capital and Uabqr. must ' work of the International high' com-
i be definitely fettled to bring peace mission, of which ho , Is vice
!io me wona. - chairman, Other United. States
I " 'speakers will Includo Paul 31.- Wnr-
j SPANISH DANCER IS , burg,, of Now, York, on fiscal and
j STAR -IX NEW Ol'ERA., currency reform3.and John Barton
t Pnyne regarding the future p;l(cy of
PARIS, Dec. 19. (By Mail). En-'tUe shipping. board.
Iifque Granados opei'a "Goyescas" An arrangement whereby reglstra
was produced today at the Paris Op- tion of trade-marks at a central of-
era House. Maria Molina. Spanish ' fIce, ,3 valld for all, American coun
dancer, aroused great interest'ih-hertr,e. of .,,, northern, croun. which
Interpretations with the result that has ion, Ia operation for several
there is a sharp cleft between "mol-,onth8p wf be explained by Dr.
misis ana anu-moiinists
her sisters of the ballet.
Grandos. it will be recalled; per-1
ished on his return voyage from Am-
From Wireless to Suffrage in News of Day
Ijjh mm iWJjrvMV h J
,uijh.., - iiiTiii l
l 15,. nLlHrV'VfilDrt lmmmamrmmmmmSnmBmmmmm I I lV HFv JwmmmmmM&wWl
f0VjrJI.MesMM. fjIo?.
'- Iclreaiil Hi Mctllna
LMiM--Muriee'fQr Red
BCMSorenM. Granula
tioa Itching and Burning
ofthe Eve of Evefids:
Attm Ott Morin. Mofia or Goll
Two- cOBftdcncc Ask Yoor Drutgia
MrfaenmizENdCH. -
Ey Remedy CoCblcaso
No.a ; -
.Beans of Taftouts kinds' were
Inown in the days of the Egyptians,
ui later in the time of the Jews re
ceived a fair amount of cultivation,
seeming to differ but' little from
those in use at the present time;
erica aboard the Sussex, which was
torpedoed by a German submarine.
His son, Kduardo attended the re
hearsals. His likeness to his father h
Slam's Amazon Guard.
'Slam is one of the few countries
whlch lioast ,o( a wrps flf women, po
TJce. The members of this ninazon
guard are all old and homely. They
-wear ,n unlfrm, but are got urim d.
Tjieir chief duty Is to act as gate
keepers of' th Inner, or women's pal
ace''iit. Bangkok.
"'' Tliey fpllow any stranger who;cntei
ihe palace nnd remain with him until
lie takes his departure. They mh that
there Is no mischief mnde.and tlfnt, no
pne inakes love, to the roypl wives and"
women.. Men who have tiuslne.lnalde
the palice; doctor urchlteetH. car
penters, electricians, etc. enter the
jpnlai.e 'Jreely. but nre-ialwiyg nc-cqmv,
Tftin'lci by som.,of,the'nrpiir-on pimrd.
Tlie palace .lias" som dllhciilty In" re-
crnlllnS ifiese guards, as the work Is
Iwnl. the pay ,poor nnd the ntudiflca
ilpn uncomplimentary,
' r 7 i .,- T, .
h . Bf t0. Secure Prccf.. n f
.Life's,, h j URf!n'esf ,,s ( to prove
lljijj" TlferVij Much Bmnli chatter
-iirhrnever' p'opler''jtrt1togph'ef. hot 'II
may en'slly''VndfnVth'atj,'''The truly big
ir&rip'bf life, demand (he fullest proof
and the most rigid 8ecBIty.,0;th,
nmn vim lakes. iblnfsfor.granted sun-
Jectn isrifto dlsappolntriients and
Wukes tittle or'iiq progress; Xa-V-roat-
ler of fact, tlicro-lsjvery little that one
ire, lake, for 'granjed.Llfe has o
wn.v.fexceptiqns, so man conjlhgen-
fs.iliiit fine can pWfr tcij Just what
ijrllliiuiyiin i'ext. ( SOjthe wise m'rin
fir ta'kelioth'Ine for granted. He will
lrive'everyililng''and base his future
fi.,:iiit lie has learned to trust. Af-
W'ti? u''s safe way to do;
.Jlr'l"' , , "
r .
HONOLULU,' T. H. Dec: 13. (By
Mail). Cattle ore reported' dvtnir
rapidly In the Kohala district, Island
of Hawaii, as a result of a continued
drought. "
Accoramg'-to -Btockmen, It Is not
the lack of drinking water that is
proving fatal to the animals, bur the
effect of the drought upon the range
grass'. There Is said to bo scarcely
any nutriment In it.
The cattle-are so weak when they
go to the water holes, they become
bogged and' cannot pull themselves
out again.
Twenty-seven head of cattle' are re
ported to hay been lost In this way
at' one water hole-
EL CENTRO, Cal., Jan. Z,r
'Skinned while being shaved." mut
tered a patron of one of El Centro's
barbers, as he fql'owed the, shortest
routs from the ahqp to the office of
an agent of the United States de
pattment of, Justice,
.He wanted to complain at, paying
66 cents for a haircut, 35 cents for a
shave atHj.25. cents for a shine.
General dissatisfaction at the new
'scale of jDr'ices. has ( caused" the male
jcitliens of' El Cenirp not only to tell
&8iJWTtfv 0,"erol representa
tlvefl'bqt to threaten to wear beards'
and long hair.
among, iIar.0 niuz Iricar. director of tha
bureau at Havana. A similar-agreement
for the southern group of
'states, requires . two signatories be
f ore. the bureau can open- at Rio de
Janeiro. ,
Of more. Importance than the con
ference sessions, in the opinion of
Officials here, will be the consulta
tlons between national delegations
and group committees composed of
prominent United States bankers, ex
porters . and manufacturers. In
these conferences, It Is 'believed, an
understanding may be reached as to
the needs of the various American
republics, the requirements of the
United States, and the best manner
6f ..serving mutual interests. A spe
cial representatives of the United
States treasuary department will
meet with each group.
Chairmen of the various groups
are: Frank A. Vanderllp, New York,
for Argentine; Joseph D. draco, New
York, Bolivia; Oscar T, Crosby, War
renton', Ya., Brazil; Paul M. War
burg,' New York, Chile; Wallace D.
Simmons, St. Louis, Colombia; E. Q.
Brown, New York, Cuba; William 6.
Redfleld, former secretary of com
merce, Dominican Republic; E. M,
Herr, East' Pittsburgh, Ecuador;
John Clausen, New Yorkj Guate
mala; udward Hidden, St. Louis,
Haiti; H, H. Merrick, Chjcago, Hbn-
auras; Robert S. . Brqaklngs, St.
Louis, Mexico; W L, Saunders, New
York, Nicaragua;' it. K. Mulford,
Upper picture shows Radio Operator J. C. Forbes or tho
S. S. Alban who established rbcord of picking up longost wlro
lcss raessngo, from Washington to Macoio, a distance of 4201)
Lower, bridging tho desort, the groat stcol structuro on tho
San Diego and Arizona railroad, 175 feet high, which opens up
nowor and shorter routo-across tho continent! - -
Upper, Uhclo Snm soldiers
breaking the great dock atriko at
Now York city, unloading trans
ports at tho groat Brooklyn
army buio with tho aid of steam
Lower. Miss Mary Anderson,
director of tho Womon'a Bureau
of tho National Federation, of.
Federal Employes who la tni
chargo,of tho campaign to cllmlii-f
nto civil sorvlcn regulation whlrh
bar women from tho larg,o class it
federal positlous. ' .
delegation will be taken on- nn In
ppcctlon trip to the Hog Island shipyard.
.d is-ti w.tu n nttccsilty of taking lecelvcd. Tho plun was noa executed,
mta.'urrs, however unavoidable, Mr. .Bishop says, "because at the last
wh'cli" will mean 'tlio death of men moment tho operators changed front
who bavu been' madd'onsd by want unci to tho appointment ot.
r.nd fcurfering." a cQininJMlon. Whether, or nut tlmy
i In o filter to Senator I.odgo ho ut w!nrt iaVMhoPreaUent'a purtiou
wrota'brt ho wis, 'Reeling" his way l.ns nevoe been 'revealed, Mt some
tc'solv'e (hq difficulty and was deter- powerful Jnfluenco was responsible'
j nt! .ot to bo drawn Into any "vlo-i for-their sudden reversal."
'lent step which would bring react'on m
, ruit iiiriifi 41HV nil. n iiiiu.iivi
t'me, he tnlA: "Most emphatically I
shall' not compiomlse with lawless
iicm. I have boeh told on excellent
thoHty. that the dfcordor has been
Vfry greit and cf nn evil kind. On
NEW YORK'. Jan. 14. Hitherto! equally good nutl orlt.v. I am't61d the
unpublished details of the ''drastic" oan contrnrj-.J sh.sll speedily find
plan President Roosevelt lad deeded! :ut for myself. I stand against soc
to adopt to settle the anthracite' faJ'rm: agnlnst anarchic disorder."
strike of 1302, said to have been! . Colonel Roosevelt's "drastic" plan) Mail) One locality In the Hawaiian
known only to two members of 'hisFbt action which Mr. Bl3hop says he. Islands rcglstors tho greatest rnln-
cabinet and a few persons who were
to take part in Its execution appear
In the fifth installment of the Col
onel's own letter; edited by Joseph
U'uckin Bishop in th. January Issue of
Sctibner's Mpgazlno. The article, al
so gives some intimate sidelights on
Roosevelt's attitude toward union la-lor.
lit f T f '"'' , .
HONOLULU, T. II, Dec. 25 (By
Hotfesty ! is'' -'preva'llTng
amjhmdst Cbinamen. Some of them
'in'elrloative towns'and cities "leave
their.iiiacedf bU8Jnert, 'unguard'eo
they'go 'off for 'bo.f an hour
or more'!' Should customers arrive in
the meantime, they find the prices of
goods'-plalnly marked, select what
they want, and leave the money for
ih'iam - ' X - r.
rniiaueipnia, Fanama; ,Lewfs E.
Pler'gon, Nejv Yvork, Paraguay; John
H. Fahey, Boston, Peru: W. 8. Rowo.
Cincinnati, Salvador,, anil Robert H.
The, secretary.,ofthe,treasury, will
act as .chairman of the conference
Vice-President Marshall Jand Secro
1I.!Ki'p .PPJ.K tbe speakers
S ,hSr'penlnE daJr- -Wretpr, John
Barrett, of e JjanAmerjca'n Union;
will, ,tur;n over? the ' JPaa-AiptrJcaii
bulldlrjg ,t(j t'heelegiites for the use
of the, conference,. ,'
i -P'-Mi h '. ?" Rwe sepretary, ef: the
International high commissions,, a
secretary, general of the conference
and Drs. C'E" McGuli-e'and Gulllermo
A.' Sberwell 'are assistant secretaries
general; '
After the , conference the, entire
gating' or arbitrary commission with
out regard to whether or not tho ope
rators nsked for It or agreed to nbldo
by Jts decisions. Ho asked cx-Presl-fterit
Cleveland In cpse he were to
nnp'orit such-a commission, If ho
After 20 persons bad been -killed-would accept ? placo on It. nnd. nc
nnd about 4.0 Injured during (be riot- cording to Mr. Btehop, Mr. Clevo-
Ing in tho coal, fields, arid tho np-, land roolled favorably,
proach of winter brought with It the "This commlss'on was onlv part of
rrpspect of a nntion-wido fuol famine. the.Fres'dent's plan." snys Mr. Pish
the mayors of largo cities and gover- jp, "The investigation which It was
nors of several states appealed to the to conduct would take time. In order
President, Mr, Blshon says, to inter-'that mining ope'ations might Jiq re-
fere In the Interest of the public wef- aurfed as speedily as possible,- the
farB and safety. According, to his'dont compiled with' Senator
biographer Mr. Rooevplt h3d ct-acfil- flrtay. who was nll-powerful In Penn
ed, In case the. operators persisted Vlvan'n politics, and wes asiured by
In their refusal to accent a oiirp' )'m that whenever, the President de-
sion, "to assume powers witch the sired bm te: do so1 he. would have the
Qonstitiitlon did riot srertflcallv Vv Kovetnor of the State notify tho Pre
h(m" and tp use the United States 'sident that he could not keep order
army ,to 'suppreB nil violence ana in the coal -region and needed federal
lute: Terence.
"The President then Informed Maj
or General .John Mr Scoficld that In
case of federal lnterferencehe wish-
,.ll . 1.- r. '.5. ..'M.I., ' i. .. 'V ... '? .fc.-- -I'.-
rators and the strike leader, the late send hlm :to the coalr regions
John jUitcheliritf a'f utile effort fet", wjtb ttej .regularunrmy troops with
6Tnt- pstrpct.'onjtq actJaaBceJyer,(uf.jlbq
tick- pnbl'c with the late Prwl-j fall In tho world, While other places
dent's permission and authority. In- almost rival the Sahara in dryness,
luded his npnolntment of nn Invest!- savs i.. V. tnlngort)old, head st tho
Vj'Itjng to Itobet, Bacon on Oct
obe'r 5,. lgd'z.'-shWtly after' n'confer-
chub in naBumnuu ui iuu uunu ujie
.' Li
settle ,the
by the appoint-
-t T -."V ,T 'J' , f -.' .
nient or a commission or investiga- niip,es, jaitiuii.cnargeptjvnownay
,tlon or arbitration, hesiifd:'' -'" '1 violence, uand,,,,dlsregar4 any" 'opjferf,
"ThejsThTtrgn fiba,'d,';especlBlly jlrom. fhe persorii ?l"e .askedth
'because rtil's'pos-sible jt niay jsrow .General, Jf(l.ln fse the operajora;
,lne. I.dread.tq think of 'the ttuffering under, Lincoln., simply send, the, writ
In P.artB.of .purjrreat (Sitfes especial! j; Y;pn to be JrespentJ
ami r fear (there will befuef rioiejot ibught tb'e,. General replied thai ji'e
as'bad'a typevas any 'Hreail .riots we Ayouid.. Rooseveli 36ld; 'All right. I,
nnvn 'ever seen. Of course onca the1 will send vou.' "
send vou.1
rioting has begun, once' there- is a President Rooseve), Jt was said,
r?or m inMu(yiointu, me oni luins -jti frepuruiions jTnune. fm bian-
wlth backache ;Vor, kldpey. trpiiblo,':
, Price 60s,at all deajprs. Don't
,. rZZ .w ismcu;
to do. 14 to maintain , order. It Is n lpg the troops within hair uh' hqurif".;nV ", - eyFJlu""the """
drpadful. tMng tq .be brought face' after the requestor federal al'd was'ffi cffjSS? BubLV?
Hcuiiier uurouu nuru. ,
The'riilnfall n Mount Wnlaloale,
Inland of Kauai,' has' averaged 470
Incriep fi year 'for tho' past soveral1
years, said Dnlngorflold. A higher re
cord than this was etsabllshed )rr
191S nt l'nukijkui, " way
a preclpltatloh pf5g2 Jnclies; whilo'
eight arid one-half miles away to
Uiq fouth tho rainfall In 1912 regis
tered only two nnd one-half Inches-.
Heavy precipitation on tho wind
ward sides of all the islands! duo,,
said Dalngorflpldrto tho warm, moist
trade ? winds codlirig as' they rush up;
to tho steep slopes. This causes the
moisture In the air to condonso and'
when It reaches a sufficient altitude
tb fall ln'"a torrential downpour.
-Hi-" ;
itjsjSebioijs ... f
Sonic Klamath Piillit People Fall to.
Rcallrcthe Hcriousncss of i :rt -m
n Uud Uncle
,The constant. Bchlng of. a. bad;
back, - s ' . -v-'s.
The weariness! tho tired t-fniillno'v
The pains and aches of kidney-Ills:
May result. seriously ,f .neglected..
fol?ow.-U'8r,-Rry U,?,e8 mW
'Jbuklajaatb iFalls .citizen shows;
you what to do.
Mrs. Jeff Wilton, Oregon and Ful
ton SUwaaya: vi JiaveJbeen,, sub
ject, to .backache and. kldnev, (ronhlo.
oCseyerar Veara.; At;tlme's, igot'
palns"'across1-my kidneys -and "could.
naraiy-co,.ii.waa inlsojmuchirulsnry:.
:Mjri' kidneys jB,e,ver, ,actd. rlghtj-whonj
I.bad these BDellS.Wlth mv hank nm.
II felt" miserable all' over. 'Slnca'l
have be6ri i raklrig'Doan's" Kidney
Pills; I ami bothered rjbutjrery little-
Murphey's Feed & Seed Store
126 South Sixth St . -
j .