The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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TOWMr, rnwiam,.
00. Mi.
Personal Mention
Mr, and Mrs. llngclsteln arc
visitors from Dorrls. Mr. Ilngolstoln
Is cnshlor of the Dorrls hank.
Fred Matx, forest ranger nt Med
ford, is a visitor In Klamath Falls.
Mr. Mali was formerly the ranger
a) Odessa for several years and left
for Odessa today to look after busi
ness Interests before returning to
Mrs. II. llorgman and son. James,
bare gono to Sacramento to visit
Mrs. Borgman's parents.
F. A. Sutherland of San Francis
co, Is In the city 'to spend the holi
day season Vtth his son.Vrauk, Jr.,
of the Klamath Advertising Agency.
Miss Gertrude Eckman left this
morning for New York city, where
she will purchaso spring millinery
for Gertrude and company's storo
She expects to return ith the new
stock the latter part of February!
Attorney Stanley Wood of Oak
land and Mlsa Vera Wood of Eugene
have returned to their homes after
a visit over the holidays with their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. If. S. Wood.
Mr! and Mrs. Will Wood of Mer
rill have been spending a few days
.with Mr. Wood's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Wooi
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lucas and
family will arrive this evening from
Medford to make Klamath Falls
their home. Mr. Lucas Intends to
enter business here. They will be ac
companied by Mrs. Lucas' sister, Mrs.
'Salllo Stine of Severy, Kas., who will
remain here for some time visiting
old Kansas friends and relatives.
Sister Beatrice, superior of the Sa
cred Heart Academy, accompanied
by Sister Margaret Mary left this
morning for Medford, where they go
on matters of business.
Rev. James J. Walsh, will arrive
here tomorrow night from New York
City. He will be stationed here per
manently, to help In the work of
the Sacred Heart parish.
Today's Anniversaries I
o "
1770 The Coittlnental Congress
icsolved to send comtnlislonora to
the courts of Spain, Austria, Prussia
nil Tuscany.
1S47 John P. Altgdld, governor
of Illinois and long a unique figure
In American politic., horn near Her-
lln. Germany Died at Jollet, III.,
March 2. 1002
1S5S Rachel Foster Avery, n not
ed leader In the American woman
suffrage movement, born In Pitts
ht rgh. Died In Philadelphia, Oct. 26.
1S62 The "Monitor' foundered
off Cape Uatteras in a storm, with it
loss of 16 of her crew
1894 A great mass-meeting was
hold In Now York City to protest
against the Armenian persecution
1903 Nearly 600 persons, mostly
women and children, perished In the
burning of the Iroquois Theater In
1914 Flfteon persons killed In n
German air raid on Dunkirk.
1915 Vienna claimed a victory
tor the Austrians over the Italians In
tho Tyrol.
1916 Allies rqpllod to Gorman
peaco proposals with a direct nega
tive, branding the proposals as less
an offer of peace than a war maneu
ver. 1917 British repulsed by Ger
mans on a front of two miles south
of Cambral.
Alleging that defendant cut a dike
on the Klamath River, allowing the
Inundation of plaintiff's land and
crops, J. P. Los began suit against
B. E. Kerns in the circuit court yes
torday to recover $1500 damages.
Plaintiff alleges that the dike was
built by defendant, under a contract
executed between them In 1915, one
of the provisions ot which was that
In case of seepage or flooding of the
Lee land. Kerns was to provide the
means for pumping the water off.
The flooding for which he seeks dam-
Thore'a no place on earth that's
tmilir than n tough dance hull dur
ing a gold rush. T lion's when man's
pilmovnt passions coiuo to tho sur
face, when ho fights and tights like
n primitive boast for the things he
wt.uts. Then' when the real worth
of n mnu shows in lus comma
when the road men nre divided from
thu tough men and there's no doubt
ot the sort of a man anyone Is.
A tough dnnce hall during a gold
rush figures largely In tho new
World Picture. 'The Devil's Trail."
starring Betty Compson and (leorgn
Larkln which will bo shown tonight
nt tho Liberty theatre.
A lot of things happen In ihli
dance hall. A girl, young, pretty.
Innocent, is kidnapped by on) ot the
proprietors, Is mado to dun tho
shameless garb'ot tho hardened
womon who are always found at
such a place, and Is then drtggcd to
the top ot n llquo soaked table
where she I offered at auction to
.ho highest bidder ninor.g the ruf
fiins gathe.-nl demoting there'
'.-r-stalrs thft glrl'i vnr. young
Peer has been bound .no cia'l
possibly gc ti oso!
What happons not'
You'll find out whin yon Ihli
sti.klng, um sual. en talnlng pro
duction. And jou'll also too an ex
ceedingly Interesting film when you
seo "Tho Devil's Trail." Finally,
you'll seo one of the beat produce.!
pictures of the entlro year when you
seo this particular production.
Today's Birthdays
A twenty-five cent advertisement
In the Herald yeVrcUv restored tojaSes ls alleged to have occurred
Mrs. I. B. Vollmer 102U Rose street,
a $20 greenback which she hud lost
The bill was founl by I.eo Bussey, a
high school student, who returned It
to the owner after seeing the advertisement.
Turkish fans, although often elab
orately decorated, must never have
upon them the likeness ot any living
Rudyard Kipling, tho soldiers'
poet, born at Bombay, India (ot Eng
lish parentage,) 54 years ago today.
Professor Stephen taacock of Mc-
Gill I'nlverslty. widely known as n
writer, born in England, 50 years
r.go today.
Simon Guggenheim, promlnont
capitalist and ono-ttmo senator from
Colorado, born In Philadelphia, 52
yi-nrs ago today.
Map. Gen. Charles G. Treat, pro
minent offlcor of the United States
Army, born In Maine, 60 years ago
Indians at one time used butter
solely as an ointment for wounds.
A condensed list of merchandise of merit that awaits
here. A few we mention below.
Some of the pretty shades are on display in our windows
They are especially desirable for this season's wear in combina
tion with Satins and other materials. Priced at $2.50.
- """iiViVVYuVim
Special saving on children's hose
in fast colors.
Priced at 35c, 3 for $1.00.
Ladies' night drc.e. are now on
display and are priced to suit.
T ! l 1 i .
L.aaiea presses in a new assortment demand your attonHi
They come in all the lovely, dainty styles.
II. N. MOK, Proprietor
Lumber operations In Western
Oregon and Western Washington
contlnuo to bo hampered by tho car
shortage that has prevailed for tho
last two or three months and that
seems to bo growing worao Instead
ot better, says tho curront roport of
tho West Coast Lumbermen's asso
ciation. A number ot prominent mills aro
out ot tho market entirely because
thoycannot get enough cars to ship
the ordors already on their books;
others are closed down entirely.
This latter circumstance reduced
production at tho 125 mills coutrib
utlng to tho West Coast Lumber
men's association roport last week
to 76,319,215 feet, which was 11.67
per cent below normal.
The trade Is clamoring for turn-
for all kinds of building and
purposos; despite tho
i ...777777 5S
ouiivi; tr K.Li;
Nollco Is hereby Klvcn that bj r.
Sir George Palsh. who has coma!
to America on a mlstlon connected
with the economic situation In Eu
rope. Is rocogulzod as onu of tho bust luud out of tho circuit Court ot
authorities on economic subjects InlJ'10 H,a of OrcKun, Klamath Coun
Great llrltaln. For many years ho ' '"' ,-KT 2 19.19 upon d
was one of tho editors of The Statist' im. W. "rWuB vAUi
a leaning iinuucini paper ot i.otulon.i "ik,
lie has paid several visits to tho Uni
ted States and Canada and has inn
a close study ot financial condition
In both countries. Tho honor of i property hereinafter deicrii.o,! .,.
knighthood camo to him In 1012, In I ""'J" thn ""m of 1673,20 together
recognition of hi work ns an ocon... wJl" Ironist thereon, at tho rate oi
mist nnd statistician. During tho war
Sir George rendered Important ser
vices to tho British Government and
to tho I'nltod States, nnd probably
no one has done more than ho to
bring the present situation in Eu-,
(iiimk, u corporation, plaintiff, and
i against II F. Clianinnn. rin. u.u....
' I li.tiH.illt. M l..n ... ..V1
iadr ;. '' '""e. Aiionzo Kn
"""I ney. W. A C'nlklns and A. C. Vaden.
lonsdofomlnnts, directing the sale ot the
We will re-open the old Orpheus Thea
tre to the public New Year's Night,
January 1, 1920, and offer $5.00 as a
prize for the most appropriate name
for this theatre submitted on the open
ing night We want a new name. Help
us and win a prize.
1 1 her
withdrawal of many mills from tho
I market, orders booked by association
'mllln for tho weok aggregated 90,-
479,722 feet, orders being 13,660.-
507 feet above production.
On account of tho scarcity ot
equipment shipments for tho week
7 wore reduced to 60,122,984 feet, of
which 8,193,528 feet wero moved in
the domestic cargo trado, 5,297,717
feet wore exported and 3,911,739
feet delivered locally. Tho balance
of 42,720,000 feet, or 1424 cars, was
moved by rail.
Hut at tho Home time tho mills ac
copted orders for 2387 cars of now
business, bringing tho total v iltimc
of undelivered rail ordors at those
123 operations up to 12,799 cars, or
383,370,000 feet.
This, with an unshipped balance
of 79,666,000 feet in the domestic
cargo trade and 20,922,000 feet In
the export trade, gives tho group of
125 mills contributing to last week's
report a total of 484,969,000 feet of
unshipped business. With tho chron
fc scarcity of shipping and the con
tlnuod scarcity ot cars this figure
threatens to grow
JU per cunt nr annum, from th
dnto of said decree, and the further
sum of 1150 as attorney feet and
costs and disbursements taxed at
141 05 together with the cjpemei of
such sale, I have lotted upon the
proporty described n Situate In
Klamath County, Oregon, the South
vlvldlr bofom thn inilillr ftn half of Southeast uuarter ot Section
l.i thn nriirinntnr nf ih nr .,,,,.32; and Houtti half of Southteit
i.iin. i..... i .. .. I'ltmrter of Soctlon 33; In Townihlo
vldlng Internntlonnl credits to onnblo, South, Ilango 8 Kaat of Willamette
inyconirai i-.uropo countries to re
establish their Industries nnd gener
ally to rehabilitate thomsolvos.
One Year Ago Today
Vllnu was roporlod captured by
Uolshovlst forces.
President Wilson doclnred to groat
Mnnchostor audlonco America would
join only n combination of all nn
tt in.
Meridian, and will, on January 31,
1920, nt 10 o clock In the forenoon,
nt tho front door ot tho court house
In Klnmnth Falls, Oregon, tell at
public auction to tho highest bidder,
for cash In hand subject to redemp-
I tlon according to law, all riant, title
Inml Inltlprt.l nf llllt flllAVA nlimftd lf
' " . l...u l .l tM tl.n AAa.ld rati
IWIUUIlin 111 1IIIU IU UIU (Uicjaiu ,wi
Dated at Klnmnth Falls, Oregon,
Decombor 30; 1010.
GEO L. I lUJll'HREV. Sheriff.
Ilv lUJIlT K. HAWKINS, deputy.
Rough Stuff in
ance na
DRESSMAKING Sowing ot all
kinds Reasonable Room 2, ovor
postofflco, c
FOR RENT Rooms, uso of bath and
phono. 840 Walnut. Cor. 9th. 6
Will glvo board and homo privi
leges to coupio in oxchungo for bop
vices by wife of couple as house-
Koepor for small family whoro wife
Is employod. Inquire Room 2, Swan
son Uulldlng. 2
FOR RENT Jan. 1st. furnished
apartments, 4 rooms nnd bath.
uioso in. Phone 273W. 31
Notice Is horoby given that all
harbor shops In tho city will remain
open until 9 p, m. Wednesday and
It was mighty rough stuff that Dubec nnd "Dutch Vpgel
pulled In their tough danco hall way up In tho northwestern
part of Canada. Tho commandant of the post of the Rpyai
Northwest Mounted Pollco couldn't quell their activities,
either, und so a now sorgeant was sent there to assume com
mand. And with tho arrival of this sergeant things began to
hum as you'll seo when you seo tho now World Picture
"The Devil's Trail"
" starring
and (A u
George Larkin
mw3MmHfriMtifr k 'K...3frv , .
aY'' ' i . v .
30-lt' C. L. CROW, Soc'f
will remain closed all dnv Now Vnnr