The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 03, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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'Jtr-r kp
f w v J- 53 '
! --, "tfo 7 tfi 1 n 1 "' PH,-! I v-SSSf! ' W 1"f !s wmo i Jusr saw I I got rm . m ? I'-t..1- , v r
home Ngsp g WSsi ft-, 9 A -sr h f mgSt LEar!rr RWrri0 T.ssss.
sweet jMsf $v rl vMW aJ sCff 7 tW
...,.- .. r '
ttt y y -y
Thrift and
Little Things
Who, are the men, and women that
become masters over great, tilings?
They ape those who first - of --all become
masters over little things.
Dollar bills and silver dimes are only
little. things, so little that they often
trickle., away in every direction-Mind
yet they have formed the solid foun-,
dation for many a comfortable income
through the following slegan:
Start a Savings Account today.
First State &
Savings Bank
s Winter Schedule ,.-
Short trips, 50c passen
ger; Pelican Bay" or Ship
pington, $1.50. for either 1
or, 3 passengers.
Rex Cafe. Phone 77
Came to my place last September,
one two year old red heifer, branded
with' scissors on Hright t hip, . 7L on
light side. Ear mark, crop and under
bit on left ea, "swallow "fork on
Tight ear Also one red steer, two
years past, branded 17 on lett hip,
2L on right hip, also chin wattle.
Ear marks, under slope and over
slope on left ear, swallow fork on
right ear. Owner can have same by
paying feed and advertising bills. S.
D. Tooker, Dairy, Ore. 5
Annae E. Soule has begun a fore
closure action in the circuit court
against J. Richard Quimby, and
others, on 40 acres of land in section
ID, township 40 south, range 9 east,
security for a loan of $1,000, with
taxes, interest, attorney's fees .and
1 !
CARSON CITY, Nev., Jan. 3.
Luis Lujan, murderer, and Manuel
Rivera,4 burglar, have escaped from
the Nevada penitentiary.
Officers in Nevada and California
have been warned to be on the alert,
as the men are desperate characters.
Lujan is 17 years old and was 'sen
tenced for life. Both men were sen
tenced from Winnemucca.
Roy Fogle recently
now automobile.
Mrs. J. A. McComb left Monday
of last week for a two months' visit
with relatives in Loa Angeles.
L. S. Miller and wife started Sat
urday to spend the winter with Mr.
Miller's brother and family in Ken
tucky. Mrs. O. E. Hunt spent Saturday at
Mr. Lattah's, near Klamath Falls
with her mother, who Is visiting
there. Mr. Hunt went on to the
Falls on business.
A most enjoyable day was passed
Wednesday, when 66 neighbors and
friends of W. H!' Chandler met at his
home to help tilm celebrate another
birthday. The day was perfect, din
ner sumptuous, everybody seemed
happy and the day will be long re
membered by all present.
Both teachers and pupils are to be
congratulated on the success of the
play, "The Bird's Christmas Carol,"
which was given at the Shasta View
school house recently by the pupils.
Ec'Oh one acted his part so well
that special mention could not justly
be made of any one. We have seen
many of more mature years who
could not do better, and we are
pleased to know that we have such
talent in our district.
Friends here have received word
from Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hale, who
i.rved to Hood River last ycnr. ihat
the mercury registered 20 below
zero and they also have plenty of
snow, both of which is quite unusual
In that valley.
That the partnership heretofore ex
isting between C. R. Marple and F.
L. Smith, of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
under the name, style, description
and assumed name of Diamond Tire
& Vulcanizing Company, has been
this day dissolved by mutual con
sent; said F. L. Smith will continue
the business, collect all accounts due
the firm, and pay all bills owing by
said firm.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this 20th day of December, 1919.
. Diamond Tiro & Vulc. Co.
1-8-20 F. L. SMITH.
One two-year old black mare,
white spot in forehead, Branded on
right shoulder with letter C and dia
mond. Ten dollars reward. G. W.
Morgan, Bly. 1-9-20
t ' ' '
""Roasted spiders are considered a
delicacy In New Caledonia. '
In the 17 provinces of Siam there
are nearly 175,000 monks and nuns
connected with the temples of the
native religion.
Demand Continues to
According to information from the
office of the Ford Motor Co., Detroit,
their unfilled orders are continually in
creasing and have long since ceased to
be reckoned by the thousands, but are
now a matter of hundreds of thousands
and the present 'demand is not being
Winter brings a slight decline in the
number of sales, so we are advising
prospective spring purchasers to buy
now. Nothing but real orders will
bring" the cars to our territory. We,
therefore, suggest that you place your
order with us as early as it is con
venient for you to do so to insure the
delivery in the spring.
Danner-Patty Co.
Sixth Street, Klamath Falls, Ore.
"I have gained twenty-five pounds
In weight and am just as full of en
ergy and as strong as I ever was
since I began taking Tanlac," said
G. I. Bickell, who resides at 4458
Louisiana Street, San Diego, Cal.,
recently. Mr. Bickell is the father of
the publisher of the Faulkton Advo
cate, Faulkton, S. Dak., in which he
resided before coming to California,
Continuing, he said:
''Twelve years ago while in Mitch
ell, S. Dak., I suffered a general
breakdown. It just seemed that my
whole physical machinery went
wrong all at once. I lost in weight
very rapidly, and, of course, my
strength went also. I had scarcely
any appetite and became so nervous
I could get but little sleep. I was
also badly constipated, and had. to be
taking some kind of laxative all the
time. I finally became so weak and
run down I just had to quit work en
tirely and for six long years I was un
able to do a thing.
"I had tried lots of different kinds
of medicines, but none of them did
line any good, and I went to Denver,
uoio., in searcn or neaitn, and while
there I began to read about the good
Tanlac was doing, and one case I
read of was so similar to mine I de
cided to try It, and shortly after I
began taking It I began to feel
stronger and to pick up in weight,
and my appetite began to improve.
In all I took eight bottles of Tanlac
while in Denver, and the way it built
me up was remarkable. I was soon
able to go to work again, and I work
ed steady for sixteen months, and
then came here to San Diego, and
am working every day, and feel fine
and strong and am not a bit nervous,
and am nover troubled with constipa
tion any more. It Is a pleasure to re
commend Teniae, when it did so
much for me, and I advise every one
to take It who is In the same condi
tion I was."
Tanlac is sold In Klamath 'Falls
by the Star Drug Co., and in Lorella
by the James Merc. Co. Adv.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Klamath County.
In the Matter of- the Eatate and
Guardianship of Albert Hopkins
Pierce,; a Minor. .
Notice Is hereby given that, pur
suant to an order of the above en
titled court, made and entered on
the 6th day of December, 1919, I,
the undersigned duly appointed,
qualified and acting guardian of the
estate and person of Albert Hopkins
Pierce, a minor, will, on and after
10:00 a. m. on Saturday, the 3rd
day of January, A. D. 1920, at the
office of H. M. Manning In the
Loomis Building, Klamath Falls,
State ot Oregon, sell at private
sale to the highest and best bidder
therefor cash in hand, Gold Coin of
the United States of America, all of
the following described land and
real estate located and situated In
Klamath County, State of Oregon,
to wit:
The south V6 of the northwest
Yi, the east Jfc of the Southwest
Vi and Lot 3 (otherwise known
as the Northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter) of Section
two in Township 35 South Range
Six, East of the Willamette
Meridian, and also an undivided
one-fourth interest in and to the
southeast Vi of the. southwest
of Section 35 In Township 34
south Range 6, east of the Wil
lamette Meridian.
, ,Terms of sale shall be purchase
price cash in hand, bids to be in
writing, and shall be left with this
guaraian at me omce or, ner saia
attorney H. M. Manning, at the ad
dress 'aforesaid abstract BC title
shall be;atthe expense of the estate.
The sale of said premises shall be
made subject to confirmation by the
said County Court.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this 6th day of November 1919.
Guardian of the Estate . and
Person of Albert Hopkins
Pierce, a Minor.
8-15-22 29 5.
FOR SALE Real Estate
Klamath Falls residence. 160
acres, 19 miles southeast of Klam-
athi Falls. Near good, 112
acres under ditch good Improve
ments. Buildings insured for $2000.
Price $7000. Inquire corner Crescent
Ave & Manzanlta St. K, F. 8
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
FOR-SALE Six hp Fairbanks and
Morse upright gasoline engine:
good condition, used Jess -than one
year. Bargain. Apply W. H. Kltts,
Dairy, Ore. 6
FOR SALE3 A light oak 8 drawer
flat lop desk in excellent condi
tion. Inquire Herald office. 31tf
FOR SALE A 7 passenger new Lex
ington Car, cheap Inquire 124
h st
6th St.
WANTED Woman to cook for man
and boy on smalt ranch near Alta-
mont, for short time. Work not
hard. Frank Moorland. Phone 15F22
WANTED Office safe and automo
bile style boat top. P. O. Box 266.
Klamath Falls. 5
DRESSMAKING Sewing of all
kinds Reasonable, -Room 2, over
postoffice. 6
Demorest, Dentist, over Sugar
man's Store, ,6th and Main. 2-tf
WANTED A good roll top desk,
quire Herald office
FOR' RENT Rooms, use ot bath and
phone. 840 Walnut. Cor. 9th. 6
FOR RENT Comfortable, heated,
furnished room. Use of bath. Close
in. Inquire at Herald Office. 26-tf
WANTED Many of the leading
newspaper men of the country, the
men in the best paid positions got
tholr start on their home newspaper.
The all round training obtained on
the smaller paper made the special
ists who guide the destinies of the
biggest publications of the country.
The Herald has an opening for a re
porter and will glvo local applicants
preference. The position Is open to
any young man who is active, bright,
able to gather news-and write gram
matical English. Apply to the City
Editor. 20-tf
Try Silver Thistle Syrup "at all
Grocers. 23-tf
WANTED A good heater.
Herald: off Ice.
Garbage removed phone 91.
PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187
We'make a specialty of lire, life
and accident lnsuraaco. Phone 6(1 and
we'll do the rest. Cbilcote & Sm'lh
5tf ,
' - .
World's Greatest -Phrenologist,
Palmist and Medium.
Reads your entire life past,
present and future correctly, giv
ing names, dates and figures in bus
iness, love, law, marriage and dom
estic troubles. Tells you what you
are best adapted for and what to do
to better your conditions in life.
This lady reads your hand as you
would an open book. A reading by
her will meet your highest expecta
tions, and you will be wiser and
happier, after consulting her, she
having the gift ot removing .all evil
Influences and placing you Jn an en
vironment of happy thought and
contentment. Readings: Sunday and
daily, 9 a. m. to,9;3Q Located
at Room 1, Moore, Rooming ,Hpuse,
1313 Main St, between. Broad and
Spring Streets, one block east' ot
White Pelican Hotel, Klamath Falls,
Ore. 1-18-20
Equity No. 1113
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Klamath County.
Frances Gertrude Wlnchell. Plain
tiff, vb. James Howard Wlnchell,
To James Howard Wlnchell, the
above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
appear 'and answer the complaint
filed-against you In the above en
titled suit, on or before Monday, the
5th day of January, 1920, that be
ing the day of the last publication of
summons and the last day wlthti
which you are required to answer,
as nxea uy., tne order of publication
of this summons. If you fall to ap
pear and answer, the plalutiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded in said complaint. Said suit
Is brought to secure dissolution ot
the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween yourself and plaintiff.
This summons is published in The
Evening Herald, a daily newspaper
printed and published at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, by order of Honor
able D. V. Kuykendall, Judge of said
Court, and .dated November 21st.
1919, the first publication to be made
on the 24th day of November, 1919,
and the last publication thereof on
the 5th day of January, 1920.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P. O. and Business Address, Loom
is Building, Klamath Falls, Klamath
County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been duly
appointed Administrator-wltb-the
Will-Annexed of the Estate of
Susanna Leach, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Klamath County, and all
persons having claims against said
Estate are required to present
same to said Administrator at the
law offices of R. C. Groesbeck,
Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated: December 15, 1919.
L. L. BROWNELL, Admlnls-trator-wlth-the-Wlll-Annexed,
the Estate ot Susanna Leach,
' 15-22-29-5-12
Annual Election Enterprise Irriga
tion District
Notice Is here'by'glven hat the
regular Annual Election will be held
on Tuesday, the 13th day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1920, within the Enter
prise Irrigation District of Klamath
County, Oregon, for the purpose of
electing one member of the Board of
Directors of said District, and to de
termine whether a certain contract
is,.to be made by the Enterprise Ir
rigation District with the United
States of America for a water rieht
for the lands 'of said Enterprise Ir
rigation District, wherein the maxi
mum amount to be paid for said
water right is to be sixteen dollars
per acre for each and every acrf
Irrigable within the boundaries of
said district, and the proportionate
part of the annual -operation and
maintenance coBt of the project
works used In conveying the water
to said district.
The polls to be opened at 8 o'clock
on the morning ot the election and
to be kept open until 5 o'clock In
the afternoon of said day.
The Board of Directors have spec
ified the following polling places in
said district for said electien:
The residence on the Old Var
ner Ranch, known- as the John
Smart place, situated in Section
2, Township 39 South, Range 9
East of the Willamette Meridian.
Given by order of the Board of
Directors of the Enterprise Irrlea-
tion District, this second day of De
cember, A. D. 1919.
G. J. HILLYARD, Secretary,
Board ot Directors.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, by order of the County
Court. of KIamath- County, State, of.
Oregon, has been duly appointed
Administrator of the Estate ot
Eliza A. Fleet, deceased. All per
sons having, claims against said Es
tate are required to present same to
said Administrator at the Law
Offices of R. C. Groesbeck In the
city of Klamath. Falls, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Administrator of the Estate
of Eliza A. Fleet, deceased.
Dated: December 15, 1919.
15-22-29-5 12
Wellman Pure Vermont Maple!
sap nas arrived. Ask your grocer,
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon for Klamath County
In the matter of the Estate ot
William Whltlock, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that I have
filed my final account and report as
Executrix of the Last Will and Test
ament of William Whltlock deceas
ed, and that the above entitled
court has fixed upon 2.30 P. M.
Saturday the 10th day of January
1920 as the time and the County
Court House of Klamath County,
Oregon in the City of Klamath Falls,
In said County, as the place when
and where any person may present
any objection or exception to any
thing done by me as Executrix ot
said Last Will and Testament, and
at such time and place the above
entitled court will finally pass upon
and settle said account.
Amelia Whltlock,
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of William Whlt
lock, deceased.
Subscribe for the Herald.
.ill ii ia
2&?&-5&&S;&M)i n3ffy'
Have an Oil Heater
to take off the chill when it is
too warm to have the furnace
going. We have them that are
as pretty as a picture, take
very little oil and are guaran
teed to be free from smoke or
smell. Don't wait till all the
family have colds. Get one to
422 Slain St.
Klamath Rooming House located
on 6th street between Klamath Ave
and Main will open for business Jan.
4th, New 3 story brick building.
Steam heat and hot water In every
room. R. P. Curtis, manager. 3
FOR RENT To gentleman, furn
ished bedroom In furnace heated
private home. Inquire Herald office.
3 ;
$ At
j tft