The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 10, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAfllO 1'W'O
WITH lili
Special Sunday Dinner $1.00
Gelatine Th Magic
With different flavor, fruits, colors
aad combinations, a great variety of
attractive desserts can be made with,
gelatine. They are not difficult to
prepare, although some of them ap-'
pear quite .complicated. There are a
lew principles to keep in mind when
undertaking these dishes, and when
these are learned, even the most ela
borate gelatine desfera. will become a
simple undertaking. Fruit-flavored
Jellies are the most popular, and usu
ally form the foundation for the varl
cus combinations. Before preparing
the dessert, soak the gelatine in cold
-water one-half hour or more to soft-
i"It: then dissolve in hot water or
tie hot mixture. Do not boll the liq-
ld after the gelatine has been added
or the jelly will be tough. Tw.o table-
spoons of granulated gelaUne, will
stiffen one quart of liquid, if kept In
& cool place. When fruit is added to
the Jelly, use less liquid or more
gelatine. After the gelatine and sug-
ar are dissolved, strain the mixture
through a fine sieve or cheese-cloth
bag, and then turn into a wet mold
to set.
In moderate weather the Jelly will
b firm iri from four to sir hours.
The larger the proportion ol gelatine
10 me uquia mo SuUUr umuoiu
dll become firm; but too much gela-
Tine Will give an unpleasant navu.
nd make the Jelly tough. It is al-
ways wise to use the quantity of ge-
latino recommended by the manu
facturer of the produce. Directions
. II.. n-ln,,1 nn lin
ior usinB are uauunj wmuu .... .
Crnckrd Ice Uk-iI in ,
Molding Flancy Toims .
To mold fancy Jellies, place the
form in- a bowl containing cracked
ion linvA lollv enld. bu not set. Pour
In a layer of Jelly, let set Until firm,
add fruit, nuts, etc. add anotner jay-
or of Jelly, allow that to become
firm, and continue until all has been
used; then set aside until rendy to
servo. To unmold, dip tho form
quickly Into warm water (not hot),
-wipe perfectly dry, place tho dish
4 if
R E X-
' -
fcH'"- & ..- ." firunnxtir SeJnrf -Arector
IVJB x vf srr, fxr a. . i
Here Is a Wide Variety of Gelatine Desserts
Xrnion Jelly ' quarter pups sugar, threo-fluartqrg
One-half box or two tablespoons cup of lomon Jufce. Soak1 golatlne in
gelatine, one-half cup cold water, cold water. Add sugar to boiling wnt-
twa cups boiling water, ono and one-er and stir until dissolved, thon add
Villi i; aJXJiiMjy
Fresh Crab Flako Cocktail
Chicken Gumbo, Now Orleans
Sweet Gherkins
RIpo Olhes
Celery and Pimento
Your Choice of
Chicken Fricassee, Rv?x Stylo
Supreme of Chicken Patties a la King
'Baked Sugar Cured Ham,' Champagne, Sauco
Cream Whipped Potatoes ,
String Deans Sauto, Lyonalso
Your choice of
, English" Plu" PooMIng, Delicious Sauco
A Hot Mince Pio
Home-.uade Pumpkin Pio
f Cafoeolf ip .1
Canducic-a hy
PTrsMleDe Graf
Domestic Science DJrcci or
Sfifrr Flour Co.
Aid in Dessert Makirig
oer the top of the mold and turn
them over together.' If the water is
too warm the jelly will start to melt
and destroy the appearance of the
dessert. t .
plain FraJt. Jelly
Makes Several, Desserts
Fram a plain fruit Jelly several
very simple desserts may be prepar
ed. A Russian Jelly is made by sim
ply beating the cold unset liquid of
any of the fruit Jelly foundations to
a stiff froth with an egg beater
when almost congealed, pour into
wet molds and set aside to become
thoroughly chilled. This form of Jelly
wm De iiKht and frothy throughout
Fruits or nuts may bo added to the
jelly after it has almost congealed
then mold and chill. Snow pudding
js made by making the Russian jelly,
adding for each quart of Jelly the
whites of two eggs. Pile In a serving
dSh and serve with cream or a cus-
tard sauce. Charlottes are made by
ndding gelatine to whipped cream
and molding In a form lined with
sponge cake or lady fingers.
Combination Requires
Skill in Handling
Ptivarlnn rrpnmR nrn it rnniblna-
t(m of a gejaUne ralxture ahd whlp-
, cre and tho only geiatine
dessert which requires skill In hand-
in,i mw.,ro I nllnwpH
t' tfae oJnt of congealnft then
tJje wh,pped cream ,s fo,ded ,nt0 tno
mixture. If the combination Is made
too soon, much of tho lightness of tho
crcam iW,u be jost beforo thp dessert
ha3 moi(iecl; If the gelatine' mixture
H cooled too long, the flshfshed dish
will not be smooth, small pieces of
jelly being distributed through tho
cream. When combined the two mlx-
turns a'ro to ho folded over and over
until thoy hold in shape. When mak -
mg pineapple Jollies, use tne cooked
frult'and Julco. Tho fresh pineapplo,
When combined with gelatine, will hot
become firm.
Any of tho plain fruit Jellies or
coffee Jelly may be changed by using
one of tho methods just given.
lfiijni uviini Uy iajvi itiiuii CHICKENS 126 south sixth st .
. - Li
Belatino and stir that ahio until dis
soled. When artly told, add lemon
juice, strain and pour Into wet molds
uiaiiKo fcll
One.-hair box or two tablespoons
gelatine, one-half cup cold wator,
ode cup bolraig water, two cups or
ange Juice and grated rind, ono cup
sugar. Follow directions for making
loxoa jelly.
Caramel Jell-t
One-half box or two tablespoons
gelatine, one-half cup cold water, one
:up boiling water, ono cup sugar, one.
cup thin cream, ono and one-half
cups milk. Soak the gelatine In cold,
water. Take one half cupol sugar
and stir In a saucepan over the fire
until It is melted and turns to cara
mel, add the boiling water and cook
to a thick syrup. Let cool slightly,
add gelatine, remaining halt cup ot
sugar and strain into the milk. Turn
into wet molds and keep in a cool
place to harden. Serve with a custard
sauce r cream.
Moclia Charlotte Russe
One-fourth box or one tablespoon
gelatine, one-quarter cup cold wtftcr,
one cup sugar, one cup brfillng strong
coffees one cup whipping cream, two
egg yolks. Soak gelatine. Add sugar
to boiling coffee; when dissolved add
gelatine. Beat the egg yolk and slow
ly add the coffee mixture, let chill
until the mixture begins to thicken,
then fold I nthe whipped cream. Line
a mold with lady fingers, and when
the gelatine mixture will hold in
shape, pour Into the mold,
liunnna Sponge
Part 1 Ore-fourth hox or ono
tablespoon gelatine, one-quarter cup
cold water, one cup banana pulp,
one cup.sugar, two whites, juice one
Part 2, Four bananas, ono table
spoon lemon Julco, one cup heavy
cream, one-half, teaspoon vanilla,
three tablespoons powdered sugar.
Soak gelatine in cold water. Peel
and scrape banana and mashr or rub
thru a sieve. Heat tho banana pulp
to the boiling point) remove from
the fire, Pdd tho lemon Julco, sugar
and galatlne. Stir until dissolved. Set
csldo to cool, or stir over ico v3t0r
until tho mixturo begins to thicken.
then fold In tho stiffly beaten egg
wnIte3 - I'lne.a Porcelain mold, with,
and sqeozo a llttlo;
"" " ""-" "
!pmon J"1''0 over ih
om to keep thorn
fom discoloring, J'our.tho purring'
In the mold and chill. When ready
to serve, whip tho cream, add
!i.gar end flavoring.
Spanish Croum
One-half box or ono tablespoon
i : .
f . i . U
I . . , v
W '. $ . -
. u '
gelatlno, throo oupq milk, one-half Inces has bocn Inspired by fieinmn
cup cold water, two thirds cup sugar,) propaganda with a vlov to cstnbllsh-
two eggt, ono tabloippon vanilla.''
Soak gelatine. Scald tho ml)lt, nddlgelntlno and flavoring nnd pour tho
sugar and pour oyer tho well-bqatenj mixture ovor tho stiffly beatqn egg
yolks of e'ggs, thon cook In a doublo whites. Pour Into a wet mold and
boiler until slightly thickened. Add, chill. Servo with cream.
LONDON, Dec. 22. (By Mull).-
The prophecy of Thomas tho lthy-j
liier, who wroto 'ryao wiiat may no
tMlo, HalK shall ho Halt; ot Humor
sjdo," bids fair to bo fulfilled. A
movement Is on foot hero to iuucIuibo
tliu Scottish iv)tat03 ot Uomursvdo
together with tho his'orlo mansion
and present thorn to Hurl ilalg, (who
adopted the designation of Karl llili;
of licmcraydo on bis elevation to tho
peerage) as a rccoid ot tho British
people's admiration for his triump
hant leadership of tlio British aim
lea during tho war. Tho property h
now owned by Lloutcnnnt Colonol A.
II. HnlK.
It was to Riniersydo whoro Tumor,
tho pointer, was taken hy Sir Walter
Scott, tho poet, for tho purpose of
making drawings to lllustrnto tho
scenery of Scott's poems.
Tho cdtntes. which Include tho
famous mni.slon. tino an area ot
1S0S acres and tho market value Is
put ut J2G8.000 for which sum It
ha1! bonn decided to appeal Thsv
h ivo ben owned and cccuWcil by thf
Hrls3 contlnuausly for nioro tl an
seen centuries
Bomcrsvdo Is situated In thn par
ish of Mertouu, Scotland, lu tlio very
Center o( a dl'trlct wheh for more
thhn ttOO jours wdb tho battleground
ot two hostile nationalities os well
. n tho scene of almost never-ceasing
J internal conflict, rapine and dlascn-
sion. '
Of tho hundreds of for's nndca3-! "
. J tics which onco. existed on tho Scot-1
)tlsli side of tho border, Domorsvdo Is
tho onlv one that Is still Inbnbltpd nil
n mnnorlai rcsldonco and Inhabited,!
too, ny tno family tnrt woro its orl-
glnnl founders. Homersydo Houso It
self stands on nn olevated rochv
bluff overhanging ono of tho most
beautiful roaches of the rlvor Twce'd
On tho opposlto lankf the ri,vor Is
the promontory of Old Melrose, tho
spot on which the Snxnndtsclples of
Aidnn, more thnn t200 e3rs ago,
uplifted the symbols of Christianity.
Contributions toward tho purchaso
of the estate are to be accepted hy
evey bank in England.
VIENNA, Jan. 9. The Austrian
republic -faces its second year with
foreboding. Both the political and
economic situations aro believed here
'to have grown dally worso since ear
ly autumn.
Thor holiday season found Vienna
with a reduced bread ration, virtually
no fats and without fuel. Tho ex
pected supply of coal from Czecho
slovakia has not been received and
public utilities were kept partly In
oporatlon only by great efforts and
High hopes had been entertained
fiom the visit ot Chancellor Renner
to the Supreme Council at Paris. Tho
people expected that Austria would
obtain sufficient credit, food fnoU
and raw material for tho resumption
of their Industrial life, Novv that tho
result of the, Journey has become
known the newspapers sound a noto
At dpspalr. One of them romarks that
tho decision of the Supremo council
that Vorarlbcrg may not separata
from Austria moans that, that prov
ince Is condemned to suffer along
with tho rest of Austria until tho or
dinary nnturo will linvo hardly ant
flclent for food and clothing becomes
a luxury for even tho coniiiaratively
Othor provlncos nro seoklng to freo
thomselves from tho burdens of Aus-
trla and 11m olsowhoro for holp
Thero havo been rumors of an Im-
pending revolt and declaration of In
dependence In TyroJ, It Is charged In
somo qlinrteri thnt tho wholo separa
tion movement In tho Austrian prov-
Oamatli Fails
' First State & Savings Bank Bldg.
We do Everything in Advertising For
the Merchant
fiWhyno't let an adveVtising agency write your ads?
Inquire about it and see the results you can obtain
in better advertising. i
Phone 3&7
ing a corridor between Germany and
ATlln . , M . ,
While Austria seems unablq to ob-
tain foreign credit for rehabilitation
there has been much comment horo'
upon the fact that foreign private
capital has ben diligently exploiting!
the country. It Is asserted that tho
country has virtually been strlppod
of articles deluxe while its romninlng
factories are unnblo to obtain raw
materials. .According to common re
port, foreign Interests, principally
Italian, hnve acquired enormous
holdings ot stock in Austrian Indus
trials and mines.
The govornment is evenly balanced
between Socialists and ConsorvntlveHlNruguuy, and explained tho purposes
and thus far has been unnblo to give! of tho organization to tho now club,
birth io constructive legislation look-1 m
lug to tho solution of many 'intornnl Try ,em Horaia Want Ads.
problems facing tho country.- I
I 1 H 1 , 1 T-
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
Murphey's Feed &"Seed Store
Thrift and
Little Things
Who are tho men and women thnt
become masters over great things?
They are those who first of all become
masters over little tilings.
Dollar bills and silver dimes are only
little things, so little that they often
trickle away in every direction and
yet they have formed the solid foun
dation for many a comfortable income
through the following slogan :
Start a Savings Account" today.
State k
Adv. Agency
f stot i
- 1
BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 15. (Br
Mall.) Representative business and
professional men of Buonos Aires
hnvo organized a Rotary Club, which
will bo a member of tho International
Association ot Rotary Clubs, whoso
headquarters aro In Chicago, Tho
initial memborshlp Includes Ainorl
canH and Argentines. Dr. Jorge
Mitro, publisher of "La Naclon," was
chosen president.
Representatives of tho Rotary
Club recently formed In Montevideo,
PhoM ?