,'WxV'P' Vfljg-y.'tT'- 1 PAGIJ SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Wi:iNKMI).V, Gift Store For Men KM! j XX"J 4" o h " j 2 & ffla&tyWaU) Buy Useful, Satisfying Gifts Here is a practical gift that will not fail to appeal to the man of good taste quality hats that will give long service, made of the best materials and in the latest shades. Price to suit all. If you don't know the style of a hat or the size, he wears, give him one of our merchandise orders and let him pick it out himself after Christmas. There is nothing better to give than, . .... MALLORY HATS , A Few Suggestions to Holiday Shoppers Men!s Fine Four-in-Hand Ties. Men's Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs. Men's Fine All-Linen Handkerchiefs. Men's Kid Gloves in reliable makes. Men's Wool and Wool-mixed Gloves. Men's pure Silk Hose in black and col- JL t . .ors. Men's Silk Pajamas. Men's Fine Suspenders. Men's Bath Robes in the best styles and colors. Men's Hand Bags and Grips, the finest in the city. Men's Trunks of excellent materials. Men's Shoes, Florsheim and others. Give a Sugarm an Merchandise Order KSugarman "The Holiday Store lor Men" .. "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" Store Opens Week Days at 8:B0 a. in.; Closes Week Days at 0 p. in. Store Opens Saturdays at 8:30 a. m.; closes Saturdays nt 0:00 p. in. r K INTS BILL DEFINES ALU WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. A bill defining radicalism, designed prim arily, Chairman Johnson said, tp force the department of labor to ar rest and deport all alien member.? of the I W. W., and kindred organiza tions, was reported to the house by the immigration committee today. Under the bill any alien who U a member of, contributes to, loan i money to, or is any way affiliated with any organization preaching, ad-'vo'-ating or forwarding th teachings I of sabotage, or ths overthrow of or jlhe assault upon, any government of- ganizeu government, Killing or, or the assoult upon, iny government , official, or unlawful il.fmago or des I tructlon of property, would no liable to arrest and deportation. No overt act must bo proved in order 'to bring abou the deportation of such) an individual. Tito bill pro vides that membership in, or affilia tion with any radical organization la a deportable offense. PARTITION SUIT i Ethel Casey has begun suit In tho circuit court nganst GeorKO K Moore and other heira of th- lato I CJora E. Mooro and tho Into CharW V. Mooro to partition 200 acres of land' of tho Mooro estate. t f f t T T T T T J T T t T T t T T T T Y T t T T Y : ' PRIVATE OWNERSHIP V. S. TOURISTS HERALD'S CUCTIFfl Mi FOR SALE Mioccllnnoous oht t.i.,Pi, ,1BB wh, '-""" ."'T'lrr. : :! i.. Mr1. '".'to?. d'J- FOR HAl.tC UlirlHtuiiiri trutui, Tele phono 28a. 1 fl -r. t PARIS. Nov. 17. (My Mull). American tourists nro being urged by tho government to come Franco. HiiiuIroilH of thousands or thorn, possibly n million, are expect-t-il to bring linru inllHnnit of Un" that will help rebuild Franco. Aside from tho Idea of cementing llo two nntldna' friendship through bettor aciiualnlnnco. tho tourlnt movement Is roiclCrtloit by those Interested ai n grout now business enterprise lm:no dlatoly and Immensely profitable anil ono that will grow, lucldonlally. tl Is Raid, tho coming of Americana who can nfford Kuroponn travel nt Its present cost will nld In tho vari ous forms of forolxn financial aid Franco U seeking. A Rovornmcnl department callod tho National Offlco of TourluR waa established rocontly to engineer a publicity campaign for foreign via. Itors and to supervise aorvlco bu reaus to tuaktf tra.ro! pleasant and to prevent overcharging An uui-rncioi corporation supported by railroads, hotels, travel agencies and other" who profit by touring has been or ganised. It la tho Kronen Touring company. Through it agonia are u- Inc sent to tho United fKatoa and otsowboro. Americana will bo o( forod French railroad tickets, travel programs and similar information. Nowspapers hovo not boci onthu- slnstlc over tho Plan. Tho Excel sior said "tho public foars tho ico- nomlc dlsturbnnco tholr coming might cause" In referring to tho pro pesed visit of tho rich talked of million Americans," It explains that "everything is already boyond roach In prlco and thuro Is no room In tho hotels. What will tho con ditions bo when It becomes neces wiry to lodge and feed these mw guests who do not look ul tho cost of thlngsT" To remedy sacli conditions, tho governmental ngoiioy -HURgcfcti that when heavy travel begins In April conditions will bo moro nearly nor mal. A dcllulto plan to reserve rooms for coming tourlstj hm boen Inaug urated already. All hotels In Franco, numbering ubout '.'fi.OOO, hnvo been asked to submit their rnles and to pledge themselves not to chargo moro than In tho case of tho gov- ornment-couductrd travelers. Tie lodging dllllcultles and tho high cost of everything Is recognized by all but it Is bolioved a groat llond of travel will come In splto of tho cost. Tho government's aim Is to w.e that travelers are not charged moro tliun , tho Information agencies 'an estlnuito and that they aro given the bunollt of advice and nld In making their stay In Frunqo entertaining. FOIl HAI.H I) thoroughbred rugln. torod Ithodo Inland rod luyluit to liens mid ono roowitor. Inquire HMo High. 10-at VOll. HAliK Ono dining room luif. fol In good condition. Phoiiu 3U6M or call 10 ID Joftorson Ht. 10-6t FOR BALK Ono quarter homo power motor, ono throo liorso power motor, ono UO gallon hot watnr tank luqulru Now City Laundry ll-10t FOR 8ALE Cheap for cash, A two-ploco. dry wall Aoncroto block mnchlne: good aa now; used only one aoaaon. Could not bo bought today for 14500, Will soil at a bargain os owner la In other lino of business and cannot glvo It his attention. Splendid opening here for this uusinoaa aa thore la a big demand for blocks and concrete bricks. Machlno Is In tho city and can 'bo seen at any time. Don't answor unless you have tho cash Address Hoi 1, Herald Office. 1-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE WAAA0lAAAA0WWt0Wl FOR RENT Nicely furnlihod rcom, use of phono and bath. Furnaco heat. Phono 43C. Itf-3t iW&3."S r "'U MISCELLANEOUS k k " in i i-.ii. ii.. i ... - -.. ... .... v snoos, cHj ... ,..'" Pair ino. ('o to Hliuiiii,,,, '. Mon tickets for the m,, "ur """' """sen mcordi '?' " , Tho tmlluH or i"lm nT7 s ft? .si'.rais" pa 'Ml' 8omy bonds woUo M r" t A 8nuin. m ntt C m ,UOm ''SYTON for wood. CITY DAnninv ...' 0rb.,o,emoTtdawut SITUATIONS WANriEr '""' n .-.in,,,, . ; ' ' IV YOU WANT BTimpv- JTT call the Klamath Coun,V mi' aSS?a Hoys for elorklnR mX FOR RENT Furnished room. In quire of F. Soulo, Herald Office or at 128 Second St.. after C:30 p. m. . ICtt The now boundary lines of Europe ore on tho maps and nowhere oWo. Spain has adopted a universal 8 hour day. Wo uro fast npproachlng the level of the most backward of nations. r'" ! T.'".'l l'1-Jl Superiority Demonstrated in World War E. N. Hurley, who served throughout the war as chairman of the United States -Shipping Board, was asked what in his job had impressed him most. He answered : "The efficiency of private ownership and operation as com pared with public ownership and operation ALL PRODUC TION CENTERS ON THE COST you can't get away from that. Shift responsibility for the cost, for the best possible result under a given set of circumstances and you shift the responsibil ity for efficiency. On the Shipping Board, we shifted this respon sibility from private shipbuilding concerns to the Government. "With the shifting ofresponribility of cost to the Govern ment, that keen interest in results which follows private initiative was gone. THERE YOU HAVE THE WHOLE PROBLEM AS BETWEEN PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND PRIVATE OWNER SHIP STATED. "I don't know of a government-owned plant that produces more than two-thirds efficiency. In the years to come some way may be found to keep incentive to best endeavor in men under government ownership, but until that is discovered that system may be classed as a failure." California-Oregon Power Company T k- t t t t T T t t f f T T f T T t T T T T T T T NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. FOR RENT -Rooms, uso of bath and phono. 840 Walnut, cor of Oth, lltt chores, etc BpodJil . S. TO en to his gervlce by the iehool authorities and an effort li to T made to moko orDclont, conB!i and proniablo both to'thi "JfiS and to thoio roqulrlug their ittrlcti lit ' HELP WANTED WANTED Three newsboy ot tho Herald Office. 11-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST Fox torrlor puppy four months old, 131 High Stroot or Phono ICG. 1C31 Wo mnko n sprcUlty o( HK m, anil Acrldrnt lnnurcn.lMiowOai.11 wo'll do tho rent, aillcote & Suih utf HV f-ROWKIW ATrii.ViMX Tho Hay Production ami MirM Ing t'ommlttoj of tho Farm riurea ilfMlres to have a Hat of all har for sulo not later than December 20th. Plouso notify nny of the fu. IowIiik commlttoo or thj County AKrlciiltiirul ARont, Harry Telford, Ciiah-man: Iloliort Choyne, 0, M. Klrkpatrlck or M, Glscomlnl. 15-5t NOTICE OF HIIEHIFF'S HA I.E. lion , Township 39 south, Ranje 1 1 KiiHt of Willamette Meri dian, or ho much thereof as mar be necessary to satisfy said execution, toKcllittr with ,tlio tenement!, horoilltiunonU nnJ appurtenance) thorvtinto bnloiiKltif; or In nnywlie npiii'rlnlnlnK- Tlio procci'ils of said rale '-111 be applied In tlio untlsfnrt on nt salt execution order nnil decree, Interest costs and accruing cot.i, nr.d the ovorplus, If nny there he, paid Inte court to bo further applied a by Inw illructcd. Dated at Klnmntli Falls, Oregon, Illy Ill'IlT A. A. . Z In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto ot Oregon, For tho County of Klnmntli. Ciua Molhnso, Plaintiff, vs. Frank M. Daytijn, Defendant. No. 1104, ElTuity. Notlco Ih heroby given that, by vlrtuo of an oxocutlon und ordur of .sulo, duly IsbikhI out ot tho nbovo entitled court and cuiiho on tho 2nd day of December, I'jl'J, In favor of tho nbovo nnmed plaintiff and aeulnut tho nbovo nnmed defendant, directing tlio muo of tho promlHCH therein, mid liuroliiufter doHcrlbcd, to mitlHfy tho sum of $1300.00, with IntorcHt thereon from tho 19th day of Hoptuinber, 1014, at tho rato of 7 por cent, per annum, $17G nt tornoy'a fee, $17.20 co.its, and iIIh bursomontH, and accruing cohIh. Now-, thoroforo, by vlrtuo of nald execution, and in complinnco with said writ, I liavo fully lovled on nld promlfioa nnd will, on Tupodrty, Jnnuary C, 1920, nt 10 o clock n. in of .suld dny, at tho front door of tho county court Iiouho, in tho City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Stnto of Oregon, soil, nt public auction, to tho hlghcHt bidder, for cash, all tlio right, tltlo and IntorcHt of tho abovo named dofominnt, in nnd to tho following described roul property, situated In Klnmntli County, Stnto of Oregon, to wit: Tho SKVi of Boction 25, Town ship 38 South of Hnngo 11 Knot of Willamette Meridian, nxcept a tract 74 by SfiVir rodH out of Bouthwest part thereof, or bo much thoroof a mny ' bo necessary to satisfy said oxocutlon, together with tho tonomonts, hereditaments nnd appurtenances thorounto belonging or in nnywiso appertaining. TJio proceeds of said snlo will bo applied to tho satisfaction of said oxocutlon, order und docrco, In terest, costs, and accruing costs, and tho ovorplus, If any tlioro bo, paid into court to bo further applied no by law directed. Dntcil at Klnmntli Falls, Orogon, Docombor 2, 1919. GEO, I.. HUMPHREY, Sheriff, By HURT 13. HAWKINS, Deputy. 3-10-17-21-31-7-14. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Orogon for t)to County of Klamath. No. 1103, Equity. Ous Molliiwe, Plaintiff, vs. Ren Dayton, Defendant. ' Notlco Is hereby given that, by vlrtuo of tin execution and order of sale, duly Issued out of tlio abovo entitled court nnd cnuso on tlio 2nd day of December. 1919, upon a decree mudo and entered ot record In said Circuit Court on tho 1st day of Docombor. 1919. and In favor of thu above named plaintiff until ...!.... St... ultjiifj namaml fl tt 111 f I fl fr I . !.. l. .,!,. nr tl.n nrimlana1 1OrOIIIIIOr -, JJ .1 I.. I l......l.,..ri..r ,l,.u .llinil. I lil.VJ, 1 muiuill liuu iiuiuuiiiiiwi ....w. . ...... to satisfy tho sum of $1900.00. with Interest thereon from tho 19th dny of Soptombor. 1914 nt tho rato of 7 por cent, per annum, "J-fiO nttor noy'H feo, 917.45 costs nnd disburse ments, anil accruing costs. Now, thoroforo, by vlrtuo of said oxocutlon, and In compliance with said writ, I hnvo duly levied on suld promises and will, on Tuesday, Jnnunry C, 1920. nt 10 o'clock n. in. of said day, at tho front door of the county court houso. In tho City of Klamath N Falls, Klamath County, Stnto of Oregon, soil, nt public auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash, all tho right, tltlo nnd Intorost of tho abovo named defendant, In and to tho following described real property, situated In Klnmntli County, Stnto of Oregon, to wit: Tho northenat qunrtor of soc- J I L M PI I R K V. Sberltr, E. HAWKINS, Deputy, 3-10-17-24-31-7-14 m Best Makes Best Stock Best Service and Best Terms Earl Shepherd A subscription to The, Evening llornld for'n prospects low1""1 year, 'might mean a ChrUtmu present for nil of us next year. Heat yot. Herald Want Ada. l j THE UNIVERSAL CAR r3 Notice k i, Kord Motor i-o mi" g o..,o will io nllottO'l r 1 r y nVH W T.'" .nwiiwoxniireJoIre B F i Prospective Ford Buye A spoclnl letter from tho announces nluo iiunurou uxi to Oregon within tho noxt t Hiiroiy appruoiniu """,",,, ,i,,iUth torr tory our portion ot this allotment li Kit imr in i 0, nnd nsuro Imme.llnto delivery ncc or dlnb o a your order. Call In Pornoii or vjo '"' lmv0 bo glnd to oxplaln our plan " X,Vnt nt onco. u Ford car with now starter oiiuU'inent at Don't overlook this opportunity, but l,p J1 order, ovon for a later doll very, bo you wont to wait when you ronlly need your car. Wo hnvo tho now stnrter " ''"'K wheels In stock which wo f "" ,,,, modol cars. WliidBl.lelil CUanois, wecu Roboa, H. & D. Shock Absorbors. A now stock of nccessorloa Just In. Lot us overhaul your car while tho unow Ing. llo ready whon tho buii shines. Is foil- DANNER-PATTY MOTOR CO. No. 123 Sixth St. Phone 427 " '-' TI'TT 1"' ,rstnmsnyIr -,.-. T-cmrTrw7"":; ::SrSi JJhJi "; ipHIiMsPMsflW(l4 mmm