THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK SEVEN i4' ,4,friH'J'frH' W'i:i).vkhAv, ii:'. 17, una. i m k Clinrtcr No. 7107 REPORT or Federal Ilcsorvo District No. 12 CONDITION OF THD ' First National Bank At Klamath Fulls, In tlio Htnlo of Oregon, nt tlio closa of busi ness Novoihbor 17) 1910 resources ' & i- (U. H. bonds pur to Hucnro U. 8. (par value) to secure postal deposits (iiiir 2,2.10.07 100,000.00 10,000.00 in, ooo. oo 28,(100.00 2,310.88 20,000.00 C8.800.00 Gl, 332.81 A Loans mill illiicoiintH In- eluding rediscounts $1,118,572.90 Totlll I0IUIH 2. Overdrafts, iinimcuroil, 5 I'. H. (iovriMiiiciit hcciiiIUcm (IHIICll! n nonoH it'll co svcuro cir culiitlon value) I) Pledged (IcpOHltH c Plodgud HIIVlllgB Vftlllll f Owned anil unpledged Ii Wnr Havings CortlllcntoH mill Thrift Btumpii nctti- nlly owned Totiil U. H. Government securities (I oihcr IkiihIm, mtiiiKIi-k, etc. I) IIoiiiIh (other tluin U. H, IioikIh) pledged to securo JIOHlllI KIlVlllgH lU'tlOHltH.... c IIoiiiIh mid securities other tluin U. H. securi ties) pledged iih collator iil .for htnlo or otlior de posits (poHtal excluded) or IiIIIh piiynblo o .Securities, otlior tluin U. S. IioiuIh (not Including stocks), owned and un pledged Total IioikIh, securities, otcSolhcr tlfnn U. 8..'... 8. Stock' of Federal Rcsorvo Dunk (GO ier cent of sub scription .. a Vnliid of banking house, owned and unincumbered Ii Eijulty In banVg house. 10. Kurnlturo and llxtur..c-H 11. Ileal estiilo owned otlior iilliKr llmti ImnldliL' hmiKii Lawful reserve with Kedoral Reservo Hank CuhIi In vault and net amounts duo from na tional bunks Net iiinountN , duo from ban It h, bankers, and truttt companies (other than Included In Items 12, 13, or ny .. Checks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting bank - Total of Rums 13, 14, 15, nnd J 7 18. Checks on banks located outsldo of cly or town of reporting bank and other cash Items ...v. Iledcmptl6n fund with U. 8. Treasurer and duo from U. S. Treasurer -..-..i...-- Intercm enrmid but -not col lected approximate on Notes nnd Hills Re ceivable not past due 21. Other assets, Bend Payments ments made for our-' cus tomers . .'..-....;... l,14R,fi72.9fl 2,230.07 150,210.88 M&t- . 130,132.81 9. 12. 14. 15. 17 3,700.00 u.uuu.uv G02.7M.38 19 20. 30,000.00 11.470.01 1,300.00 130,482.83 451,004.00 32,956.80 18,769.58 8,089.84 5,000.60 15,639.32 4,690.60 22. 23. 24. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 30. 40. 42. 43. 44. 46. Total LIABILITIES Capitol stock paid in Surplus fund ........... a Undivided profits ..$ 45,969.97 b Loss current expenses, Interest and tales paid....' 24,396.66 Interest and discount collec ed or credited in advance of maturity and not oorned (approximate) Circulating notes outstand ing - '- Net amounts duo to Na tional Hanks -, Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust com panies (other than In cludde in Items 29 or 30) Certified checks outstanding Cashier's chocks on own bank outstanding t Total ot Items 30, 31, 32 and 33 54,981.67 Demand deposit (other tliiut bnnk deposits Kubjert) lo Reserve (deposits payable with- In 30 tluys): . ., -Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit duo In lerfsthrtn 30 days (oth er than for nioitoy bor- rqwod) ..:.- ' State, county or other municipal- doposlts. secured by pledge- 'of assets of this bank .- Total--of demand de posits - (otlior than Rank deposits) subject to 'Reserve, Items 34, 35, 30. 37, 38, nnd 39.. 1,590,175.32 Tlmo deposits subject to Ilcsorvo (paynblc after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, nnd postal savings) Certificates of deposits o,th er than for money bor rowed ) Postal savings doposlts Other time doposlts Total of time doposlts subject to Reserve, Itonis 40, 41, 42, 43.: 212,525.94 U. 8. deposit (other than thnn postal savings : o United States deposits, including doposlts of U. S. disbursing officers 8,640.35 n Other , bonds borrowed without furnishing collat eral security for samo . 40,000.00 i " X I $2,168,222.30 $ 100,000.00 22,000.00 21,573.31 6,325.71 100,600.00 19,568.41 28,474.84 432.66 6,615.76 1,484,144.06 47,231.26 58,800.00 124.927.34 3,042.78 84,555.82 8,640.35 40,000. Q.O s TRENT I II WA8HINOTON, I). C, Dec. 17. Incomparably strongOr and muro ef ficient tluin ever boforo, tlio Ainorl can navy tnergpil fom tlio world war "H'.' only to tliai-of Orcat Hrltaln ! and fur In advancu of nny otlior for-i elgu navy In h1iIih, .In men, nndj every element ofstrcngth," Secro-. tnry Dauleln declared ,ln his annual repot t to cong'rcsrf, ' " '' ' With eighteen cupltnl ships twclvq Hupurdreadnaughtii and 'six giant ' battlo crulsors under con struction, all representing tlio last j word In naval construction, and eov eral mperlor to any fighting vessels i.ow In commission, the navywJs 'pressing forward to greater things," Mr. Daniels .said , ," JtocOminciidatlonsby1 tliqjBeafs tary for the betterment of tlio ser vice Ir.'luded: . . w.-t Kxtenslon of tlio courso,,. at the Navot Mcaddniyj(to'nyo yearBo the illTd8li1nmenr?timy trpcndlaono JSyear afloat nBsnllstcil men. Iinmcdfato enlargement of " thfl naval ' establlsluii'snt on tlio I'aqlflc (fdast to takO,care"'of,tho new Pacific Meet. Temporary Incrcanes In pay of of ficers and "enlisted men and Increase ot In amounts allowed for commuta tion of (iiartersand other allowances. Ooye'rnlTJent control", or wlrnlcsit communication. Expansion of the naval air service and continuation of the present pol io of a separate nlr service for the navy. Construction of new buildings, In cluding a new Memorial chapel at the Naval Academy. Change or the names ot the Bur eaus, of Navigation and Steam En (,-lneering to Personnel and Engln terlngi Bureau respectively. Mr. Daniels made "no rccommendn tlons as to an annual building pro gram, explaining that the recom mendations of the Navy General Board weie under consideration and ttat estimates would be prepared soon for presentation to Congress. Tbevactual cost, of the navy to the nation during the war wbb placed by the secretary at J2.982.000.000. During the next fiscal yenr, he said. the navy's 'needs will be approxl taately 573.1'.l,2r,4, or approxi mately 1'40;.oqi.C'i') .iem than ' the spm asked tn; during ih'i present fiscal yean Commenting on thu conBtructlon records during the wir; tho sei;re- try said that during the twelve months ended last October 1, 169 vessels of all classes wera completed for the navy.f These Included 103 destroyers 1 battleship, 32 submar ines and 52 Ea"Kle' boats. A world record ror destroyer construction was made, the secretary said,, In the building of the Reld at Suantum. Mass., In 45' working days'. . Discussing the proposed radical departure in the training of orricers ror the navy, 'Mr, Daniels declared that "no officer can command so well as the man of ability and know ledge who knows every character or service from p"ollshIng brass to the highest strategy and' tactics." He added that a year's training as "an enlisted man would prove invaluable, to every officer and that heretofore commissioned officers had no nctual sea-going training In tlio duties ot enlisted men except an Incidental Total J2.156.222.30 State of Oregon, County of Klamath. es: , I, Leslie Rogers, cashier or the ahove-named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the baet of my knowledge and belief. LESLIE ROGERS, Caanler. CORREQT Attest: CHAS. L. MOORE, JOHN M. MOORE. , A. M. COLLIER, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 2nd day of De cember, 1919. BERT E. WITHROW, Notnry, Public. (My commission expires Dec. 7, 1920.) High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MjUE to order finest materials best op workmanship latest styles perfect fit guaranteed Prices are very reasonable Your inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR BJH Main St. GIFTS -OF- Furniture Furniture, is' the ideal gift it gives pleasure to the,yho!e family on Christ mas for yeartb come. i UA .- Jt .? XJl v, Johnstone's is the place to buy your gifts of furniture. Our goods are the dependable kind, cur prices are very moderate. We have ..recently received a large shipmentof furniture for the holidays and are displaying-at;inour storeWYou will be surprised when yousee these different articles of furniture in many patterns and finishes. &, A splendid variety of Christmas toy.urniture for the kiddies. A beautiful showing of recent which we have just re ceived!! &" V 'v 'w. ,'PAY-TflE'ST0RE,A VISIT. -- .- SSSMEMB"1" " Bmmmammmfm i a ' . r y - Jgih7n56Tomi - . Suggestions That Might Aid You in Select- ing Ciift Furniture .'ifS Easy Rockers Easy Chairs Sectional Book Cases .Dining Sets Portable'-Lanips Floor lan-ms Smoking" Sets Libraiy Tables Nippon "China Sets Pictures r l TC '? r "T f " vj - i m . JL Card Tables Foot Rests Covers Flemish 'Vases Flemish Bwls 'Flemish Jardinieres Pyrex Oven -Ware Picture'Fiames -Vacuum Cleaners Carpet Sweepers ' Mk.Kanges Fruit Baskets Rugs Cut Glass Water Sets Dishes Percolators Cresswell Tea Pots Davenports . Diriing.Tables FOR THE CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS r- t i . n j, " Kiddy Kars . ' Sammy 'Kars Wicker Doll Rockers . Buggies Tables Cha'irs Velocipedes WWWWWMWWWWMWVWVMMMMMAmMMMMMAAAmMMMMMMAAmMMMMMMAAMWWWWWVWWMWMVWMV Johnstone Fiirnitiirp fn m f uniiLUi ij . mj w J- w, f' . N V. ft It, "THE STORE OF CHRISTMAS FURNITURE" knowledge acquired during short summer cruises, Mr. Daniels devoted much of his report to a review of the work, of the navy during the war and In for eign waters since the .signing of tho armistice. He declared that the re markable performance of tho navy In transporting troops, particularly In bringing the army back to the United States, was the outstanding war-timo achievement of the navy. Regarding the enlargement of the Pacific coast bases, Mr. Daniels said he could not ''too strongly urge that Congress make a beginning In the develoment of shoro bases, navy yurds and air stations on the. Pa cific"' Proper care of the vessels of tho Pacific fleet, ho added, makes such action vital. HUNGARY? YES, SI AM.! Two British soldiers went into a restaurant in Salonlca and asked for Turkey in Greece. The waiter said: 'I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I cannot Servla." Whereupon the Tommies shouted, "Fetch the Bosphorus!" When the boss arrived, he said, "I'm sorry gentlemen, I do not want to Russia, but you can't Roumania." And the Tommies went away Hungary. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. It Is Indeed. 'in il wine'. Unit Mows n- one good, i" these days of .1 pound of-sugar-a-day. Tho neigh bors no longer run in to borrow a cup of sugar 'till the grocery -man comes. i Ono of the Ten Commandments breaks simultaneously with a dish ;U j J i Returned soldiers are already be ing courted violently by the politi cians and the" wedding wot' ha possible until November, 1920. , It's an interesting experience somo men have had since July tho first being sober. Tho Senate will never believe Col. House when he says: "Every thing has been said that can bo said on every vital question." Household scraps are invariably over insignificant matters 'and all ways have been. Look at Adam, Eve and the apple. Have an Oil Heater to lake" off tho chill when It Is too warni' to have tho furnace going. Wo have them that are as pretty as a picture, take very little oil and are guaran teed to be free from smoke or smell. Don't wait till all the family have colds. Get one to day. ROBERTS & HANKS 422 Mai St. when a man Is wiping them (the dishes) for bis wife. tMmmmMIIMtnMMtMMIHlMMMHM