"Vt IB" t.,- I m TAGR SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON '""uv, ni:uiiMiu;U Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY MEATS MEATS MEATS The Best of Klamath County Meats SPECIAL LOW PRICES THE PACKERS AND REFRIGERATOR CARS FOR SATURDAY t Reduce the High Cost of Living by eating more mut ton. The most wholesome of all meats. BEEF Nice juicy cuts of the best Klamath County beef at the following low prices. Nice Juicy Rolled Roasts 28c Fancy Shoulder Roasts. 24c Fore Round Steak 22 and 24c Boiling Beef. 12 to 17c Short Ribs 12 to 15c Hamburger Sausage ... ,JQ Place Your Order EARLY For Your Xmas Turkey Will have a full line of. Eastern and Olympia Qys- iters for our Xmas trade. Klamath. Packing Co. 524 Main st. PHONE 68 I The Herald tells you today's newt today not tomorrow. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY TIRE SALE We have just received a complete stock of' the fam ous Barney Oldfield Tires, and' for one week only, from December 19 to December 27, we will sell one tire to a customer at 25 per cent off of regular price to introduce them in this territory. For example a 30x3 1-2 Non Skid Tire, Price $21.95 Sale Price $16.70 35x5 Non Skid Cord Tire, Price $77.85 Sale Price $59.15 These tires are made by the superior Wrapped Tread Process with best quality white rubber and are built for hard service. Cord Tires guaranteed 8000 miles. Fabric Tires guaranteed 6000 miles. Now is the time. We are saving one for you. BIEHN'S GARAGE Formerly the Ford Garage WORLD POLICE FORGE PLANNED Whether refrigerator cars should ho owned b.v tho railroads or by tho pack ers n point to bo determined by leg islation now ponding In Washington nmy seem to bo n question rather re mote from tho Interest of tho average person. Hut. Inasmuch ns these "tco boxes on wheels," ns one of tho pack era terms them, nro tho conveyances which brlmr our beefsteak to town, wo may assume that we have n certain concern about them. If they have any thing to do with tho irleo of tho beef steak our concern Ih n deep one. It Is maintained by some, that theso cars kIvo the puckers who now own them nn unfair ndviiutngo over com- potltors. This Is stoutly denied by tho puckers, who offer as proof the fact that they pny tho sumo freight rotes ns any shipper; and they assert that tho only ndvantnKO they enjoy Is la being able to get enough cars for thotr needs by furnishing them themselves Instead of depending upon the rail roads to do so. In this they nro backed up by n report of tho Interstate Com merce Commission, mado after nn In vestigation of all privately owned cars, to the effect that thero wero no unfair practices and that n radical clmnco would adversely affect both shippers and tho public tWbllo not opposing, In principle, ratlrond ownership of refrigerator cars, the packers maintain that there nro not enough of these cars to go around and that the legislation In question makes nn provision for Insur ing that tho railroads sha.ll furnish them In sufficient number. On the other hand, to pool their cars and take chances of getting what huppened to bo nvallnble, would seriously hnndl cap the distribution of their perishable meat products. Tho stream of ship ments from tho packing plants would bo blocked, which In turn would block tho buying of live stock, and tho In dus try, which Is founded on a basis of rapid distribution, would bo badly muddled. -. .,. In theso contentions pro and con, there are three parties whoso Interests aro at stake the packers, their com petitors and tho public. Only one of theso parties could gain n possible nd- vuntago ir the pucker, cars wero taken away from them, vis, tho pack ers' competitors. Tho cars aro now admittedly handled on nn economic and efficient basis, and no chango Is Justified unless unfairness Is definitely and absolutely proved which would bo In absolute contradiction to the re port that the Interstate Commcrco Commission has already rendered on the subject The public would pay the bill for Inefficiency in the packing In dustry, and It has no desire to pay this bill In order to help a few of thn pack ers' competitors. HANOY DOUBLE SHOPPING BAG Convenience for Carrying Orocerle and Other Article Canvas la Material Suggested. In these days, when ono has as often as not to carry homo ono' groceries and such-llko things, a roomy Hhopplng bag Is an absolute necessity. Tho ono Illustrated hero has two largo pockets and will be found -very handy. It Is best to use brown canvas for tho pur pose, three-quarters of a yard being ii in pie.. Cut out two pieces shape of dia grams marked II and C, measuring about 14 Inches at narrw part and 16 LONDON, Dec. 19. Creation of , an international police forco Is sug gested by Major David Davles, a raoraner 01 I'amameni, tie torn mo Grot ins Society that each nation should have a sufficient army to maintain internal order and furnish Its quota when tho Leaguo of Na tions required it; that no nation should employ a now weapon of war; and that each nation should provide tho Leaguo of Nations with an ade quate forco for immediate use, Theso units should bo concen trated in different parts of tho world and tho naval portion similar ly constituted. Poison gas, war planes, submarines, heavy artillery and tanks should ho coded to tho Leaguo to form tho headquarters forco and no state should ho allowed to own tho in or to mako use of any now invention for war-like purposes, he said. Major Davles said tho greatest resistance to tho suggestion prob ably now would bo found In Amorlca ''which was tho moro saddening be cause tho President of tho great re public was ono of tho earliest and most powerful exponents of tho prin ciples of tho Leaguo.'' Try 'em. Herald Want Ads. i -) j . .. j HERALD'S CLASSIFirn i II FOR SALE Miscellaneous! MISCELLANEOUS fWMAAAMVWMAAMAAMlMVVV roll HAM-; 1 thoroughbred roitls tored lUiinln Island lied laying hens uiul I rooHtor. Inquire 02 1 Washington Ht lS-2t FOIl HAM-: 'Christum true, Tolo Phono 283. 10-Gt FOIl HAM-: Ono dining room but-fot- In good condition. Phono :i:tG-M or call 1010 Jutrorsou Ht. lG-Ct WANTKI) C'lnan PnnTt "ii'ltli l'rlmini oi; ' W:.W.0. lo to Bhonliords "TZT, - "oawm Helot for 10ft"ij"Vou' serins of roiicuriH nn.i i, ,lc' Club Alice NIUun recu'rS? he,r x Tho Indies "oTt,8 TCTT"-" v tl l-'Oll HAM-: Ono quarter horso power motor, ono three horse power motor, ono DO gallon hot; wuior mux inquire Now city Laundry ll-10t FOIt 8AM Chonp for cash. A two-piece, dry wall Concrete block machine; good ns now; used only ono season. Could not bo bought today for S4oG0. Will sell at n bargain n owner Is in other lino of business and cannot glvo It his attention. Splendid opening hero for this business as there Is a big demand for blocks and concreto brick. Xlnchlno Is In tho city and emi bo aeon at any time. Don't answer unions you have tho cash. Address IlOx 1, Herald Office. 1-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR KENT 3 room house partly furnished. S24 2nd Ht. 17-41 FOU KENT Two rooms for. light housekeeping 1313 Main Ht. 17-Gt FOIl HUNT Furnished room. In quire of F. Houlo, Herald Ollico or nt 128 Second Ht., after fit 30 p. in. lGtf FOIl UKNT Itooiim. uo of bath and phone. S10 Walnut, cor of 9th, lltf HELP WANTED MAMMAAAAAMWWWWWMMMVWWWWWM WANTED Three newsboys at tho IIUIIIIU lIIIWU. 11-11 Olien until (i '.i., . i,,;raKvK; Hurcty bomU i,iiT-.. - coto & Hmltii. 'uu "" CITY CUIlSIAOB-WhoTToTwTTt Oarbairu romma.i nt... . . .,- , Vuuug i, ij.y SITUATIONS WANTED IF YOU WANT STUDENT HFIP call tho KlainstU Countr mi& School-phono 350. oWrlffi copying and Ming: alea ' geaeriV housework, caring (or children T Hoys for clerking, mesaengor aenl . chores, etc. Hpeclsl attention "ail?! on to this service by the achoai authorities and an effort Ii iaU mado to mnko ctllclent, convenient and prolltnhlo both to the Undent and to those requiring their services ttt ' mnko n specialty .it lire, life and iirrldent lniiiriiirn. l'hane OUaud wo'H do tho rent. Chilrute A Saiih fitf hay r-r.ovi:its attuvi-mx Tho Hay Production and Market ing Commlltea of the Farm Bureau desires to have a list of ah hay jet for sulo not Intor than December 20th. Pioaso notify any ot the fol lowing committee or thj Count Agricultural ARent, Harry Telford, Chalrmun; Hubert Cheyne, C. M, Klrkpatrlck or M, ojacomlnt. test F xetici: to cheimtohs In tho County Court of Oregon for tho County of Klamuth In tho Matter of tho Kstntu of Lovl 8. Wllllt. docoased. Notice Is horob given that tho un dersigned has boon duly appointed administratrix of (ha cstato of Lovl S. Wlllits, docoased, by tho above entitled Court, and nil persons having claims ngulnst tho snld es tate, nro roqulrod to present samo to tho undersigned at tho law offices of Morryman, & Van Kmon, in tho 1st National Dank Dulldlng, Klnmath Falls, Oregon, within six (C) months from tho data of this notice. ' Dated this 12th day of Decembor, 1913. LAUilA A. WILMTH, Administratrix ot tho Kstato of Lovl H. Wlllits, deccasod. 12-19-2G-2-9 FINAL ACCOUNT HUMMOX8 MJJ In tho County Court ot tho Htato ot Oregon, For tho County of Klamath. In tho Matter of tho Estate and Guardianship of Lawronco Fred Handerson and Dorothy Clcrtrudo Sanderson, I Minor Notlcovls hereby given that Cora A. Sanderson, guardian of tho a fore said minors has filod her final ac count and acknowledgement of settlement, and that tho Cth day of January, 1920, at' the hour of 2 p. in. of said day, has boon appoint ed by suld Court for hearing ob jections to said account and tho settlement thereof. Any person Interested in said es tate may, on or botoro snld dato, flloi his objections, in writing, thereto, or any pnrtlcular ltom thereof, npuuiiyiiiK iiurucuiurH ul buiu uu- Joctlon. CORA A. SANDKItSON, Clunnllnn. C-12-19-2C-2 Double Shopping Bag. inches nt widest end. Next cut a piece three-quarters yurd long and 14 Inches wide ; this forms tho foundation of tho bag. Double this In halves to get ex act center, to which a handle made from the canvas Is attacbed-a strip about three inches wide, folded over Into three and stitched firmly to the bog as shown In illustration. Place tho pieces D and O to cither end of foundation, tack sides of pock ets and foundation together. When this is done, turn over narrow turnings all reund on to wrong sldo and cover With a narrow binding same shade aa bag, and stitch by machine on either edge of binding, so that tho bog will be quite secure. Double In halves, with pockets fall ing on cither sldo when in use. In certain parts of England tho belief Is not quito oxtlnct that tho bees hum tho Hundro'dth Psalm In their hives on Christmas Evo Just ns midnight chlmos out, and n fow poo plo still go to listen nt tlip hives in tho hope ot hoarlng tho tiny lumatos as this is thought to bring good luck. Subscriho for tho Herald for your Eastern rolatlvo or friend. Thoy would owe you nn ovelaatlng dobt of gratitudo. M 1 111 Vinllt. In tho Circuit Court of the SUM ot Oregon for the County ot Klam ath, Thoodoro W. Flackus, Plaintiff. . Margaret M. Flackus, Defendant. To Margaret M. Klackua, Defendant: IN THE NAMB OF THE STATE OF OHKOON: You nro hereby re quired to nppenr and anawer the complaint (lied ngulnst you In the above entitled suit on or heloro Mon day tho 12th' day ot January, 1920, and failure to appear and anawer, f1 wnnt fhnrnrtf nlfllnllff will tftllA judgment and decree against you u ronews: 1 flmnilntr n illvnrrn In thn Dliln tiff and declaring the bonds ot mat rimony now existing DOiweea iue plaintiff and defendant, of no fur thor force and oltcct. 2. And asking that the plaintiff bo awarllod tho caro, custody and education ot tho minor children. t flint Mm ninintlff ho granted such other nnd further relief a, t oqulty and good conscience may ap pertain and as to tho court may seem Jununry 12th. 1920, la the last day of tho time prescribed In the order for publlcatloa of this sum mons In which you may appear and answer said complaint, tho first pub lication thoreof being November 28th, 1919. M . ... This summons Is sorved by publi cation, by ordor of Honorable p. v. Knykondull. Judgo of tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Klamath County, dated Novemw. 20th, 1919, which order required Hint this summons bo published or onco a week for six "'" weuks, the first publication being Novembor28th.l919. Attorneys for Plaintiff, whose offices nnd poHtoIIlco nuurcss is Falls, Oregon. G-3-9Z-CI-ZI-5-SE Star Drug Co, will remain opened untH o'clock In the evening until Xmas. XI"W Dost 'yet. Herald Want Ads. WHEN A WORKING MAN wants an overall he usually selects from the i bes ones those that are going to give him the sei vice. our stock we take pride in telling him that the ovei all of today is none other than .the Famous 1 1 onajj which are all that the name implies. Made iron heavy material in full cut and. high back, jy roomy and never bind, with front swinging poewo and two hip pockets; also the patented never ios your-rale-or-pliers pocket. We have them m an S1DON'T SAY OVERALL WHEN ASKING FOR THEM, BUT SAi W UNION MADE WV I' llrtfnrlvB'3i'lll' I'Eofe Sold oxcluslvoly at our storo IT. Sugarman i ain i niaa i wuu- .'v.v