.'r?f!gS i r THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HATUHDAY, DlXT.M.Hlu PAGB SIX 'i i , V l 1 ' Kll. Hi. f tf,,S8ss,a? V i rts Sj filPC.i'xy "" --' 11 w a i ;x Tt rvyievjoia Sb - ratfr Liberty Theatre 'SUMDAV aid MONDAY December 21 and 22 TEACHERS HOPE BV EDUCATION TO HELP LABOR HEMS CLASSIFIED illifi A i enRe , .$0 . 'lA ? Every art Km W Golden" Age. bringing ttase'viWrotfs works that live on through T ait the yeari. And k seems that a Golden Age has dawned for the newest of aB arts' the motion picture. The master artist of the screen has brought to us a creation of such ex quisite wonder and beauty, of such haunting charm and purity, that all ebe seems as of yesterday. AV o r O 9 $ '5fi .i o 9th. J ( " j? DWGBIFFITH - LP VSP' v. - i x V 1 4 MM taken from a story of Thomas Burke, b at once the most pitiful, most 'tragic, and withal, the most sublime love story ever told. And in the telling, the master, Griffith, has wrought such rare and undreamed-of beauties that a r.cw an, full. rich, boundless, is revealed. t NKW YOUK, Dee. 20. Kdttcntlon of union labor mon, both loaders nnu rank and Mo, In onu of tho principal alms of tho Associated Teachers Un ion, locul 71. pf tho American Fed orntlon of Teachora, which In Just organising In tho faculties of tho col leges nnil schools of Now York. Tho tcnchom' federation l nulllatod with tho Amorlcnn Fcdoratldi of Labor. Professor Hormnn Dofrom of Col umbia unlvornlty,' who U president of tho Associated Teachers' union, .v. thn union nrnfessara and school teacher aro not gdlng Into tho In bor moYumont merely for what tnoy can sot out of It themsolvoii. In stead thoy plan to holp their now associates In tho federation of labor along tho path of knowledge. They hopo, by opening spcclsl night course for 'labor leaders In oconomlcx, mannKotnont and pro liipilnn nrnlilmim nnd klndrod sub jects, to dorulop a now typo of loador A.. - ! - ... , - I.. I.. wno win cu-uiurum in inuunniim in dustries Instead of snondlnir his tlmo. an Profossor Do fro in says, "bicker ing with employers.'! Undor nun nice, of tho toacherit' union two oth er sots of clauses will bo instituted, ovonlng classes in English bltory, economlcB nnd any other Hubjoctn friend for Xnin doslro to pursue; ami day courses for mon on strike, so that their tlmo may not bo wasted. Tho union teachers nro in confer- onco with tho United Labor Educa tion committee on details, llrltlnh universities some tlmo ago em barked upon a program of education designed particularly for wngo earn ers but tho Idea has nut made much progress In this country. Higher wnges for themselves, says Professor Defrom, Is only u secondary aim of tho educators. "Yo need moro money but our first alms nro tho domocratlzutlon of colleges nnd uni versities and tho extension of tho tenure of our otllce.' Democratiza tion, according to Professor Defretn. means surrender of the ndmlnlstra FOR SALE Miscellaneous flTVr'YrsiAi" i"r- r"r rrVir rsVM yvwuxmj FOU HALIC ChrUtinnit true. Telo phonu ttSU. 10-Gl FOU BALK Ono illnltig room hut fot In good condition. Phono 336-M or cull 1010 Jefferson Hi, . icnt FOU 8ALH Ouo quarter horse power motor, ouo throo horso power motor, ono 00 gallon hot wntor tank Inquire Now City Laundry ll-10t FOR RENT OR LEASE .................. ---ly,'yrMWW)u),J FOU 11KNT 3 room houso partly furnished. 634 2nd St. 17-U TOIt rtKNT Two rooms for light housekeeping 1313 Mala 8t. FOIl HKNT Furnlshod room. in. qulro of F. Boulo, Herald Oflico or at 1SS Second St., after 5:30 P. m. iGtf FOR RENT Itooms. uso of bath and phono. 840 Walnut, cor of lltf HAY OHOWKIW ATTKXiMji Tho Hay Production and M.,i Ing Commlttoft of the Prm n. '" desires to lmP ,t 0f In kD"M for sale not Uier thioiSLfi' 20th. Please notify ,nr ctW.f lowlrtg commlltoo or th, Co,!" Agricultural Agent, liar,, tX Chairman: Robert ChVra. p u' Klrkpatrlck or $!"&& 18-it MADAM IOINA, PabUt, Wnrlil'H (jrt-ntrt I'lircnolodiL ' I'llllllUl nnil XI..II ' Got OIIO lf ttiiMn liHnil.ll..ll fV.... I Iluaill Mlllr nntlr. n- tor liiiko nliotiM fmm iim im.. present anil futumrn....ti. ., ' Photo t tail Mjiln H for your'J,1K ""mos, ilntcw and figures la bu' HELP WANTED ""." ' i 1 n- iri.fi. u ii. i WANTKU Three newsboy at tho Herald Olllco. n.tf MISCELLANEOUS !!i!JVTONforwo7 CTV UAIHIAQkZ--- rbngo removed Dh.'.S? iM - v. UtJ call tho Khmath rrT "ELP 8cl,ool-plon 350 mStV "8 copying nnd mm,, J 'orW houiowork. caring tor h, ! I oy for clerking?,, 0 d S chores, etc. BmcU ilftS' 'mk. "J to thl, seryico hi "al,lT: authorities ana m Xm. ? nndo to make BmcfflrtJ5.to and profltablo both $'th2".,8,, nd to those rouulrW,!?,'.1 Wo mnlin m ..u.i.i. anil accident InwZ.lZrk to-ic Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY TIRE SALE We have just received a complete stock of the fam ous Barney Oldfield Tires, and for one week only, from December 19 to December 27, we will sell one tire to a customer at 25 per cent off of regular price to introduce them in this territory. For example a 30x3 1-2 Non Skid Tire, Price $21.95 Sale Price $16.70 35x5 Non Skid Cord Tire, Price- $77.85 Sale Price $59.15 These tires are made by the superior Wrapped Tread Process with best quality white rubber and are built for hard service. Cord Tires guaranteed 8000 miles. Fabric Tires guaranteed 6000 miles. Now is the time. We are saving one for you. BIEHN'S GARAGE Formerly the Ford Garage s AT THE THEATERS Some of the finest riding ovor seen In a film is to bo found In Wil liam S. Hart's now Artcratt picture, "Square Deal Sanderson," plcturiz- qd by Lambert Hlllyor from tho story by Chos. Alden Seltzer, which iu attracting capacity audiencca at ovory showing at the Star Theatre tonight. Mr. Hart presents ono of tho fineet nprtrayals of his screen career and his support headod by Ann Little Is eminently satisfactory. A thrilling story, a beautiful and talented star, a splendid cast, ex cellent direction and some, wonderful photography all go to mako up Norma Talmadko's latest Select Pic ture, "Tho New Moon," In which she Is presented by Joseph M. Schenck at tho Star Theatro Sunday and Monday. Tho Dest Man married a girl he'd never been in his lifo before- Why? Can there bo any logical reason for such a wedding? Tho brldo was In nocent she hadn't seen her fiance for fifteen years and only consented in order to savo her raothor but tho bridegroom must have had a mighty good reason. Ho had! Ho was ono of Uncle Sam's Secret Sor vice men, and there wasn't any othor way out! It's a good story and will bo shown at tho Liberty tonight. ' Uptown with work ovor, a dollar In her purse, she saw thousands of mon. Pouch-faced ones, .slender onft, swagger men; oyes that hunted hor, Ignored her; Invited hor and up- i praised. 1 Sho hnd spent too much for lunch 1 (forty cents.) Lust Sunday sho found a run In hor only silk stock ings. A boy friend hadn't nskod for ' her photograph. And sho didn't lllco tho now boss. Trouble1 enough for anyone, and they never let up, A man was following hor. Sho dodged Into a lobby to lot him spoil d his searching farther up -tho strcot. Sho hated men and saw them by mil lions. Pictures of tho Orlont Interested hor. Sho drifted with tho crowd to tho box office of u theatro. Sho spout fifty conts "for a seat. tlon of educational Institutions to tho faculties, only financial problems bo Ing loft to tho decision of boards of trustees. Tho union ulin will bo tho election of toachors, heads of de partments, deans and othor officials by tho teachers themselves on a dem ocratic ballot system, and sottlomont of educational problems by tho samo method. Tonure of Ofllca of thn rnllnen In. structor, assistant and assistant pro- lessor would no longor bo from year to year, depondent upon tho action of administrative officials, but would also be based upon tho ballot, tho term of tho teacher continuing as long as his colleagues contildorcd him efficient. WANTKI) Clean cotton tors. W. O. Smith Printing Co. 18-31 Oo to Shophords nnd buy your sooson tickets for tho Musical Club series of concerts and hour tho nuw Alice Nollson records 11-Ct Tho ladles of tho Pnnibytorlan church will hold n cooked food and apron sulo In Wlnnek's snore begin ning Saturday December 20, nt mo o'clock. 10 4t Haretr bond trails iron wait. Ohlb coto Hmltn. S-tf -- -.. ..tuna m ooi. Iness, love, law, marrlaM iki . ostlc troubles. Tells you what m are best adapted for and what to do to bettor our conditions In life This lady reads your hand as ' would an open book. A roadlnj br hor will moot your lilRheat ipu. tlons, nnd you will bo wiser sad huppler, utter consulting her, she hiivlng tho Klft of romorlnis all etll Influences and niacins you In an en vironment of happy thought aad commitment. Headings: Sunday an! dally, 9 n. in to 930 p. m. Located nt I loom 1, Monro Rooming House 1313 Muln St, between Hroad aad Spring Streets, ono block east ot White l'ullcnn Hotel, Klamath' Falls, Oro Mj.jo More than 14,000,000 women in suffragu states will bo privileged to voto for Prosldont next year, even It tho fedoral suffrage amondmont Is not carried. Sho entered tho thoatro. Olossoms about hor. Tho teasing ohurm of In censo from a hlddon altar. Music now. Wistful molodlcs of Ilusula from distant strings. A flute lipped by un Oriental and neighbored by l:arf) and violin. ' Love notes caino from rood and Hi rings and wood, leading to tho hyp notic flow of symphony orchostra In Pit. Then a man nppoared. Unllko any sho had ovor seen on Iloston's thor oughfares. Flowered robo, young, hnndsomo. A man who could lovo without staining. Then anothor man. And then a girl. On velvet fields of bluo, touched now with shyest pink of lovo, nnd then tho purplo flow of psslon. Sho saw thorn move. Her llttlo woirles drifted uwny on a tldo of such enchantment sho was snutchod by muglc from tho drudgery of hor days. Tears camo na tears will romo to women, who know thoy but rest and refiesh when not born of our own woes. Tho sigh of moonlight In a lover's room. Then ono final beating of u templo bell. Sho bad scon "Drokon Hlossoms" In tho Colonlul Theatro. Tho most oxqulslto creation of modorn art. Tho supromu untortalnment of tho day. Hor heart was aglow with under standing. And bocnuso sho loved all good men, alio wont out upon tho crowded thorofaies nnd sho could n't soo a man on Tromont or Wash ington streots. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Prospective Ford Buyers Notice A special letter from tho Ford Motor Company announces nlno hundred extra cars will bo allotted to Oregon within tho noxt thirty days. Wo would suroly appreciate your order now so wo can rccelvo our portion of this allotment In Klamath territory and lnsuro Immodlnlo dollvory according to date of your ordor. Call in porson or phone and o win bo glad to explain our plan so everybody can havo a Kord car with now starter equipment at once. Don't ovorlook this opportunity, but place your order, ovon for a later dollvory, so you won t have to wait whon you roally need your car. Wo havo tho now stnrtor and demountable whools In stock which wo can Install on all late model cars. Windshield Cleaners, Weed Chains, rtobes, H. & D. Shock Absorbors. A now Block of accessories Just In. Lot jib overhaul your car whllo tho snow Is fall ing. Ho ready when tho sun Bhlncs, DANNER-PATTY MOTOR CO. No. 123 Sixth St. Phone 427 The Herald tells you today's new.s today not tomorrow. sssssssSSSBSSl1si,i WHEN A WORKING MAN wants an overall he usually selects from the bes ones those that are going to give him the se 1 vice, i our stock we take pride in telling him that the ovt all of today is none other than the Famous i Jonaus, which are all that the name implies. Made uw heavy material in full cut and high back. iney. roomy and never bind, with front swing ing PJ e and two hip pockets; also the patented neve i. m your-rule-or-pliers pocket. We have them in an 81 DON'T SAY OVERALL WHEN ASKING FOR THEM, CUT SAX yon UNION MADE Myjp. Bold exclusively nt our toro K. Sugarman "I ain't mad at nobody" ' && hu. i JmSr'M vAiifoWxJAsfc tfksit. v