THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wijom:siaV ,,,., TAOK SIX BIG DANCE J JfcJLiu NEW YEAR'S EVE and NEW YEAR'S NIGHT at MOOSE HALL Kay-Jay Orchestra m. in.. " ,,FI1I JPictCt . - ! o irnn ntA i lAnirit- ' m i s With the New Year THE UNIVERSAL CAR I With the new year we send to all I I j greetings of prosperity for 1920. I I i III Now is the time when it is policy to I h place with us your spring order for I HI d that machine. In doing this we will I EH be able to make the delivery. ' Yours should be the FORD CAR i for the year of 1920. I nKKfifJN UKLV td I i ) PENDLETON. Doc 31- Five Ritl Ions of prune whiskey. olKht gallons of formontliiR prune nml u n.a ill copper h1 lit wore captured by local pollcu Monday ulKht Thomas Mr(Jlu nls, alleged ownor of tho still, was arrested nml ho und IJio outfit nro hold for federal outhorltla. Mcuin- nls linn boon horo two montliH ii'id had n bank account showing $2200. Toncliors In Pendleton schools woro vototl $100 more for tills your thnn their contracts callod for. when tlie- hcIiooI bonri mot Monday night Nn Krnilo teacher will r-jcoUe "ti ll-r $1000 nnliio high school loach' r under $1150. Danner-Patty Motor Co. Klamath Falls, Oregon MEXICAN TRADE IS PECULIAR JUAREZ, Mexico, Dec. 31. Busi ness usages to be observed in Mexico are virtually the same as those that should be followed In any other Spanish-speaking country, wa8 the opinion expressed here recently by Edward A. Dow,' American . consul at this port. "Wherever the Spaniards have colonized, they have left an indelible impress upon the habits of the na tives," said Mr. Dow. 'Tor this rea son, the rules about long credits and careful packing that apply to Ar gentina or the Philippines apply with eaual force to the importer at Vera Cruz, Tampico or Topolobampo. "The Latin-American likes to make haste slowly In paying his bills, he wants his goods packed se curely and he appreciates being ap proached in a business way in his own. language. Tho American ex porter who rcmembors these essen tlnls will have a better chance- of succeeding than the one who does not." . DALLAS, Dec. 31. Burghus en tered the drug store of Adjutant General Conrad Stafrln early Mon day morning and carried away $30 lu cash and more than $300 worth of Kodaks. WWMMVWWWWWWMMWMMMVWMVWWVWWMVMVMWAAA . ' t , iV i "' . - ,'r-iw A Happy and Prosperous New Year to you is the wish of N, B. DREW Men's Togs ' K -' and D. & M Cleaning Co. .'! ;,'. ' h ir'ate- d .. 4h ' ' 'T . i lit, i 5 T. (' sri'vvvvvsAsyaoyyqnoiaoftgiyyiQiyftftgivwftai rucDflin'C MAOOinrn nmi77 linuiii i . i U m r i r 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 mi nil' iuuiluu uLnuuii ilu UUy JS5!?" OR LEASE !tafl,'te?3 . v,or. aih. e SALEM. Doc. 31. Salem nutnmo- title donlors organized nt u mooting hold horo Tuesday rright and plan nro being mailo for a enow to bo Riv en by the onsanUntloti on Fobruary 19, 20, and 2t. ENOE.NM: Doc. 31. Ilonry O. Par kor, nlloRed desertor from tin) army, wns arrested nt Cushmnn Inst Sun dny by Deputy Sheriff (Jeorpo F. Cronor nnd will bovken'to Vancou ver bnrrncks. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvnllls. Dec. 31. To form fair circuits In Oregon, correlate pre mium lists, control concessions, nrl the county fair as n means of Liilldlng up toward the blRRcr fairs li tor In the fall tiro objects of t' t conference of county fair secretar ies to be held nt tho coIIcro Friday, January 2, in connection with Far mer's week. FALKM. Dec 31. -The Standard 'l Company of California today paid to tho secrctnry of Htato $19,523,87. covering tho sates of 1,831,410 gal Ions of gasoline and 203, 1C4 gallons of rilRtlllnto In November. The total tax paid by the sovornl motor velilclo fuel denlori operntlng ' Oregon In Novcmhor ngKiogntod $29,117.00. Tho Novomhcr solos vcre tho lightest slnco Inst March, wlun tho total tax amounted to $20,- c.33. PORTLAND, Dec. 3t Erection otJ r. modern fish smoking and pncklng K.ubllHhmont in Portland whs mn,do own yestortlay. VALE, Dec. 31. Malheur county load bonds to tho amount of $100, 0('0 wore sold Docombur 22 at tho c urthouso In Vale to Rnlph II. Sch ncoloch company of Portland nt a premium of $3919. EUGENE, Doc. 31 Approximately n million and a half pounds of apples hnvo been ground up Into cldor or dried at the plant of tho Eugene Fruit Growers' association this fall and winter, nccordlng to J. O. Holt, ir.anngor of the assoclntlon. ASTORIA, Dec. 31. Clntsop post, American Legion, has decided to ro utes t the Oregon legislature nt Its coming special session to enact a law requiring all foreign language pap ers to ho printed In bilingual stylo. ASHLAND, Dec. 31. A c'alnook wind, which has been blowing stead ily for a week, has licked up the snow from the Pacific highway over tho Siskiyous and automobiles nro going through to California. Con siderable mud Is encountered in some of tho newly-made fills. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOIt SALE- A 7 tmsHuiiRor now l.ox-l itiRton Cur cheap Inqulro 124 Gth St. r HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to tnko enro of children 2 or 3 hours ouch day. In quire 421 RooHovolt. 20-31 WANTED Thrco nowaboya at tho llornld Oltlco 11-tf run uiSKT -Jim. 1,1 . . .' CIo Hi. Plumu IMU.1"' m 'i1"". " 31 FOIt UBNT-UiWenhcil iron ZZl , houo 40 x 80 ft on lrntka . MISCELLANEOUS WANTED EiiRnKomunts by practi cal nurse with references. Itonson able. Add. Nurse llox 1106, Klam ath Kul I j. 31 FOIt I I NT -Comfortable, hf furuUhod room. Ui0 of tath" t? r In. Inquire at Herald Office 26 (t Will Rlvo board and homo privi leges to couple In oxchniiKo for ser vices by wife of cuuplo as house-' keeper for small family whore wife' Is employed, lmiulru Room 2, Swan-' son UulldltiR. 2 DRESSMAKING .Sowing or all kinds Itonsoiiuble, Itoom 2, over poitoffico. i WANTED a. n-.w .Many of tho ihi. newspaper men of tho country, the men In tho ,Mt paid positions cot their start on tli.ilr homo newup9r I ho nil round trnlnlni? obtained oa the mn ut lor paper mndo the ipeclal. IhU who Riildo tho doutlnlei of tha uiHKunv iiiiuiuuiiuiis or mo countrr Tho Herald has mi opoalnc for a re porter nnd will rIvo local applicant! prt'rereiico. The position b open to ntiy young man who I active, bright, nhla to Rather news and write grnu matlcal KiiRllkh. Apply to the Cllr Editor. zo-te Demorost, Dentist, over SuRar man's Store. Gth und Main. 2-tt 'MADAM IOINA. Pa milt- W ANTED A good roll top desk. In quire Huruld office. tf Try Sliver Thistle Syrup nt all Grocers. 23-tt 1 WANTED A Reed heater. Inriulra Herald office. L'-tt Anyone wishing n Roxall (tho old reliable) calendar can secure one at tho Star Drug Sjlore. Surety bonds wtitle yoa wait. Ohli coto M Hmltn. B-tt Try Sllvur Thlstlo Syrup at all Grocers. 23-tt PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 CITY OARUAOE Whoa you want Garbage romoved phono 01. ll-tf World's Grt'ntct I'hrcnologht, PiilmUt mid Medium. Reads your entire life past, prusent nnd future correctly, glr tug tuines, dates and figures in bus luuss, love, law, ninrrlago and dom estic troubles. Tulla you what you nro best adapted for and what to do to bettor your conditions In Hie. This Indy rends your hand ai you would no open hook. A reading br her will meet your IiIrIimI expedi tions, nnd you will lie wlier tad hnpplor, nftor consulting her, ih hnvlng the Rift of removing alt etll Influences nnd placing you In an en vironment of happy thought and contentment, (leading's: Sunday and dally, 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m, Located at Itoom 1, Moore Hoomlng House, 1313 Main St., between Ilroad and Spring Streets, ono block cast of While Pelican Hotel, Klamath Falls, Ore. 1-18-iO mnlnlng $50 to buy candy for tho Chrlstmns entertainment. FOSSIL, Dec. 31. Tho Arthur K Glanor post of th'i Ameitcnn Luglon now has a mem Virahlp of 92, Miss I'uhy Stolmor of FtM4ll, .who torved '.! nn army nuno und i ho only wom an oJJrIMo in Wn.-ior county Ins ,:ust Joined th Lvgl'n. PORTLAND, Dec. 3 1 -Erection of a now plant In Portland for tho Am erican Can Company, tj cost approxi mately $1,000,000 n.'is boon announc ed with tho ennplnilon of tho pur chaso by the company of u tract of land nonr WIlBon nnd Twenty-Sixth stroots, ndjolnlng the slto recently bought by Montgomery Wurdvfc Co, AI1ERDEEN, Wash., Doc. 31. A largo Porslnn cnt at Glon Grnytnnd. on tho south bench, in proving valu able to Its ownor, n crnnborry rnnch or, according to a story brought hero by E, D. Bonn, who hrni '.nrgo hold ings In that vicinity. Within tho past few months tho cm has captured more than 100 mink, squlrrols, and muskrats. EUGENE, Doc. 31. The Eugonp Chamber of Commjorco last night went on record as opposing two state game commissions, ono for tho commercial fisher and tho othor for the sportsmen. SALEM, Dec. 31. In an opinion written by Justice Harris the Oregon tupremo court today reversed tho verdict of the circuit court of Grant ccunty in tho case of Frodorlck Rad- er, convicted of manslaughter In kill ing E. E. McCue, on Fobruary 20, 1918, Tho caso was romandod back to tho lower court for retrial. SALEM, Doc. 31. Loo Hlng, Chi nese hop growor In tho Kalzor llot tonv fldctlon pf Marlon county, hnu contributed $100 to tho church at Clear Lake $50 of which Is to bo ex pended in Improvements and tho m SALEM, Dee. 31. Th.i nppolnt mont of K. G. Warner of Pondletcn to succeed tho lato J. N. U urges ,as a 'member of tha Htato livestock sani tary commission has been announced b Governor Olcott. Tho appointment Is mado on tho recommendation of tho Oregon Wool Grower' nssocla t'on as Is provided by law PORTLAND, Doc. 31. Charlos Pavlotz was arrested in tho early inornlng hours Sunday by Internal ruvuuuu officers on tho charge of operating n whisky still on his pre mises sovornl miles from Canby, Or. Ho will ho given n hearing and ap pear before tho federal grand Jury January 5, i i ' f mm - Wfl Have an Oil Heater to take off the chill 1 when II ; h too warm to hnvo , tho going. Wo have them n t Is pretty as n yMj"e fllran. very little oil nndomro8tnE0Ukfleor tood to bo froo tmmmm Hmell. Don't wolt till wi family havo colds. Got ono day' ire ROBERTS & HANKS 423 Main St. PORTLAND, Dec. 31. Workers In Portland Industrial plants and oth or mombors of orgunlzcd labor have ? during tho past tow days been rccelv- Ing u printed pamphlet purporting to , glvo tho I. W. W. Blilo of tho amis- tlco day outrage at Centralis, Novem- bor 11. Tho pamphlet concludes with nn urgent roquost for funds to assW In the dofonso of tho 10 alleged I. W. W. now In Jail uwnltlng trial for tho murder of Moutonnnt Warren Grimm nnd his fellow soldlors. POItTLANI), Uoc. 31. 0, Murl Gordon, who sprnns Into tho loca llmollght by nn announced flight around tho world planned from San Francisco and ns tho Inventor o a Bupposodly indestructlblo spark-plug gave himself up when ho learned that ho had boon Indicted by the Multnomah County grand Jury. n was'ff'xod at $2000. SALEM, Doc. ai. Officials of the Central Oregon Irrlgatloa company appeared boforo the doaert la board horo today nnd roquested bp proval of a contract by ""' corporation would furntoh the IJM Pine Irrigation district water suf I clont to irrigate approxlraat e ly XMJ acres of land. In lieu of this contra tho company offered to , can el jn oqunl area of patented land In the Central orogon proju.