PAGE-8K THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Jl!,11:il( ,, saSSiPHMMiilJ'I Light Weight and Durability are the best Guarantee of Quality jjllllg D Mtrt mlttiHrt'll" tint Mll IM WAS l BED FOR jHERALD'S ClASSjFIFQJgHlTiBg THE difference between a Maxwell and a larger car is largely a matter of weight. Each carries the same average passenger weight, travels over the same roads, and at the same speeds. Per pound of metal the cost to make each is about the same. One lasts just about as long as thf other. The mission of the Maxwell is to carry the same load, over the same roads, and at the same speeds at extremely low costs. That is highly efficient transportation. It is expensive to haul dead weight. Therefore, every superfluous pound has been eliminated. Light but strong metals have been used. These are the quality rnetals. They provide the "toughness," the wear, the ability to stand any strain and shock; and yet they are light in weight. This is the secret of the Maxwell. It explains why'a Maxwell delivers a mileage that is inexpensive that is troubleless that is almost endless. The greatest efficiency economy record ever made is held by a Maxwell. It ran 22,020 miles con tinuously without one single stop of the engine, carried a full passenger load, averaged 22 miles to the gallon, at a speed of 25 miles an hour! The story of the Maxwell andits great acceptance by the world is a story of its metals. For in five years 300,000 have been built, and these have made many friends. 1920 production increases to 100,000 Maxwells. Which will supply 60 $j of the demand. $985 f.o.b. Detroit hALUHPHtK) was aiii.i: to in: n i rimici: WEEKS AI'Tim TAKIMJ TAN. I.AC (JAINS 20 i'or.NUS. j: Howie Garage , I fli'iiiiM NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la thereby given that the undersigned baa been duly appointed Admlnlstrator-wlth-the-"Will-Annexed of the Estate of Susanna Leach, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Klamath County, and all persons having claims against said Estate are required to present1 same to said Administrator at the law offices of It. C, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated: December 15, 1919. L. L. BROWNELL. Adminls-trator-wIth-the-Wlll-Annexed, of the Estate of Susanna Leach, deceased. 15-22-29-5-12 A subscription to The Evening Herald for a prospective locator this year, might mean a Christmas NOTICE Groesbeck,. present for all of us next year. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY TIRE SALE We have just received a complete stock of the fam ous Barney Oldfield Tires, and for one week only, from December 19 to December 27, we will sell one tire to a customer at 25 per cent off of regular price to introduce them in this territory. For example a 30x3 1-2 Non Skid Tire, Price $21.95 Sale Price $16.70 35x5 Non Skid Cord Tire, Price $77.85 Sale Price $59.15 These tires are made by the superior Wrapped Tread Process with best quality white rubber and are built for hard service. Cord Tires guaranteed 8000 miles. Fabric Tires guaranteed 6000 miles. Now is the time. We are saving one for you. Annual Election Enterprise Irriga tion Di.strlct Notlpo Is hereby given that the regular Annual Election will bo hold on Tuesday, the 13th day of Janu ary, A. D. 1920. within the Enter prise Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon, for tlm nurnnan nt electing one member of the Board of Directors of said District, and to de termine wnetnor n cortain contract Is to bo made by the Enterprise Ir rigation District with the United States of America for a- water right iior tne lanus or said Enterprise Ir rigation District, whcroln tho mnxl mum amount to bo paid for said water right Is to bo sixteen dollars per aero for each and every acre Irrigable within tho boundaries of said district, and the proportionate part of tho annual operation nmi maintenance cost of tho in f works used In conveying tho water iu nam uiHtrict. The polls to bo opened at 8 o'clock 'on tho morning of tho nlnctinn mi Uo be kept open until 5 o'clock In tno afternoon of said day. Tho Board of Directors havo spec ified tho following polling places In said district for said electien: Tho residence on tho Old Vnr ner Itanch, known as tho John Smart placo, situated in Section 2, Township 39 South, Itungo 9 East of tho Willamette Meridian. Given by order of tho Board of Directors of tho Enterprise Irriga tion District, this second day of De cember, A. D. 1919. BUItrtELL SHOUT, President, O. J. HILLYAHD, Secrotary, C. W. MILLEK, Board of Directors. 15-22-29-5-12 'I in bod for alx months with stomach trouble tuul rhoiiimitiaiii u ml Tanlne alone deserves tho cred it for my recovery nuil present duo health. I have Ruined twenty pound, onjoy working hard every day and I feel llko I had never boon alek In my life." This remarkable atntbmont was made by Mr. George tlrogolro, a pop ular longeahoremnn who realties nt 27 IS Third Ave., Northwest, Seattle, recently. Mr. Orogolro has lived In Seattle for twelve youra and U woll known to hundreds of people. Contin uing he aald: "My trouble started a year or more ago and I got graduaally womb all the time. My appetite loft me and what I forced myself to eat would uont digest, always caualng a tiovoru pain In my stomach uid shortness of breath. Fat greasy things nnd moats were like polaon to my syastom. got weak as a kitten nnd then the rhoumatlam laid hold of mo ao bad, especially In my knees, that I could hardly drag myself about. My kid neys seemed to give way too nnd I had palna In my back ao bad I could tot atoop over. My head ached ao It roomed llko It would almply apllt In two and I would got to dizzy I would hnvo to hold on to aomethlng to keop from falling. I wax ho un comfortable nnd roatleaa nt night that I would tosa about nearly all night without getting more than a third of the sleep I needed and I lost o much weight and got ao had off I finally got completely down nnd out. Aa I aald before had boon li bed for six months nnd no kind of medlctno or trontmont aeomod to tlo mo any good whatovor. 'I wna In this condition when I decided to give Tanlac a trial and It got me out of bod In throe wooks nnd has made a different mnn of mo. Tanlac alone did It, aa I tald lief ore havo now taken six bottloa and every one of my former troubles are gone entirely. I out tin co meals n day nnd never have tho least trouble with my atomnch. My kidneys are In fine shnpo and tho rheumatism la a thing of the past. It do my work ao cnslly now I surprlao tho men who work with mo, nnd I will never cease to bo grateful to Tanlac for the wonderful wny It has put mo on my feot. ''I enn't every say enough good for this groat medicine." Tanlac la sold in Klamath Fnlli by tho Star Drug Co., and In l.orella by tho James More. Co. Adv. FOR SALE Real Estnto piionh im-ythv . - . U,,J" for v, FOIt HALE ll) Hero farm or wilt'oiTV (IAImiami. V"""" trade for Ktumuth city property. , tlnrh, . J .'"Twiln Albert llarrett. 12-27-20 "Oil. lit FOR SALE MUccllnncoua r " a--uLryi.r(, 10 HALE One qunrtor powur motor, one three horao horae- 'rlmKoromovmiXnV9iUr.1t SITUATIONS u-ti j WANTED IF YOU ca O WANT HTUUujrr power motor, one 90 gallon hot School . . ,,",!" " County ',7i water tank Inquire New City ' J'0.1?0 m.0, aiMfi ''''IT U-lOf iioTi. w,m?"'.L ?.ln alio .iS1!! "ioy.fo7eiWki;;rn"ihl,j' Hiorwi, etc Hjwli b," 'mlc. on . to thin J,,,'' ,"" U .: FOR RENT OR LEASE FOIt KENTTWO room for light nouaoKoopiUK lata Main St. 17-fit FOIt KENT Furnlahod room. In" Ulre of F. Houlo, Herald Oltlco or at 128 Second St., after 5-30 p. m. iott FOIt KENT ItooiiiN. use of bath mid phono. 840 Walnut, cor of via, 1 ltr HELP WANTED 'AAssMss WANTED Three- newsboys at tho Herald Oltlco. tl-tf MISCELLANEOUS ----- -i'i'i'i i,rvrrrrtftrumfwju Furniture of aovon room houao for ante. Phone 233J. 12-27-19 (lot one of thoso lutiul-tltitrsl Cm. Irr ltkn ii1io4n fmni tlm Millar Ptioto Co., Kill MmIm Ht for your inenu lor aiiiim IlMC Harety boda wutla yon wait. OIUV coto M Haiitb. s-tf Hubacrlbo for the Herald for your Kivstern relative or friend. Thoy would owe you an ovelaatlng debt of gratitude. c :.,."... n" -"vko ""iiniuiu's una iy th." t1": an rrf. r. Vi lo to nmko eincl. , " J' to. i " protitab hi both to it,: ,wt "lot..o.ere,,,,,Kft;'r5t f.Mi do , :v,r,wrr8s MADAM IOINA, Palmi.u uorld'a (ircni aiinlst mid Mii, " Ueada 'atent I'lircnoloH,. t nmi Swii ''"' year oat ro ltr Past. Tirdti ...! ..4. 'tvnvni tin u ii i ii rm .... ! Ing uninoa. datw and (iBUn Ti E Inoaa. love, law, mrr IS ,MBb,,lu o.tlc "Toiu'S "hit SL fre bat ndmngd for nd whit mV Th.bu.lX ,ou,r condl0 i .Uf, Thla lady reai your hand ...' would an oK., book ? 'JiJS h.r will tne'ot youftii JHS4 Ions, and you wilt ho wir inJ happier, after con.ultlmc her ih. having the girt of romorlai iu ,T Intluoncoa and placing rou n . vlronment of happy thought tnd contentment. Headinn: Snnd i, dally. 9 n. m to 9 30 .,. m.i :...': .uvairu at Itooiu 1, Aliinrrt ifnA.niM I 1313 Main St, betweca Ilrwd ad Hprng Htreota. no block cut of Vhlto Pelican Hotel. Klamath Fall. 1-1 8.20 .SUIT IN KQt'lTV FOIt l)i:citi:i OF IHVOItlT HU.M.MO.NH HOOKS, HOOKS, II(H)KS: Kvory ono buy a book. You will novor again find thorn no cheap. A thousnnd or moro In our window, cost 4 to 20 times as much. Closing them out nt cholco for a quarter, 25c. EVANS & DAMN. 19-KOD Kqulty No. 1113 In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. Frances Gertrude Wluchell. Plain tiff, v. James Howard Wluchell, Defendant. To James Howard Wluchell. tlm above named defendant In the iinmo of tho Slate of Ore gon you are hereby required to np appear and nuawor the complaint filed against you in the nbovn en- titled suit, on or before Monday, the tun nay or January. lao. tlint be ing the day of the luat publication of summons and tho IiihI day wltlu'i which you are required to answer. a fixed by the order of publliaon of thlH summons. If you fall w ap pear and answer, the plaintiff WIl apply to tho court for the relief tie matidod In aald complaint. Said Milt la brought to secure dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing be tween yourself and plaintiff. ThlH aummona la published In Tho Evening Herald, a dally newspaper printed and publlahed at Klamath Falla. Oregon, by order of Honor able D. V. Kuykondnll, Judge of aald court, and dated November Houth Hang C, east of the Wll- Inmette Meridian Terms of ale ahnll bo purchaie price null In hand. IiIiU to he In writing, nnd nliall ho left with thli guardian at the efflco of her said attorney II. M Manning, at tho ad dreaa aforeaald abstract of title ahnll bo at tho oxpenao of tlm pim. I Tlm anlo of snld promliei shall be mntlo subli'ft to confirmation hr th. il County Court salt! Dated at Klamath Palls. Oreeon. thla Otll dav of Not ember 1919. (Sgd) AONKS I'lIIItCK. (iiinrdlnn of the Kstato and Poraon of Albert Hopllai I'lerce, a Minor. S-15-22 29 5.' xotkt of I'lUXI! n.V.Mj ACCOUNT III the County Court of V o State of Oregon for Klamath County In the matter of the 1 state of William Whitlock, Deceased. Notice la hereby ghen that I hare filed my final nccount nnd report as Executrix of the lat Will and Test ament of William Whitlock deceas ed, anil that tho ahoro entitled court has fixed upon 2.30 1'. M. lat. ISnturdnv the 10th dnv of January 1919, tho first publication to bo mndo 102D u tlm ilmu nmi tho County on tho 24th day of November, 19 19,1 Court House of Klamath County, and the last publication thereof on tho Otli dny of January, 1920. H. M. MANNING and WM. GANONO. Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. nnd Busluoas Address, Loom Is Building, Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon. 24-1-3-15-22-29 Tommy Burns was tho last Ameri can heavywolght champion to on gago In an International contest for tho title. Burns went to England In 1907 and knocked out Gunnor Molr, tho British champion, In 10 rounds, and tho following yenr ho knocked out Bill Lang, Australian champion, project nt Melbourne, In 0 rounds. I IXOTICI: OF FINAL SETTLEMENT A romplcto lino of Crater Lake nmi Sit, Slu.stn framed picture nt Sillier Photo Co., lilll Slain' St. 19-4t WANTED WANTED Many of tho leading nowspapor mon of tho country, tho men In tho best paid positions got their start on their homo nowspapor. Tho all round training obtained on tho smaller papor mndo tho special ists who guldo tho destinies of tho biggest publications of tho country. Tho Herald has an opening for u ro portor nnd will glvo local applicants protoronco. Tno position Is opon to any young man who Is nctlvo, bright, nblo to gathor nows nnd write gram matical English. Apply to tho City Editor. 20-tf NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. In tho County Court of" tho Stnto of Oregon for Klamath County. In the Mutter of the Eatato and Guardianship of Albert Hopkins I'lorco, a Minor. Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to un order of tho above en titled court, mado and entered on tho Cth day of December, 1919, I, tho uuderHlgned duly appointed. Oregon In the City of Klamath Falls, In said County, as tho place when and where any person may present any objection or oxceptlon to any thing done by mo n.s Kiccutrlx of aald Lnst Will and Testament, and nt audi time and place tho abore ontltled court will finally pass upon and Bottlo said account. Amelia Whitlock, Exocutrlx of tlio Last Will and Testament of William Whit lock, deceased. 8-1G-22-29-5 NOTICE TO CKi:i)ITOI Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. h order of tho County Court of Klainatli County, State oi Oregon, has been duly appointed Administrator of tho Lstato oi Eliza A. Fleet, deceased. All per sons having claims against aaiuw i.iu MiiiiuiniKlll'li limy illlllllliuil,i nuun i,ii,iin ........... .. , ., i0 qualified and acting gunrdlan of tho late are required to present a i b m. Aiimiiiiairniiir iil imv - estnto and person of Albert Hopkins .Bald in.nn .. o.. .i ,.. .i.ili... nt W mnn I J'a is, uicd- esiaio aim person or Amort tiopKins.flaiii Aiimiinaii" . v -. . I'lorco, a minor, will, on nnd altor Otllcos of It. 0 mm k w w li Al II Formerly the Ford Garage , Notice Is horoby given that tho undorfllgned'has filed In tho County Court of tho fitato of Oregon, for uumatn county, tno Final Account of his Administration of tho Estate of Alexander Choyno, doceasod, and said Court has fixed January 10th, 1920, at 2:30 V, M ns tho tlmo,and tho court room of said Court na the placo for tho hoarlng of said Final Account nnd for tho settlement thorcof. Dated :-Dccombor Cth, 1919. Alex B. Choyno, Administrator,-with-tho-WIU-Annoxed of the Estate of Aloxandor Choyno, Decoasod. 8-15-22-29-5 SPECIAL SCHOOL S1EETING. Notlco Is horoby given to tho logal votors of School District No. 1 of Klamath County, Stnto of Oregon, that a Spoclal School Mooting of said District will bo hold nt Central School, on tho 27th day of Docom bor, 1919, nt 2 o'clock In tho after noon, for tho following objects; To voto a tnx of $4fi00.00 to bo usoil for tlio purposo of Incronsod salaries for tho tcncliot'H of tho district. Dated this lGtlt dny of Decombor, into. Attest: Ida B. Momyor, District Clork. P. L. FOUNTAIN, Chairman Board pf Directors, duy of Janunry, A. D. 1920, nt tho offlco of H. M. Manning In tlio Loomls Building, Klnmath Falls, Statu of Oregon, sell ut private salo to tho highest and best bidder therefor cosh In hand, Gold Coin of tno united States of America, all of tho following described land and real estate located and situated In Klnmath County, State of Oregon, to wit: Tho south Vj of tho northwest 4, tho east Vj of tho Southwost V and Lot 3 (othorwlso known ns tlio Northeast quarter of tho northwest qunrtor) of Soctlon two In Township 35 South Hnngo Six, East of tho Wlllamotto Meridian, and nlso nn undivided one-fourth Intorost in nnd to tho southeast V4 of tho southwost Vx of Section 35 in Township 31 hum -- ..- , within hIx months from mo "" this notlco. FltED e. fi.i:kt, Administrator of thy D tite of Eliza A. Flee .deceased. Dated: December K.,9. n .ill! if iJ ..AAI.'JI) DO VOC LIKE iHiui"' Then you are" In for a treat "j you can't resist inoklnB numera Elections for tl.nao c long winter ovonlngs. -ou 11 oe pier, more contonto and s moro alive from readli S BOO'i o Hundreds of school books to ftWny- KVANS&BAVN tOD Best yet. HoraW Want Ads. Have an Oil Heater to take off the cbllMvhon It :J too warn, to Imvo , tho far . going. AVo lmvot ,C'Uio taW as pretty ns n P wiman. vory Httlo oil nmi r0 e or loort to bo free Iron smoK e Rinoll. Don't wnt ' n'0 10. family h'ivo colds. Oct ROBERTS & HANKS .122 Slain St. FIl.