The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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'AV, li:rij
Klamath Falls Adv. Agency!
First State & Savings Bank Bldg.
DlSTniDUTlNO i i.
lAqA2?.NEa '1
pamphlets r
ROSKIIURO, Dec. 30. The Roue
burg school board nt tho IttotlK'Uton
t uf tlio faculty, gavo tho teachers ti
t bonus of T0 each to lie applied nt
tho end of tho term, in addition to
regular salary. Thin vn tho only) g
feasible wny of khuiUiik an Increase,
is wio scnooi uuugot is mmio un,
etc., am : i
We do Everything in Advertising For
--fi'jI'L tlie Merchant .jeasi'DS!-J
HANDON. Dec. 30. No further
bodies huvo bvcu recovered In tho
Chunslor disaster nml whllo n close
watch In lielnK kept nlong tho bench,
both to tho north nuil south of tho
wreck, none 14 expected to Hunt
nihor for several days yvt, or until I J
jho bodlt-B como to tho surface,
flWhy not let an advertising agency write your ads?
Inquire about it and see the results you can obtain"
in better advertising.
Phone 357
MEDFORD, Dec. 36 Tho county
court practically abolished tho homo
demonstration work In Jackson coup
ty, which has been In progress for
the past two years, by refusing to
make any appropriation for next
your This action was taken dosplU
tho petitions of hundreds' of farm
urn nml nrch n rillnl anil llinlr lv I
and citizens generally throughout! J
tho county and by tho farm bureau
and every farmers organltutlcn. i J
MEDFORD, Dec. 30 As a result IV
of the Jackson county court's action ,
Musical Study Club
Alice Nielsen
mertca's Greatest Lyric Soprano fPjfW'
in Concert
1 Mi
In abolishing tho homo demonstra
tion work by refusing to Brunt the
S apartment houses, stores and unnunl appropriation for Its support,
other structures, having been built
the report said.
Loans to utility companies on
housing projects aggregated owr
When the armistice was signed
the United States had becomo tho
leading shipbuilding nation of the
, world in tonnage capacity and rapld-
'Ity of construction, tho report Bald
talk of circulation of petitions to re
call County Judgo Gardner and Com
missioners Owen nnd Owens has developed.
DALLAS. Dee. 30.-Sheriff Orr.
while In Snlom, Tuesday, arrested
Charles Cosmo, a Dallas boy, for
whom ho hud boon looking for svv-
erul months. Gosso was wanted In
8:30 P. M.
During tho second quarter of 1019,' .onncctlon wUh tho robbery of three,
HS per cent of tho world tonnage .... i,
, stores here last summer. .
verton Co-operuivo Community club
Tho Hen-
under construction was in American
WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 29. yards including 44 Mr per cent of the
The American flag has been restored world's steel ship construction,
to 41 of the world's Ereatest ocean vnio nt innnn ionnn .i n.
trade routes, the shlppng board rec- nnn ,.....,,. . ' ',' ,., ' (hat purchased the equipment of tho
vvv ucdunt-IKUl lull clilfeMl'H Win nt?
uu iu iLa utiuuui icfuri iu v,uu- (
gross, .iosi oi me snips are piying tra
.trans-Atlantic and South American ami provision for steaming radius of iMCQqo1 n,u,t0&lu'' v!-ere In the near V
al miles has been made Mlx a rt'RUlnr "rKra of '0110'' V
uu ueauweigni ion cinssei will lie , , ,, . . . , , , ,,
Ho most titlielent to meet niodera old Ueav, rton theater and hus begun "
ado requirements, tho report sald.lnH,nn'n,r Ue u!pment In tho high
lanes, the report said, but some of 13,000 nautical
them are In waters where the Stars jn new American ships.
Tho pro-
picture features will bu given. It
and Stripes have not been seen on gram for tho establishment of oil ',ttS ljeen l,la,,nc" to s,ow nmuHing
cemmercial seas for more than a fllei station calls for tank facilities educational movies
generation. int St. Thomas. Vlrcin Islands. Unnn.i
- Distribution of the government ilu, Manila. Tonta Delgada, Azores,"! ROSEBI'IIG. Dec. 30. Special S.
fleet of 1230 vessels, agregating 6,-'uizerta, Tunis and ConstantlnoDlM ' 'nvector LMIIs has chocljod up the
791,060 tons, shows 236 vesels in! Ucah f.uit business and amount of
the northern Europe trade. The' T t'lamag. to fruit duo to the recent
trans-Atlantic trade next with 107 1 Tllc chemistry of tho present dayilieu.s. He found that no damage'
ships of 1,204,953 ton3 engaged In nad I,s or'Sln In the old-time al-j'-ad resulted At the I'mpqua Valley1
the food relief service ami 17fi shins enemy, which had for Its main in-' uninn plant tl-e union has about ' 1
with a tonnage of 1,175,614, were splration and object the discovery of 5 cars of apples to pack before the'-
still In use by the army on June 30 some means by which the alchemists season closes,
lasi. migni errcct tlie transmutation of tho
Another 88 vessels were cngag- base metals Into gold.
cd in the South American trade; 73
Sale of Single Admission Tickets
now on at Shepherd's Piano Depot, and at Opera House 7:30
P. M. Tuesday if any reserved 'seats remain unsold at that hour.
Single Admission Reserved Seat, $2.00 each.
General Admission, no reserved sent, $1.00 each.
All ticket holders are urged to be prompt. Doors will he
closed and no one admitted or seated while anv musical number
is in progress.
SALEM. Dec. 30. Tho state land
plying to Brazil, 92 to La Plata and
23 to the West Coast of South Amer
ica. Sixty vessels were making reg
ular sailings to Southern Europe
ports, 14 to Africa, 6 to- India, 77 in
the trans-Pacific, 143 to the West
Indies and 44 in the coastwise and
New England coal trade.
The total gross revenues for the
year were approximately $500,000,
000 as compared with $80,000,000
tor 1918, but no comprehensive
statement showing the profit or loss
was available.
Expenditures totaled $2,512,692.
002 compared with $770,694,057 for
1918, $1,971,367,078 being for ship
construction. Next heaviest was for
Inventory of materials amounting to
$177,734,648 and plant and prop
erty expenses were placed at $167,
786,559. It cost $62,065,935 to furnish
housing accommodations for the em
ployes of 24 shipyards and one tur
bine plant, 8644 houses, 94 dormi
tories, 3 hotels, 6 boarding houses,,
Hon work Is proceed ng in th- fin- hnndln" from Canada Mr. Mcl'hnr
For Sale
Ford Touring Car
Good Running Condition.
Newly painted, $400.00
bourd, aro carried out
I funds In bonds ,01' Vootl lwilii. Hurd ng uud lohn- son ntmertod that many proportion
5 per cont In- "' ,!CC(,rd,l,B t0 ""'P'1 u- WiH'iuiih. nc b.-lng npen.-d on both hhI..m f f) IIPII V
hn l.'nm,M,i, Republican national committeeman tho Ititomatloiinl boundary VV-IVI.Li I
'board will invest
$200,000 stato school
drawing not loss tho
erest In the event thn rornmmondn
lions of a. a. lirmvn rirv nt ,h'for 0ru". ' ' returned home. Hydor. mi Amerl en n town, scar
.nr. Williams worn eai 10 nuciui mo iy u year old, probably will become
meeting of the national commltteo an Important mining renter iih a re-
MARSHFIELD. Dec. 30 At 10 when tho 'onventlon Jn,o ws 0' suit of dlscovurlcH, the report added
o'clock Thursday morning Judgo i,erlc1 The 0rt'K" ,nn H " th" Tho natural outlet for tho entire
Coke dismissed tho Jury In tho Hur-rC0,n!"Uleu of arrnnBt"n-'n,H. w,,lc soctlon Is thjough Hyd r- Iks
old Howell murder case. The Jurvmt!nn8 that uny 0rcKnlnns who nro iire being built nt HydtT for ocenn
was out 40 hours and unable toln chlc"B durInB tho convention aro KMng vesels and n rallroud Is being
agree. Attorneys for the defense I pn'lty ccrtttln t0 Bet n llckt!l for th plnnnvd to connect tho town with
ask that it not bo made public how
'the Jurorg stood. ThlH was the sec-
find trial. Howell will be tried the
third time.
PORTLAND. Dec. 30. Thomas H.
Tongue of Hillsboro is not colne to
be the pilot of the Republican state
campaign next year, If Uert Ander-
s how.
tho mines.
DihpntchfH received hero from
30. The Ket-hlkan, Alaska, this week said
state highway commission has called gr0, bodies of ore had been found
for the maps and plans of tho Sou- ,n thu Portland Canal country nnd
fert-Deschutes link of tho Columbia thllt thc.rc probnbIy W01lId ,w n riIllh
river highway. t0 yIer , t,J0 Tho
r.,n., ,. patcheH added thut tho rush prob-
EUGE.NE. Dec. 30. Owing to tho ,,, n,,i v., , ,.,......
son of Medford or Jack Day of Port-tB.oft conul'0" ' ' .roads duo to IIH 1Iy,I(.r , n(Jt .. ,.,,..
land have anything to say about It.!1"'' r"enl rrw;ze' tne ''ano co,,nty and the ores nro found only after
Both of these gentlemen have their curl hn" ls8UeU a" cnler t0 ownt!" long hard quarts work nnd not on
I'll Tell the Worlrf"
says the Good Judge
The man who doesn't
chew this class of to
, bacco is not getting
real satisfaction out of
his chewing.
' A small chew. It holds
; its rich taste. You don't
, have to take so many
'. fresh chews. Any man
who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that.
Pat Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
political eyes set on that position, "f auto truckH not l0 Peral0 u"1'' the surface as In tho Klondike.
and both have argument, convincing ""; n me roans nos oei
to themselves at least, to sunnort luruKKUU or unm lntjy tle.
their claims.
llVtR ' your liver and
I'gE'gM' els don't ork ;
Don't let comtlpa
Hon polion your
blood nnd curtail
jour energy, n
anil bow-
Z,y erly, take CARL'S
MP l.mi.I'J livcn
(4 LIFTERS todiy
nml vour (rouble will cease. For
dizziness, lack of appetite, head'
ucho und blotchy skin nothing
can equal them. Purely vege
table. Smull Pill Small Dose
Small price. At tho
Star Drug Co.
SALE.AI, Dec. 30. Professor E. S.
McCormlck, superintendent of pub
lic schools at Carlton, Oregon, bus
submitted to the stnto flsh and game
commission his application for the
position of state biologist, to suc
ceed William L. Flnley. recently de
posed. McCormlck is said (o bo a
biological authority
I SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. 30.--Sncrnmento
housewives, in un nt-
Tho milk from a single Roquefort
ttmpt to solve tho servant problem, I B , w, )n n Jcar pr0vlde from
uro organizing a "League of Mutual . ()f cheese.
Service." Under tho plan propose'! " lrty t0 forty '
thero would bo two branches, onol ' "
for tho housewives und the other for, rsTHAV .NOTICE
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. an lMe ,,omo ctiuHoyoB. There woul.I ,. , mv ,. near Dairy,
Mines bolng developed In the Port- '" n"vlBOry commltteo, composed 'nmit two ,tbs ago, one ui
land canal district, near Hydor, l m0IM,,0r rro' J' branches, to colored pack ! "Vmarewlth
POUTLAND. Doc. HO Knnn,,,. Alaska, nmv ...nml If ,., -..i i.. !' " UlSpUtCa, ThO leagllO WOUK1 ".. """",. , -..nnnt be de-
of Oovornor Frank O. Lowiisn 'value and Imnortimm thn .,., 'i,i ! eHtn,,l,B" standlnd culling for u ,?,'' , ou nor 'may Imvo same by
:t Illinois, candidate for tho Hopuli- producing properties of tho Klon- pc,"-'(I,,le of work budget of expenso ,yng costs.
Jlcan presidential nomination, h.ivr, UHko of twomv v,.,m ,.,. r r nfi"' ru""Jy regular hours for- sor
abandoned tholr original plans to Phnrson, manager of tho Alaska hii-'vunlB'
try to capture the Oregon delegation 'reau of the Seattle chamber of com-!
for the national convention, it is nu- nwrco, declared in his annual renoit1 A c,"l ot Vatican llurnrlnns
uiuriiuuveiy announced from head-'mudo public recently ..! mu ;wii uj uuvouipiihii, hiihu
cjuarteiH of Lowden at Chicago.
Ore estimated worn, mvi Jeacl1 of lho 40'00 vnluuhlo limnu-
ly $no,000,000 has been exposed byi"",,1,lH "'UKt ,, 1","(Io,1 OVOr J10,'a'
ilevolonmont wnn, i ,1... ,....,... rut0,y ''"or " Identification which
r ... . . 1 -.- - vtaiiu I,. i.. .. ... .
uenerai Pershing will bo In Portland nilno. tho JurmHt ii.n 1,, i, ..... 1 '" " " ",U""H Poriunctory.
from 3 o'clock until 11 o'clock of trkt. In which hi ,iiH,.vw,,u , T,l we"""'y Turk Is sold
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 30.-
lom soon
tho uftornoon of January 11, ho bus made In mi'i i, h.., 1.1 !nt lllH wife a dinner tnhlo. IIo iihu-
I advised Sonutor Chamberlain In a' Tho Premier mlno is in iirini, "lly (II"0H '" n imrt of tho hoiIH0 ro'
I POUTLAND, Dee. aO-Organiza- souSn TV" SSTi 12?; S0"B T
Winter Schedule
Short trips, 50c passen
ger ; Pelican Bay 01 bnip
pington, $1.50 for either 1
or a passengeis.
Rex Cafe. Phone 77
ii ' ,- -
FOR Murphey's Feed & Seed Store
126 South Sixth St