TWfflfFW?W" V 9 t t T ? t ? t T ? h t ? T T T ? T T T T ? ? T T T I)i:ci;.miiku nn (tun if) jiriif ri STTBm'lSflJ ffPJgajffR: i -s&fm silP7 i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN EGISTER to Tho Associated Press correspond-cut: JiTHE LIFE OF LEATHER mm- - - II Tver co driving on n ruin PI . ''"' r .1.1. nt1 I.M.I flllC UtMn ult or n umlrclla ur '"itiln"' UlcVllnB down , 7r ;';, u had ln burn dackt STOP IT I U. n lllll Hfrsmunn Oil onr iiulo top, the ima ilnil "" Iht for your hm. Yoall 'I"'1 " l'" t,,e m.' pltndld remits In wnlcriiroof. ,n;'oo.l for mohnlr, kttbtr, end Imitation leather. Thco. Bcrgmann Shoo Mfg. Co. PORTLAND, OREGON I, .JroS tin ml Vi W In SkI Ji WE IRKS porting tholr chief Industry has been exhausted. Sawmills and wood-' "An tlio law now stands, foralfjn i working establishments close, subsl-j ......, iiiiw nn, ill ui iki lu UtlllU iru- 111111 IIUUII.'HIH fun JIJ lOngCr CXISl, ,tcctlon for exclusive iiru In Brazil 'the population movca away, farms ! in tint lio recorded, deposited and nro nbandtned, roads and other pub- publlihed not only in tlio Foder-il lie Improvement)) deteriorate, and' capital but uIho In each of tho 21 I whole townships and even counties states. Court declslon.i Indicate that I are Impoverished." ownership Is based on registration,' "A few Individuals may havo re- BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS and six months nftor registration jnllzed handsomely from tho specu ownershlp becomes Incontestlblo. In.lutlvo enterprise. Tho community rases of unauthorized registration, . has been gutted of Its nrlnclnal canl- tnl." UK) UK JANBIItO, Nov. 21 - (By .Mall) American merchants and manufacturers doing business in Iira7.ll aro adVlsci bv tlio Amnilran i tho legitimate owner nf n tnuln ,.... j, . imiiiiMM 111 viiuiiuiirru tor iira.n 10 """ ' virtually excluded from tlio "this is not an occasional occur I lose no lime In having their Inu'o Brazlllnn market, becauso any artl-ircnco. It Is the history of millions marks registered In this country r' bearing his mark Is subject upon 'of acres of land unproductive and j For several months the Ameilcnn nrrivnl to confiscation by the personjnow an economic desert." Chamber has been working to w-j holding the registration. Recovery I "The states should adopt a policy .cure changes In Hrazlllan trnd-i f tho trade mark by tho legitimate of taxing forests that would encour- ninrk laws which aro declared to boow'or may be regained only upon!ago rather than hinder tho practice biirdeifoiiiK and unsatisfactory ),such terms as the holder dictates. 'of forestry." Commission & Auction Room Yes, we buy household fur niture and merchandise. High est cash price paid. See DICK 100S iMain St. foreign rtnnmerrlnl interests. lleceut wholesale appropriation of Anierlcan trade marks, through loc- "I do not concur in the proposals that havo been made for federal leg islation relative to agreements In re- Rcores of well-known Amerlcnn trade marks have been registered here during the last few weeks, al registration by unauthorized ner-'mnny of them undoubtedly without stralnt of .trade, but I believe that sons, has given Inipotu-) to the move-bo knowb-dge or authorization of public participation Is necessary to iiuiiil. A serloi of recommendations ,,lt' owners." 'meet the difficulties." drafted by the American Chamber Tll(! pilnclpnl changes urged ln "Wo have been discussing these seeking in remedy the present sltun- l'l(J present laws aro that Itlo do .Tan- problems for many years, but we lion have been approved by the pow-i1''1"0 " made the central bureau ion havo made little progress in secur- reglstrntlons for all Bnzll, and that' lug the right handling of private r,r Sl at f Dro. tui't" "id Cncirr Utorci orful seinl-offlchil Commercial As- nd t Sboe sulutlon of Itlo Do Janeiro and aro inT'spo'unJ now before congress for action. Codi Btortf, lCxplalnlng the situation, an offi cial of tho American Chamber said I, bought against un-authorlzed hold ers of trade marks ho extended from six months to two years. the time in which salt may bo lands." "I urge that those interested in the forest problem Join in bringing Inhout some definite and conclusive ! action," 'ih ".t; JM I m Thrift and Little Things Who are the men and women that become masters over great things? They are those who first of all become masters over little things. , Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slogan : "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. irst State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PRIVATE FOREST PROBLEMS E KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works 1010 MAIN ST. Phono 3 JO-.J IVi'Z Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 4D Main St. Homc-Mndo Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. SHIS FORESTER In a pamphlet on private forestry, issued by the Forest Service, Henry S. Graves, chief of the national bu reau of forestry, calls attention to some of the existing problems of lumbering in the United States and outlines a program of action for their relief. Extracts from the book let are as follews: "The emphasis placed on the pub lic forests In recent years has tended to throw into the background the problems of ou- private forests." "Less than 2 per cent of the saw mills of the country are operating on public forests." "Leaders of the southern pine manufacturers state that the bulk of the original supplies of yellow pine ln the south will be exhausted in 10 years and that within the next five to seven years more than 3000 manufacturing piantB will go out of existence." "Already paper manufacturers are embarrassed for supplies." . "Sometimes forests are wiped out by a great conflagration like that in Minnesota last fall that killed sev eral hundred people and destroyed many million dollars' worth of prop erty. Generally the process Is slow er and less spectacular, but the con sequences are Just as serious." "Hundreds of communities are suffering because the resource sup- In booking a football game with Ccntro College next fall, it looks as If Harvard had beaten tho big teams to 1 u. Centre 3 gridiron warriors are bound to be a big attraction. Unless Manager Tris Speaker of I the Cleveland Indians is sadly mis taken, Pitcher Roy Caldwell will be J tho wonder of the American league .next season. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Wo handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus Ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all otner Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes C. E. BISMABK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls ;5m$m$.m2m. PRIVATE OWNERSHIP Superiority Demonstrated in World War E. N. Hurley, who served throughout the war as chairman of the United States Shipping Board, was asked what in his job had impressed him most. He answered: "The efficiency of private ownership and operation as com pared with public ownership and operation ALL PRODUC TION CENTERS ON THE COST you can't get away from that. Shift responsibility for the cost, for the best possible result under a given set'of circumstances and you shift the responsibil ity for efficiency. On the Shipping Board, we shifted this respon sibility from private shipbuilding concerns to the Government. "'With tio shifting of responsibility of cost to the Govern ment, that keen interest in results which follows private initiative was gone. THERE YOU HAVE THE WHOLE PROBLEM AS BETWEEN PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND PRIVATE OWNER SHIP STATED. "I don't know of a government-owned plant that produces more than two-thirds efficiency. In the years to come some way may be found to keep incentive to best endeavor in men under government ownership, but untjl that is discovered that system may be classed as a failure." California-Oregon Power Company T f T t t T T t t f t f t t MS SURPRISE OF HIS LIFE, HE SAYS HAD SUFFERED TWENTY YEARS FULL OF LIFE AND ENERGY SINCE TAKING TAXLAC "I was twenty years finding 'a medicine to reach my case but, thanks to Tanlac, I have found it at last," Fald C H. Leep, a retired far mer, who resides at 210 East Fifty Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Cal., while tnlking of the benefits he had receiv ed from taking Tanlac. Continuing, he said: "For all these years I have been suffering with my stomach, nothing I ate would digest and gas would form and I would suffer with intense pains, and I also had a pain In my side of late years nearly all the time. I was bothered a. great deal with constipation and had to be -taking some kind of laxative all the time, and felt tired and worn out and had no life or energy and was extremely nervous. "I had taken a lot of different sorts of medicine but none of them did me any good and one day not long ago my son suggested I try Tan lac. I took his advice and before I had taken half a bot,tle I knew I had struck the right medicine and was so surprised at my improved condition and it had come about so quickly I could hardly believe it. Every bit of gas and pain disappeared and I be gan to feel strong and good once more and while I have taken only a few bottles altogether I am full of energy, feel fine all the time eat heartily, sleep like a log and never 'tnow what It Is to be nervous. I am glad to say a good word for a medi cine that helps any one ns Tanlac has me." Tanlac is sold in Klamath Fallf by tho Star DniK Co., and in I.orella by the James Merc. Co. Adv. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W "7 ffi ' r Let your Glass Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazing done in any part of the city E. C. 8TCCKY. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phpne 477W 1024 Main. r J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 160. Res. 1D2M. . J CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY B17 Main ARTHUR R. .WILSON Manager O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, 'sold and exchanged. NOTICE Notice is heioby given that on Janunry 10th, 1920, ono trunk, tho contents of which aro unknown, which has been stored and unclaim ed by one Henry Toller' nt tho Klam ath Valley Wnrohouso and Forward ing Company and against which there is now n storago bill of ten dollars, will be sold at public auc tion at the Klamath Valley Ware house and Forwarding Compauy at two o'clock in, tho aftornoon. Klamath Valley Wnrohouso and Forwarding Company, Notico is horehr clvon that on Jan. 'lO, 1920 tho following goods constat Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monroir, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink, Peel ami IJiUinrds ' Barber Shop in oCnnection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nml Service" -1 $ T T f t f t i 1 A ing of ono roll of bedding, ono trunk and three packages of household goods, contents of which aro un known stored under tho name of W. j u. Bradford nt tho Klamath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding Com pany and against which there Is now a storago bill of $31.00 will bo sold nt public auction nt the Klamath Val ley Warehouse and Forwarding Com pany nt two o'clock In tho afternoon, Klamath Valloy Warehouse and 34-31 Forwarding Co. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. Noel PnOXE'4 . Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets VVMWVVAAAAAAAAA Sealskin is naturally of a light 914 1 ilrnli color, lint It Is lived for tho Kali' Dressing, Shampooing, Manli'iii-liic Fnco Matsngo Scalp Treatment by appointment MRS. GILL Room 101 Room 104, White Pelican Hotel DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE liUILDINa PHONE 885 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Dldg., Klamath Folia DR. C. A. RAMRO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDanlela, 301 High St Phone 455 Offlce Ph,ono 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physlclun A Surgeoa Suite 211, I. O. O. F. TeropU (over K. K. K. Store) ' Phone 821 . . ' i . (The only Osteopathic Phyil c!an and Burgeon Id Klanatk FalU.) DR. R. BCRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and Surgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7th and Main "02M2SMiMZY4MC'MSM!SM41 i KATHERINE SCHLEEF r ' y ' Physician and Surgeon & F ' Office, White Bldg. ? 1 j-aT WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AMD BURGEBT 206 I. O. O. F. Bide- ; DR. G. A. MASSEY'r Successor to Dr. Trnax ; Suit 200, L O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 804 Rea Phone 80M Phone 151 J House" 151M Residence DR. A. A. SOULE Office, 420 Main Residence, 1909 Main? SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Pinning Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals nnd reports made, dredging. Wfl contract to build any class of n -building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Ofllco in K. D. Building Mi'WwiSSX.V'SNVVVrfVV KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blncksmithlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. I am now prepared to furnish' Shasta Sand from tho Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity that may bo desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Industries ' Opportunities Investments Good buys in farms and city hemes Jas. M. Watkins Jr. Suite 1. Swnnson Bldg. Phono 484