The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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" tr'.?--" -4,W!?5fWKr
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tukmiwv, wwra,,,
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ilO. In.-
VI w y WA m ,ly WWWjfc- "
ft KlgfSfiBIS
Camels are sold everywhere in scientific
ally scaled packages of 30 cigarettes; or
ten packages 200 cigarettes) in a.fitass-inc-peper-covcred
carton We strongly
recommend this carton for the homo or
ofico supply, or when you travel.
7iutoii-SaWm, N. C
fi U rtf!, j, jJ-f $Ti
I . S Ei&i?
CAMELS' expert blend ofchoice
Turkish and chciice Domestic
tobaccos answers ever) cigarette
desire you ever had ! Camels give
such universal delight, such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you'll
call them a cigarette revelation 1
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any uuu cutim cigaretty '
aKcrtaste or ur.plc.-iuunt c:garetty
odor, snjoce Cii.T.els! If you
hunger for a rich, mellow-mild
cigarette that hus all that desirable
cigarette "'body" well, you get
some' Canj els as quickly as you can!
Camels' expert blend makes all this
delightful qualify possible. Your
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigaiettea are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
mi de to meet your taste ! You will
prefer them to either kind of to
bacco smoked straight !
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette 'in
the world at any price 1
clanta will hereafter observe nil
holidays uniformly uh it result of n
sf hoilule adopted liy tho Cutuuiurclnl
( lull. Stores will eloo nil day Now
oar'ri. Thanksgiving, Memorial Day
mil Christmas; liulf holidays will lin
observed on tho Fourth o( July ami
t rmlstleo day.
OKI.AND. Doc. 30. II. M. .Inroim,
Vim Francisco renl citato operator
mid mnniiKiT of tho local hog ranch
owned hy the l.iio S. i. Ilurr, win
fouiiil dead In a wagon on a roail
west' of ttilit city Friday night.
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
FOR BALK -A 7 passenger now l.ox
InKtou Cur clump-liuiulro 124
Oth tit. &
Mr. Robert Fry, Toucher of Pi
ano. Tol 27a J ao
TfV .mil.,r !,., .,. ..
Iflrocr. ,,fl H''P t .11
! - - 23-tf
',,UNK "'.'vn.N teZT7n
At'uTHN. Dec. no. Tv(ntV-four
cases of an lutoMcutlliK Japituuno li
quor, known (in "miiKI" nio IikIiI In lliu
poMsCHHlou of Sheriff niiiuir H. (linn,
alt as a result of a motor truck ko
Imk over an tunbankiiiont near Now
rnstlo. No claimants for tho Honor
linvo npieart(l. Oum Halt! Ftuloral
nKouta had huon notified nml worn
OYpprtod to cotno horo for an Invoj-t!(;ntlon.
Tlio lili:i;est Itliul of a liarKalu In
an uito-(late n.ife In now available
at tho Klamath Valley WarehoiiHe
I ami Ferwnrtlltii: ('oiupany. Hen thin
at once If you want to pick up a real
WANTKD Woman to tako caro of
ilillilren 2 or 3 hotirH each da). In-
quia) 421 ItooHevclt. 2U-3t
,Kr," s, .uraT ' ?jl
FCMl UKnt (lh,"niid iiT
'""'" 1" x so ft on ir,.haH!E
l'niMnMl. CIHIrol.. fc Hiaiil, 2;"d,
foh iii:nt coii.rrubior iitcT
riirnl.i.., roiiin l'. of lttl cio,o
' '"'I'llru nt llcrultl Offiro 2C tf
SAN FltANCISCO. Doc. 30 Cnll
fornla. accordlnp to lion Illow, Mana
tor of tho (looil Itoada Hiirean of tho
California Statu Automobile Associa
tion. Krcois tlio now .war with $70,
000.000 nvnllablo for kooiI roniln.
Klpvpn counties havo voted i")iid"
Hlnco May. la addition to t'ie ,Hain
140,000.000 good roads bond fwiio
and $400,000. voted In'.Mniloi Coun
ty for tho orttnbllNhiuont of cio;ln
crrliiR Knulen, brldcuH and culvert.
! WANTKHN'iuniin f'r lioiiHOuorlt
I In the routitn Modern Iioiino. In
qolro llorald offlu 30
!U'ANTIl Threo nounboyjt at tho
i Herald oillre 11 tf
WANTKU KiiKKKeinontH by practl
, cal nnrsr ulth reforottcoM. IteaMon-
able. Add Nuinu llox 11 Oil, Klam
ath Falli. 31
IlKNKCIA. Dec 30. That ho had
rccolvod notification from tho war
tlorartmont that th? mini of SH.OOO
t to bo Immediate! v fiVilluMo for
tho icnstruct.lon .)! l mllen of rtnd
wi' In tho nonnt.n Arn-'iin1 t:riiiindn
Is tho statomont oi t'ol K V. O'Wern
horo. O'Hern Ih Comni'.indtiiu of tho
j 1.01)1. Dec 30-Tho city of r.odl linn
secured a pctrlfletl pine lor; from tlio
foothills. Tho log has boon placo.l In
tho Municipal IMtlc.
It Is a perfect poclnuu and
woIkIis 3,78 pounili.
Wellman Pure Vermont Maple In the lGth century tho blades of q
Sap has arrived. Ask your grocer. table knlvos bore on one side the! I
Subscribe for the Herald.
'musical notes of tho "grace before'0"
the meat" and on the other side. ACHl'uN, (Placer Co) Dec. 30
I I SAORAMRNTO, Doc. 30. Socro-
-O fnry of State Frank C. Jordan today
It dlcated ho will take no further no-
I w aim I 1) Many (,f i,c i,,ii.
, new pup. r tm a i.r i',. roam,, tho
i III. II 10 II... I..,t pal.1 1 .-.tlons -got
,11-eir ti.u mi I,,,,.... i..MWai)er
I ho all round BliilnK ol.tainca on
'the Htnnllir paper ii.i.iIp the apcnt.
, .., ,.,i ,i. v, ,i -ii,, 0f the
bicreot pu i.ll .it i.itm of tin- countrj.
The Herald inn m ep. ,iiE for a re
poiter ami will :l. i,,.,! iiunllranti
pr.'f ti' The MMiiii.n i open lo
dim )oiiiiK mini uIid in n Uro. bright,
able to Rather new nml wrlto gmu'
jm-itieil I.ukIinIi Appl) to the City
. i..iii..r
STRAYBI) Ono whlto roachoii
inane homo welRht about IGOO,
brand" 71. on loft ithoultlor, nliotl all
around. 27-3t
Domorenl, DuntUt, over StiRar
man'H Store, Gth and Main. 2-tf
WANTKD A Reed roll top dusk. In
ijulre Herald office. tf
Try Silver Thlntlo Syrup at all
Orocorn. 23-tf
WANTKD A Reed boater. Inquire
Herald office. ' '.'0-tf
Anyone wInIiIiir a Roxall (the old
reliable) calendar can Hocuro ono at
the Star DniR Store.
Hurrty bond unllo you wnlt. Ulill
coto .i Hiiilth. B-tf
Want Ads bring results.
MADAM 10INA, Palmist-
World's (irt'iilext riirriiiilogltt,
I'nbiiNt and Medium.
Reads your untlro life past,
present and future correctly, glr
Iiik names, date.1 and tlgurca In bus
Incss, tou, liw, uiiirrlngo and dom
estic trouble! Tells you what yon
are best adapted for nml what lo do
to better your conditions In life.
This lady rends your hand as you
would an open book A reading by
her will meet your IiIrIimi expedi
tions, and you will lie wlur and
luippler, after cotiHiiltliiR her, the
havliiR tho Rift of reinoUng nil etll
Inlluenrrs and pbichiR you In nn en
vlroiiinont of Iinppy thought and
contentment. IleadltiRS. Sunday and
dally, 'J a. in. to 9 30 p m Located
at Room l. Monro Itoomlng House,
1313 Main St, between Drond and
SprlltR Streets, one block cast of
Whlto Pelican Hotel. Klnmatb Falls,
Ore 1-18-20
i those of "the grace after tho meat
M -Deeds of transfer of acreage In tho ' l,ou !". iroBsI,"s ',,,a c,,",alK '
.jfemous Placer county fruit bolt.!""'"1 C h'n "'' effort to
riday, January 2, 1920
representing sales ngRroRating more
'" I than $500,000, have been filed with
; County Recorder P. (. I'kberg dur
YIng tho past 'sixty days. Tho activity
?! In transfers and development "of acre
.:. .age property Is greator than ovor
; known In tho history of tho foothill
i-1 fruit district of Placer county.
r llovo tho farm labor shortoRo.
At my ranch 6 miles east of Merrill and miles
north, 3i miles west and miles north of Malin,
at 1 o'clock sharp.
2 Holstein cows, 6 years old, and calves.
1 Jersey cow 2 years old. 2
1 Holstein cow 5 years old.
1 brown Swiss cow 9 years old, coming fresh.
1 . brown Swiss cow 8 years old, coming fresh.
1 Holstein heifer 2 years old, coming fresh.
1 Holstein heifer coming 3 years old, coming fresh-
1 thoroughbred Shorthorn bull 2 years old.
1 Holstein cow 7 years old, coming fresh soon.
1 gray Durham cow 8 years old, coming fresh soon.
1 well-bred Durham bull 1 year old.
5 heifer calves 8 months old.
3 yearling heifers.
1 Jersey cow 6 years old, coming fresh soon.
1 Durham heifer 18 months old.
1 steer calf 8 months old.
1 pony 10 years old.
13-in. Mandt wagon, nearly new.
1 tiger seed drill, 14 discs.
l YREKA, December 30. I.oroy C.
Ostrandor, a telegraph oporator nt
' Montague, has brought- milt In tho
Superior Court hero for tho annul
: ment of his marrlago to Kdna Aknrd, Drynnt, whom ho married on
. November 23, 1017, on tho ground
that her first husband Is allvo and
-: that sho never has been divorced
X from him.
j MAIIYSVILI.E, Dec. 30. Ilurol.t
jSlmniB, tho taller of tho two alleged
T. i hold-up men hold In tho Yuba coun-
Xty pall for tho murder of William
Mitchell, Murysvlllo shoeblack Is tho
person who inflicted tho fatal pistol
shot. 'This Is according to tho dying
statement of Mitchell, made to Shor
Iff C. J. McCoy and District Attorney
Pay Mnnwoll.
Kl'RKKA, Doc. 30. Tho trials of
t' e eight alleged I. W. W. huld her"
( n churges of crlmlnnl syndicalism,
havo boon sot by Judge Oeorgo Mur
ray for January 10th, 2 1st, find 2Gtr..
CO I. USA. Dec. 30. Tho Pnclflc
Rice Grower's Association will build
u warohouso horo hoenuso of tho In
nderiuato facilities of tho public
Tho association will also build
warehouses In tho nonrby counties.
AIrPRAS, Dec. 30. Mrs. Ollvo
Peck, who Is rhargod with tlio niur
dor of iior hiiHband, Frnnk Peck, In
their homo at Knglovlllo on October
30th, last, has been taken Into cus
tody. Mm. Peck now is hold In tlio
Modoc County Jnll.
light burRliir. masked nnd armed
nindo a personally-conducted tour of
tho residence of Joho M. Dodoyn
wrnlthy Peruvian, took about $100
in rash, disdained several thousand
Uollnrs' worth of Jewelry and escup-od.
According to estlmaio, fully 7.000
horsepower to tho ncro, or ubntit 1,
100,000 horso power to tho siiuaro
mile, reaches tho earth on a clear
day In tho form of radiant bent.
xeTin: to ntnnrnms.
, In tho County Court of the State of
' Oregon. For Klmnntli County
In tho nintitr oi mo iiaio ui ."
I Klleso, Deceovil
I Notlco Is herein Rien that tno
underslRiied I as b"''ii dulv uppolnt
od ndminlstrntor. with tho will an
nexed, of the estate nt Kmll KHce,
Ideceuscd. by the ah entitled
'court, and all poison linvlnc claims
nRalnst snld i-ntalo are required to
I prosont samo to snhl ndmlnlstrator
'.,. in... ntttm ever tho Hfsi
'stnto and SavHms llnnk. In Klamath
i .... nr..n wiihin six inontns
Ifrom'the dale 'of Ibis notlco.
j Datod tills ltilh day of December,
!101!i' c V STOKE.
Administrator of the estato of Emll
Klleso, Uucoascn.
1 tiger seed drill, 14 disks.
1 S-foot McCormick binder.
1 colt coming 8 years old. ,
All omriH nnrloi iRPO rncTi Ovpi' fVmf. nmniinf. nn 10
i months' time at 8 per cent interest; 5 per cent dis- i
& count for cash with good approved joint notes.
SISSON, Dec. 30. Marshal Sch
neider traveled approximately forty
miles In search of a wagon nnd team
Lclonglng to Ron Howo, local ex
pressman, reported stolen from In
front of tho Southern Pacific depot.
On his return ho lenruod that tlio
team had boon located on tho school
grounds, a block from tho station,
COLUSA, Dec. 30. A. .Tnndors, nn
employe of the Pacific- States Tele
phone and Telograph Company horo,
sustained several brokon ribs nnd
posslblo Internal. Injuries that may
provo serious as n result of a colli
sion duo to fog hero. '
MERRILL & MOORE, Auctioneers
niiDDINO, Dec. 30. Tho Ilnlnk
biln Copper company of Coram hns
brought suit In tho United States
Court In San Tranclsco to rocovor
from Shasta county a tax of v$fS.092
raid undor protest In Docomborv
ALTURAS, Dec. 30. Tlio Super
visors havo completed details for tho
salo of ?400,000 worth of county
highway bonds to tho Anglo-Cnllfor-nla
Rank of San Francisco. Tho bank
has agreed to purchase tho ontiro Ib
hiio nt par and accrued Interest to
dnto of dollvory, nnd nlso agrees to
soil tho county, in such amounts ns
tho county may doslre. Unllod States
Victory Loan Honda drawing 4
per cent interest nt par and nccrued
Interest for any of the moiioy that is
not needed for tho immedlnto neces
sities of tho county.
Whonovor tho county needs tho
money for load purposes, tho bank
agrees to purchoso buck tho Victory
Roods for that amount at par nnd
accrued interest. If tho bonds nro
worth more thnn par wlion tho coun
ty desires to soil, tho county Is per
mitted to sell thorn In tho opon mar
Dec. 31, 1919
Music by
Malin Orchestra
John Brothanek
James Havlina
Vaclav Rajnus
Joseph Otoman
xetici: of ri.i. si:rri.i:Ji:XT
Notice is hereby K '.Mr"!!
undersigned, as AdmlnMtratr J 0I
tho Ifetnlo of William 1'. Ic
deceased, has filed In the LounV
Court of tho State o OrogM.
Klmnntli County, the Hnn '" t0,
of heiMidnilnlstrationof aldUta
and that the Court bus wiW.
nry 10, 1020, at the hour of -
V M as the time lliul the- touri
Itoom'n? V.d Couit ... .be , pur. g
tho honrlng or "'J","",10 ,cltie.
uccoi.nt. If any. n'l r"r "l0 m
moilt lliorem. 1()ln
Dntml: Docember Mb, !"
KI.1.A M. McMillan.
Millun. docoasctl-
Wo imiku n l,,',,,,,l,,;.,l1!o(liS
,ind,,'. ' (
uo'll do the test, (biluito
KIJRIilKA, Doc. 30. A pnromptory
ordor directing tho Stuto llonril of
llcdlth to open n1 tompornry school
for unvncclnntod chlldron during tho
smullpox epidemic was issuod today
by Judge Murrary In tho Suporlor
m : $ '-ft
T ' i- U.-
Have an Oil Heater
,o lake off the chill whonjlt J
too warm to havo t ho wr n
going. Wo have t hoi n W w
as pretty as a I'nmn.
very llttlo oil and are ctmr or
(ocd to bo freo "0I" f,1",, the
smell. Don't wnlt till all
family havo colds. O" "
,J2 Mnlll ft
LOS ANGELES, Doc. 30. A day-
DAKER, Dec. 30. Dnlcor mor-