The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 22, 1919, Image 1

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    p lEtmtmg Iforali
Fourteenth Year No. 3800
Price, Five Cent
Alexander llcrkninn nml Kntmn Gold
man Among 250 "Hod" ComprlN
Ing Flrnt Hlilplond Kent From tho
Country Another Batch Going
NEW YORK, Doc. 22. Tho Sov
iet ork, Uu front, nallod for un un
named Russian port yostcrday wltli
249 rndlcal doportooH, amonR oth
ers Aloxnndor Borkman and Emma
Ooldmnn, aboard. Bho will bo fol
lowed bo foro oho has opportunity to
land on tho other Hide by n second
band of "red", according to tho
bent Information obtainable) today.
It was Raid tho Hocond batch of de
portees will probably bo omharkc
thin wcok. Tho dopurtmont of Jus-
tlco has 00,000 radicals listed. How
many will bo deported Ih unknown.
Led by n woman who declared hor
husband had boon deported yostor
day on tho Huford, a mob of lfiO
"reds" today attnekod tho ontranco
of tho Kills Island forry In an effort
to roach fellow rndlcaU still await
ing deportation. A riot call was ne
cessary before tho pollco rostorod or
der. Tho deportation of Emma Gold
man and hor devotod companion,
Alexander Horkman, ends a Joint
career of 30 yoars In tho United
States during Which they preached
tho overthrow of government by vio
lence Ho spout 1G yours and sho
three yenrs In Jnll, but thoy wore
never punched for the part their
teachings played In attacks by oth
ers on life ami proporty.
Uerkmnn sorved fouitcon years
for shooting Henry Clay Frlck and
two years for urging young mon to
abstain from registering for tho
draft onrly In tho war. Miss Goldman
was In prison two years for opposing
conscription nnd one year for Incit
ing to riot. Dorkman was nover
brought to trial on an indictment
tor murder In connection with tho
Preparedness Day bomb outrago In
San Prnnclsco; Miss Ooldman was
acquitted or Illegal distribution of
birth control literature
Their Joint activities ns publish
ers of tho aumchlst magazines,
Mother Earth" and "Tho Hlast",
stipprossod during tho war combin
ed with tholr addroFHcs at annr
chlsts' meetings, hoipod causo tho
assassination of Prosldent McKlnloy,
tho govornmont charged In its de
portation proceedings. Tho confes
sion of Czolgosz doscrlbod tho influ
ence which Miss Goldman's writings
had on him.
Tholr lnfluonco was traced In tho
dynamiting or tho Los Angoles
Tlmos. Mntthow Schmidt and David
Caplnn, now In Jail with othors Tor
that crlmo, woro "of tho Ooldman
clan," Attorney Oenoral Palmer has
Thoy woro suspected of rocolving
German monoy to opposo prepared
ness by tho United States boforo tho
United States ontored tho war.
Thoy co-oporatod with Gorman
spies In ondoavorlng to'promoto a
revolution In India during tho war.
Thoy woro tho plonoor radicals In
tho United States. Now thoro aro G0,
00 Hods hero nnd 472 disloyal for
eign language nowspnpors, accord
ing to Attornoy Gonoral Palmer,
Nearly n hundred porsons onjoyort
n Informnl rocoptlon, Saturday
evening by Klamath Lodgo No. 137,
I O, O. F. and Lodgo 101, Order o
Robokahs, nt tho I. O. O. F. Hnll.
Tho affair was doslgnod to promoto
social nfflllation among tho mom
bora of tho lodges nnd Invited
friends nnd was very successful In
attaining lts-purposo.
No formul program was planned
but tho party passed tho ovonlng
with enrds and dnnclng, piano and
grnphophono music nnd at its con
clusion an onjoyablo banquet was
WASHINGTON, Doc. 22.-The
supremo court of the United
States today declared a recess
until January fi, without nay-
lug handed down an opinion on
tho constitutionality of tho sc-
tlons of tho Voltoad prohlbl-
Hon enforcement uct affoctlng
tho nlcohobollc contont of boo..
Tho court ordorod tho gov
orunmont to show causo on
January fi why original pro-
ceodlngs should not bo instltu-
tod by tho States of Ithodo la-
land nnd Now Jorsoy to hav3
tho constitutionality of tho na-
tlonai prohibition amondment
(Statoment or F. M. Drown, se
cretory to tho Fish and Garni com
mission, glvo.i ur.thr direction ot tho
At tho regular, publir mooting or
tho Fish and Game commission held
December 11th, adjourned from tho
10th, Commissioner Jack brought up
tho subject of State Wologlst Fln
loy continuing In service a matter
which had been undo.' consideration
for nomo time. It whs unanimously
voted thnt owing to the Inability of
Mr. Flnley to harmoniously co-ordinate
his ideas and work with the
Ideas and policy or the Hoard that
tho offlco bo declnred vacant on
January 1, 1920.
Messrs. Flolschnor and Jack woro
designated a committee to consider
tho ndvlslbllity of filling the offlco.
It wns also voted that Commis
sioner Stono and Governor Olcott
bo advised of tho action nnd that
thoy bo requested to express their
BentlmcnLi for record. This was
done. Tho action taken was approv
ed by them, tho board being In full
accord In tho mattor.
When Mr. Flnley wns notified of
tho attitude of tho board ho request
ed that ho bo given an opportunity
to resign. All the mombors agreed to
this course excopt Mr. Jack, who
had not been hoard from Wednes
day. This agreement of tho commis
sioners was to bo officially trans
mitted to Mr. Flnley Wednesday
noon, Dec. 17, but boforo this could
be done the Tact of tho vacancy In
tho offlco was published In the early
editions of tho aftornoon newspap
ers by Mr. Flnley.
Tho board appreciates Mr. Fin
loy's talents and nblllty and greatly
regrets tho lack or harmony which
necessitated this action for the good
of tho service.
foreclosure suit is
filed against estate
Sult was started In tho circuit
court Saturday by tho First Stnto &
Savings bank against tho estate of
Wallace Baldwin, deceased, Robert
T. nnldwin, administrator, nnd othor
heirs to forecloso a mortgage on n
lot In Merrill, security ror an nlleg
od loan or ?G50 on a noto dated Au
gust 2, 1910, with accrued Interest
or $134.
Chlor H. S. Wilson and Patrolman
T. M. Durham roturned last night
from Portland, whoro thoy havo
beon wltnessos in cases boforo tho
U. S. district court. Thoy woro ab
sent two weeks, and woro in tho mo-
tiopolls when tho cold wnvo struck
tho coast.
C. C. Myors was convicted Satur
day or selling liquor to Indians of
tho Klamath reservation in tho U. S.
district court nt Pojtlnnd and sen
tenced to pay a flno of $100 nnd
servo 90 days In tho Multnomah
county jail.
OREGON Ton'; L " ' '"hursduy
rnlu; colder tonic, ' i fo south
west with modorato southeast
Census enumerators aro needed In
a number of Klamath county pre
cincts, says W. A. Terrall, district
consus supervisor ot Wasco, Oregon,
In a request to Capt. J. P. Leo, coun
assessor, for Information that will
aid in filling tho vacancies.
When the examinations ror enum
erators wero held by Postmaster
Dolzell last month only three appli
cants were on hand. Tho postmaster
followed the prescribed rules for ex
amination and forwarded the results
to Supervisor Terrall. There is no
local information as to whether the
applicants passed or not.
Applicants, says tho supervisor,
may get blanks on which to file their
applications at tholr nearest post
offlco. There is not time to be lost
as the census-taking starts on Janu
ary 2.
Tho pay, states the supervisor,
will be $J a day, eight hours work.
Tho work will last approximately a
month and must be completed by
the end or January. Following are
the district where enumerators aro
needed: District No. 88, comprising
Algoma Precinct and Swan Pre
cincts; District No. 89, comprising
Chlloquln Precinct and Wood River
Precinct; District No. 90, compris
ing Dairy, Hildebrand and Poo Val
ley Precincts; District No. 94, com
prising Klamath Lake Precinct; DIs
trclt No. 95, comprising Llnkville
Midland, Mountain Lake and Pine
Grove Precincts; District No. 9G,
comprising Lost JUver Precinct; Dis
trict No. 98, comprising Odell Pre
cinct; District 99 comprising Plevna,
Topsy, and Worden Precincts; Dis
trict No. 100, comprising Spraguo
River and Yainax Precincts.
Lawrence Mnhaffoy, rormerly as
sistant cashier or the First State and
Savings Dank, arrived last evening
from Antloch, Calif., to spend the
holiday season visiting with re
lctlves and friends. Mrs. Mahaffey
has been here ror about a month vis
iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wilbur Jones. Mr. Mahatrey Is one
of tho Klamath boys, who not only
made good in his home town, but is
likewise climbing tho ladder or suc
cess In his new home. His friends
will be glad to see him and equally
pleased to learn or his continued suc
W. E. Seehorn, who was reported
to havo surfered a slight stroke ot
apoplexy Saturday, has so complete
ly recovered that he was able to
loavo this morning on a business
trip to Susanvllle, Calirornia. It was
reported rrom the Seehorn residence
today that Mr. Seehorn's indisposi
tion Saturday was nothing more seri
ous than a fainting spell.
AUBURN, Dec. 22. There are six
women on the grand Jury of Placer,
which has Just been selected. Mrs.
Cora Woodbrldge, wife of Mayor
Woodbrldgo of Rosevllle Is foreman
of tho Jury.
claring that violations of the federal
injunction, under tho Lorer act,
against furthering the coal strike in
Kansas must stop, even if the guilty
parties must be placed in Jail and
kept there, Federal Judge Ander
son today gave Alexander Howatt,
district president of'the United Mine
Workers' union, until Monday to pre
pare hlg defense on charges of con
tempt of court. Howatt was re
manded to Jail when court reconven
ed this afternoon.
PITTSBURG, Kas., Dec. 22. De
claring they would not return to
work until they knew what Judge
Anderson was going to do in the
contempt case ot Alexander Howatt
in the Indianapolis court, 250 em
ployes ot the Crowe mine, No. 10,
one or the largest producers in the
Kansas field, went on strike today.
The strike occurred atter tho miners
had heard ot tho court proceedings
at Indianapolis.
S. T. Kestersen, tlreman on the
Strahorn railroad, had a narrow es
cape rrom death this afternoon when
a Southern Pacific freight train
backed into his train in the local
switch yards. Kestersen was under
the tender, according to report,
when the cars bumped, and tho Im
pact started the Strahorn train mov
ing, dragging the fireman along the
track for about 20 feet. He received
a gash on the arm and lacerations
and bruises on different parts of the
body but according to Dr. A. A.
Soule, who was called to attend him,
there were no broken bones or other
serious injuries.
NEW YORK, Dec. 20. Tho war
Is over for New York. Workmen are
now pulling down the great white
VVlctory Arch" at Fitth avenue and
'23rd street, erected that America's
victorious legions returning rrom
France might march beneath It in
triumph. Tho "Welcome to Our Re
turning Soldiers" signs are being re
moved from the municipal buildings.
Orders have been given for the re
moval from the parks ot the many
"Weltare Huts" and other tempo
rary edifices erected by soldier wel
faro organizations.
'Jjhe big wqoden battleship still
"floats" In the center ot Union
Square, her Quaker guns dominat
ing the reaches ot Broadway and
Fifteenth street, but is being used
solely ror peace-time recruiting ror
the navy. There is no Indication
when she will be scrapped as obso
lete. Envelopes first came Into use in
1 ' '""
r AmyjjgmmiL
' PARIS, Dec. 22. The su-
premo council, it became
known today, Is making every
effort to reach an agreement
with Germany on tho question
ot indemnity in lieu or tho Ger-
man fleet, sunk in Scapa Flow,
so that the protocol may be
signed and ratifications ot the
treaty ot Versailles exchanged
before Christmas.
PORTLAND, Dec. 22 Captain A.
A. Sawyer, master or the wrecked
Associated oil tanker, J. Chanslor,
is reported rrom the Bandon hospital
today as recovering. He has a brok
en rib, which is causing some suf
fering, but the pneumonia attack
has been checked. The list of surviv
ors of the Chanslor's crew ot 40
still stands at three. Only four bod
ies have been recovered so rar.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 22.
Although the secretary of the In
terior believes that it will be a wise
and beneficent thing to reclaim the
swamp lands of Klamath Lake and
that region, he does not see how the
reclamation service can undertake
that work without -legislative auth
ority being specifically given and un
til funds for such a project are in
This expression of opinion was ob
tained from Secretary Lane by Sena
tor McNary and was forwarded by
him to J. H. Carnahan, president of
Klamath Post No. 8 of the American
Legion. Carnahan has been urging
that the swamp lands should be op
ened up tor settlement to the sol
diers and sailors ot the late war, Ir
respective ot whether they are re
claimed or not, contending that the
settlers can themselves unite and
drain the land tor agricultural de
velopment. To this A. P. Davis, director of
the United States reclamation serv
ice, replied that the plan is not feas
ible as It takes years and a good deal
ot capital to dike the lands and it is
not likely that soldier and sailor
settlers would be In a financial posi
tion to undertake that work. At pre
sent he says the lands are suitable
only tor grazing and ror that pur
pose large undivided tracts are ne
Main line train movement, block
aded Saturday by the derailment ot
No. 54, passenger, near Redding and
a cave-In in Tunnel No. 10, In the
same vicinity, was moving again un
impeded today, said the local South
ern Pacltlc ortico this morning.
STATE C. 0. C.
Land Settlement Is Vital Feature of
Next Year's Development Cam
paign, Says Secretary In' His JPIrsc
Annual Report to Directors
Land settlement Is the major ac
tivity to which the Oregon state
chamber of commerce should devoto
its energies during the coming year,
says George Quayle, general secre
tary In his first annual report, which,
will be presented to the organization
at their meeting In Portland, Decem
ber 29, 30, 31.
This, he says,, was the main prob
lem on which the directors centered
their work during the last year, but,
while the idea has been kept in the
foreground and greatest activities
have been along the lines of secur
ing settlers for farm lands, many
other large questions ot importance
have come before the organization.
A detlnlte program for 1920 Is
suggested In the report along the fol
lowing general lines:
Roosevelt Highway Naval Baser
Right now more than at any
time in the past immediate action
of the citizens of Oregon is urged in
securing appropriation trom Con
gress toward construction ot the
Roosevelt Highway to protect our
coast line, and the early establish
ment ot the naval base at the mouth
ot the Columbia River. Even though
the present attitude ot Mexico may
not bring about serious trouble Im
mediately, torces are at work that
will ultimately require this highway
nnd base to Insure our safety.
National Forest Reads: Secure
cooperation of eKort rrom the -Western
states In an appeal to Congress
tor an appropriation ot say, one hun
dred million dollars ror building
roads through National Forests, the
amount to extend over a term ot
ten years.
Reclamation Fund: Persistent
effort should be made to secure
trom the Federal Government at
least as much money as has been
paid into the Federal Government
by the State or Oregon under the Re
clamation Act and has been diverted
trom this state to other states. The
total ot this rund now being $6,500,
000. Advocate that we get solidly back
of the movement for a substantial
recommendation for reclamation and
urge all possible effort in behalf of
the Soldier's Land Settlement bill
before Congress.
Railreads: Special effort should
be put forth in an endeavor to have
the Natron cut-otf completed, which
will connect the country of Klamath
and Lake Counties with Willamette
Give such assistance as Is possible
toward the early construction ot the
Strahorn System ot railroads thru
Central and Eastern Oregon.
The construction of the Natron
cut-off and the Strahorn roads will
be the means of connecting Eastern
and Western Oregon; undertakings
well worthy or the best efforts of
the State Chamber.
State Guarantee: Suggest a bill
be presented to the Legislature in
which tho State of Oregon will guar
antee principal and interest for a
given time on bonds issued under
proper restriction for irrigation and
drainage projects and reclamation
of cut-over or logged-off land in the
Stnto Bonding Measure: Recom
mend Stnto Chamber go on record
ns favoring leglslntion authorizing
the Stnto to issue bonds for roads
In an amount not to exceed 4 per
cent instead of 2 per cent limitation
under the present law.
Advertising: Suggest an oxton
sivo advertising campaign for estab
lishment of settlors on land In Ore
gon, An appeal to the tourists should
bo made through a personal repre
sentative to be sent through the Eas
tern nnd Middle Western stntos in
order to get In personal touch with
tho tourists coming West provid
ing funds are obtainable.