The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 18, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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'msitA- :otwm
ri:.Miti,'n . .
The Evening Herald
City ICdltor
Published dally except Sundny by
Herald Publishing Company of
tn Falls, at 115 Fourth street.
Catered nt the postofflco at Klam
ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru
Mm nails as second-class matter.
their physical condition lemnn.K RED -pAp FINALLY UNWOUND
Tho tlmo 1ms como for KlntnntSi lulls!
to drop this shnmoUws prnctlo.i nnd'Fop T)me Had Serflt Hayei Ted
tnko up tho progressive, business-. Up, Dut H Came Out a
like ono of paying n .living wngc.j Lieutenant.
pnylnfj It for twolva months undj
gathering In and koplng n corps of! Once upon n time there was n mnn
teachers thnt will g'w to Oregon '' "1" his employees thnt he might
nave win pleasure in airing mem over
again. That would seem to he some-
hoys and girls that wll? l.o u credit
to the schools of this district.
vbscrlptlon terms by mall to any
ftMrcss In the United States:
m jeor ... .... , ) u u
Dj month ........................ ,50
what the way with the murine corps.
It "tires" Its men that the government
limy do them special honor,
Sergt. Kdgur Hayes, a red-blooded
"Untkcn Illiniums" llenutlful Screen ' ltrlnt of the marine corps overhenrd
Play by Crlffltli. Scores
Me iber of tho Associated Prcs
The Associated Press Is exclusively hnvo seen or eer expect to see
lulled to the use for republication If we were a director
nu nspenlan upon the uniform of his
serxlee, Sergeant Hayes promptly hit
the speaker In the noe. The murine
I corps sut upon his case In solemn
'llroken Illossoms." which will be conrt.nmrtlni. mill nfli-r nnioh ilellber.
I at the Liberty Sunday, Is tho mast tntlon dismissed Sergeant llnyes from
etiutlful motion picture wo over the service, thus cieatlng civil ilisaiiii
I Itles.
all news dispatches credited to it tV mi all li'ea of ever boIiiK origin-1 ,Iorc" . " clu
-not otherwise credited in this !' " "" ' fh rJt Tnu, ll llM no-v bw" twtmw
St, and also local news published I al nn' ,ho rcst of our l,u e ami crested n first llv
All rights of republication of spe-
, dispatches herein are also reeerv-
Tho directors of School District
No. 1 have decided to go to the vot
ers and ask permission to Increase
the salaries of the teachers. It will
call for an addition to next year's
budget of 4500. This will mean so
little to the taxpayer and so much
to the teachers, that we doubt it
there will be n single vote against.
"We are certain here would be n
vote against It if the property own
ers were as familiar with the little
sacrifices, the -hardships, the self
denials of the brave little women
who are working so hard to teach
the children of this city as we are.
"We know of one teacher who has
slept in a room without a fire all
The case Inter was reviewed by
. . ' tlm ill ikulilnnt tilu, I In vi- mill
WO 8IIOUHII"" I'","- ,........,......,--
I reMoreti mm to cmiciiMiip. utiles
d to the service
lieutenant, tin net
trying to make something as nearly (f ,,.. jmVng empowered the pns-
as possible like this wonderful, frag- ( lCent to tnnke the appointment.
Ho thing that David Wnrk Griffith i It Is a roundabout way of doing n
has done. ' man honor. And It shows something
For tho last two years wo lmvo!w""B w,h " ".vstem. We wonder
seen nt least ono picture a day nndiw,m' the gentlemen of the
yet, last night, we sut on tho edge
of our sent, one hand grasping the
arm and the other crushing a wet
handkerchief and trembled and grow
hysterical over what we saw before
Whllo wo always have been de
voted to the pictures, wo never real-!
court-martial would have done If It had
lueti proved that Sergeant llnyes, now
Lieutenant llnyes, having overheard
nn aspersion upon his honorable serv
ice, hud condoned It by Inaction. Cin
cinnati Times-Star.
Lumber Cut er 1913.
The lumber cut of the I'lilletl Stntes
ly liked them noarly so well as thej ' S "ns awe.O2ti.0H0 feet, as re-
si.oken drama, but surely "Broken yr,w, U" TV ' "" '"
i.i....,.,." ...,., ....,.. .... .,.. '3nm IS by U..M mills. The com-
liiossoms could never be done so
appealing! in any other medium.
Such photography we did not
dream existed. It was soft and lazy
and blue and roseate and but what I
Is tho use? No words can tell any-1
plele total cut Is .U.MHUM.OOO feet.
bused on the nsMimod operations of
S..VU) nilljs. The eompuHil cut In
IStIS Is ll' per cent Manlier than the
computed production In Hi 17.
A comparison of the computed cut of
several of the larger general produc-
lug regions In IMS with the tlgures J
thing about the picture.
L.UIIUU vusn is -ino Kin, lor' ' , . ,, i
. , ... . M mr me nrin'i'iiiiig year sinmi ii iiuiiii-
Broken Blossoms is taken from ,,, (llltm.t bv ..i.t.roxlmntelv Lt) iter cent
"The Chink and the Child" by Thorn-1 ,ni, jollnw-idne croup of states.
as Burke. Miss GIsh's work Is so ten- t'ccreaie of If) per cent In the North
der, yet so convincing that there Carolina pine group and of 0 per cent
this winter, just to save two dollars comes n time when you Just can't1 '" 'he Lake Mates. An Increased cut
a. month We know of others who watch her any loncer. The traced v1 of - ,l'r cent ls 1m'l for Owgon and
spend their spare time washing and of it Is too great! v
mending, so as to enable them toj And Richard Barthelmess, as tho
make both ends meet. We know that Chinaman, does the most beautiful
practically all of them dally deny' and delicate work of his career Don
tlmselves the little comforts and' aid Crisp ls "Battling" Burrows, tho
ficasures and nick-knacks so dear tu 'inwilllng fathKi aid the torturer of
the heart of the average woman. All thr girl
because the pay they are getting is; Bill Sykes as may be, with
insufficient. thing thrown in for. good measure,
There has been practically no in-(and the death scene is done In tho
crease In the salaries of teachers in same way we saw it done In "Oliver
this district for years nothif g near
the -increase, in the cost of living
The pay of the teachers in District
No. 1, is close to the lowest In the
state, and this fact is a disgrace in
stead of a credit. It should be the
proud boast of this district that it
pays the highest salaries to its
teachers of any district in the state.
Snch a claim would be an asset, for
it -would bring to us the best teach
ers on the Coast and it would keep
them here. We have lost some of our
best teachers because they could go
elsewhere and get better salaries.
The minimum salary of any teach
e.- in this district-should be $1200 aj
year ?100 a month for twelve
months. This should, be increased
ten per cent a year until every teach
T was getting $1800 a year. The an
tiquated plan of paying ,for only nine
tconths In the year should be aban
doned, just as every antiquated me
thod in the schools has been thrown
out. The teachers should have the
vacation time for rest, study and Im
provement both mentally and phy
sically. They should have as an in
ducement to return to the district
the ten per cent increase in salary.
As it is now, they have the rush
from the school room in .Tunc and Eating is no proof of a pudding
grab the first job they can pst. The I unless it Is accompanied bv a Tfi eet
are denied the rest and recreation I for more.
Twist." He strikes, but you cannot
see the blow fall. The violin gives
a strange, weird, almost grotesque
wail, and the little blossom lle.s brok
en at last. !
( And the speedy death of "Batt
ling" by the hand of the Chinaman
seemed .terribly inadequate.
Another thing which Mr. Griffith
has done is to keep the story a sim
ple tale of a few people. It ft told
exactly as it would be in a-boek or'
on the stage. There are scenes be
tween Mr. Barthelmess and Miss
Gish which last for several minutes
and nothing at all happens to dis
turb the tranquil beauty of them
not even a title.
The story Is so simple that It needs
no comment. It is short and ineffa
bly sad, but when it was over we
wanted to rush up to every one we
met and cry: "Oh, don't miss it4-
don't miss It!"
Mr. Griffith refused to appear un-'
til the people refused to leave the;
theatre, and then he spoke only a
few words, thanking them, and al-i
sc the people who had contributed
to the success of the picture. He
seems a very modest man! lb-it
Huge Hailstones.
There are numerous ell-nullientl
eated rner: of hailstones weighing half
u pound end iiiore. but claims which I
go far lii'jond this meager weight lire '
if. a, i.'-uc. like , mnde. Stones of six to eight pounds
some are said to lurve fallen In Nnmur In
171ft, nnd the missionary. Father Hue. '
who ought to be a credible witness, i
records tre fall in Tartury In 184.'l of ,
n block of Ipe ns big as a mlllMtone. .
which took three days to melt. In ,
Mny. 1W2. a Hungarian village report-'
ed un 1.100-pound hlocK, requiring '
eight men to move It, and In Tippoo's
time one ns big ns nn elephant was
said to have fallen near Sergapatam.
jT 1 TV Wi l?JrJrf
v. RKiHcSltSi-i
rA v 1 t$k-t&-H--
'flf flt'V?NHv
'MMWfr-M ,"'-'
in "iM9H
f i fin W ViH2L?
"." ' W bn$W
' - ) M--KP
it XPliVi '
s - HKm 'vmk .
L ' . ." 1UR ' l
.&." .-. MiiK.'tUW. 9P-3r w
PViV7 Kill 'l ll
r ' I fi'l Mtfil
rx ui r-in-ni a..i
Haia-J.'tutJl!n ----------------
& Marx
All over America, as
men throng the streets
on Christmas errands
bent, they are wearing
overcoats like these I
There's good compan
ionshij) good fellow
ship in these big,
warm, roomy gar
ments. You feel it
when you slip one on.
Do YOUR Christmas
buying in one of them.
"Sugarman's Holiday Certificates as a Gift"
K. Sugarman
"The Holiday
Store for Men"
Htoro Opens Week Dun a N:JIO n. m.'s flosen Week Day nt 0 p. nt.
Htore Opens KuUmiii)M nt H::iO a. hi.; closes Satimlays at (1:00 p. in.
Vrese are "some" hailstones.
Helpfulness of Criticism.
It Is natural to ieent criticism. We
dislike anything that shakes our self
complacency or compels us to think.
Here and there a man has learned the
real service of criticism nnd usually
he Is a man who has attained to more
than average success In life. We are
all more or less like the proverbial os
trich. We like to convince ourselves
thnt our fuults are really our virtues.
In that we arc doing good work In the
world when In truth we are lagging
fat behlnnd our uctual capacity nnd
drifting along rather than really liv
ing. William K. Towne.
Are You a Booster ?
Do you believe that a live commercial club In essential to tho development of Klntnnlh coun
ty? Are you willing to back your opinion 110 worth (payable In four unnual Installments and en
titling you to one year's membership) .providing enough of your neighbors do the same to Insure the
stability of the crgnnlrntlon? If so, fill out tho blanks below and return them to The-Herald, or to
J. W .Siemens, chairman, or O. C. Applegate, secretary of tho organization. Friday night at 8:00
o'clock at th city hall the first organization meeting will bo held. Do your share. Fill out this
pledge and be there:
T ilTll 111 A 1 ""' ,VQ'' "W,r"nch'd Hi- small en-
Klamath rails Adv. Affency I rrr.-jsrsrrrja
7 J E . till the wnr-.p departed.
First State & Savings Bank Bldg,
Cce. re Brainy.
What a bee does not know Is sun-'
posed to he not worth knowing, Lon- i
don Answers says. may or may )
not be true, but the two following In-'
cldpnts one of which was witnessed I
by the writer testify to the remark
able sagacity and efHclncy of bets.
On one occasion n hive was being
".pled upon" by n wasp. When n wnsp
nt-certulns thnt n hive Is worth attack
IngjAe carries the news to h!s friends,
and sometimes sufceeils In ousting; or
severely worrying the bees. Whe the
wnsp M-otit was nosing nrounn. the
bees Rfnyed In the hive, tint every time
An hour Inter n wnsn presitmnlily
tlie -roiit wits found ildid on Its Imefc
on the top of the hive, mid the bees
were busy ngnln.
We do Everything in Advertising For
the Merchant
flWhy not Jet an advertising agency write your ads?
Inquire about it and see the results you can obtain
in 'better advertising.
Dust on Ocean's Bed.
To nn enormous extent th" bed of
the or pan Ik covered with Invu nni'
pumlre stone, snys the Family Her
eld. Still more remiirkiihle Is It toJInd
the door of the ocean covered In miiiij !
Kins with the dust of meteorites,
TIipm' bodies whirl itboiit In the heav
ens like mlnlnliiro eoinets, nnd are
for the most part broken Into In
numerable fragments. We me nil fit
mlllnr with thefe heavenly' vlsltiiiiti
ns shooting htnrs jiut It lias been only
lately discovered tljiit this cosmic dust
forms Inyers nt iie bottom of the deep
est seas. Between Honolulu and Ta
hiti, nt n depth of -..'Jno fiithoms ovei
two milts nnd a half n vast Inyer of
this material exists. Fulling upon lurid
this linpalpahlo dust in IndlHllnguljhif
bin; but,' accumulating for centuries
Ih the sen depths, It forms a wondrous
story of tho continuous bombardment
of this planet by cometary bodies.
' Klamath Falls, Oregon, April" I, 1919.
l.V Do you favor a Commercial Club to promotu tho interests of Klamath County?
2. Will you attend the first meeting and at least twoothor meetings each year?
Answer .. . -. ...
3. Do you favor an organization such as wo have had In tho past, with office and paid Secretary!
with' pnld Secretary In charge? Answer -
4. Do you favor a club with rooms, open day and evening, whore luncheon Is served at noon, ami
wlih paid Secretary In charge? Answer
C. What salary do your favor paying Secretary? -
Answer -. v.......v,.i, ti.,....,..,.......t.....J
Have you any further suggestions to offor regarding tho organization of tho qlub?
- - k
New Jersey thieves stole a bridge.
And that's not all they got away
with it.
' ' i
On or before April 1, 1020, for vnltto received, Itpromlso'to pay to Klamath Comiiieieliil Club, Incor
porated, or order, the sum of .'.'. Dollars .(? ) In Installments,
without Interest, an follows:: One-fourth of snld sum on or before April in, 1019, and tho remaining
threo-fourthH In quarterly Installments thereafter,, until this nolo Is fully paid.
I huvc an nccount with . Hank Orein.
and I hereby authorize, nny bank In Klamath County, In which fthavo funds deposited, upon presen
tation of this noto, to pay all sums duo hereunder nt tlmo of presentation, nnd charge same- to my no
This noto Is given In consideration of momhorshlp nt $10.00 each in Klamath
Commercial Club and validity of this noto Is contingent upon securing signatures to obligations sim
ilar to and which togothor with this nolo, all pnynhlo to suld Klamath Commercial Club on or before-
April 1, 1920, together with cash donations and subscriptions, shall make a total sum of at least
$3500.00. Such contingency hIiuII bo determined by tho President and Secretary of said Commer
cial Club by Indorsement of their approval-hereon
President Klamath Commercial Club,
Secretary Klamath' Commercial Club,