THE EVENING. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, J 020 BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS PA(ii) ni:vi:.v Jaszz Extra . s Jazzz f t t t BIG. DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT MOOSE HALL Krty-Juy Orchcsfra $- "- "'' Ezn RESPONSIBILITIES The particular duty of L tonicrs is to render satisfactory service: to its em- P 1 i i 1 U 1 I A 1 1 A. pioycea, 10 iiuuniain loyally those who own its securities, - I their investment, and to . wealth, under whoso rules ates, to convoy the information that it is giving them ' better service for less money than can be obtained in any other way, even under 'government or muni- 5 cipal ownership. Our business is foundPd on an K economic oasis, inu 11 wisiiy auminibteroil and not hampered by unfair treatment can continue mutu- ii- I. . jv - 1 j. it 1 . i. l i. i -. .. . i jujyoeneuciai to tnc customer, to iaor, to capital (111U tllU UUHHUIl WUlUUli vw Tl !" Tk Uluonua-u aregor W ' u WOMEN OF WORLD TO MEET NEXT YEAR Thx) pollco mvo ciiscovoroti a novel 'manner" of advertising an opium Jen. i It was thu shot) of a dealer In an CHUISTIANIA, Dec. 11. (Ily tl(;iu. When the ppllco raided It Mull.) A convention of tho lntor-jono of tho occupants told tho In nutlonnl Council cf Womon. of vhlch'apcctor ho wns ablo to Identify It as liady Aberdeen Ih president, will bo nn opium dqn lucnuso all tho letters hold in Chrlfttiiinlu noxt September. o" In tho sIrii advertising antiques Threo hundred delcgateB.'roprcsont-lworo painted In flamluR roil while Ins twenty nations, nro expected to t10 oti,0r letters were glided, nttond. A comtultteo, composed of i presiding officers of various wo-' Representative Snoll of Now York men's orgunlzutlons, will meet In Bnj.: vq will never havo a pros qonovn In March to arrange tho pro- porous country unless tho railroads fjrjamjqr tho'convonflon, , theniscWqs, aro prosperous,",,, , N , Jt is the best have something to in The Herald. IS & . ." Ifyou have something in your attic, your basement,, your spar&'room, your banvaround you anywhere that you want' to sell, try, The Herald classified ads -and you will find a buyer. , rV X i IF Advertise for it, trying The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let .The He.rald find lit for. you. It costs you but a few cents a day. ' ., Classified ads cost you 5 cents a line a day five words to the; '" line. They must be paid for. in advance and ''cannot be received over the telephone that is why they are so cheap. r IT "f . .. x t T T T T T ' ' -? '.LT' w the company to its cus- uy lair treatment; to to maintain integrity of others of the common- and regulations it Oper . - ' i; i 8 B : J! 1 rm,w3Ar 0. ? VV H-.J3. chooks aim: cm:vi:u I'AniS, lice. 21. (Dy Mall.) WHAT IS IT? paying class of advertising in sell that belongs among little I JUST TRY IT ONCE YOU WANT SOMETHING ', ' r r CLASSIFIED mmmm t . - m in i -!ifc'ijWifflyja'; urns dbtt HI II TIE' ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islanda, Dec. 22. -(Uy Mall.) United States marine gnrrlHonln theso now pos ticsxkns of Uncle Sam cannot under stand tho fashions affected by the natives. Why a negro or Clin-Clin Indian should wear nn overcoat when the thermometer stuuds at 100 In the shado mystlflu.i them. Kor some strango reason tho na tive Virgin Islander believes in wearing every nrtlclo of clothing ho can lay hands on. All American holiday's nro now celebrated by tho natives, who spend tho day parading about tliu streets, soma of ,them4 wearing ovcroculit, capon, two or more palru of twiners, and n red bandanna handlcorchlef about the neck. Also they frequently adorn themselves with tho hprns of cows or nxcji, attached to tho head ,Just In front of tho ears. The rhnmplon Cincinnati Hods and tho Wflrhlngton Senators have m- T T rangod to play 1 1 exhibition gaimssuicnmshlps have been arriving hero dtirlrg (he spring training trip "Babe" Ruth's demand for it $20.-' 000 pay envelopo must moan that the film depleting tho , homo-rm champion as n movlo hero is about to bo released. Publicity gets the kale. Tralper Hoc Hart will roturn to the Ilrooltlyn Dodgers noxt season, Hart camu from Chicago to Hrooklyn and trained tho Uodgeru from 191G to 1018. Iast year ho went buck to tho Cubs. Now that tho National Collegiate Athletic Association has appointed a committee on boxing, tho manly art, of self-defense Is bound to flourish In our colleges. Ameftlng is to bo" held this month to revive tho Illinois-Missouri League. Still they come. Minor league baseball a dead ono for several seasons is surely doming Into Its own this year. ' Tho French mlnlcter of tho In terior warns French girls who aro marrying Chinese laborers In France that most of theso ccolies already havo wive.s In China. i the world "if, you ads that you find 1 ljf SKI HIKE LINERS PL! II j sums . IiUKNOS AIRES, Dec. 14. (By Mali) American business men in Ar gentina received with pleusuro the announcement thnt tho United States Shipping Hoard had allotted seven of Itc fast passenger Ilnors for service between Now York nnd South Ameri can ports Including Buenos Aire. Thoy have felt that they havo been struggling ngalnst a handicap owing to slow mo.II communication and pas senger transportation between the United States and this countTy, If tho Americans hero wanted to send n latter to tho United States he hnow that in the past it would ro liilro at least 30 days for tho letter to reach New York and that frequent ly It would require 40. To send a re presentative tl tho United States on h business mission would require 3' Months before the nnent could return c Iluono') Aires. ' Meantimo tho American's chance of doing liiislnefiH has fallen Into the JiiitmIb of a Kurofrean competitor who i'ouki I'umiuunicaie v.uu nis irjnci- iitiuls by mail within thros weeks. Fast, from wuropoan poits almo'W twice, a Jvireels whilo tho mail from the IJnltod iState3.camo mojtly by slow freight ;stcamers. pno of The tl'ff lenities of which the Americans lieio complained wa3 tho delay In rerolv'ng bills of tiding for goods 8"nt from tho United Statos to Argentina. This was due to the fact that tho bills could not bo sent on tho steamer which carried tlfe goods arrt there wero fov fast steamers which could bring them here at the tlmo the Kood.3 arrived. When tho bill of lading was sent on slow ships tho goods were held in tho custom house here until she arrived. On tho other hand bills of lading on goods shipped from England camn through on fast steamers which, often arrived hero before tho goods were l ecelved. Tho Americans here say that cable communication to the United Sta'tes casts S3 cents a word and that the csaclty of the cables is trebly over taxed. -o el AT THE THEATERS I -o If you haven't been to tho Liberty Theatre thlq week o see "Checkers" today is your last chanco to view the big Fox production. "Checkers" is a play abounding in color and atmos phere, and contains many beautiful as well as thrilling "scenes. In the vernncular, It is a "corker". Richard Stanton, who directed the picture, has followed closely the story of the famous stage jlay from which it is made; but elaborating the racing and fighting scenes. The play i finely presented b an all-star cast headed by Thomas J. Carrlgan and 'jean Acker, and is a treat to both those who saw the brilliant play on the speaking stage, and those who were not so fortunate. Tho one big outstanding feature picture of tho year Is vVhen Bear catWent Dry," which will bo the at traction at the Liberty theatre on Sunday and Monday. The famous and widely read novel of Charles Novillo Buck, of tho same title,' has been mode into a photoplay that teems with dramatic intensity and suspense The characters of the picture are those hardy mountaineers of eastern Kontucky who, from time Immemor ial, havo shown slight regard for man mado laws. Thoy are the des-; cendants of tho hardy ploneors who blazed a trail from tho shores of Vir ginia through the mountains of that State and Kentuck. Thoy fought tho troachorou3 savage and sottled tho "Blue Grass State." Thoy mado it posslblo for an empire to bo founded that gives to us and our children that follow, a land tlmt knows to counter part for riches. ! It is of such kind of men and wwm on that ''When Bearcat Went Dry" has to do, and needless, to say a'plc-, ture-play of unlimited entertainment qualities i3 provided. Ono of tho most interesting l'ip- tures.ovor shown at tho Ltboity will1 bs seen Sunday in addition to tho ' fenturo picture. Tho wonderful now color photography, "Prlzma," show-, lng actual scenes In their actual col-( ors, cannot fall to lntorest ovory nn-f turo lover and sportsman, since tho( subject Is "Trout,", The picture takes us through tho hatchery showing all Iho wonders of trout propagation' nnd wo see tho graceful creatures In I all their exquisite coloring, some thing the average person seldom sees. KLAMATH ,FALLS Marble & Granite Works 1010 MAIN ST. IMiono aiO-J lfi'i Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONKJJOnONERr Formerly at 40 Main St. Homc-Mado Tics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Good. Ic Cream and Fruits. fcvv HARLEY-DAV1DSON Service Station We handlo tho Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and nicyclcs Exclus Ivoly. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BLSMARK IIS H. Oth St. ' Klamath Falls (L xetici: . We open store every Tuesday nnd Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p. m. Many are the good tnings wo can show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed, In buying good thngi cheap as vou may loam, you will never bo In debt and lmvo to skip if you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Clh St. vmtme SgSfflgZZS&x Let your Glass Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazlng done in any part of the city E. C. 8T0CKT. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 Main. J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phenes: Office 100, Res. 102J O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. tru'Vvvtritjj'iAAAJ'iru'ij'vyiH nRNnsTS i Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 8M Dr. P. M. Noel PSONE 4 Otct Underwood' Seventh aad Main Streets Vfj-LTLrU'V'rVWMB""l"ll"il Jl - Hair Dressing. Shampooing, Manicuring, Faco Massage Scalp Treatment by appointment MRS. GILL Leo Apts., Oth and Walnut WWWWVWMWWWVWWVNAAMMMAMAI HENRY SMITH Carpenter and Cabinet v Maker 10G Main Streot Phone 457 VVAWW A. MAURITSCH For Your Favorite Furniture Phone 176J ' 10 Main St. Professional Pharmacy EXCLUSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy Open Fourth and Pine Street FRED WESTERFELD IIKNTIHT Phone 43 1W. X-ltny I.nliorntory lyooinls IJIdg., Klamath Falls VWVWNNttA' DR. C. A. RAMJIO Dentist I. O. O, F. Building PHONE 01 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Carn Mrs. Rosa McDnncU, 301 High SL Phone 45S MWWWVOVWSWWA Ofllco Phono 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart 'Plijslcian nnil Surgeon Wh'.to Building Klamath Falls Oregon Dii. F. S. GODDARD Osteopathic Ptiyiclnn HurReoa miltp JCll, 1. o. O. F. Tempi ! (over K. K. K. Btoro) Phone ittl . . ' (The only Oatoupathlc Phyel- -tn iuid riurjceoti lu Klamitb Falls.) E. D. LAMB Physician and Surgeon rtr. oras 4 and 5 Phones 17M 17U Stvanson Bldg. X'x-x-:t:":i-:-:-X"X":"'':x: KATHERINE SCHLEEF I'liy.slciun and Surgeon Office, White Bldg. X-X-XK-XK-X- WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND BURGEBT 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg . DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Ttmmx Salt 206, 1. O. O. F. Bids Office phone 86J Res Phone 8AM Phenes: 1517 Office. 151M Residence. DR.xSOULE Office 420 Main Residence lOOO Main SAW MHjIj ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and bnllders of mod era Saw Mills, Planing Milla, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisal and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Building KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Onee Made to Order , Axle Straightening and Blacks mlthlng ALIi WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-1T 017 Klamath Ave. 1 'am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand, from tho Hoey, Cani., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity that may bo desired by contractors and builders. ,.Sr ,AL F. GRAHAM. CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY . 517 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager Soon . . , ,, In the Hospital