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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1919)
WI31.VKHPAV, ni :c. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE F1VA 17, lM). IVORY FOR HER GIFT Hew y" w'" ni,(l """,y """'"l KlftH of Ivory and In rompMo F-tH that hnvu not !(' neon uIhcwIiito In in the city- u display of the hlKhcut MUiillty MnlMlicd to perfection, in PYUAL1N IVOIIY NO gECONDH a ml In nently nrrnyed boxen for holiday glftH. Tho omim appnicliitoH good Ivory and wo ciin Hiipply her wants In In drrlduul pieces or huIh. Moilorntuly prlcod. SHAVING ARTICLES FOR HIM The man always appreciates something in the line of shaving articles and we have a great many things that are very appropriate as a Christmas gift. Shav ing Cream, azors, Cold Cream, Shaving Lotion, Ton ics, and all shaving accessories. Give A KODAK What is hottor as a gift than a Kodak? Wo havo everything that the ama teur photographer can can wish for that will aid him In taking and and making u good pic ture. In giving a Kodak you are giving a gift that will always bring ronnnn branco to the ono receiv ing It. Not only will you be remembered during tho holidays, but long afterward. A KODAK make a vory accept able gift. Starting Thursday this until 9 o'clock. H Auto Robes Only seven more days left to buy that robe for. Christ- ma. Large assortment Prices to suit the puree. Central i..n..n..Mml,nlllil,nn.f,i1,,in, ., PICKED OVER? 'I should Kav not!" .tr wn,r.on"so fined with reserve aWftZiM."! Sl Earl Shophord, G07 Main St. 17-2t LIBERTY 'THE PICK OF H .W. I'OOLE, Owner. TONIGHT America's Greatest Character Actor FRANK KEENAN in the first of the New, Big "Keenan Specials" "THE MASTER MAN" A Powerful Story Splendidly Acted and a Capitol Comedy, "WHY DIVORCE?" and our usual Wednesday Kinograms Tomorrow Charming BILLIE RHODES in "THE LOVE CALL" A Rough-Neck Story, but You'll Like it Itoors open 1:80 and 7:00 P. M. Evening pictures sturt ,nt 7:80 IH m .store will remain open Auto Robes Garag e I1 MARRIAGE LICENSE A marrlnge license was Issued yes- ttrdny by the county clerk to Chas Schwartzfager and Hanna Slmp. Bon - THEATRE THE PICTURES" VSiWWtA HAIIHV HOItlOL, Musical Ilioctir ATHLETIC. I F.Ar.IIF MEETING INDICATES BRIGHT PROSPESTSi A meeting of persons Interested In the organization of nn athletic iihbo- , elation wiih hold In the city hall last night, hut no definite action toward perfecting the organization was tak en an the hall committee stated that they were still Investigating the' mat tcr of Hecurlng (iitarters ait! would not ho able to report for a few days. Tho committee on constitution ami by-laws also reported that their work was still In the preliminary , stages. An ntfjournmnt was occord I ingly taken until noxt Tuct-day night. 1 llscuc8ion brought out statements j indicating that sentiment in favor of th association Is growing and prospects for a largo and stable or- f.unuullon seem bright. GOOD SCORES IN BOWLING CONTESTS Some good IndlvWual scores were'i,er nephew, Bert C. Thomas, and made In the bowling contest between I Mason's and Van Ripcr's teams on! the Elks alleys last night. Mason's i team won two games out of three. .Tonight, Jester's and Swanson's 'teams will meet. Last night's sceres: I Mason's 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. Hoyden 209 178 194 Rogers .. .. 131 235 194 Harry 180 178 201 ,C. R. Miller.. 133 129 147 ,Mason 159 179 112 579 560 559 409 450 812 - st 172 185 177 109 897 2nd 222 138 188 848 3rd 191 185 146 128 203 Van Klper'i Van Bellen Kelley Upp Van Riper . Tot. 685 517 1 459 1 375 Jester 150 541 1 796 831 853 FISH AND GAME BOARD. FIRE FINLEY i j PORTLAND, Dec. 17. William L. Fin ley, stato blolaglst, was dismlss- 1 ed by the state fish and game com- , mission last Thursday, It became known today, according to a story published in the Portland Telegram, which ascribes th dismissal to Fin lty's refusal to do politics. Sportsmen o" the state are reported to be Indig nant and are said to he planning to ppeal the matter to the governor. When Ice cream is hot, Prohibition will have caused an Increased de mand for It. Longshoremen often strike but they can't stay ashore long, we are i.i tt .u r. . v. .,, .i Coach Kenneth Coutchie, athletic director at Champaign Unlventlty, has resigned, we are informed by the Champaign News. So Long, Hootchle! NOTICE The degree team are requested to be present Thursday night at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Initiation and ban quet by order of the Noble Grand. 17-2t iVAW HOUSTON Metropolitan Atnnsemenu HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING EVEHY WEDNESDAY AND SATUKDAY STAR THEATER TODAY IJHYANT WASHBURN in "SOMETHING TO DO" Also Two Reels of Good Comedy And ' An Edurationnl Feature rEMPLE THEATER TODAY ENID DENNETT In "THE LAW OF MEN" Also Two Reels of Good Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, OreRos We have a $100.00 American phonograph; wo will be glad to dis pose for it for $50,00. We took this In on a trade for a new Brunswick. Cash or terms, Winters, 700 Main Phone 149-W. !o j PERS0NAL MENT1" l MrH- John M- Johnson left Sun- day morning for North Carollnu,) whoro she will visit her mother for several weeks. Charles IJnggan, a prominent' "''cep l,lil" from "ornlirook Is In the city for it few dayx on business. Mrs. I'ercy Bvans left this morn ing for IJerkeley to visit her sister for'n few days, after which alio and , ner B'Blcr wl" B to Los Aneeles to "J"-'"" tne "lllayB with another sls- ! tjr who refll,1es there. Mrs. Evans' I y,m BPend about two months In the (80Utn vlslllnB friends and relatives Frank Fleet has gone to Lorella for an extended visit with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs, II. E. Wlnnard. M. J. Lytic a prominent rancher of Bonanza was In the city yesterday on business connected with his ranch. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Parker and wife have gone to Eugene to reside. Marvin Cross of the my Mercan tile Co., has been in the city for a few days on business. Miss Marie Clements, of Colum bus. Ohio, arrived last nlcht to visit cxepcts to spend the Winter with Mr and Mrs. Thomas. Irving J. Dixon has filed his hon orable discharge from the U. S.J army with the county clerk. J. E. Dratton, deputy In the sher-i Iff's office, has been confined to his, home the last two days by :i slight' Illness. Dr. A. A. Soule, city health offl- cer, has gone to Siskiyou county, California, for a few days to visit his father, who i. 111. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Coseboom will leave tomorrow morning for Stock- ton, Calif., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sly are In the city from their homestead which is located 1U miles out from uorris. Tom Delzell Is home from the Ore gon Agricultural college to spend the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Delzell. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estate and Guardianship of Albert Hopkins Pierce, a Minor. Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to an order of the above en titled court, made and entered on the 6th day ot December, 1919, I, the undersigned duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian of the estate and person of Albert Hopkins Pierce, a minor, will, on and- after 10:00 a. m. on. Saturday, the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1920, at the office ot H. M. Manning in the Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, State of Oregon, sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder therefor cash in hand, Gold Coin of the United States of America, all ot the following described land and real estate located and situated in Klamatb County, State ot Oregon, to wit. i to wit: The south ot the northwest U, the east Vz of the Southwest Y and Lot 3 (otherwise known as the Northeast quarter of the northwest quarter) of Section two in Township 35 South Range Six, East of the Willamette Meridian, and also an undivided one-fourth interest in and to the southeast M of the southwest M ot Section 35 in Township 34 south Range 6, east ot the Wil lamette Meridian. Terms of vBale shall be purchase price cash in hand, bids to be in writing, and shall be left with this guardian at the office of her said attorney H. M. Manning, at the ad dress aforesaid abstract of title shall be at the expense of the estate. The sale of said premises shall be made subject to confirmation by the said County Court. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Cth dav of November 1919. (Sgd) AGNES PIERCE, Guardian of the Estate and Person of Albert Hopkins Pierce, a Minor. 8-15-22 29 5. Try 'em. Herald Want Ads. gill rMtu WtK .' am IH "I SHOULD SAY NOT!" M aBfetS Our warehouse filled with fine Hw""'j i mE$i musical Instruments enables us gf S-ji 5s practically a complete stock of 9W r KJiF5 leading makes of Phonographs fjg-.jl jJBJfcg nnd Pianos, aF- m5Sj This cannot be dono by others ,3S5 i WPKggs as our extensive business over l3fcfj5 EJr, ten counties anc ean-jg no l'Jo WPsS Epg ' - llns helps us to give you tho glfcJjg SHrf -' best service musically. jfifieS feJS Open evenings until Christmas., . iHjjfa: ,jBBz Earl flHl I .i?M ' LU 1lnUb VI JUUI UWauMa ; I ( , V Shepherd JflB ' ia c0f ' V - rar -ipBTr I ' One 'sa fc al III ! I ill Business JIME ' f lfll BLJIll 507 Main ffiS '5 V5iSSEiiT I iVmm '1 i l-fHm LLLH r, iav rim ml lllllliini II lM A Christmas Savings Accounts THESE may be opened here at the Jfirst -National Bank'-' i by ANYONJE fortanyone. What a splendid Thrift Gift this would make tor your youngsters. You make the de- " posit and we hand you a Savings Passbook "with that amount credited on the inside. The Interest which we pay on Savings makes the Funds gTOW faster. E. R. Rcamcs, President A. M. Collier, Vice-President John M. Moore, Vice-President i . Leslie Rogers, Cashier the First National Bank KLAMATH. FALLS mno WELL-KNOWN YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WEDDED no, .1,1 c rvw n unco nin.tWo Poole were married last evening at whom she made her home during tho tho residence of the Rev. J. W. Bry- jears that she attended the local ant, who performed the wedding schools, and a sister of Mrs R. S. ceremony. Both are well known Cowley of Langell Valley. Many young people. They have purchased friends will join in congratulating a bungalow on Eleventh street and her husband on his good fortune and expect to occupy it about January 1. extending wishes for long continued. Mr. Cox Is In the employ of the happiness to both of the newly-wed-Wells Fargo Company here. His ded. pair. SHOP ABOUT BEFORE YOU BUY We buy our Men's Shoes as we expect you to buy yours. We never take the first thing we see, but shop about, getting the best obtainable. We compare style, leather, workmanship. When you buy your shoes never take the first thing you see. Shop about and get the best obtainable. Compare styles, leathers, workmanship and prices. All of these points you'll find at our store. And your feet will be correctly fitted, too. Union Store, Union Shop and Union Made Shoes BRADLEY SHOE STORE 727 Main OREGON mimr bride is a popular young lady who ' was born and brought up in this community. She is a niocai of Mrs. tl C r.I 1... 41-, -' UL " " u"i,,u' " "" tfi mm i . '- ,2