1W0I3 M'.VK.V THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUKSDAY, JANUARY ill, 1020 Klamath Falls F. J. SUTHERLAND First State & Savings Bank Bldg. B1I0W CARDS llOOKMTTH DISTRIBUTING COMMERCIAL ART ENGRAVING MA0AZINK8 PAM I'll LOTH Wo do Everything in Advertising For " the Merchant 1Why not let an advertising agency write your ads? Inquire about it and see the results you can obtain in better advertising. Phone 357 TEXTOFOLCOTT'S MESSAGE TO SOLONS (Continued from Page 2) Independent of tlio two divisions act Ing In tlio capacity of an arbitrator. I still feci, however, that a com pletn separation of tho two Interests would lead to moro hurmonlous re- lotions, ' , .i'i i . i Hut thoro must bo glvo and take In arriving at a concluHlon where many mlndB aro thinking along many linos, and tho best compromlBO .ftsA llnt.l . ...... .. n atffill. .IiIaI I t II1U IVftmiltllllU III,. VIIUV. "HIVII lu my mind will bring about harmony and good results will bo acceptable to the executive .office. I Whatever may bo your disposition; of tho matter. I wish to assort posl- . ... tivoly thnt tho chiof executive or tho of state should not bo a mombor of dthcr or of'nny fish and gamq com- mlsslon. It! Ih not proporly In Una with tho sphere of his duties, it Is not 'for the best wolfaro of the In- tercsts to bo represented, nor Is It productive, of the best results. To noparate tho executive offlc,o from a WHAT IS IT? It is the best paying class of advertising in the world if you have something to sell that belongs among little ads that you find in The Herald. JUST TRY IT ONCE If you have something in your attic, your basement, your spare room, your barn, around you anywhere that you want to sell, 'try The Herald classified ads and you will find a buyer. r. "- IF Advertise for it, trying' The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let The Herald find it for you. It costs you but a few cents a day. Classified add cost you' 5 cents a line a day five words to the line. They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received over the telephone that is why they are so cheap. U.-4; i.iu I Adv. Agency window and interior decorating balk promotions novei.t adv. all forms of adv. etc., etc. momburHhlp on tlio commission Ih tlio right and proper thing to do, and I assure you would bo meriting with my hearty approval oh a move dictated by decerning wisdom. Tlio fltdi and gamo Rltuatlon In ono clone to tlio hearts of muny thous ands of our pooplo, It Is ono of too far-reaching Importance to allow potty contddcralloriH to ovorrldo and overrule the big results that may bo nncd. I am confident that, as representatives of tho peoplo of the B'nt0 of Oregon, you will enter Into , ' ' , ; it uinuunniuii u una iuuHiiun cauniy and dispassionately, with your mlndB rnltinVf.fl frntll Infill nilfl nArannnl a- " " vlow tho greater wolfaro of all the state. IONK, Jan. 13. The'Chrlstmas va cation of tho lone schools has been continued for ono week on nccnunt ' nn epidemic of mumps. E. A Drown, eighth grado teacher, and 19 of his pupils nrq HI. Principal Kurf- man Is also a victim, m It Ih tho habit of bees to place their honey In the coolest place In the hive, and tho young insects In the warmest. YOU WANT SOMETHING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FAMOUS S. F. BARS DULL, VKJl. ril Irtnv-c I BAN FRANClflCO, Jan. 13. Eleven your ago J. .1. WIlHon, pro prietor of tlio onoy famous Novadu , cafu nt Kearney and I'oHt streets horo, paid $2!,000 for tliu handsome liar nnd back bar of his establish- i incut . The- other day It wus sold at auction for $16G. Binillurly tlio,lnir df tlio old Riche lieu, Kearney, Geary and Markut street, wad auctioned recently for 210. It com $0,000. Other salon of barn hero uro re ported, tlio $ 1(1,000 mahogany of tlio College Inn bringing $315 and the $2,500 bar of tlio Odeon cafa bringing $200. official iiei.ikvkh I.V "Dof.U.N'O UP" JUAREZ. Mex., Jan. 13. J. Kcllpa Vallf, ciiHtoniri collector ut this port, Ih n believer In tho psychology of clothes. For thlH reason ho Iiuh ask- oil the .Mexican secretary of tho treasury to allow him an approprln-j tton of approximately 2,000 pesos fort uniforms for himself and his Inspcc-i tors, "A dapper uniform tends to In crease an official's sclf-confldonce," Benor Valle said. "It also Is likely to keep tho wearer out of gambling dens nnd saloons, for he does not wish to shame his uniform. Finally, nn official-looking suit Increases the respect of the pubflc for law and order and for the man that Is dele gated to enforce It. "Yes, I am a believer In the 'psfcologla del trnjo' the psychology of dress." KI.VDH KIDNAPPED HOY IN UNITED HTATKH ARMY LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 13. Mrs. Maud McGIll Ward, of Los I Angeles, has Just located In Moscow, Ida., the son whom, she said, was kidnapped, from her seventeen years ago, when he was four years old. Sho wept when she showed two and he nnd his miraculous eggs soi Dlcturcs of the youth ono as he was' """'J' ourn' at t,,e stake In the town when she had last seen him and the! - .... ........i u,. ...- ..,. .1 uwici iiiwuib mill 111 iiiu uiiiiuriil ui tho United States army but 'It was for Joy she cried. , The son, Oro Johnston McGIll, was wounded in battle during the, great war and now is receiving voca- tlonal training at the University of Idaho, Moscow. Their reunion was" effected through 'relatives In Lowelville, O. r CLING TO BRIEFS Few People Today Are Without Pet Superstitions. Although Not Carried to Extremes That Have Marred the Pages of f History In the Past, They Are Qtlll With Ut. Wo consjiintly bear It snld that "this 1 tlio twentieth century; superstition nliil all that sort of thing died out long ago." Yet thorJl Ih hardly n person In the country without his pet belief Unit misfortune follows stooping over ii baby or spilling Milt, or that n blnclt ' cut brings pood luck, for example. i Hence, too. the universal practice of wealing intiscotH "for luck." Thwtiv however, nro not very scrl. ous beliefs, being merely pcrsonnl fads. HtiperMltlou of a deeper rooted and more unpleasant typo Is still common In the more backward rural areas, however. Only a few weeks ngo nn old dnmo In the Ken country wiih boy rotted by the whole countryside be caiiw Mie had the reputation of being a witch and of throwing spells over r,,-,,,,,'. rhllclien. stock nml rrons. No ono would go near her or let her hnve food or clothing,' and she nearly starved to death, The cold, legal atmosphere of the courts would he thought unfavorable to belief In witchcraft, and yet a fann er by no meuiiH an ignorant man stood up the other day In Norfolk court and Informed the bench that someone hnd bewitched his cows. He cured tho evil spell by thrusting n red hot poker Into his churn, when the evil uplrlt vanished In a bright flame. Years ngo any old crone who was cross grained with the neighbors stood a good chance of being tried (nnd burnt) for witchcraft, and cases ore even known where animals were sol emnly brought Into court and tried on n pitnllnr charge. A tough old cock nt Basle, In Swltz pr'and, was nccused of laying eggs a most serious offence, as such eggs uerti uni'd onlv for mnklnz witches' ointment. The.unhnppy bird was haled before the Justices, nnd one of the eggs produced ns proof of guilt. In the 'face of such evidence the rooster's cose was hopeless. He was convicted sminre. A sow nn(1 slx y"nff P'S wpre np- miciul rtt 11 ltnlifrnft tmrnrrfa ft chilli. Bri(, ere brought, protesting loudly before the "beak." Amid grcnt spnsn-" tlon. the pow was found guilty npd publicly executed, but the porkers wfe acquitted on the Jtround of ex- treme youth. Af late ns 1740, a cow was nccused of nossesslne a "devil,". nnd after n, ong henrfng. was found jAillty rind condemned to deaTh. "Rats and mice arid such small deer," have been summoned on numerous occa sions, but almost Invariably failed to put, In nn nppenrance at court. In the fifteenth century, the peas ants of a village In the south of France took legal proceedings against a pbigue of locusts which trespassed on their fields and devoured fbelr crops. As the case was still being fouyht nearly half a century later, the modern gardener can sympathize with ho nnliickv nlnlntlffs. but would prob ably prefer the more up-to-date uprJll- 1 cation of lime or mustard. Another action was brought agnlnt a pest of leeches swarming In the ponds nnd -streams of another country dlstrtf t of France. The Judge Issued a decree ngalnst the leeches tre-spas-Inr further on the disputed territor ies, but history Is silent as to whether the Injunction was ntiped or Ignored. with resultant punishment for con tempt of court. Anlinnls have even been admitted as witnesses In the courts. It used to be considered no ofione to kill a hurclnr trylmr to break Into a liou-p. There. nruo the difficulty that one innii living nlone inlclit nsk another to his house, j nnd then murder him. pretending that he wns n robber. To get oer this, it was decided thnt 'any domestic nnlinnl. such ns n oat or n dog. present nt the time. might benr witness. If the ani mal on being questioned, .satisfied the court tlult his master hnd acted In good fnltlt. tlio killing wns held to be .Insti lled. Theie nie not many Instances of acquittal. Japanece Giass Industry Gros. Though encouraged by the govern ment li 1S70 by tho establishment of a model glass factory, transferred ten years later to prtnto ownership, the glnss Industry of Jnpnn wns only fair ly prosperous until Je outbreak of the recent European war, at which time, due to the shutting off of supplies from France, Belgium and Germany, the manufacture of glass received such n stimulus that It now bids fair to compete with the Industry. In other countries. Before 1014 practically all the window glass used In Jnpnn was" .Imported, but this branch of the In dustry Is receiving, speclnl attention nnd In 1018 Its product Mo tho value of $1,750,000 was exported. Conductor, Pulls Teeth. A conductor-dentist operates on a branch' of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad system In West Virginia. He Is Dr. Harry Halsteud. When pa tients fulled to coino to him fast .enough Hulstcad took a position ns conductor. ie carries torceps in uis pocket. During a recent week the train was balled four times by per sons wlnj wanted teeth drawn. The dentist-conductor never falls to make BUSINESS CARDS KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works 1010 MAIN ST. WWWWWWW Phono aifl-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 40 Main St. Home-Made Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Good. Ice Cream and Fruits. WMSVSNWi i( HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus I rely. Also buy, sell and exchange s,U other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes C. E. BISMABK 110 8. Oth St. Klamath Fall NOTICE We open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Many are the good things we can show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap as you may learn, you will never be. in debt and have to skip if you buy your goods frdm LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Kltftnath Ave. Cornet of 6th St. Let your Glass Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazlng done In any part ' of the city E. C. 8TCCKT. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 Main. J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phenes: Office 160, Res. 102J O. K. FEED &.SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care'tak'en of all stobk' placed, in our barn. Horses) harness and wagons- bought, sold and exchanged. yX-,,VV-V-VVt"i-M"iJiiiiriJii"iiJiiJiiJ I. Hair Dressing, Shampooing. Manlciiiing, Knco Mass.igo Scalp Treatment by appointment MRS. GILL Leo Apts., ."Hi and Walnut - VWWWVWWWWMWVi'M HENRY SMITH Carpenter and Cabinet Maker IOC Main Street Phone 457 tMAMAAMMMMMMAAAAW A. MAURITSCH For Your Favorite Furniture Phone 176J 10 Main St JWtifa DENTISTS j Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P.. M. Noel PHONE 4 j fWAr fTnrlftrtrnrMl'ii Seventh and Main Streets j Professional Pliarmacy EXCLUSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy Open Fourth, and Pine Streets PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phono 434W. X.Rny Laboratory Loomls Bldg., KlainuUi Folia DR. C. A. KAMUO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 PRIVATE HOSPITAL No w Open for Maternity Chacs Mrs. Rosa McDanleU, 301 High St Phone 455 Office Phono 177W Res 17711 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon jXnjVWtfVV'WMVW"riri m DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Hurgacn Suite 211, 1. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone S21 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon In Klamath Falls, t E. D. LAMB ' Physician and Surgeon Rooms 4 and 5 Phones 17M -. 17R Swanson Bldg. ofr-frr!r-i x CATHERINE SCHLEEF 'Physician and' Burgeon Office, White Bldg. w4"0fr" WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND BUBOKKI 20S I. O. O. F. Bids. DR. & A. MASSEY Bucceasot to Dr. Trsuut Bait J0, L O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 81 Res Phone SAM - Phenes: 151J Office. 151M Residence. DR. SOULE Office 420 Main Residence 1000 Slain SAW-BUM; ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We coiltrnct to build any clnss of a building and install machinery of nny kind. Druftlng'of uny kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Building KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blncksiulthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-V 017 Klamath Ave. i 1 am now prepared to turnlsh L Shasta Sand from the Hooy, Cam., 'sand and gravel pit, In any quantity I that may be desired by contractors and builders, i AL F, GRAHAM. CITY AND COUNTY. ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Mala ARTHUR B. WIMON Manager L Soon " In the Hospital I the ..toys.