THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TAQK EIGHT ni 80( 1010 A -0 We Have Just Received .-fr -t- ' " ' , 1 y - I some large express shipments of Kuppcnhcimcr's fine Overcoats, Patrick Mackinaws and Leather Vests and invite your inspection of them. Also a lot of Stetson Hats, and can now fit you out in the Stetson , you've been wanting. Wc invite your inspection of our fine stock of Rubber Footwear, in all the best and most used styles Pacs, all-rubber Arctics, Felts, etc KKK STORE-Leading Clothiers and Hatters fr.M---- Personal Mention J Mrs. H. II. Edmonds loft this) Olher Martin was In from his ranch 1 morning for California, whoro she at Merrill Saturday on business con will visit for a month with reunites. nected with tho big public nuctluu of j She will divide her time between San! Hvo stock to bo held at til ranch. H. E. Winnard of Lorella was a business visitor In town today. E. R. Keames. president of the First National bank, is back from Mountain View, California. He re ports conditions prosperous In the prune belt. E. M. Bubb, cashier or the First Kational bank at Merrill, was a visi tor in this city today. Mr, and Mrs. G. V. Mattern of Sonnellson, Iowa, are here for an extended visit with their daughter, lira. D. A. Epperson and family. J Francisco and San Jose. Accompany , ing Mrs. Edmonds was Homor Knight, Jr., two and one half jeais pl'l. who is going to stay with friends la San Franc!." 1. January 'J. II. C. Mooro was In from tho Mor rill district Saturday to uinko nr ranBoments for tho big public auc tion of livestock, household goods Mrs. O. V. Houston is spending ! nml fanning Implements which will the holidays with her pirenH In Corning. Cal. During her nbsence Virgil DeLap is filling her position in the county recorder's office. G. P. Keller of Bonanza was hero today to meet his wife, who return ed last night from Portland whoro she has spent the last two or three months for tho benefit of her health. bo held nt tho Whltlntch ranch two. tulles east of Merrill, January G. Edwin P. Cox, a University of Or egon student, Is a holiday guest at tho C. K. Brandenburg homo. Mr Cox Is well known here, whoro he was graduated from tho Klamath county high school. C. K. Brandenburg has gono to San Francisco on business. SE WMW(I H " M R ewar d TUNIC NEEDS NO TONIC TO STAY ON JOB 1 HJ A -Jpl & AT THE STAR (lYitiiluo Xotelty Viitiilmllln Mny bo Scon nt Popular Picture IIouko To night mill tomorrow. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ItUOMH TO IU:NT-129 Flflh El. near M11 1 11 2' I'OH rtAl.i; A 7 pawciiKcr new Ux. iiiKiun vor illvnp iniiii re Hi i tub hi ANTED Woman to take care ot children 2 or 3 hours each dar. In- itilro 121 Ituoeelt 29-3t WANTED -A NAME -' We will re-open the old Orpheus Thea tre to the public New Year's Night, January 1, 1920, and offer $5.00 as a prize for the most appropriate name for this theatre submitted on the open-. ing night. We want a new name. Help 'us and win a prize. Tho tunic rofusos to leavn fash ion's fold as this fetching houso lri' for tho miss shows. Vlrtuat y tho Hiinio lines aro In skirt, unlc "anil watst as wcro first howu In this popular tnoilol. Tho 'ouch of fur Is sufficient trim ming for this Indian head serge. ItlltTIIS BORN At Merrill. December 23, 1010, to Mr. and Mrs. XV. E. Burrls, an eight and one-half pound dnugh tor. Hnydcr ami Hlnos, masters of skuteology, roller klngN, profossom extraordinary of tho sclencu and the art of dnnclng, ttplnnlug,' jumping and posing on wheels bring n genu luo novelty to tho Hlnr Theatru to night In their presentation ot skat ing do luxe, executed on n mapln mn el hinge floor, and In fancy dress. Snyder and lllilcs aro more than .a ( rage capable artists Thoy luvij made their act pleasing by tho ouso w th which thoy porfonu tholr gym- (tloriH, and by tho offoctlvcnosa of thdr costumes. 29-lt WANTED EtiKngoincnti by practi cal niirne Willi references Reason able Add Nuro llox HOC, Klara 11 Ih Pall. Ji I.O.ST On Ninth Street, a $20 bill. Howard If returned lo 1029 Iloie 81 2J Itexldunls of Islands and small pen lusuhtH are said to llu longer than persons who dwell on tho mainland. It Is estimated that throughout tlu world blind nion outnumber blind women In tho proportion of two to ono. Thero are records of snuff having loon HHod In tho West Indies and elHowhnro long before tho Introduc tion of tobacco to Europe .NOTICE OP IMKsOl.rriO.N OF PAItTXr.lUSHII'. NOTICE IS 1IKKKBV OIVEN. That tho partnorslili' heretofore ex isting between C, It Marine and t. I-. Smith, of Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, miliar the nuino. stylo, description and assiimud nume of Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Company, nas oeen this day dissolved by mutual con cen sent: suld F U. Smith will continue tho business, collect ll accounts due the firm, and pn nil bills owing by said firm .. . Dated at Klnmnth Falls, Oregon, this Uuth day of December, 1919 Diumonil TIM & Vn Co l.S-'jo I' !' SMITH. M.VItltlAGE LICENSE A marriage license has been Is sued by the county clerk to Charles C-4 Coleman of Algomn to Alma Ford. WOMAN'S TUXEDO IS FOR OUTDOOR WEAR J. R. MONROE R. E. DALE t mnmwiMm iltpi W 1 ' Kidnapped by a Murderer Tlio man who had murdered her mother Icldniippea little Non etto Dellslo. Ho took her with him to Alaska where ll0 f1 ''''," her by constant threatH and III tieatmont J ears iniw u brought her back to the place from which ho mil taken nir. And thoro sho was nhlo to Save hor young slslor from w lunula of thlH Hnmo man. You'll soo how this Is rtono wnw you soo tho now World IMctuio, "The Devil's Trail" BETTY COMPSON and GEORGE LARK1N are the stars This picture Htopa right along without n hIiibIo fSJ' mont to u HiniiHhlng cllma which you will lo"b ".iuu i-irsi is wna tho ewoator. Thon came tho scarf In vniying sizes and shapes. Now It la tho awoutor find scarf combined In what Is known ns tho Tuxodo model for women. Notice tho fr'ncod bot tom to 1 ho hlgh-grndo worBted body. Tho plaid Tuxedo roil la of tho Jaccjuurd finish. Liberty Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday Some Fight in This One II