The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 09, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    frMBAYV JANUARY , 1020
page vovn
fsaH W1H) ..I i f
a w
The Evening Herald
K. 3.
CKy Editor
. SAN; FRANCISCO, .Jan.. 9. -Call-
fornia'will Btnrt tho first land sottle-
'iMini nt nnlillorg ita thn Tin I tod Sintns
! "I .-.-V.. m. ,-.. .!,, V
FrtlUhed dally except Sunday by " uu, i ), m
Herald Publishing Company ot
,th Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
srtered at the postottlce at Klam
Ih Tails, Ore., tor transmission thru
m walls as Becond-class matter;
criptlon terms by mall, to any
In the Unltod states:
tnbllshtfl .at Delhi, Motced county, In
the upper part ot tho San Joaquin
valley, wi will bo modeled Upon the
successful,, state land settlement pro
ject nt 'Durham, Cal.
t The 'Delhi settlement will comprise
about forty farms ot from 10 "to 80
acres and twenty farm workers'
' month
Member of tho Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively
sjsKIUed to tho use tor republication
C 11 news dispatches credited to It
,r wot otherwise credited In this pa
Mr, and .also local news published
All rights ot republication ot spe-
dlspatches nereis are aiso reserv-
llllll I I I I 1 1 1 1 Hi 1 1 I
Tho stato
passes upon
.15.00 ' allotment ot trom two to four acros.
Supplies have been purchased by
the state, and will be sold to tho set
tlers at cost.
land settlement board
applicants tor farms,
former .wrvlco .men being given pro
ference.Tho applicant roust have
$1,500 to start and thpstate under
takes to financo him, the farm being
paid for In small payments over a
long perltjd ot tlmo".
' Hundreds of applicants arc on th
. - '
MILES CITV, Mont. "Jon.. 9. Dr.
George lLt Buf-t, prominent" here 'In
mme preservation, says an attempt
will bo mado to, secure passage thrul
the Montana legislature or an act 10
establish a wild game preserve., to
..... .. . .. ... '''IWronnrt will show... according to Do
miies easi or wis cuy ro inu aiussei- ----. r ". . . - ,JR
puty Treasurer iuonarusun, mi
PORTLAND,. Jan. 0 Salq of tho
.Worcester building bno Vt.'thq larg
est office buildings )n Portland, and
at tho time' of ItacrQCtloitV'.onQ ot
tho finest structuraa (oihouso local
business concorns, f3 amiouncod for
n sum said to have boon -In tho
neighborhood ot $300,000.
EUGENE, Jan. 0. Tho sloro ot
tho Eugene Gn Company wan rob
bed somo time Saturday, night and
three revolvers, each valued at $30,
and $35 In cash wra .takoiU Ton
residences havo, boon entered" by
burglars hero 4ho fast two. Aveoka,
jewelry being taken In each ihstanco.
AUBURN, Pincor Co., Jnn. 0. t
Ernest S- lllghtowor, pi'omdtar of nn J
nlr transpqrlutlon ltria that wan to 5
WB3 iriucort utiiler (most horo on njy
charno ot laSUIug n ttcttttoita chockj J
11U f VVl VUltuj .Vfur iiuui iu miniiyi
trial beforo tho Supoilor court. A tow
minutes later ho pluadoil guilty be
fore tho Superior court.
OAK PA11K, Jnn, 0. -hoj"uaeil nil-
dltlonnl policemen In Oalc Tnf k by
tho city commission, two petitions
todoy'wero presented to the City
Commission by tho Onk Pnrlt resi
dents to ptovido for protection there.
- DALLAS, Jan. Otr-At a meeting
ot citizens at tho Commercial Club
room hero .establishment ot a. com-4
munlty house was djscusscd 'and
plans outlined tor securing suitable
quarters. .JL,
MEDFORD, Jon. 9. The .monthly
ropott 'ot ho weather bureau, for
December shows" that all records Ih
th6.iiistqry''of Southern OregOu'vorp
broken J Not only was a uew.low'ro
cord ot-.fl:35holow xero recardod-on
the ntB bt'hero v waja 'faltJol i
inches of sriow'on the llttTand kill-
ing'trolti bvdrjr tlie indnth
but ten. , ri t . .i
s? '
SA"LEM,, Jan.','j4:tEmpl'yfca, !n;thq
stao treasuf of a ,offlce aro at work
compiling tho annual that
include open range from a point itfrdepartment for the year 19IBi'-rhp
shell country and. as far north aa Jhe
Missouri driver. . i
Dr. Burt attended a recent con-
! ference of. tho state game and fish
commission, In Butte, in which tho
matter -as discussed. State Gome
Warden J. V. DeHart and numerous
" .sportsmen are saldHo e Interested In
SAN FRANCISCO.. Jan. 9.-VThe the propesttion. Mr. Burt said. Elk
population of that lonely and barren would be the animals principally pro.
"western outpost or tne continent, the ( tected.- k
Ttallone Islands, waa amazed and'- Thri National
delighted the other .day when manna Washington recently announced, a
im xae iorm or a zu-pound dressed plan to purchase land near lellow
tBTkey dropped by a parachute from! stone park', .for an elk preserve In
" sky. that section.
more money -was handled' byftho. de-j
partment during tho-year 1919 than
ever before. Thovwo1c ot4tlw-qtl?4
also was Increased . .materially ,dur.
Ing tne, pasv year pecanse. oi-ise
large amount ot bondB, Issued to'lr-"
riguuou. uruinufiu,
state, projects.
- 5 ; i
roads and"othorf
It was the result of of a conspiracy
between a San Francisco newspaper, ''.J' .
aa actress and an airplane company .MUCH ' RAISIN
to iring a little cheer" Into the lives
t "the lighthouse-keepers, and, .theie
SBkBuues, who are tne 'sole occupants
'll. U Z -A-A.--- . .
-. .,n sruuys, m xiny isianus ., DETROIT, JUch., -Jan. 9. Be-
rocks that jut out, of the'Paclflc .' r ,hi nift U&JtmS'.ilMf
iff!' 6"aoi:9S!S-nhIt "raisia-Awmskeydealared.. byl
jJtte llghthopse, sunds on opsf ;om chem!sts tp b'e rank" poison." fs
ifca until rrnnt. Ihn ml. l0lV,nJ . . , T - ? ... " - - - 1 boat, the others being the
Sfortli Farallones, a cluster of sharp
setks, rising a hundred ""feet above
tlie surf, and the' Middle' Rock-a
isge precipitous projection. ,,
The. islands, which can-be, seen
Trofij the., heights f San Francisco
m dear days,, are cut off from'.cvi-
luation owing to lack of regular.
, transportation. Government boats
tmi tugs, lying" In wait for tows, are
the only visitors.
The -Farallones constItJijeutheJ.last
up vi me woasi range, uetween
then and the mainland 'the water is
VMBJoaratlrely shallow, yhilp beyond
Jthm .the "PacItfc.d(ps.tqaHnJathfia'
We( depths,"', .Many; i yefBsela.j were
ied to, pieces uponXtSese rocks
-te.thg earlydays, and tfjjdltion tells
('pirates making their, haiiiilii'with
f5'l! treasure among-the-island
'nip. ana, caves. The first Amerlcanj
who entered one ,pt the cywM's.h
l reached by crawling through a
Jong passageway, found In the
""cavern a skeleton of a wdmanT whose
Bfrull showed she was a "Caucasian.
SHERIDAN, Jan. 9. Owing to
Parks bureau at lack of fuel, tho electric llghtpkint
lias" been practically closed except for
a short tlmo in the night, when a
small current e: electricity was maln-
mor'pieritlful'a large number pM,
steSni pipes under. heayyipressur,S
oarsi- lasi ni8ni'Uau-ieu..viuetii
I from popular
The war department paysJts civi
lian bricklayers $1.03 A day more
than a. first lieutenant, in the Medical
Corps, though the officer spent years
.In studying and must' be on duty 24J
boars a day.
8ACI1AMEINTO, Jan. P.;A tank
enr, containing 10,000 gallons ot ap
ple cider vinegar, when It left Wnt
sonvlilo, conslgnod to tho Gilt .Edgo
Packing company here, arrived emp
ty Railroad officials and "packing
company employed blamed' tramps"
for it's disappearance.
'SACRAMENTO, Jan. 0. City
Commissioner'. W.'Cnniilchnul today'!
proposed ti plan, .whereby n r.iockl
company ot titty cltliens would bo
fofmed to"bonstru'ct n scries ot twenty-four
tenement hoU-i-fl on city prop
erty to provide shelter for netlhirs
here nnd who-cannot Tiini liou'Jcs
ORLAND. Glovi To; Jim' ! -'Tiio
.ty "Trustees, "ha Utstrurtc'd'Hiu Clly
Attu'rney. to iirdooodut one with.
st;t8 toward' 'i'lilllui; mi ol'iloh tcj
vctoiupon Issuiuf? bonds, ot fii ono
f.i tho extonil.n of tlio tminiripiili
w.tler system.
9 Logging Horses
1 Driving Team
2 Milk CotfjT ,:
3 LogTru&s,,-
o Wagons
2 Sleds -
1 Hack
5 Sdts Logging -Harness
1 Set Farm Harness
1 Drivirijg'Hnrness
Chains, Bldck; Saw's, Tongs, Wedges, Tranvwas, 1
" TliiilrUiin' nfr ' f
Turner Brothers' Sawmill
, G; G. Merrill, H. Moore, Auctioneers,
Lunch Served at Noon Sale Starts at 10 A. M.
! 3' Miles South of Olene
Amounts under $50 cash. , Terms: Over $50; tonl
months' , time, 8 per cent. 5 per cent off for cash46n
sums over ?50. ''..
TO COST 100,000
3 flRATTIjEtVVaBkii Jam 0' -Unl-vorsitv
of WiishinKion's student holy
iV'lnnnins on bulldlnga, concrelo
lithltitlc stadium capable of seating
approximately 30,000 pooplo.
SUSANVILLE, Jan. 9. M. 11,1 Two football fiolds and a concrn'.O
Grovpr, sliperihtondent of the Lassen jpvul will bo In the stadium, accord
I11H-1U 1IIV4V1.L yiuun, Afc MM UU..V
on a campus hlllsldo overlooking (he
canal between Lake Wauhlngton and
Lriko Union.
Scattlo commorclaf organlxatlpns
are urging that the stadium bo built,
as they say the city needs such a
county operations of tho Fruit tlrow-
ersSupply company, states "Hint all
the"Contrncts. for building material
indj machinery which will go into
their' now plant at Susanvlllo havo
been let.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 9. Stock-1 structure to accommodate big meet
menof 'tho Pacific coast at a molting1! Ings and productions.
Vnro'hnvo rnrmt-,1 ttin Wmilarn E".llrl Af-mrdlnir to TOUCh PRtlmutOS. the
Now when fuel has VofcssSclntlon. to create and maintain alstadlum will be built In units, each
livestock show circuit for the entliejunit costing about $100,000.
Pacific coast. C. R. Thomas, Los An ' '
nt 1aq me "Alnf-fml1 nrtMnrlnnfr ? Vrnl.X' '
f, .J.U, ...... f..w.. t .".. ..... , . .......
;t1IB: PAS.tInltobat QeCi" SO'.-n
Xlly Mull) Royal Northwest Mount
cd. J'blfco havodsfabllshod a neir;
poat far up In tho Arctic at tho
mouth of tho Coppormlno rlvor",
Jvhlch drains a big pbrtlqn ot north
urn Canada Into the. Arctic ocean.,, ,
The, new post Is tho most Isolated
of thp, several Arctic' stations maln
ialned hy tho'pollco. It Is located
f.overnl hundred miles oast of tho
station at Herschol Island, which Ilea
In tho Arctic near the Canadian
American tine. On Its east a post on
tho nhnrcs ot Hudson'u nay Is tho
next noighbor.. " ' ' v
4 -H
HOOD RIVER, Jan.. 9. Judging
expression. General
1 SI. -Rothrock. Sndknne.
t. ..'i. jr.. -' '
. Vrff.' v , pilaPl-wlt Pntnn Qnf,nMnnln
iV"' w,."f.vo ... . .....wj w..v... ...,
being made on a quantity production
Since .September. 1 last, 252 stills
have been 'seized, by the police. The
potential output of s these stills has
ranged from a 'few bottles to 100'
"a day: In. the same period
nearly twenty deaths have been at
tributed by the police to this home-
maHavllnnAr ' Tloanfln rfhfa rA(nrn.I
the rafsln .whiskey fmarket holds glrtfir'rofflce.rTThe.hUmber ofien
secrolary-treasuror. and Alslter C
Frtiflln. Frosnoj nnd O. M'. Plummer.
Leonard JVcoctHawmore.JfavoraUljrlVottland. members of the' executive
UA..t. r kAMk-na n tinoglMaYInKillL V.'4M ii ' " i I .- ".! r .'
iican nominee 11ian anybth'eV candlf
L. Smith, for many years
date. E,
prominent In Republican leadership
in Oregoh; has giv6n .General Wpodj
hla unqualified Mndorsement.t,
iif ', ., - r-'n$Mto-
committee, in addition to. the other.
fbtflce'rs named,
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. a.--Four
Sun Francisco children, and one Sa-
chamento girl, alt undor-'lK, have
ruB-l .away, or bceak abducted from
IIII.O, Island of Hawaii, T. H
jpac. '28. .(Uy MalD-T-Tho rat-
catqheia of lillo argolng .on strljtu
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. ;Or- u,"c" chl? SnlUnr : Inspector)
ganlzatfon of a now, baseball league. -" " m .ir nci..
to rise In. the territory formerly coV-s, nu, nar- n"1 ' lno Jly.
ered by the old Northwest League. llvcred?o Charlock by the rodent
UNrVERSITVVOFsrOREGON; Euri their, homes', duHng the last week.
gene; Jan. 9:-More. tnan-j' l.e&o
students' will b r'gl8terednbytlia
end of the-week,- srlth'100 new
Stadento listed, according- to the rer 5.a quart, according to
the most, reliable 'quotations" pb'i
lamapiej t T , j
. vr
(Written on William Fox version of
famous racing play.
; By James P, Slnnott. -.
There's the paddock and the betting
The crowded lawn and stands,
The jockeys, owners, trainers,
And dusky Btabh) hand3; ,
'There's hootbeat tuned to heartbeat,
' (When 'They're off!" sounds on
the air;' ..
.All' the romance, thrill ,and pathca
Of tho turf are pictured there.
There's the villain whp would "steal
pr kill ','.
Tb. Jockey crook,, of course;
And there's the girl who saves tbeJ
day y
' By riding borne Remorse,
there's everything that gbesito-make
The turf the sport of' kings;
Ji story .that will not grow old
'Till ephants have ylngs!
yi?s ( Contributed),"
1.M I -P-! - J '
.j Tne Piute school observed Christ-,
mas. by giving an entertainment pa
Christmas Ere to a well-filled house.
l'h."e "exerclies of spoga and recita
tions by" pupils ot the school,, wbich
showed, careful training on' the part
' ir - .. . --. '
of the.teacner, Mrs. Mcutureana re-
flectedj'favorably on teacher-and pup-
)is alike. . ;
After the'exercises a large number
pt beautiful and useful presents were
distributed from a large, Christmas
tree .that had been beautifully dec
orated for the occasion;
On - the following evening there
J were Christmas exercises and a tree
at Beatty, where a large gathering
hadii assembled to observe tho Christ
mas festively.
9. Flro attrl
H"of, a whiskey
and women, ls-.about evenly 'divided
thfs'termi vrhe,..maiorlty entering are
ex-servico mvm, ,1 n i ;v.
,.'"PORTLAND,, Jan.
bjited 't'd'tho'expjoli
distillery Monday' vfiightst destroyed
the home- of Mr.-afcd Mrs.. S.-'H. Wil
liams. 202 Hall street; and resulted'jao' "arrest of MrJ Williams on -a
charge of operating' ,a stilL The,
prIaoue'r1i'r who " had't been' burned se-'rpl''aboutth-
head- and1 hands,
was held for' the federal ,autnormes.
:'i " . ,
FitANKFORT, Ky.f Jan. 9. Im
prisoned', for taking a life, Ell Carey,
negro inrisoner from Clark county,
earned, h(s freedom by saving a life,
apd was pardoned- by the Board of
Controiifor checking a mob during
a ractHot In the convict road camp
in Pike county in Augnst 1918, an
(episode- heretofore not reported.
The negroes in the camp arose en
lmosso,.Jnteridfng to' slaughter the
whites- - Carey, armod only with a
pickTStood in front, ot them and
threatened to kill the first who made
a move, toward the whites.
'.&TT. '
Alady. who knitted a blanket .and
wlshedto fsend it to a Red Cross
hospital' dn England was told that
because ,pf 'the restriction. on the ex
portation pf woolen garments per
missions tp forward It must-"be re
fused, . ,
ROSEBUna', Jam 9. Miss Edith,
L. P.ltts, 23 years ot age,
home Is. at Seattle, teacher .In, the
publlc-school at' Orchard Valley, a,
rural district, threei miles northwest
from'Caayonville, was found dead in
her room at the N. Lebanc home,
about 8 o'clock Monday morning.
Cqroner Rltter, after a brief exam
ination, found that t)ie girl had been
kijled. by a bullet.' which penetrated
th'eheart.,,: '. ';. .
MEDFORD; Jan.- '9. --Jackson J
countyils- now one' of 'the five, coun
ties In the state enjoying" a county
library system, The budget, recent
ly' 'passed, gives a much-needed
library privilege to many outlying
f 141
j;3SA'NFRANCISCb;' Jam 9f Am id
'ther'HeartyAwiBhes"' for success.- from a
bostf.of.jfrjfnds Senator "Hl'ranr.W.
Johnson. -,rtfpprtpd Tuesday, for the
jgaftt' to--)pea'i his campaign for the
Republican .nomination tor Presldqnti
I its: i. n ii ! -rt't v
XiTDBRNj' Jan. 9.-Georg8 Smith,
Indian of Shlpgte Springs, EI Dorado
county'." In'doctejf on a charge' "of mur
'deilrig'&lswlfe', was 'aFralrned' 1b
.tno" Superior,cot"ere hurH.e8iyaD-8s
the Superior court here. He-pleaded
n'ol guilty. '? r;' .',
' -r- v.
i.v jniuruAi-c ciir4D
"MISSOULA, Mpnt.' "Jan. . .
"Douglas, fir manna," more properly
designated rnelezitose, Is about one
half silgar content, but sugar can
not be obtained trom it for less than
$66 a' pound, according to reports
received from the forest service pro
ducts laboratory at Madison, Wis.
The "manna" occasionally forms
during, summer, droughts or in dry
regions on t10 leaves and twigs of
tho. Douglas fir.
cjlnjc th4 VWfppstjj's,. jSrow
(.iPt'clslon to'rattemptcto organize
the "hew league, was-made by Brown
when Vancouver's application; for a
berth In the Pacific .Coast Baseball
tLeague was denied. '
Best yet. .Herald 'Want Ads.
KALI0PELL, Mont., Jan. "9. A
jury In the case of Stephen Harris,
tried, recently for killing George,
districts, throughout tho. county, ai3 ; rop0rted a verdict of guilty and' fix
well as to totyns near this.;p1ace. -.e,i tha'puiils'bment at a fine of one
, cent. Judge Thompson approved the'
wnftn 'RIVER. Jan. O.r-A-Five oflverdict and remitted tho fine. The
the large inotqr trucks, caught in tho
recent snow' storm hl'o engaged in
hauling crushed rocknnd gravel for
surfacing'local .stretches'o'fVtho Col
umbia 'Riyer highway havq left for
Portland, One big, for,
Portland towing another.'-Kln ordor
to weight his rear wheels the driver
piled the truck full of heavy rocks.
r.. V
quarrel occurred over Harris' wife.
Bakcr; .for "an - Increnso In passengor
and frelIft rates.- ; - -,- , A
Oregon public
9, Members of tho
service -' commission
where Tuesday they heard' the appli
cation, of," thj Sumpter VWley Rall-
PORTfjANi), Janv 9,-Becauso of
low salaries being paid .throughout
Oregon U serious shortagoot public
school 'teachers existH aniTa number,
of those "holding positions arenot
qualified to teach, .according" to, -a
went to Portland iMpnday night Jmessage sent to H. B. Van Duier,
president of the Portland Chamber oil
Commerce, by Htaie Buperinienum
Oh'urcMilL"1 . h 3 't
, i if' '
111' be undertaken at a meeting -of, fcnn,JCr8' wno doclaro.they will throw
baseball men to be held hero early
this month.
Six cjtles Vnnco.uver,,'Br. C.jV'IO
tqrja. B, C.; Seattle, Spojuna," Tu
coma. Wash. ;r Great Fallsiand Butte,
loat.-i-wlli be' In tho league 'when
It 'opens Us schedulo, according to
present plans. Later' Everette and
Wenatchee, two WasMingCon cltlei.
may .be taken in. i
ftnl,' Tlrnwh. lnrl(nip hnfintinll All-!
vocate- of Vancouver, and. john; time., cuttlpg-.down tho cost per
lnno. nlnnnar RMMIa.hl.Mhall.l.lllh t the"department,
-- r' - . --.- .. -.--. . ,..,,,.-, ,.nn.
ui. ..i.Ji.. ..n,n,n,.nt ..' ' wunini u
lhe" establishment of the 'new league.
'Protection has .beenu secured from
the National Association 'of Minor
baseball Leaguei.for the territory
down their traps, halt "and tin cans
unless, they rocolvo more money.
The sanitary department has es
timated that It costs about fifteen
cents to catch a rat. It, Is, felt thai
this putarat-catchlng in tho hlgh-cost-of-kllllng
class, and to keep upl
the work that keops down disease
the chief sanitary Inspector Is faced
with the problem ot giving the rat
hunters -more pay and, at .the sam
, APIA; British Samoa, Nov.10.-rr
By )Mall.) Producers are 'receiving"
B: cents 'a pound .for their copra,, iri;
western Samoa. This Is a record',
price: ' ',.
1 American Samoa, however, un
der government contracts with John
Rothschild & Company,- of San Fran
cisco, only four cents Is paid.
Dr. Henry Van Dyke says: "Labor
unions aro torn by disputes for con-'
trol by men who never did nn honest;
day's work In tholr lives."
",t ;,
njv-LTLru-tru-irLrij-u-iifL,i-Lrirfioi i i- - f maw
II .W. POOLE. Owner. HARRY IIOREL,' Miislia"! Director.
To the Theater-going Public of Klamath Falls: .
"CHECtCEltS'' is the most successful racing molodrama'of"ftlio
last twenty-five1 years on the Amorlcan stugo. I hayo read tho hook
and seen the stage production, as a great many of you doulitldssly
have, and 1 know that tho screen version not only equuls'but excola
the stage version. It has ail the drama, ail tho humor, and nil the
lovo interest, with plonty of the thrills that qnn ha produced only
on the screen. Tho exciting horso race scones' the train yrpck, tho
fight In the box car, the encounters in unipafown, una mo npropiane
flights will spellbound I do not often personally endorse
a "picturo, but believe I know wnat mamain runs uxes to boo, a
this Is your -kind ot a picturo. ,
Coming 'Sunday "When Bearcat Went Dry''