The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 10, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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,V 10. 1020
price, we pwit - ws will HM'p
tup w - we iL?iv APp J.
w Ttie u.s.-and cAtti otfc Avtcwtf
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2?2L & u ,t MEsi i,,AT union vo n rm ir wk
-J VmV I rif-rv miu iox )f.TicKCRSf -ynr "lu.1 Mi A
L'il at the churchesPDAI IVQ PI AQQIfim PHI IIMMQ
I Asnjcx uPATieU out vie
, .s. I P" JsiJ
jv to' ' "; m.
Tlio rainfall tablo 'printed below gives tho precipitation during tho last
eight years, p to January 1, 1920, as shown by tho gnugo of tho U. S.
reclamation servico at Klamath Falls:
1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 191S 1919
January 5.70 1 66 2.94 2.23 3.57 4.3S 1.17 0.64
February 1.79 2.19 0.55 1.79 0.05 0.29 1.02 3.02
MoTch ..'. 0.25 0.53 0.41 1.05 0.50 0.02 0.79 0.92
April 0.01 0.2S 1.10 1.11 1.05 0.S0 0.52 0.9S
May 0.47 0.97 0.77 1.45 0.71 0.67 0.12 0.00
Juno 0.42 0.19 0.24 2.80 2.54 1.63 0.12 0.47
July 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.S9 0.71 0.02 0.26 0.17
August 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.S9 0.71 0.02 0.26 0.00
September 0.37 0.63 0.53 1.04 0.14 0.68 0.0S 0.56
October 1.29 1.62 1.17 0.51 0.32 2'.02 1.S5 0.28
November 5.30 ' 5.18 0.87 2.51 1.99 0.63 1.82 0.4S
December 1.27 1.19 1.15 2.62 3.16 0.24 1.45 2.21
When Winston Churchill, the Secre
tary of War in England, became inter
ested in the British "Campaign for
Economy," he indorsed it with rue sin
cerity. Because of that he recom
mended the Ford above the larger cars.
Then why cannot you use this car for
a country such as this, where economy
and service are one?
If you intend to purchase a Ford
this spring, you will, have to place the
order now to assure delivery then.
iiiL -
Sixth Street, Klamath Falls,
CO. 1
Ore. 1
. I
SALEM, Jon. 10. At n mooting
of tho state board of control, L, M.
training scnooi ror uoys, recom
mended that tho needs for nn Insti
tution to handle tho older youths ha
submitted to tho special session of
tho legislature
I FOR SALE Real Estate M'honio pevton for wood, m
X t lt tl tt lfU t It tut . I.t. It. il.l.
Gilbert. superintendent of tho Btalo ' ,,, iin tilo ,py , t Tho
SALEM, Jan. 10. Tho-stnto' wntor
board has issued certificates of
water right to 240 wator users on tho
Umatilla Nrlvor and Its tributaries,
defining tho dato of priority and ox
toat of uso of power rights and rights
for tho Irrigation of 13,S64 acres of
land In Umatilla and Morrow counties.
PORTLAND, Jan. 10. Complete
re-organlzatlon cf tho polico depart
ment, as recommended by Chief of
Polico Jenkins and -Mayor Baker has
been agreed upon by tho city coun
cil in special session. Tho changes
which will bo effected includo tho
creation of now positions, tho nbol
isbment of several positions, and tho
installation of now equipment, cs
ttimated to cost $11,200.
Kiciilng Herald offico
Friday exciting.
PORTLAND, Jan. 10. Sugar.
while very scarce and high nt tho
moment,. Is expected to show lowor
prices. Some of tho wholesalers nro
taking advantage of tho situation to
fill up retailers with stocks and nro
contracting tofurnish them iwith
sugar of a given volume for a cer
tain period -with tho prico named on
tho dates .of delivery. Other whole
salers retuso to tako ndvnntago of
tho retailers and nro advising them
not to purchase in ndvanco of tbolr
LONDON, Dec. 24. (By Mall
Humor has it that Field Marshal Earl
Halg will be 'appointed to the decora
tive post of "Constable of the Tower
of London" which has become vacant
through the death of Field Marshal
Sir Evelyn Wood. This position dates
from tSe days when the Tower was
a residence of the kings of England.
The uniform worn by the constable
oc state occasions is one of the most
magnificent and showy In the Kingdom.
The 1920 census
15. Are you listed?
closes January
Help, the census taker.
ROME, Dec. 22 (By Marti). A
large transatlantic dirigible which
will be capable of carrying 150 pas
sengers and will travel 75 miles an
hour mean speed is now In course of
course of construction in the Royal
Italian Navy's aero station at Clam
plno, near here. The length of the
craft is announced as about 400 feet
while Its cubical content Is figured at
1,190,000 cubic feet.
The 1920 census
15. Are you listed?
closes January
to orchards
weather. Mr.
THE DALLES, Jan. 10. Tho
fruit crop for 1920 w'ill bo tho light
est in many, many years, it is pre
dicted by J. M. Patterson, who has
made a careful survey of the damage
by the recent sovero
Patterson hns Inves
tigated especially the peach, 'cherry,
and apple trees.
SALEM, Jan. 10. Irma King, 12-year-oid
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. King of this city, who was
severely burned about the body
when her clothing was lgnited from
the flames of a camp cook stovo
July 2, 1919, and to whom 72 Salem
people contributed skin grafts in an
effort to save her life, died Monday
night, after an heroic fight for her
life that, had won for her the ad
miration and love" of tho entire
capital city.
If You Want to Start Something Make it a
A,T this tlme'of ear everyone around Klamath is detor-
termined to make 1920 his-banner year. But, before
plunging ahead on your plans and preparations don't
overlook tho assistance which a BANK ACCOUNT at tho
First National affords In tho "cashiig in' 'on that ambition.
The Miuulcst Savings Account is ns welcome as
luigcfet Checking Account
12. It, Itcaines, President
A. M. Collier, Vice-President
John M. Moore, Vice-President
Leslie Itogcrs, Cashier
1 R
the '
i he First Nationai Rank
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 29. (By
Mail.) It is claimed that tho first
gas mask based upon tho use of
charcoal for the absorption of high
ly poisonous gases from 'the atmos
phere, jtho principle which In actual
practico was so valuable to tho
armies In tho World War, was made
by tho late Mrs. J. B. Garner, of
Pittsburgh. 'This statement is made
at tho Mellon. Institute of Research
Mrs. Garner, tho wife of tho
director of research of an important
natural gas company lioro, becamo
interested in the experiments her
husband was conducting in connec
tion with ' tho gases which at that
time, early In 1915, had appeared on
the battlefields of Europo. When
tho principlo was once established,
the Institute .doclarcd, Mrs. Oarrior
designed and made a dozen gas
masks of tho canister typo, and In
Juno, 1915, they wore handed oyor
to tho representatives In Amorica of
tho British government. Thoy'sont
them to England, and from this first
design other gas masks woro made.
When tho United 8tatc3 entered
the war full details of tho experi
mental work, arid all apparatus that
had been employed, woro supplied to
tho government. Mrs. Garner, whose
husband 1 sa fellow of tho Mellon
Institute of Research, died a year
First Baptist Church, corner Wash
ington and Eighth.
Sunday school at 10 n. m., C. R.
DoLap, suporlntondont.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
Prayer sorvico Wodnosuay at 8 P. M,
Evory socond and fourth Wodnosdny
evening will bo dovotod to missionary
B. Y. P. U. Sunday oreninf at 8
p. m. A cordial Invitation la extend
ed to ail to attend those sorvlcea.
Sacred Heart Churcn, corner 8th
and High Btroets. Rov. Hugh J. Mar
shall, pastor.
Children's Mush at S.0II
. Adults Mass ut 10: 10
Kvonlng sorvico at 7:00
First Prosbytorian Church, Corner
Sixth and Pine Str6ots. Rev. 12. P.
Lawrcnco. Minister 437 Third St.
Phono 429.
Sunday school at 10 n. m.
Clnsscs for all ages.
Basomont ready for uso. v
Morning worship nt 11 n. in. t
Subject "A Llttlo Child shall
Load us."
Anthem "In Heavenly I.ovo Abid
No sorvico In tho ovcnlng, union
sorvico at M. E. Church.
Lutheran services will ho hold at
Library hall, corner Third and Main,
conducted by Rev. M. C Rossman,
pastor, Rcstdenco,. 929 High fit.
Sunday school nt 10:15 n. m.
Sermon subject: "Yo nro tho Salt
of tho Earth."
All nro most heartily Invited to
worship with us.
Sermon 11 a. m.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Tenth
and High. Rev. S. J. Chancy,
pastor, 1117 East Btrcot. Phono 67W
Sunday -liol ut 10.00 A M.
Morning Worship nt 11,00 A. U.
Junior League at H: 30 p m.
Sundny school 10 a. in. '
Epworth League nt 6:30 p. in.
Kvonlng Church Sorvico 7:30 p. in.
r Prayer meotlng Wednesday oven
lngat7:30 p. in.
All are cordially Invited to all tho
services at the Methodist Church.
The young pooplo can do no hotter
than spend an hour with the League
from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. each "Sun
First Christian Church, corner
Ninth and Pine Btroets. C. F, Trim
ble, pastor.
Sunday School, 10' A. M.
Sermon 11 a: m.
Christian Endeavor CfcSO p. m.
" Prayor meeting Wednesday even
ing, 7:30 p. m.
Kmmnnuol Bantlst Church. 'Eleventh
and High atreeta.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
'Preaching at 11 a. in.
Prayer meotlng Wednesday nt
7:30 p. m.
Woman's Home and Foreign Mis
sionary Society meets first Thurs
day of each, month. ,.
ThoWomnns' Home and Forolgn
Missionary Society will meet Thurs
day, Jan. Sth at 2:30 p. m. nt tho
home of Mrs. Ray Hunsaker, 4th St.
You aro invited to these servlcos.
Tho Christian Scionco Society of
Klamath Falls holds sorvlces at, 113
Fourth street every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday
evenjng at 7:30. All aro welcome.
Tho subject of lesson for Sunday,
Tho Sunday school session Is from
9:45 to 10:45 eyory Sunday morning.
Tho free reading' room and frco
lending library is opon from 2:30 to
4:30 on Tiiesdays, Thursdays and
FOR SALE Real Estato
FOR SALI2 Six room,
house. Woll located, flno view,
largu lot. Price U', terms 'to
suit. A real bargain, by owner. Phono
SOR. S-14
Wit limit! II fcllm'flllll. nf 11. Ilf.
mudurnjnnii accident Iiimiiimni i. Phono (iiiiuid
mo'II mi the ret. Clilleolo .V- Sui Hi
FOR SALE (lion- Noma 100 acres
Cherry Crok vnlloy and Kl Capi
tal! Meadows 100 acres Sllvor llutto
FIflhor North Western Montana
Wnrm chlnook climate flno moun
tain water, excellent outside range,
and wonderful gnmo country .Good
chancy for cnttlo, horses, sheep, hogs
nnd poultry nonr auto road and
shipping point. Part cash terms on
balance Usod car ns part pnymont.
Claude Houghton, Modoc Point. Oro.
HtiliHcriho for tho Herald.
FOR RENT Furnlshod npartmonta.
620 Market St., .Phono 112R. 9-10
FOR RENT! Hunted furnlshod rooms
almost perpetual flow of hot wator
for baths. 741 Walnut Ave. 8-13
FOR RENT To gentleman, film
Ishud bedroom in furnnco heated
private home. Itiqulro Herald office.
FOR SALE OR RENT ,11(1 ucros of
land nonr Ilonnnzn ir,n nrm umi.
or plow roady for seeding. 23 acroil1'0'1 KENT 3 furnlshod rooms for
irrigatod balance nastum inmi.
Terms. Call or phono Dr. Knthorlno
housukoeplng. 1313 Main. C-12
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
to wwji -..-. -w-M-WMti-UT. un.-Lrul.rui,
rOR SVT,i: ranr-y tmro bred .,11.
A3? aid vt!.ilo w.uml3i..i.
r.d Rhoia J-Jnr.a aad Pln.out'.i
Ufcl: (O-korotj. Leo Tu.ton lit cell
S-2.0 ' .
' LOST Friday, botwoon Mills Addi
tion Hnll mid 'Farmer's WnrnlioiiHo
on Gth street crochet handbag con
taining purso with about $80.00. Lib
oral inward if returned to Lawronco
Cigar Storo. 9-0
FOR SALE 310 tons splendid qunl
Ity Rye & Meadow hay all in food!
barns Good water. Prico $16 n ton,'
12 miles N Enst Kliunnth Full I
P. O. Box 303 or Phono 11F11. 3-21
Anyone desiring servlcos of a Tiurw"
phone 12M. 7-13"
WANTED A smnll socond hand -2
wheel push curt..Inuuiro G. O. Hor-v
. C-tf
FOR SALE 2 splondld Milch cows.' .. .""!".' '"
1 Red Rono C year old, 1 dark "'" "mco-
Jorsoy, 3 years old $100 each. No WiTn. ..
Iwlttor nilllfnra to l, f,,n.l A.I.I. i W AiN 1 IUJ- OmUll
........ ";" " " "...., ..umiuoti
for cmioral
P. O. Box G03 or nhnnn 1 1 pi i R-Lt.'.. ""evonc in country, smuii ram-
, . , .. ... ... -. . ..... ., 7 atxiiii n
FOR SALE 1919 Ford car. Inqulro
flro chiof's offico. City Hnll. S-10
FOR SALE 350 tons splendid qunl-
Ity Ryo ft Meadow liny all In food
barns. Good water. Prico flG ton. 12
mllos N East Klamath Falls. C-19
FOR SALE At n bargain, low-pitch
B-flnt clarlnot, 1C koys, 2 rings.
Call at 51 Main Street, upstairs, tf
WANTED-rTonant for I room plns-
torcd furnlshod hotiso. Tolophono
98R. 5-10
WANTED Many of tho lending
newspaper men of tho country, tho
men In tho best paid positions got
their start on tlieir homo nowiimpor.
Tho nil round training obtained on
tho smaller paper mndo tho special
ists who guide tho destinies of tho
biggest publications of tho country.
Tho Herald has an opening for n re
porter and will glvo local applicants
preference. Tho position Is opon to
any young man who Is nctlvo, bright,
ablo to gathor nows nnd wrlto gram
matical English. Apply to tho City
Editor. 20-tf
Printing. Stationery . and office1 i
supplier. Pioneer Print ng and Sta-. MADAM IOINA, Palmist
FOR SALE A light cak 8 drawer
flat lop desk in excellent condi
tion. Inqulro Hornld offico. 31 tf
Tho book "When Boar Cat Wont
Dry", is on salo nt Undorwoods Phar
macy and Harry Richardson's Book
Storo. '- 9-12
Demorcst, Dontlst,- ovor
man's Storo, 6th and Main.
WANTED A good roll top desk,
quire Hornld office.
Garbago removed phono 91.
EXPERIENCED short order and din
ner cooks, man and wlfo. Phono
453, Klamath Rooming Houso. J. S.
Thomas. 8-10
Famous pain nnd ache Liniment,
kept handy, brlnfts gratify-
ind relief
RHEUMATIC twinges, case up
soon. So do Btiff joints, lame
. back, neuralgia, overtaxed mus
cles, and those pains fm weather ex
posure, too they don't fight long
acainst .the counter-irritant Sloan s
Liniment produces.
Keep this old family friend handy
for instant use a fittla penetrates
without rubbing, leaving no' skin stains,
mus3, or clogged pores. You ouglit'to
keep a bottle hand always.
All druggists. Three sizes 35c.,
7P;., 51.1U.
Got your spring sowing dono early.
Comiortors mado for $1.00. Child
ren's sowing" a specialty. Room 2 ovor
P. O. 9-15
World's OrentcKt Phrenologist, '
Palmist nnd Medium.
Heads your ontlro life past,
present nnd future corroctly, giv
ing namos, dated and figures In bus
iness, Iovo, law, mnrrlago nnd dom
estic troubles. Tolls you what you;
nro best adapted for and what to do
to bottor your conditions in Ilfo.
This lady roads your hand as you
. would an opon book. A reading by
i...H ....... ........ i.ii... ...
uui win mum uur iiiKMimi uijuuiu-
tlons, nnd you will bo wiser and
happier, after consulting hor, she
hnvlng tho gift of jomovlng all ovll
Influoncos and placing you In nn en
vironment of happy thought nnd
contontmont. Rendlitgs: Sunduy and
dnlly, 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Located
at Room 1, Mooro Rooming IIouso,
1313, Main St., between nrond and
Spring Stroots, ono block oast of
White. Pelican Hotol, Klamath Falls,
Ore. 1-18-20
Tho war dopartmont urges tho
public to dojllno to buy trinkets of
fered by peddlers wearing tho uni
form of tho army and navy Und to
rcfuso them alms'.
Secretary of Agriculture Houston
snya that to restore normal pre-war
conditions In this country ho pyra
miding of wngos and cost of neces
saries must stop.
Surety bonds wnlie'you watt. dill.
coto & Sinitli. B-tf
Thero nro about 100,000,000 wo
mon votors In tho world. In 29
states of this country 15,000,000
women hnvo the right to voto for
President. Full suffrngo has boon
granted to women In 17 countries.
Klamath Lodge No. 137
I. O. O. F.
Moots Friday night of each week at
I: O. O. F, hall, Sth and Main Btroets;
P. J.Gerges , N. O.j Fred Bremer
Socrotary; P. L. Fountnln Treasurer
Ewauna Encampment No. 48, I. O
O. F., moots Tuesday night of each
week nt I. O. 0.F. hall. Arllo Wor
rol, C. P.j Nate Ottorboin, ScrJbei
Notice is hereby glvon that tho
following described estrays to-wlt:
Ono palo rQd 3 year old cow, brand
ed LL on right hip, right oar notched
on top and left oar notched uudor
neath, and one roan calf, about ten
months old. hciirtllko brum! on loft
hip, and honrtllko notch in loft ear, p, 'jj. Fountain Treasurer,
aim a no ui ono louriu oi mo rigm ear
longthwiso cut off, and scar on noso.j
Will bo sold at public auction to thq
highest bidder for cash on tho 24th
day of January 1920 at tho hour of
threo o'clock p. in. at tho Edgowaod
Ranch in Swan Lake Valley, Klam-i
nth County, Oregon, to satisfy- dam-J
ages, coats of keeping, and njl ox-i
peases, incurred, Including JuKtlco.
fees nnd costs of advertising and salo,
aniT such other costs and expenses ns
may have been regularly mado. Said,
oitrays woro tnken up on tho 25th
day of July J919 ns to tho Roan calfl
nnd during tho month of September!
1918 as to tho pale rod cow, Dated i
Winter Schedule
Short trips, 50c passen
ger; Pelican Bay or Ship
pirigton, $1.50 for either 1
or 3 passengers.
Rex Cafe. Phone 77
this 3rd day of January 1920.
Try 'em. Herald Want Ada.