I'ltlDAV, JAM IM J ,.r;i EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THE pack six a Jt . -.t&t?t r t. ' I'HOf tOA 1 VJUtil I fiVHHt At HA tf .,,, V : v HOMEUi--i-l-. . 5 i ' l: -- .; :. ; ,i& '. .p .. " ' .1 sweetJ V'-' . . . "v -. r t '-'wwm - . . : -. ii i i:;..r-.rT,,;Av' i HOMEJ ' 3tt, t - n . SJEma ' -,u et i II V 8T3 m&mi 14 Ffe.' -' i-j renv i f .- - mxz-w v. " ,: ' ,11' ufi WT &.-- -,,-i , 1115 wj. Jcji I "" 3 ' fiin : - .Jit fi ff ij hi it m I. flS i -, ! BOURBONS TO MEET '- PORTLAND, JAN. 8 4- ekimui.i: sen: IS ON V Christmas has count ami k m and nvxt dear old 1913 will pa. out. State Democrats are planning ani.vr to bo forgotten meeting at the onoti hotel in Port-j Mr and Mrs. Joe Kontor of Kouml lncd, January S, which they hae do- i..ke wero shopping In Klamath -cidinl is "an opportune time to call , Falls Wednesday of last week Mi:im'IM !"i:j!1::: heralds classified columns i That Urn itartmtmhlii hernioforo i j " - " - n'lng ImIwohii l' It Marplo ulul K pi) IJI.'MT rn t ripn I Smith, of KUlituth PnlU Onuson r-rn c a i c -! II .... . . . t r - i . r in iirriiniiiTuui togother the Democratic host of the 6tate." The commltteo feels that It may rally enough Bourbons this ear to get a full list of candidates for all state and counts offices, but admits that up to this time that there were not enough Democrats In Oregon to go round. Martin 1'eel was a business caller in Klamath Kails last week Orlndalv school Is having a two weeks' vacation Geo. Shell and family were Klam ath Tails Shoppers Wednesday of last week. A. Swltxer has started his tractor "We firmly believe." says the an-jl0 Dlowln. aKain. Ho Is very nnx nouncement of the meeting." that ,oug t0 Ret a UrK0 acreapj plowed. our failure to elect In many previous He Mpoct8 t0 put ln about 300 acres campaigns has been due to tho factof wheat ths comlnK year that we have confe.ed defeat before T A Cregaa spent Christmas with entering tho race by not having a frkndg n tRe counly 8ca, complete ticket in the field." , Mrs c G Hunt and ,wo c,aUKh. Iters called on Grandpa and Grand- IIAMU. TKIX; DID V IMtAIS TANiaC II VD ;hu uiuIdt tlm naitii. tylf, description and aKutmtd lutno of DUtiiond Tiro ,ii-,vi vuicanlilnK t omtny. na ixn sent, said ' i: Smith will contluuo tint buiin. collect all accounts dun FOR RENT OR LEASE Ut Itl'.NT Hoiillt. lloo .,( I,,b u( lhUn o Walnut Ui t, ( -HI QUEER IDEAS ABOUT ALASKA ma Rutherford Christmas afternoon Geo. Christy has been hauling haf from Orlndale to his sawmill the past few days. M had reached the point whore I could go on farther and 1 thought I would hnvo to give up tny work, but now slnco I have taken Tanlac I am In belter health than I havo bwn in yearn." said James D llamll of l.o Angeleti the other day Mr. llamll lives t 362 West Fifty-fourth St . and Is one of the best known employ es of the Hroadway Department Store, having been In their emplor for fifteen years. "For several years I was troubled uHtti mv ltnmnch." continued Mr llamll. "And my condition got no bad KMH HAl.l. A tielit 4 ilfcf flat top dwk In citrlien" rsut ttcM Tt HKS'T' lion lu.julrw lleral-l u(Ux Jltf, .. vi,.im 13 ).Mi Ii i tho firm, and pay an un owing uyi . - - - ald firm FOltrtAt.K A : luMonor now Ui-1 fH UltNT lUlj.lie.l ,r. t, ,, Dated at Klamath Kail. Oregon. ingtoti tar cheap - lmul Ui bouo o i o It mt Ira k ui this :0th day Of lMcwbr. 1919 6h SI I patomettt I'lilUolo & lilttllh Jtjf Diamond Tiro Vul-- u ' -- ' J - - . . IS-30 F I. HMITH i ... ,. . ,lOH ItKNT CmfoHalil. bju .i HELP WANTED rurnuh.t tm I'Mailmhrh, i 'In Inuulra at Hfal4 (llc Ziti NOTICK OK Sl.: HF IttUli Kr.m Mvwwwwwww'"'vvvvvvv i WA.STKD Wmn lu cook for mn and boy on ttnatt ranch near Alia. .. f..w ,. IIiiim WtW hnli" WANTED 'moat, fur short lima Work not In the County Court of the State of hard Prank Moorland I'hono I SPSS Orrgon for Klamath County ; 3 In tho Matter of the Kntale and - . -....ii..v.i.. .., ill.-., II...AIH. . i . u mu. . m M"W'. Guardianship of Albort Kupklns I'lcrco. a Minor Notice Is horttby given that, pur suant to an order of the above en JUXEAU, Alaska. Nov. l.-(By Mall). Some school teachers down in the states have hazy ideas about , Alaska, according to letters received! at the Alaska territorial bureau of publicity here. One lady In Johns town. Pennsylvania, wrote that she wanted to teach school in Canada, and said she though Juneau would be the best city In which to start r o- MT. I.AK1 NKWS George GrUtle and family visited with his sister, Mrs. I! D. Morr.sor.. and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and -Mrs. Tom Walters w-"e visitors In evening lltlnil court, made and entered us .. . . .... -.I, -m.i, tho 6lh day of December. 113. I. .. Ih iinitnrilrnf.l ilulv ab(Mln(rt MISCELLANEOUS Wsr"s'Nsasii'jssjsssjsssssis WANTP.D Many of the l4U4 newspaper men uf ihe cuunfy ti, Ulan In the bettl paid MMllon (if their tait tf lleir homo news The alt found trolnltis nbuinl m tho smaller paper made Ihe st-cOtl lata ta hit ulitc IIib tlcdtalo uf fi. tlSest pttblttalto&s Of Ihe coydlrj i j do iioraiti has sr oiwninc lor f Porter and mil tio itwrai appiuu rcthlnir that agreed -i ni.rvoti that anv kind of unexpect ...i nnUi. unnlil iin( tit ii nnil a rood .-... v.M -....u ... V IIVLV .... -,r- ...- Klamath Falls Tuesday! r.'ghfs sleep or rest was out of tne ! Question The worst thing of all vas Miss Ruth Paltln l nur fnr Mm ihni tlroilntit. iletiressed feellne that ' . -- .. j . .. . r Another twisted her geography thejChas. Mack, who Is very III with j i had all tho time, and I realized that nnnnclta xxnv nrl cr)(H aha K-l tia nnA.in.nMln a..a ! t. 1....I .n l.n .Inn.. n I t. ..fil.l wcindiiv n uu ow.iA ouv umu UC" I'ltCUllIUU Id 1CICI. iOIUeiUHlK llrtU IU U UUIIU W. . nwM... The Mt. Lakl school opened Mon-Jlae to quit work as It was too much! .! . .... . ... . I . . . . . l .!...! unj tituruuiK wiin a kuuu aiienuance or me 10 try lo Keep roiiik iti iuo Thq Improvement Society I Will elve board and home fMl cs lo cuuino in nmsBis ir "i'rMti(r a,i m itn lar aPtIU.tt since that time I havo been unabI,squn((j amj acting guardian of ihel,c,s Ut "Uo " rot'n " ; prefefenre Ttie txHlo t a U ti get my strength back. In fact, dur- ut- and person of Albert Hopkins, l"r tor small family horo wife fttt joonif wan ha ts active hnti, Ing tho past year 1 have lHen In a' Pierce, a minor, will, on ond alter, u iflod lnoire Haom S. H-an- be to ethr es and rte cfsw- frorse fix than ever before I was lnl 00 a m on Saturday the 3rd," Mmim J waiicl l.ngtl.h Apply lo the vy , .... , Iday of January. A D 1930. at the ' Kdllor !( n terrible run-down condition. lwen-lfflco of Jf M,BBBC , Iht,. hjumsMAKIM; J-ln. of all - - ty pouniLs off weight and could eat .oomu Hulldlne. Klamath Fall. kinds ltcaonabl. Ilootu S. over . . with me I was, State of Oregon, sell at private posloffice MADAM lOINA. Palmllt . I sain to the lilrhrit and btl bidder - - , i ..... wl. I.. t..n.l ltt.l fSAlU J elded to teach school In Alaska and therefore wanted a position in Daw Eon.v Dawson is in Canada. A third wrote, "Have you any schools In Alaska?" Kiviniui . in niiu. iiuiu iuiii ui tniofr.l, lc R 1 1 , OVor the I'nltcd States of America, all of'mans Store. Cth and Main inn iuiiuwinK u-jcriueu tanu ano I rol estate located and situated In . ,-!... . ... . . Klamath County. State of Oreeon. u A.NTM) A good roll lop drk to wit The south H of the northwest Sugar S-lf tjuim iietatd offko will meet January 9th. All are expecting a good time. Mrs. Scott Thomson and son W'al lls spent Tuesday, with Mrs. Morri son "anil family. Jim Stewart and family moved to their new home recently purchased from Ed Reames. Mr. Reames Vill NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In ,the County Court of Oregon for the County of Klamath. In ,the Matter of the Estate of Levi F. Wlllits, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administratrix of the estate of Levi. F. Wlllits, deceased, by the flhfirft antltlol Cntiwt nnrf nil iAsnnnl ....... having claims against the said estate. January 10th. 1020. one trunk, the are required to present same to the 'content of which are unknown! vl v I "I63 ,f wb,ch has been Btor,Hl and unclalm- National Bank Building. Klamath tath Valley Warehouse and Forward- hnlls Mrnffnii urffhlv. olv fC Kin...-.. rm . ... -.,-.., ...,. , mumu,., company ana against which sruiu iub uaie oi mis nouce. (there is now a stnrnep hill nf n fix I was In "The medicine I had taken had done mo no good and I might have still been In thU condition If I hadn't ruticed a testimonial In tho paper one day where n man wns troubled list about like I uas and had tried . -.... t.-i.l- ..I.- I! I iniac Wlin rrniamauic ('.-nun i .-...." ... i..."ii mm ,iut.u svlssi hhjIi I u I. s. .1 I.I .1 . I. t. rade up my mind right then that 1 1 '.,' J .'...,".. .. ,A "'..f.J the east 4 of the Southwnt li and l.ot 3 lotherwlsn known as the Northeast quarter of the northwest quarter! of Section two In Township 35 South Itanen Six, East of the Willamette! Meridian, and also an undivided I one-fourth Interest In and to the Try Sihor Thistle Jrocers WANTED A good heater i Herald office nuiu cu nvsuivs. r. ueames -win r.aae up my minu ngni men inai m .,',:" , ' ..IT, ,' , ,. Ili.x. . . oon go to California for the winter, j , R,vo Tanlac a trial, and I wntjSffc-g cof to? S& southeast i of the southwest li of Section 35 In Tonhlp 31 sonlh Range 0. east of tho Wil lamette. Meridian. Term of sail shall be porcham In NOTICE "Dated this 12th day of December. 1919. 7 LAURA A. WILLITd. 'Administratrix of the Estate of LevI F. Willlts, deceased. 1S-19-26-2-9-16 SUMMONS No. 1124 Eaultv dollars, will tin snlr! nf mitillx nti. tlon at the Klamath Valley Ware house and Forwarding Company at two o'clock In the afternoon. Klamath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding Company. Notice Is hereby given that on Jan. 10. 1920 the following ennrln rnnaln. Ing of one roll of bedding-, one trunk In the Circuit Court of the State ofland. three Packages of household Oregon for the County of Mara-i?00""' contents of which are un ath. known stored under the narfle of W. Theodore W. Flackus, Plaintiff, vs Margaret M. Flackus, Defendant. To Margaret M. Flackus, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE vr OREGON: Vou are hereby re- i foil vnn that 1 have never seen anything to beat It. Why, my ap petite came back right nway and what I ate gave me strength because I rould digest It, and already I have pi.lned back seven pounds and am adding more weight all tho time My nervousness hag outlrHy disappeared i every night I am sleeping ns n und ai a child and never have that orn-out, depressed feeling about roe any more. I haven't a trouble of any kind, my work Is a pleasure to mo and I go about feeling Just as fire as a man wants to feel. I am nlf.il to Join the ranks of those who lve testified for Tanlnc for I have tried It with most satisfactory re sults " Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls nttornoy II. M. Mnnntne. at tho ad- drex nforosald abstract of title' shall lx at the expense of the estate J The sain of said promts shall bei made subject to confirmation by tho rid' tr-irt l'tir-"liswi, lriUl ami )lrtlMt. " , Heads oiir efe to $?, In' present and uif. -coffjU. lt If tag natK. 4414 and figures la bcl" Hyrup at all 'l loubes Tall ou wnal jvt 2i.it are !)-! adapted fur and bal lo-tf tu iHttier tiur tonditiorts in Uf. P ' This lady reads yuar baud a w in-iuiro woia an o.t book. A feadlnr Vi 'lf i hfl telll Mrfll .tir Klhnll Hltwll. tlons. and o will U wUr ( .""T' "V"1" WI,M" " wm"- b31 i hppUr. afief fiansulilnir her having ihe elf ( tx( removing all t InDuences and placing ou In an vlmnmenl of happy thought ftf contentment, He4dlng ilunday at! dally. 9 a ttt to 9 3a p t ltvfaut at Itcxim I Mwin Itonn-.lnc Ifoui. 1313 Main Ml, tten llfuad tut Hnflne Jlifroio one UUttk east tt AVUUq I'ollcan Ifolel. Klawalh rK Ore 1.3 emu Hmiio, B-U Try Hllvor Thlslle Hyrup at all Grocers 33tf I'llONE I'KYTON T for wood H CITY OARI1A01V Whfcn yon Garbage, removed phono 91. want ll-lf notie: MrriC'i: Tt niEDlTOHH said County Court Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Cth day of November 1919. (Sg.l) AGNES PIERCE. Guardlnn of the 1'erson of Albert Pierce, a Minor S-I5-22 29 C NOTICE OF IIO.VII HALE ana lauure to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment and decree against you as follews: 1. Granting a divorce to the plain tiff and declaring the bonds of mat rimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, of no fur ther force and effect. 2. And asklne ih.if thn ni-in.in. be awarded the care, custody and education of tho minor children 3. That the plaintiff be granted Buch other and further relief as to equity and good consclpnen mn n pertain and as to the court raay seem meet. January 12tb, 1920, is the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of this sum mons in which you may appear and answer said complaint, the first pub 28th I9i9heref be'ne Novem,jer This summons Is served by publl cation, by order of Honorable D. V Knykendall, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for 9ranatih0inUnt.' . dated November 26th, 1919, which order required that this summons be published for once n week for six successive W?PKfl. Mm flrot M.l.lf.,.f i . Npvember 28th, 1919. RENNBR & CHASTAIN, AIMmeys for Plaintiff, whose ohlces d postolllco address is Klamath I' alls, Oregon. 28-G-12-19-2C-2-9 B Bradford at the Klamath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding Corn- sun. wiu aK'iiiiHL vriiicn inprn in nnv ... . .. . . a storage bill of $31 00 will he soldi "Y l"C Jame8 """ Mr ai punnc auction at tho Klamath Val-1 People living In many of tho devas tated areas of France eniov lower Ices than prevail In Paris. It is Illegal In France to use feed ii r bottles with long rubber tube for babies, because of tho dangor of disease. by the Star Drug Co.. and In Lore.la t reel 'iT'J Sealed proposals w b0 rvcolved by tho Common Council tnr ilm rmr. chase of one Issue of City of Klam- nwi runs improvement llonds of 131,740 69 authorized by Ordinandi No. -182 for tint linnrnvnmnni r.l EIGHTH Street from Hlrli Kirei nortneny to Prospect Htre-t. i - -"-- us, iiii; sUIJill Td quired to appear and answer the i,ey " rehouse and Forwarding Com- cnmnlnlnf fHuA a..ini m.. i .u.. nanv at turn nVlnrb In ilm nin.nnnn -- -- . "t'liui UU U HIP - - - - " "- uiiriuuun, Ahnvn pnHttan! o.tlt nn n i.Ar-. 9 Klnmnrh V-illav WA.At.A..A ...i day the 12th day Of Janiiarv 1Q9n 24-31 Porwarillm. fn P FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, For the County of Klamath. In the Matter of the Estate nnd Guardfanshin of T.nwmnro c.o.i Sanderson and Dorothy Gertrude Sanderson, Minors SUIT IN EQUITY vmi nftntvir OF DIVORCE HU.M3IONH SaerrSdlf !&''- the ara'oS-oVlno State of A. Sanderson, euaniinn nt W t.,. said minors has filed her final ac count and acknowledgement of settlement, and that tho Cth day of juuuury, ijzv, at tho hour of 2 p. rn. of said day, has been appoint ed by said Court for hearing ob jections to said nrrnnnl nn.i .1.,. settlement thereof. Any person interested In said es tate may, on or beforo said date, file his objections, in writing. thrn or any particular itm ihrni specifying particulars of said obi Jectlon. CORA A. SANDERSON, r 10 . viuoiuiuh.i w-ii-iy-ati-z NOTICE OF FINAL KIS-fTLEMENT Many deop-aen fish inhabiting tho luijjcnuirauio uopius or tno ocean nro phosphorescent and are provided with tho most wopderful luminous contrivances, by which they are able U project rays of fooblo light in front of them for tho purpose of Broplng'tholr way about r capturing Prey. . , Notice la iii.r.),,. !., .1... ... tlnderslennil m. riin.i i .1.- n ... Cnnrf AVT,."".,." i"J "" ouiny v .1 "'u niaiQ 0I uregon, for imuli ,County. tho Final Account of his Administration of tho Estate i A1"ander Cheyno, deceased, and "a'd Co,"t has fixed January 10th, iVi20' at. 2:S0 p- ". a8 the time, and ;V ;' l .. m or Bald Cou"t aa tho Place for tho hearing of said Final , A,"0"" and for tho sottlement Dated:-Dflcomber Cth, 1919. with h?- wm0y.no' AdnlnJfltrator. Eita"th0"Vf,,I?nex0(1 or the D nil,,01 A'ader ohajw, ' H-l fi.V'.Vq.R Oregon for Khmmh r-n..n.. Frances Gertrude Wlnchell, Plain tiff. vs. Juracs Howard Wlnchell. Defendant. To James Howard Wlnchell, tho above named ilffi.nli..,t In tho name of tho State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap appear and aimwnr tin. ,..., i...... filed against you In the above en- i.yuu nun, un or norore Monday, the Cth day of Jimum-v. io?if. n..:. . Ing the day of tho lust nniiiin.iinn ..' summonM and tho last day with -i which you aro required to answer, as nxt'd by tho order of publltaMfm of this HiimmofiH. if vi, r..u pear and answer, the plaintiff wjj apply to tilt eotirl fr.r ll. .. .. V" T?2L .!. Ba.!d.c"m"la'p.t. Hai,i mm miuus;iii. ill HiiiMirn iiimininii fh i.,.n.i. ... .".r..u "'"""'""on oi ... ..,... u, iiiuinmony oxlstlni' bo. twoon yourself and plaintiff f' abio d. v. k .vvw. : , 'v... ' '",ner: Court,, and dated No v,X "' 1919, tho flrkt nullify-. . .... '.' on the 24th day of Novi nl,o 19 and tho at niii.iinoiinn ."v.. 1.J1J' tho Cth day of January. i920rUOr " , H. M. MANNINO anj? WM. GANONO P. O. ar? .r..p'ntlff. &Erc-sas Annual l.lrrtlun 1-nirrprlMt Irrlga., Nollro Is hvfaby given that ' Hon District undesigned, by order of iho Canst' .-sotico is imretiy given that the fourt of Klainaili County rtlale t ! rn. IMf .lff.nftl L'l..l.. .11. b. .. I . ... k . . . . . Estate anil' i" uh w(u w nom wmsun. nas i.n amy op,olt)lt tft.i ' " " " WBHU- iiiuiiikiraiiir oi inn (.stale a Hopkins ary. A D 1920. within ih v... v.tt.n im . .. .. .-7. prise Irrigation District of Klamath son hating claim, against said !- county. Or?gon, for the purpose of tain ntv required to present arrte l ', """ "'"iwiwr mi mo noani or nam Administrator at tho !-t Director of said District, and lo do. OOltes of It. c Oro-Uxk In lU lermifin Whether a certain rnnltiri rli ..t I.M-.....1. ...ii .. . i- ,., i ... .. " ""' " .iiiiih i Hum, foeir3. h.-h mT1,".'' ,h" KnVr,,f.,r '- ! ttvm Iho dale tf rlgatlon District with the fnlted this notice Htnte of America for a water rlghlt FHEI) K FI.KKT. Hm ton iHstrir, " V. .?rU Ti Admlnl.trnlor of ihe Kul rlgatlon District, wherein the maxl- r Ellia A rt, .l-.J. mum amount to bo tiaid fr t.i n.-.. t. . . .. .Vl al.,r rltn t. ... '... "....' I '" 'wsiniwr I (., I V V ii in-t siiiern iirniars. jHtr orro for t.aeh and nvery acr' Irrigable within ih.. t..n...t.i. -i "-- ' ..." ....Mf...., .,H III I ahl ituirlcl. ami Uw iirofMirfloniila' 'Hu ui i ii it nnniitii fitis...! i.sw. ...t maltitennnc, cost of the project In l" County urt uf (, Hlate of works used In conveying the water' Oregon for Klamath County tO said dlstrlrt In 1o inar t i. !... M Till) Poll to llll imnn..,l n k ,.'!... i. It'llll.... tm.i.l..i. .. . . ' ...'-i.'k, n. n ciiiri ....Mill .. niiiiir. iinrnn.j.,1 on the morning of the election and) NolUn l liorel.y given thai ! hs afi.,Z.,."p' 7 M? ". 6 "' lii ; mr final ureount and report u Td- n,...i .. tr . 7". i ....! in inn i.asi win nnu jc IHiii. ih. tl .1. ,)r"r,101r ,"nrn "W- m"ttl "' w" Wbllloek dcroi. M 1 dlitrlr ,,,,W '" I'lMM In . 1l H.al ,, bvo nlllM said utrlct for said f..,cllon court has .!.! upon 2 30 P M. Ihe riislilnnrn in ll... rl. .... Ill I... .. .1. ." ?v. ' m.r ff..t ' '"" "" ' n ,"""""f ne iuiii day of Janiur 2 uir10,. kK". " fhn M - ih- ilm. and Ihn Coun.f 2. TownilVl,' so T..'. ",. ,r,,',M rl ,.,"", "' Kl-mnili Countf, 1123.29 S 13 s EXIUfTltrA MrTK'E OP ril.lNJI FINAL Artl.T easterly to Ninth Street, nnd JEF FERSON Street from Eighth Street eauterly to Ninth Street, Including In terscctions Proposals to purchase such bonds will Iw received by the undersigned up to nnd Including the 29th day of wus.'jiJiurr. i it i wj . fir ihA fmsi u o clock P M and opened nt a meet ng of said Council Immediately thereafter Had! hmt.u ..... .- . . dated when lsr,ed. duo tun yonrs ii.-i uuiu oi issue, optional nt any coupon dato on arid after ono year, bearing Interest at six per cent, pay able seml-at nuallv tirinMn-i .. i . . .. ' W"l .rj in leresi payai) i) nt On, ir,.n tM.-.i AK ' W Vork City" Director- of ,h Ento r U T?i ! ! l' .T, ?,"?, "'r"!!? ' ?J' i-rojionais io purchase must bo un. l''" D sir ct. this mtcoii.i .v ... ii ii.in- ' "' "r"."" " "': ndltlonal nnd accon.nnni .... i'" "." c,mil,.,r am l '" "! uy of l)c. Ill n ilmm by in., n ExecitlrU of said Iml Will und Ti.tniiieit, nl nt such tlmn and plnco llio nlnut enllilitd conn will finally pann ujwb Vive n by or.l, Til' ?". '" .", Coun " '' !" ' IrocZ .Lfi rLlJ!.'l, Il0'Jr,. of n!"J w'or" ny Mwrm may present , , """ ' pnrcnaso must bo un- ' "isirici. this secom conditional and accompanied by ier- ember. A 1). 1919 amo ,nff ;'.'!. ,V" "cr " "'"'". "9T, President. e: w. HffiK'"' ttcr Hoard of Directors. amount Of nrnnniml Uy order Common Council I,0Orogo:lK0' C"yAf '""'"th' Kils, NOTICE TO ClinillTOItH Notice h hereby given that tho undesigned has b,.,.n , y appointed A.U,,lngtrator.wllh Wlll-Annexod of t, ,; ,H Susanna l.(.ei. ,!,...,.. ,..." .." p..n. n. . "'. "". oy tno V -wur. oi tno Htnto of Ore. Kon for Klamath County nil ul VZT !'"lnK r,"' nKain.? ,! ".ii":'". '? I.iit t... ... '" """luiisirator at Mm motif l.u r... V. """" w""' MIX Vi v.", '." ' t"'" "" iiornof. "i.iuu. uoroini,or ir,, loii), '. L liltOWNKLI., Admlnls-rator.wltl,-tl,n.w,.Ani! ' ?.i2r of flUH"""tt '-""I 1C22.29.6-12 IC22-29-6-12 Wellmtin I'm... H'l has arrived. l&'U Vermont Maple Ask your grocer. mid still n srtld nrcounl Aiiieiia wiutlock, Ijxecutrlx of thn Last Will and reslniiieiit of William Whll lock, decoased. H-IS-22-20 S ll do tlior,. flillroloAt Hni , Hubsrrlbo for tl.n HeniM. EHTUAY Ono two-yimr old nck inar. wh In spot lu foritlntiid, llrandod on right shoulder with letter C and ills mond Ton dolluru rnwnril 0 VY. MorKiui, Illy. 1.0-30. f M in TimT ""' ' - "1 filaug Is by no ninnim nt ..,n.i,.. IHo, Uoliig woll.kiiowii III ii... ,. .... 8- of Orisoco nnd nomo. NllmorollM "WPM occur In t, writings Murtlal, Arstonhflno- nt LJ j fV .w ft, fflfeSK . I' III rcA rT'-' Ju5. fK Lsfssmn - Hvo an Oil Heater Jo Inkn off thn ohm whitii It U too wiirm to huvo Hid furnncu Kolnif. Wo huvo thoiii that aro " priilty oh a jilrttiro, tnku vory llttlo oil und uro Kiiiiraii' Html lo Im froo from Hinoko or ;mn . Don't wait till all tho family Jmvo colds, (lot ono to day, ROBERTS & HANKS 24-1-8-1D-22-29 cl ben. ' ' VUK0 nna 4UU Mulii Nt. jf:, fL w vssnsssisi