VAOH ICinilT THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ?M???M??4m&?4$H& 'W "W -W --W -W -W -W -W T T T 7' C-i.V.. L i ..... II wiwu ! mramnunwinn iiurjui'j3,yu' ,v""" t t t t T f T T 7 t t f 7 X 7 Shoe ? The " ' .:,!; : ', Nettieton Why Do We Sell the Nettleton TOOTWEAR EXTRAORDINARY. .' s 7 ' r t t T T t T T T T r T T t f t T T T T c CC 'Ardsley" Laced Style In Tan and. Black Russia Calfskin The "Ardsley" is oneg.the most favored of the Nettleton master-lasts and is made in a great many styles and leathers. In die above leather it is particularly adapted ' to general utility wear and will yield an extra ordinary amount of serVicSe. comfort and good appearance. In your'slioeipurchases, giveseri- , ous consideration ttiFnhis famous. Nettleton ModeL . . " V BECAUSE WE DEMAND THAT OUR CUSTOM ERS RECEIVE FULL VALUE FOR THE MONEY , THEY SPEND, WITH US. FROM EXPERIENCE WE KNOW THAT NETTLE TON SHOES ARE ALWAYS ECONOMICAL, RE GARDLESS OF PRICE & ' ' Complete Stock of Styles and , Lasts to Select From Agent for Nettuton Men's Shoes the World's Finest i KKK STORE ) LEADING SHOE OUTFITTERS $$" IS Persoul Mention 15! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ryan and daugh ter, Chlorene, returned last night from an extended trip throughout the east and south where they visited, friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. White have gone to Fresno, California, for -the winter. 'Shy" Huntington, athletic coach of the University of- Oregon, who stopped here for a few days on 'Tfija way DacK irom me ttaryura-uregon New Years' game at Pasadena, left this morning for Eugene, his intend ed stay having been shortened by an urgent .summon to return to once to attend an important athletic council at the University. Colonel Brown 'is a visitor in this city today from his ranch In Langell vaney. Miss Marie Rambo, who lias- been visiting" here during th.3 hoiidayJre-. turned to San Francisco toruy. - C. B. Crisler is in the city fron uua AUficicn iui a low. uao iu iuui. after his large -business interests in this city. Mr. and, Mrs. Crisler, who) have resided ln this city for .a great mnnv TAnn hnVA hiirnhnflArl ft 'hirnn. .:. . . . -t . i ' ..,. mm nome in Lios Angeisii ana '.ex pect to make that city their home in the future. They still retain their home on Walnut avenue, in this city, where they will continue to -spend ue summer moniusvirer rf Mrs. E. J. Maggij&,of ' HolHster, " California, is here fori an indefinite stay with Mr. and Mrs.'F. R. Spule, Mrs. Maggini recently! returned from France, where shew spent seven months1 as a reserret'a'ray nurse, Dr. E. J, Boyd lett'-thi's morning fo Portland, on a business; visit, and will be away for aboot-,15 days! 9. H. Pope.has accepted' a position with the Star DruKjcon.t&ny, Pope Is a graduate opth'e -University of California and spektH27,- months overseas in the Hospital Division., Mr. and Mrs. M. .'NK Ttahn ard spending a few weeiriftlii'tbe" city valley Pelican Hotel. their big ranck'n Swan Lake and are stoppi'fc.'at' the White' Th -L. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MWVWVyVWMMAAMAMMMMMMAM FOR RENT:' Heated furnished rooms almost perpetual if low of hot water lor bams. yi wainut Ave.., . s-i$ FOR SALE W1Q Ford car. Inquire fire chief's office, City Hall. 8-10 EXPERIENCED, short order and din ner cooks, man and wife. Phone 453, Klamath Rooming, House. J. 8. Thomas. 8-40 FOR 'RENT New ' completely f urn- ished apartment.-' Lyle Apt, 607, High. . 8-10 ' FOR SALB3 Six' room, modern house. Well located, fine vlewt large lot. Price $2500.00, terms to suit. A real bargain, by owner. Phone 80R. 8-H'ij FOR SALE 350 tons splendid ana! Ity Rye & Meadow hay all in feed barns. Good water. Price 115 a ton, 12 miles N East KUuaath Falls. Phone 11F11. -21i, FOR SALE 2 splendid Milch cowd, 1 Red Rone 5 year old, 1 dark Jersey. 3 rears old S100 each., No. better milkers to be found. Addraoa WjLii I Va "ffvifi' BOURBON LEADERS ' EXPRESS CONFIDENCE CO ES PORTLAND. Jan. 8. Perfection cf the state organization before the end of today's session was expectod to take place here today by Oregon Democratic leaders, who. gathered preliminary to the Jackson Day ban tivist to bo held tonight. Speeches dcr cupied the morning session. Organl- z;.tion work Is to be undertakenjater W." - .": '' v,. I Exceptionally good scores marked the contest between' Houston's "Duffs" and Van . Bellen's "Never- Blips"' on the Elk's alleys last night, in .the second match' of the mid season tournament. W. O. Smith hit themaple for a total or 659 plnsln the three games, scoring 2 5 6, in the third,. tying the high score, for 'the alleys. 7 The first and third games were ' , , cioaeiy coniestea.- nun uuun wuu (tie' contest, two out of three, losing the firsts game jy the, narrow mar Kin of ten pins: The individual average for every, bjpwler who took part in the match figures' a trifle more than 177. .points. Tomorrow night Ackley'a., Sawdust .Club -and Hoagland's Spark Plugs wind up the week. Last: night's scoreT , The Duffs W. O. Smith.. 202 '201 J. Moore' 171 159 L. Houston .... 186 199 GVW.' Houston 141 '173 256659 140470 167-,171- M-rVie'O' iiSfftt -552 -485J - 700 732 734, , Never-SUps ry,an Bejlen .... 235 166- ;Noel 193 156 HaVdenbrook.. 144 187 UppL.V.u 138 51 :. , iM3li ' 71 66 204t-605 192541 166-tt455 716 REVIVAL DRAWS IK CROWDS si. : - The revival services which are be MK)5cpBducted by Dr. S. A. Danford, superintendent of the Klamath dis- trJctTYt the Methodist church, are attracting much attention and large aud(ence3 are turning out each after noon and evening to hear the force ful aermgns and the song service. Arthur H. Johnston, the song leader, haasuns In some of 'the largest churches in. America and has a mas- tenui- expression ana spieuaiu voivo. ia singing Is commented upon by au Ho hare had opportunity of hearing inj,s far beyond the ordinary. .m.. y t u .S..I1.. : ins revival services are uciu uu; TiBKweeK aajra ui t.av uuu i.ou and Sundays at 11 a. on. and today. "Wo are going to elect a Dem ocrat president in 1920," doclarod Slato Senator Waltor Plorco, of La Grando. If youd oubt this just road what United Statos sonators Lodgo, Porah and Johnson, havo,beon doing In tho senate Tho Issue will bo tho league of Nations, whotllor national political leaders wish It or not, and on this issuo Oregon will roll up ma jority for Democratic ticket. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. SPLKNDln HISGIXG. ' Don't fall to hear Johnston sing at tho Methodist church every uftor noon and ovonlng at 2:30 and 7.30. Ho linn led gospel singing In tho lead ing churches In Amorlca. This Is a rare.chanco to hear this great song leader. Everybody wolcqmo' and everything froo. One homo In ovory two In tho rural districts of Ontario has a tolo phono, and about ono farm out of every four has an automobile HAY HUYKRH ATTKNTION'. Tho Klamath County Farm Bureau has a list of tho owners of tho small amount of hay left unnolrt In tho vat loy. Anyone doalrlng hay may got In touch with tho' market through the Farm Bureau socrotary at tho Coun ty Agriculturist Oftlco. 13 MEXICO CITY, Jan. 8. -Saturday night's oarthnuako shocks woro folt In practically all parts' of tho repub lic, tho director of tho contral ob servatory hero said today. r if r F. The Store For m: s - :oai Overc - r vai ues rj , r', RIGHT NOW MOST EVERYONE' ia INTER ESTED IN HEAVY WINTER OVERCOATS. WE HAVE LOTS OF THEM; LARGE BURLY ULSTERS, DOUBLE-BREASTEDS, FOUR BUTTONS; WIDE COLLARS FOR COM FORT AND STYLE. YOU, WILL FIND EVERY WEIGHT AND STYLE FROM BIG SNUG FITTING ULSTERS DOWN TO LOOSE FITTING, LIGHT WEIGHT UteTERETTES. THESE ULSTER ETTES ARE'REALLY SLIP-ONS; THEY'RE jyST,;"fHE THING FOR MISTY, DAMP WEATHER. r - - ,' New overcoats from Hart Schaf fner & Marx are now ready I THEY WON'T BE HERE VERY LONG, THO; YOUNG MEN TAKE THEM FROM US AS FAST AS WE GET THEM. YOU'D BETTER 'TAKE IT FROM USM AND GET YOURS NOW. '' ' K. SUGARMAN "I AINT MAD AT NOBODY"' The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Business Heurs: 8:30 a.m. to 0 p.m.; Sat., 8:30 a.m. to 0 p.m. Mfm ' Mf JRksv. si HV nSBbtlr wTtTV SslL(,v. 4 t Copyright 1919 Hit lohMrotr ft Mais r , 1 i, V. 0. Box 608 or phoso 11F11. s-i.T, W $mM A-'s ?"' t