BPr IF- '. ".t.anFpT 94 AOB FOUll THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald wnvnn' A A 1 I lARI F in fiK K BY O. A. C. PROFESSOR f , T V .T.P E. J. MU 11 It AY Kdltor FltKl) SOULE City Kdltor Published dully except Sunday by Herald Publishing Company of "Bams-th Kalis, nt 116 Fourth Strcot. HUU MU1NV I Metropolitan Amusement ;, t Cntcrcd nt the postofflco at Klam ftth Falls, Ore . tor transmission thru k malts ns second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to nny -MAress in tbe United States: Bae year, J5.00 Obo month . ....... 50 I Member of the Associated I'ros " "The Associated Press Is exclusively Utled to the use for re?utdtea!!9P t all news dispatches credited io It r not otherwise credited In this pa fM, and also local news published Mrolu. r j tights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein aro also reserv- WEDNKSDAY, 1KC. HI. tl Wolf feifew J-lJ2s. T'JiSf, l'O'S HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DA NCI NO r.vr.uv vi:inksay AM) SATUItDAY STAR THEATER TODAY lMHtOTIIV (5ISH In ti.i. ;i;t him yet" - A I.uj;liable l-'nrco Comedy A No A Dundy Comedy in Two Part ",0 MOTIII'.lt TO (JLIDi: HIM" TEMPLE THEATER TODAY SHIHIiKV MASOX In "THE KIXAli CLOSE VV" AImi Two llocls of (IimmI Comedy ' Oregon" Is the title of u Itlsturt cnl roluino by John II. Homer, A. M. I.itt. l . hend of the department of Mi-toitcnl research of tho Oregon Ar.ilcullunil college, dealing with Oiegon history, lltenituio and tho men who havu helpud In the making of the stnto since tho earliest days of (discovery. The book Ih dedicated to j the "Heroes and llcroluoi of Ore gon," past and present, ami contains la detailed mass of vulunblo Ittforniu- I tlon, obviously gathered by wide and l ainstaklng research, which should i make It Valuable to every student of j the Ktsio'a history The author, having been n resident of tho state for lmlf ft century, tmd 'vlth ft gift for historical research end analysis, la peculiarly fitted for ; t p tusk of writing a historical work of this sort. In compiling tho volume ? ? if ? ? ? ? ? t T New Yearns Dav JEWEL CAFE SPECIAL DINNER $1.00 This Date in History in the War -o -o Tonight the I'nlted Statej will ex perience Its first "dry" New Year's Eve celebration. Today is the 425 anniversary of the birth of Jacques Cartlar, the fam tfts explorer of the St. Lawrenro. The annual national congtess of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity is to he entered In Cleveland during Ihe four days beginning today. College graduates and students In terested In the practical advance ment of Zionism will gather at Har vard University today for the nation--Jil conference of the Intercollegiate 'Zionist Association. ho had the collaboration of n nu in ter of ploneor citizens, members of tl'o Oregon Historical society, among LcihoM Cnpt. O. C. Applegate of this ct. whoso iimno Is mentioned govor al times In connection with burros- It'ons and data In regard to this sec tion of tho state. The book covers the historical do- elopment of tho stnto thoroughly, dealing with the subject In flyo I epochs, heglnnlt.g with tho earliest or .nore preparatory schools and col-. plorntlon of tho American romln lees of North America aro oxpe:ted 'ei t. and following In clear, flowing If. Mes Moines today for the opening narrative thtougli tho eras of occu of the Elshth International conven-! I ation. territorial and stnto estnU- MERRILL OPERA HOUSE: MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAY! Merrill. Orrctta ticn of the Student Volunteer Move nvnt for foreign missions. - - MIDLAND NOTES. llihment, down to our own porl'-d. The writer avoids the usual dry" vein of the historian and present the unfolding plcturu of develop- viinent, step by step in a vivid style (worthy of the picturesque ronvinco There was a program and Christ- cr tne subject, considerable space is mas tree at the Midland school house Ctrlitmns Eve. Every one had a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Depuy spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pates. devoted to men and women of letters and the best -t.xntnpleg of their poet ry and prose occupy a number of panes. Eventually without doubt. Pro fcasir Horner t- book w.ll be accept- Miss Selma Mclleynolds is spend-ed a a tot book on irr. history, lug her Christmas vacation In Klam-j Every home and school library In ath Falls. ! t"- st.itn ionld contain a copy of a J. D. Hooper lost six head of fine! work so full of patriot!.' Incentive cattle in Klamath River last week. ! for the Iu:urt through IU clear de- Miss Julia McHeynolds visited her j Unr:ii.n of the great achievements Miss Selma McReynolds lastot the rest i &: ter rrfleeitis renresent'ns a thonsnnd ' wek. Sabrlna von Steinbach, known as The New City Laundry WISHES TO EXTEND TO ITS PATRONS BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FRANK NAKATA "The Fnlr Saba." was the designer of tile famous Cathedral of Strasburg, one of the most magnificent church edifices In the world. ( By the newest style of hair dress ing, English women are adding three Inches to their height. I f V ? i. .: ? ? V X - t X f 1 --- t t t r NEW YEAR'S DINNER Mi:.r Choice of Coimommti km Tnssn Purvo of ChcHimit, Crcutons Souffio H.Ih- Queen OHvoh Pin Mny Plckli-i Hearts of Culnry S.iImiI Jewel Sprclul Prull Hnlml PMi Pilot of Halibut, Santo. Mcnnlero Potatoes, Luclllo Choice of Klamath Tiirkny, Oyster Dressing Itonst Squab Chicken, 1'nrclo Milk l-Vd Veal, Cranlx-rry Jelly Fried ilelgiun Huru, Chuneut VrgrCablrf Sweet Potatoes, Itlssolo Cnulltlower Polonaise DfftMrrt Cliolrv of Hot Mince Pit Holiday Pudding, Cider Satire Pumpkin Pie. Whipped Cream Ten Coffee Milk Jewel Cafe y 444 This Picture Has the Punch Here's the picture that has all the punch necessnry for a cork ing good photoplay. It Is "THE DEVIL'S TRAIL" starring BETTY COMPSON and GEORGE LARKIN and It is the newest World Picture. Believe us when we say that it steps right along without a single dragging mo ment to a smashing climax. Liberty Theatre Tonight OurjMessasfeSf rtZS- U oneer fvkTT? n? iitt1t4 AMMMMIMMVWAMAAAAAAMAMMA Arthur R. Wilson wishes his friends and patrons a HAPPY NEW YEAR t and announces that he has changed the name of 4' CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. to Wilson Abstract Company Dr. T. C. Campbell Physician and Surgeon announces the opening of his of fices, 214-215 Odd Fellows' Uldg., Klamath Falls. Telephenes: Olllic, No. 2M) lies., White) Pelican Hotel, No. 5 To all our friends and patrons we send our message of cheer A Happy and Pros perous New Year. 'I- f 1 L Special Apples' $2.25 per box while they last. Klamath Fruit Store Klamath Packing Company PALACE and Liberty Markets ,?f.J " '& uV'jk' 'f : t T T T T f T r r ? f ? t ? ? T t t v f t T T t t T T t ? ? t t t ? ? i i t 1026 Main fc" r.'v, J, lX??l&i&llt!' '' ""' V ' '"" f' it to Phone 414