?.' v f"t 'ffmmff vrrff ACK FOUIt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wi:iim:hi,v, - v. WO. m ... ' F The Evening Herald E. J. MURRAY Editor FRED SOULK City Kditor Published dally except Sunday by or Adrlnn Sharkey will lcao Mon day for Roseburg, In which city ho will head tho Cnthollc church. Hov. Urban O. Hlordan of tho Franciscan Capuchin order arrived In tho city today from Cork, Ireland, to succeed Father Sharkey. SALKM, Doc. 3L riumbora who Herald Publishing Company of jmxo been on the Jump hero for bov ,ta fun, i ruuuu owwu. ,nr t,Ry8 rcl)arnK brokon wtttor pipes and other domage rmultlng tared at tho postofflco at Klam feih Fulls. Ore., for transmission thru Bails as second-class matter. at Silver Lake early Saturday morn liiK. occaslonhiK u Ions of $4000 for tho building and several thousand t.ioro for personal property and print- liiK plant 'equipment. It Is said that h.clmloil In tho los.i nro all tho ro coids of tho Sllvur Livko irrigation illotrlct, as well as personal business records. PORTLAND, Dec. 24. llecnuso of tho roiiulrements of tho Oregon State from the recent storm, estimate that Kollno law which provides that gas tho loss to the people of tho city wlllUlna Hold In this State must bo of total more than JIO.000. 1 5C degrees specific gravity gauge. I the Standard Oil Company today an- ONTARIO. Dec. 24. Snako river nol,nccd ,,n Increase In price of 1 1-2 Is Jammed with Ico floes and I i cents per gallon. This Increase Is of- threatening wagon and railroad brld- fcttvu In all Western Oregon nml as ges between Ontario and Hunting- fnr VMi M t0 Unlloi. these points ton. Tho On-con Short Kino Is semi-. i,.,i,, ,,.,.,iin,i with! L-iimdlno from Tho Associated Press Is exclusively I , ,tVniimii m i.inw fl... ice lamsL.'... .- ... , .- - -j vHiiiuriuu. Subscription terms by mall to any VMreaa in the United States: ? yr -............ .. . $5.00 m month ...... ..................... .60 PLNDLETON, Dec. 24. Tho west end of tho city, In tho Tutllla district Li flooded becauso of high water fiom the thaw. Tho I'mutlllu Is rising rapidly and bridge washouts ato throiittinod. Wild Morao crook Is tho highest In history, and the town of Adams, nuar reudletou, has four feet of water running In thu streets, Telephone and electric light wire nro III dang er nml trains are much delayed. IcKibcr of tho Associated Press I 3at!Ued to the use for republication it all news dispatches credited to it T aot otherwise) credited in this pa Sfr. and also local news published tCkcrate. I1 rights of republication of spo ral dispatches herein aro also reserv- WKDNESDAY, DEC. 24. 1010 and tho Malheur county court Is pre- Eastern Oregon, which Is supplied paring to. protect tho bridge east of!(rom Wyoming points. I not luinie- (WANTS PASS, Dec. 24. Prob ably no one Indication of tho real eotate activity In Josephine county l.i more outstanding than that thu Josephine county Abstract company has had to quadruple Its office force to care for thu dumnnil for ubstracts for Intending purchasers. mi Ontario. MOS1ER. Dec. 2L -Stanley Mlllor and Webb Brother of Mosler succeed ed Friday In killing n largo cougar, several miles south of town on I. title Mosler creek. jdnitl'ly affected, but company offl 'clals siy probably will be very soon. OREGON BREVITIES SAM:M, Dec. 24. Threo liquor stills which the federal officers bc lloo were used by amateur bruwors of thu vicinity havu been, seltud nt Imiiho. from (lalena to Austin, and HAKKR, Dec. 34. llravlng deep snow and thu cold, 32 teachurs, many from remote parts of thu county, have como to Dakor to bo examined for certificates. Two (Irani county teachers aro among thu number, They wuro unablu to reach Canyon City, so thoy travulled 40 miles by 'tho plumbing establishment operatud SALEM. Dec. 24. The bill pro-by Fraser & Piatt here. ipared bv Representative James Ste-1 F. R Ab-Uvi.ft of Wheeler county nrovldlns OREGON CITY. Dec. 24 An nux- HOOD'RIVER, Dec 24 Bteln, pioneer rancher, whose place is ror an amendment to the constitution H,ftry to tho Amurlcan I.eglon of this on the Columbia river highway near!nuthorlxlng an Increaso In tho road city ' to bu organized In thu near Mitchell's Point tunnel, has been Jcrnstructlon Indebtedness ilmltatlon future. here after bobcat traps. lfrom 2 to 4 per cent will go before The vnrmlnts, driven to famine tho leclslaturo at tho special session VORTLAND, Doc. 24. Definite Mrtf. S. V. Moody starto'l Tl urs- pods. . .. - .... ....i ..... ' ,iia v i r ii two mould n vinu wim nor, n iroirnni m. ..n... l vo daughters and son, Don, In Sent- would muu u ft(i,,r ., . . F.UC.KNE, Or.. Dec. 24. An- ,to w,'h"rM ,," M'u"' " ttnilliiK had IImmI there? '' point by the cold weather, sro raid- in January, according to Mr. Stew- decision to carry forward plans fornouncoinont Is made from thu offico.""5" "C"001- A" I'tlmlst u a mnn 'ho will j. t. txurii ui uu HI.I..W m r.i, , renin u ,,llni f( . arrhud In Maker utter being 00 hours on thu road. Owl Cafe Special Chriitmns Dinner $1.25 (Vm-MiiII ItohIi Crab Cock lull ltlIMllM Illpo Ollvrn H,mrlN ,)f Uify Htitip Turkey Olblut with llko Tenderloin of Hoi.. Toinaio Hi.uc, Parisian Potatoes Eiitrn-N Choko of Prime Ribs of Hoof, mi Ju Roast Suckling IMg. Klunmtli llukn.i ,, Roast Voung Chicken, Oyst.-r "l..' " Roast Klnmnlh Turkey. Cl.,tm, ,ftB1. Cranberry Jolly K VrKetnblex Candled Sweet Potatoes Pronch vliH Unmet l Chnlcu of English Plum Pudding. Hard and llnimly ,,, Mot Ml iico or Pumpkin Pin THE DA1.U:, Dec. 24. Thu twontleth district coneutlon of thu -...-,.. .. .......... .....' miiKiiiH ui i j iinun luugii wiih iioiii i hero Thursday. SHASTA VIEW. i ii i ... .... , inn noil ii, ii,,. i lug ranches. art in Salem. financing a corporation that will pro-'0f tho Cascado national forest at Ku vide tourist hotel accommodations igeno that u new Industry Is BEND, Dec. 24. After four yeirs BEND. Dec. 24. Fire which Is be- for tho travel that Is cettaln to como as assistant minister at St Francis Ileved to have started on the first to Orcnon In 1U20. was taken ot a Catholic church ia Bend. P.ev Path- floor, destroyed the Leader building neotlug of tho Chamber of Com- mero committee thnt has been In- ' vestigatlng the matter. t. AJV1AD MCINU ' & m . for bun. .. i.l s about to l,,"lr r"nCh h0r0 to K!""mlh ,''"IK J,lM- ' ""'y low lii)s away 11... !.. ,. t.. Iir...li fS ! f vlmlil.l It.... I. . bu dcveloied In tho .Northwo.it, that:'"" '" """""'" "-'"fi l open but hl of tapping Douglas fir tn-.M for tur-jnr" '"""'"' ' their nntunliunnroH Nirki.tl.imk Isn't. ,, 8, d jlollllno I In this community and wo aro very Oil friend of ours. Isorry to havu them loavu us but wUh1 m ' LA ORANDE. Doc. 2. Fillow- 'nilnnt miccess. Mrs. Ward M'ECIAl, .,T Tilt: I,;,TV. Ing announcement lh.it William .F. "x,,'c"1 ","n, f,w ,wmU rMtm Florida Grapefruit Cocktail Relishes Celery en Branch Ripe Olives in Oil Heinz Dill Pickles Waldorf Salad Soup Choice of Louisiana Consomme Clear Giblet Gumbo Choice of Klamath Hen Turkey, Chestnut Dressing . Cranberry Sauce Roast Suckling Pig, Candled Sweet Potatoes ' Stuffed Tame Duckling, Giblet Gravy Apple Sauce VegetablcH Martha Washington Potatoes Cauliflower, au gratln Dessert Choice of Home Made Pumpkin Pie Whipped Cream Hot Mlnco Pie Christiaas Plum Pudding, Cider Sauce SALEM. Dee. 24. Acting upon a Flnloy. state biologist had been dls-1""? ' '"'" 'inrorni... -r. ami V" "" '' should baatttjn Itgal opinion given by Attornuy-Gon- L.issod. tho Wing. Fin and Fleet- ;Mr" CroclcoU and two ehlldrun. who , " ' '.; jour attea- erl Brown, cpuplod with his own I wood club of this city ..nn.mncml 'o'".",, spending a f- v wcks t ( , " U; observations and examinations. Dr thoy wol k l0 ,,e t,. ul)(),.sh. ,r " "'"l" h,B1V0 " " K0,, '" "'" ' " onllnuou lH Z L. F.Griffith, superintendent of the, n!nt f lha Mtlllu ,lo!oKJP ,,,.. K,B, f"H for "V m" v ,, V LLZJ W a ,naW state hospital for tho Insane hero. ,,. l0 hnvn , fl0..l0.i whl el. I, M"' A TU"",r ,f T f S S ""Jh ' XTf .. . ... . ............ i . . . Hiiiuit thu wouk end with her daugh- '""" '"" " niero will olio ha nns annuunveu iiiiii neii .uuuuuy nu tiiKon out or tn viiort 4111011 tt llr.-n. ' ...... nil os 10c 11 v r nt..r would releaso George E. Chenuwctli g,.H ench year used toward 1 piopigj f lurry county, who has boon do-, ting birds and flsr. fur tho Btute Tl'ey tiolleve In thu biology depart- talned at the Institution slnco his tic qulttal on a charge of murder last August. SALT LAKE. Dec. 24. Tho Mill ual Creamery company, will build n large condensed milk, cheese and butter factory at Eugene. Or., early next Spring and will make efforts tc sccuro. the co-operation of farm er. of Oregon for the dally delivery f 20,000 pounds of milk, according to the announcement today of of ficials of the headquarters office of he creamery company here. SALEM, Dec. 24. Residents on ment, but want !io M.Uo to imi.' t It SALEM. Doc. 24. At a mooting of thu Salem members of thu board of trustees of Wllljmotte university hero Fred A. Lcgg, architect, was Instructed to prepare plans for r building tho Interjor of Win I lor hall, which was partly destroyed by fire early Wednesday. . . :.,. FRIDAY, DEC. , Thin (a ihf rlntn nf ihn pAmtitti,.Ui rural routes out of Salem were serv-lllnnc, nt Merrill. Como down anil led with their mall by regular carrier have n good time. Music by tint Friday for tho first time slnco tho, Kiamntn frniis Jarz orchestra, nig storm broke here a week ago last j""..''"01" w111 00 orvea. 1 luesaay. for iu nays no man nas been delivered in the rural sections . except such as was called for by those who braved the snow and came 1 to town, many taking tho mall for I their neighbors back with them. lor. .Mrs. V. -M. Klrktmtrlek. 1 ., . . ' ." '" "uu' l"ure ' '"" I'liiirH nimiw will tjo lollr and Tint ladles of tho Helping Mar 1 add to tho Christmas cheer. 2Mt wore entertained by Mrs II. E. Wll- . ' ron Wednesday. t - .,-,-n-i, . -., 1.1 ,., 1. --"' -,'irrn 'iriii HOUSTON'? Mi-lriipollUn Ainutrmmu Thorn wuro over twenty present and all report a very enjoyable day. Some of thorn pnt tho time In tlulng a comfort. Mis. Iluldln Is spomllng 11 low I .Metropolitan Ainutrmmu V ucuks with hor iluugliter near Mer- wwwvww,wwiww' rill. 1 Harry Caton was n business visi tor lit the county seat Thursday. Mrs. Lydr. Klrkpatrlck spent a few days visiting In Klamath Falls last vuxk. mhtm hor-husjmnd -was acting' ! jiirymun. j Elf rod 1 laves, mother nnd son. I left last week for Nebraska where J Mr. Hayes will have chargo of his Lrothet's lurgo stock ranch. DA.WK AT .MERRILL. Tea Coffee $1.00 Milk PORTLAND. Dec. 24. Sevoral aliens have been deported from Ore gon recently, according to announce ment of R. P. Bonham, chief of tho Immigration service of tho Oregon district. A number we,ro deported through Ellis Island, while others went direct' from here to their natlvo countries. A post Xmns dnnco Is to be given nt the Opera House In Merrill. Tho date set Is Friday, December 21 It Is to be strictly a comnatiiiltv affair. ;prd n cordial Invitation Is extended In tho busln-jits mon nnd reMclont of Klamath Falls to como down fnd help rrnke tho event n gludsom-j urn." 23-2t J mlwd Cafe S I t Hl CIHOKE.V HUPPKR. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MEETING ADJOURNED HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING EVHtV U'MINTKIMV AND SATURDAY STAR THEATER THURSDAY Tho hall commltteo chargod with thu tusk of securing uultublo quar ters for tho proposed city uthlotfc association nslccd for mure tlmo to fllo Its report Inst night when the; organization tonvcucd In thu hall, and tin adjournment wuh In cunsuquoncu until thu commltteo la ready to bu hoard. TOM MOOIli: In "Till: CITY OP CO.M1IADKS" AIm lOI,LY MORGAN Inl "The Village lll.irksmlth" Two TlioUMind Pii-t of I-sugh uJ2j TEMPLE THEATER THURSDAY APPEALS FROM SENTENCE OF THE JUSTICE COURT At tho Merrill Opera houso nt tho dance to bo given Friday evening, Decomber 2C. Como down nnd Join tho crowd. 23121 Try Sllvor Thlstlo Svrun nt nil Grocers. o.'Mf SALEM, Dec. 24. John H. Lewis of Portland has filed application with tho state engineer hero covering tho storage of 10,000 acre-feet of water' wenmnn 1'uro Vormont Mnplo from Willow creek In Malheur conn-1 gUI1"18 nrrlv0(1- Ask your grocor. ly, nnu 1110 appropriation ot iuu HO' cond-feot of water from Willow creek for Irrigation' purposes. L. N. Fecso, sontenead by Jus tins N. J. Chapman recently to pay u lino of $!i and $40 costs nnd survo HO days In JnlJ for defrauding a hoarding houso keeper, Iiiih appcitlod to tho circuit court for n reversal of tho lower court'H Judgment. Focho wuh admitted to parolo lininmllutoly after tho Jail penalty wan ordered. Her iui.i.ii: iii'itui: In FlrM and H-).t Plrturc "ITGdV" Also A Ljiiih Av Monin Comcily Anil ItKi-riiatloiuil .NV MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'KTUUKh TUKHDAVH AND HATCKDAV8 Merrill. Oregoa t T T T t T T $"l"XX"tXt"t"t J azzz Jazzz BIG DANCE , Christmas Eve and Christmas Night MOOSE HALL Kay-Jay Orchestra t f V T T & SALEM, Dec. 24. Tho Industrial association of Oregon has submitted to Governor Olcolt thu names of tho five persons to represent tho employ ers at tho confoionco to ho hold In Portland Icrmler 22, to make -t",cnimndatlonB to tho spcci'il ses sion of tho logislaturo with regard t" Increasing payincntH lo injured Workmen under the provisions of the stato compensation act. WILLIAM RUSSELL S"JM" SALEM, Dec. 21. Thnt many Bob I Whtto (iiull pnrlHhod as a result of tho recent cold weather and hoavy snowfall, Is Indicated In n report ro ceived horo from Roy Brommor, dis trict gmo warden. COE'S JITNEY SERVICE "OWmgJpJhe high cost of operation and the condi- uonjMHngzstrcets, we are compelled to raise our ratestrornhe present rate of $2.50 per hour to $3.00 ppr liour. COE'S JITNEY SERVICE Phone 168 Lawrence Cigar- Store RECKARD TAXI-AUTO SERVICE Winter Schedule Short trips, 50c passen ger; Pelican Bay or Ship pington, $1.50 for either 1 or 3 passengers. Rex Cafe. Phdne"7 ' IN A (iOOl) WIIOLKSOMi: COMKDY-DRAMA WITH "UK; HILL" WELIi IV THE FORK FRONT OF THE SCREEN FROM llEOINNINd TO EM) 'WHjEjRE CS -aaii "fCTfi. 4 fm mm 5IYKTKUY. VHT ADVENTURE- r H ROMANCE These' three predominating elements, . JL J pT5 Q HP properly woven into picturized form, Vw HjjO 11 iiituvu tiiiatun jiiburusuug, iiiHHiing uruiiul AT THE LIBERTY Tonight Carries a Meral: "LIFE IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT." Limrfitf SSE IN FIVE PARTS vl