vi;m'.hiav, in:c. 17, ti. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THRIt- 1 PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE HAIiKM, Ore, Doc, 10, IlocauBo Of till) present tolil wonthor. wl.lrli "Furnisher of Happy Homes" North Sixth Street Klamath Falls, Ore. Miiih greatly InrruuNcd tho dunger to I property and life In Oregon, tbo state uro marshal's department has iHHuetl u HurnliiB In which nil por HonB uro nskod to uhu unusual vigi lance In guarding ngalnBt flro, and removing ,ns far bh possible all haz-ardH: FI IRS1 r GIVES WARNING! I A. F. Graham I I n ll ' Concrete I I Construction I .1 Shasta Sand Used I M Exclusively l RECKARD TAXI-AUTO SERVICE Winter Schedule hort trips, 50c passen ger; Pelican Bay dr Ship pington, $1.50 for either 1 Cafe. Phone 77 Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. UeeU Friday night of each week at I, 0, O. F. hall, 6th and Main itreeta. P. J.Oorges , N. O.i Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fonntaln Treainrer B wanna Encampment No. 46, 1. O O. V,, meeta Tuesday night of each woek at I. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor rel, 0. P. Nate Ottorbeln, Scribe P. L. Fountain Treaauror. BUM Best Makes Best Stock Best Service and Best Terms Earl Shepherd -HCJlUvm. GOOD BREAD In olways t ho product of good, wIioK'HOino mato,rIu!1H. cnrofully baked Into thu most dollcloua, most wholesome ivnd only econom ical food today PAN DANDY BREAD It Is not n question of goography, but of common senso. HIRVI BAKING CO, Phone 281 'AP N'lIM and Marnlnrf. U Jl"' Hav, Cttan, Healthy rrS ty. mney lire, itch, V.I W&r Sinnrf nr rinrn If Sir Vrllm CiCC Irritated, Inflamed or IUUK tir.l firnnnlntfvl iioMntln. often. SooiIioj, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all DrugRists. Write for J ree Eye Book. Moris. Cii Rwedj fe,CUcip 9 KTo.1. Try 'om. Hornld Want Ads. "To tbo City Officials Seo that tbo btreots aro clearod as fast as pos Hiblo of buow and Ico, bo traffic can be restored, and so tho flro depart ment can moot an emergency call without running amuck In a snow bunk while tho names may bo de stroying tho town. Look attor tho mains and hydrants. Keep them from freezing so there may bo a sup ply of water in case of necessity. To tbo Flro Dopartmont Inspect your equipment, know It is In con dition for Immodlato use. If you havo motor macbinory know your motors aro warmed up so they will start without difficulty. Tho time lpst in starting a chilled motor might bo.aufflclont for tbo flro to get away from you. Hold as many mon as posslblo for Instant service. In crease the efficiency of your depart ment In ovory possible way to meet tho situation. "To the Ilousoholdor Watch zealousoly everything In and about your homo that might In any way Htart a flro. Do not ubo a torch or oll-Bonkcd rngs to thaw tho water pIpi-H. Tho Hnfo way In to wrap them with rags and then wet them with hot water. Do not build a flro in your kitchen stovo If tho water In tbo coll, tank or pipes Ih frozen. Do not build n flro largo enough to ovor hent your stoves or Htovo pipe. Mako an liiBpuctlon of your stove and pipes from tho floor underneath them to tbo toj of tho chimney. Know thoy are safe, and If you smell mnnkc, get busy, nemembor, more fires aro put out with tbo flro department tbnn by It, nncf after all, tbo best way and Hiifest, to put out the fire, Ih beforo It Ktiirts. Let everyono mako safety first the watchword, nnd act." mm gets I - rilf; u j. ii...i I . .&& Mill Hul r "iBaui . 1 flHIlH I iBBBBBBBI lvU I -B 1 r 1 I fllfil tSfM Ji ILgaBillaWU llfiUlP MiH H3iHf iiiiHlliHUiMlCi- A' T T T f Y I Suitable & Appropriate Gifts Are Possible In Xmas rurmture A large line of KIDDIES' TOYS IN FURNITURE, KIDDY AND SAMMY KARS iron 4i JLJ LJL ;H I lirt.l I I f " "i I ' flvy 0 rswHr 'I I U9FLflHliKT lill jlX'HiiiiiiiiiiaalPM wf'- r 1 1 1 THw fm - T-BHFp-j? ff The children love all manner of sports, though they be young and of tender age. We think the appropriate gift for the child 1 511 II WHS WITH POISON Threo hundred Jackrnbblts to each gallon of polioned grain was tho ex termination record established latt Saturday by Claudo Dccbdoldt, a farmor of tho Lungell Vallev. Dcchdnldt Is a member of the county farm bureau. which Is con-' ducting n comprehensive extermina tion campaign. Tho county court recently decided to abolish tho boun ty on rabbits nnd ubo tbo remainder of tho bounty fund In co-oporatlon with tho farm bureau to buy and distribute poison, the county paying hnlf and tho bureau tho other half of tho cost. Mr. Huchdoldt g6t flvo gallons of th poisoned pats and put them out Saturday night. Sunday morning bo found dead Jack rabbits scattered nil over tho place. Thero wore so ninny bo felt that without corroborative ovldonco ho would not bo believed If ho told about it, so bo secured n committpo of nolghbors to liolp him tally tho results., Tho pnrty found 1G00 dond r.tbhlts. Th heavy snow, which doprivos tho rabbits of natural forago, makes conditions Ideal for poisoning, as tho rabbits eat tbo grain greedily. Unnchois oory where, aro taking itdvnntngo of conditions to oradlcato tho posts. M. J. Lytlo was In town yostorday $j&P .1 . yk. r, yyH J, fl r -1W '( - r " We are offering for the Holiday Trade the Finest and Most Exclusive Line of XMAS CARDS Novelties and Fancy Stationery ocrbliouii In Klanulli falls. PIONEER PRINTING & STATIONERY COMPANY 126 Main St. . . 126 Mai nSt. S1 wr5 T T J T T will be found in Perkins' Holiday Furniture and Toys forChil-HJ dren. , T out t sr The home might also be in need of a Christmas gift, so fit:it-o una viii isuiias wiui wic luiiiuuic jruu arc laLnuig. We have a dandy line. T T t .1 A Siioii i-i- "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY GOLD! "That's Dr. King's New Dis covery for fifty years a cold-breaker" & NOTHING but sustained quality nnd unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Noth ing but suro relief from stubborn old colds nnd onnishlng new ones, grippe, tliront-tenrlns coughs, and croup could havo inndo Dr. King's New Discovery tho nationally popu lar nnd standard remedy It is today. Fifty years old and always reli able. Good for the whole family. A bottlo In tho medicine cabinet means n short-lived cold or cough. COc. nnd $1.20. All druggists. Regular Bowels Is Health Ilowels thnt move spasmodically fioe one dny nnd stubborn tho next should bo healthfully regu lated by Dr. King's New Llfo Pills, lu this way you keep tho Impurities of wnstoMnnttor from clieulnting thioiigh tho sjstem by cleansing the bowels thoroughly nnd promot ing the proper How of bile. v C Mild, comfortable, yet nlwnys re liable, Dr. King's New Life Pills wojI; with precision without tbo coiifctlputlnu tesults of violent pur gutles. iioc. us usual nt all drug-clstr. Making Rabbits Profitable. The biological survey has frequent ly been called upon to help western farmers In coping with the rabbit pest. In view of the probabe eco nomic value of rabbit meat nnd fur In the coming few years, the energies of tho farmers nnd ranchmen will be directed to the conservation of this Important resource. Already n number of establish ments for collecting, dressing, can ning and shipping rabbit meat are In operation In western centers. As In Australia the transition ofT the wild rnbblt In this country from Its status as a pest to a source of profit Is assured, Jt l Wteved. Thrift Magazine. WHY THAT " ,AME BACK? v--"1 4. 'Bird Loosley; dairy business, Box No. 60, Ft.' Klamath,ksays: "I have been subject to backache and kidney disorders for some - years past. At times, Ihave been in pretty' bad shape. My back'got so lame and stiff that I could hardly straighten up when I got?down. Sharp pains example. . ! That morning lameness sharp pain when bending or lifting, make work a burden and rest impossible;. Don't bo handicapped L. byjajbad back look, toyour 'kidneys. juu,wiu matte no misiaKe oy follow ing thlsH Ft. -Klamath resident's caught me in" tho small of my bacK often and for a-whlle, I could hardly move. I havd; always found' pulck relIetrfrom Doan's Kidney Pills. 'A 'box or two fixes me up in fine shape." (. fiito uuu, uii uti ueuiera. uoat mimi'j' .uait lor a Kiuney remeay gee Doan's jKIdney Pills the same that Mr. Loosley had: Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., BuffaldrN. Y. i -those Now wo understand Why they call Irish stew, Hungarian goulash. If a woman ever Sat In tho PresI dent's chair, there'd bo a law passed compelling every man in tho United States, citizen or no, to bo homo on tlmo for supper. If a man talks in his sloop, bo's suro of an audience, anyway. A woman never insists on having tbo Inst word In an argument It's tho last WOItDS. That money wo spent making the world safe for democracy isn't re turning a lot on tho investment. and said ho oxpocted to sprendJ onough poison to get 1000 rabbits Inst night. Ho took homo 100 ounces of strychnine for distribution among tho nolghbors, and expects a gonoral clean-up to result. , Last N ear tho rabbits woro so numerous In tho Lnngell and Yonna valloys that thoy destroyed noarly all tho potatoes and garden patches. Many ranchers who had flolds of potatoes planted found when thoy camo to dig the crop that tho' rabbits lmd eaten them nil. This yoar, due to tho offorts of tho county farm bureau campaign, thoy expect to practically oradlcato tho rabbit pest before spring. WHAT HAS 1IKCOMH Or That letter tho wlfo gavo mo to mail this morning? (This about' G p, in. St. Joromo said n mouthful when he advised ovoryono to "keep doing Home kind of work, that the Movll may always find you employed." 9tuoaiQ .in jo 'sioaojj qi ssxnsB&uw d5"t 5Ti(?3 i(&$- y era u n jh r. c wi-mi r puny. h3u om 0Q UOIE0 -A3J inj;ii3iiop oq Hav m sjassap oupepS ois-pio otp mA ij oacduio3 J31UAV Sniiioq ppu xduits 4S03 3ujiju n D 'snopijap pue pijiiiicoit 'sonuiep' ;maj-onn noA s3uuq ?x og 'jossap qooa joabij 6 posuopuoa S oomC inj jo qnB3AV V siciA ui 'uijoj pmbji ut 833U0SS3 aomf 'unaj trjlAt pSJOABfJ St TPf -A'jtJlf Demorest, Dentist, over man's .Store, 6th andjMaln.' Sugar- a 2-tf - -t ii-i n :v hdIL ll Thrift and ! Little Things Who are the men and women that become masters over great things? They are those who first of all become masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slogan : "DO'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON