The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 16, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    tuuhdav, di
OXtttNH II f 111-,. ..
rniintniilltinpln frol '" '"Wrt, to
'"'I"""' of irniln i "' " Tho
hiuii i.. , . '" "crhu.
llKI) hi rimir of
foro tin Mir li
inrica bii. ..
n" "ihoriKi
i unci
,:,"""!,, "tumlc ,
!""'"-it w,.it;r t:t
i:mhkh ..
- -' 'JNIOlft
i . TWHMlHflE i
..... i
cJK9PPSl v?IS5s3Sssr-y rs&araiLiHdjA i
6WMwimmrr-Tmmr .mi- pm h ;
f VtMtW1 ltJftarL--(CFli---v'' AW .., . www... . ..w ,
Mm ,r '" Umlo lmlBn,:....f?,,
m cismmrm- is.m&m3 m mu
a H&aflRP ... JWHMflrW fGKL' i
IWf '" i m-S
tl. w,9i, rVin ic Innlcinor for the items that will J
transform a house into a warm comfortable home will
find them here.
We have all the many warm articles needed so much at
this time. They are wonderful values, at very moderate prices.
In Blue and White checks,
in very superior values;
sizes 62x80, priced at $8.50.
"VJou need an Auto Robe
for this weather, useful at
all seasons of the year; dark
colore t in extra weights
Priced at $7;0a " . S
These articles mentioned
are veiy appropriate for
Holiday. Gifts. . t While, giv
ing a1 present, 'why not a
good one?
Don't, forget our
: 4 ......
They are-to he found in
all the most' wanted colore
and in the popular Jersey
Ribbed garments."
Now oh ' "display in our
windows.- She would surety-appreciate
one at- Christ
mas Time.
; tspr "V
n rtv
Don't bVferlook the won-
j derful values, on display in
tr Leather and Plush Coats.
Manufactured in the West in a sanitary man
ner under rigid inspection and of the finest cot
ton absolutely nure. alfeo double' carded'. They
have complied with all he"requii;emQnts of the
lilW gUVUllUIlg UlC IllcUIUlillibMlV.
'They are' oirBi'spTay in our windows for your
inspection ancrthey a'fe beauties. Priced a'eas-
onaoiy at irom :
-?, "3a $4:00 to $9,50
i'if .
D-WS fclOl
23 mU
is a "necessity to the well, dressqd
"woman, nowadays and nothing,
could.-jje more useful, and smarter,
than to haye one ready to slip into
at a moment's notice.
They are to be found here in a
bewildering array of these gar
ments. '
Pomona blankets in Pink
and White; very good
weight and size, priced at
Why not a home beauti
ful? Our Indjan Robes are
in the mbst ' beautiful of
shades, colorings, and of su
perior AveighUj.;, ,
Priced at $12.00
So useful in many ways,
ji emergencies. .,.,.... ...
-, Priced .at $7.00 .'
' itj , i . i ,- . i.
' I jtfl'J lIMlf I Mil! Ill .1 I. l 14 .
20 -Pri'iw)
Ml u 'i
Haw xou,. inspected .the,
djsplays-of-tur Silk Under-
,doQi?li;,';;: ; ;-, , ,
t They are ilia Kaiser.'bran'd
that assures votrof-thp fnsh
. ; Fou.wJi.mas . gifts they.-are
ueyoncrcompai'ison. -' v
it o iin ' ni)
ml f" .. Iill'l Jll
..Iil'JO'iil-v'j I
' In 1."iVi
--,! "! Ill 1."rtil
j Our.stockofj :
sy.'.lll iii ,iiinyi it
is the most complete- in the
"i4 satisfied customer comes again'
un-y. -xjievr are in
all the'Ia.test figure's 'arid,.col
orings. Your irtspection in
vited.' '
v . ji i
H. N. MOE, Proprietor
(I'oni'Hiionilonro AkhocImIijiI
Tutkoy ! rnroly plcluroil iih it coun
try ot IiiihImuhk H)Mlli!lllltm but rath
or iih tlio trailltlonul luimo ot Kraft,
imlttlcH, nuiHNMurim, it it tl Null ml wom
en Ynt, iK'conlliiK to Aiuorlcnnit of
Houin IhIou who lutvu Ioiik lioi'ii luirn
or ntlior who luvvo como ulnro tho
IcIohii of tho wnr, HomothlnR mny tio
ilono with tho Turk mid a lot with
hln country In th way of attrlcultur.
al ilnvulopmont, In oxploltlitK uinrolii
ilvponUii on tho non or Mnrmuru, coal
on tho HhoroH o( tho Hlnck Hon mill
In tho lloraklon hnnlu, and coppur at
ArKhnnn, Mini on ami In tho Intorlor
inotintnlim hotwonn Dlabakhr nml
Thoro tins boon a vniit quiuitlty of
inUlnforiunttoii clrculatvil about tho
valuo of TurkUh coiicohhIohh anil
moiubont or tho Amorlcan inlmtlon
hoiulotl by (lonornl llarboril caino to
tho conclusion thin Turkoy'H Kroat
nt wonlth lien In hor titilrrlKOliul,
tiooloHB hoII, thai It would bo pon
Hlblo to iimku hor woalthy If hIio hail
honost Kovorumont IrrlKiUlon ami
hor inolintnlnit and pining covered
VJth qiilck-Krowlnir rottonwood Oon
Hnrbord, an qxport aRrlculturnt oh
Horvor, IioIIoOh thai tho Amorlcan
Cottonwood would change tho Rnuut
fnio or Turkoy'n mountuliiH nml val-
l loy.
I fiLbni''. irnnlnll vflllln. hfVI
',,V" ?' . m -M 9 Mb
Til In bur itooKrniihlcal nobltlon nml
It l boliood that nn)onflidiorntlut
on n larKo Hcalo from .Smyrna and
Constnutlunpto, In particular. wjll
havo tlirco. avonuoH for trade oxtotw
hIoii ono'to tho UnlknnH, ouo nlonK
tho Hnadntl railway "which tho Urit-
Mh now control and aro InvoittliiK In
honvlly puhIiIiik Uh lino beyond Hn
dad to tho oil floldii of McHopotamln,
and on to tho.lndlnn Ocean; nml n!
third nvonuo Into tho HiiuK Hm
countrlQH lucludltiK hohIIi Iliimln
nnUAJi;,'..9.ucl3u,, .
' if. lilo Hnvndal, Amorlcan Com
JmlHHlouor rind ConHiil-Oonornl In
,CoriAtnnlnoiilo,n win) Iiom' orvod In
Turkey fofHomo twenty yoarn, l lm
preHod with American' opportunUle
In thoNoar KiiHt. Ho nayH that no
malter how tho Turklnh quofltlon
bj"80lvod by tho Poaco Conroronce,
tho" result 'In certain to afford miffl
clenY frrortom nnd Htnblllty for the
economic dovolopmont which Inn
boon Hi! lonj; iirrested und which
now5 U on tho ovo of oboylnR IU
urKOH. Amorlcan iu ..xci,,,,..,,, lu""1 W
!'-r.MPu., i
,mm "Ul "'' M.lor ltr ;
ouin.Hwi.1,1, nun runniii In Jt, .
u'w Hta.e f ,,,. ";; ' ..
".Ik for in. o,,.,,,,,, ;'
ruH. An.,, MllMr ! luBl-.
Central AhI ,Uc",U d
niw Ilk to wider tlm Amonua
Ip old Japan 'a man who wanted (sue; but, if It were cast out again,
a , wife went to tho house ot the he went away disconsolate.
girl whom he fancied and threw onel
of his shoes Into the yard. If the! There are 3.17C.228 widows in
shoe was picked up and taken inside J the United States.
by her, he looked for a favorable is
Try 'em. Herald Want Ads.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCartio and
little daughter Nora, are in tho city
j from Dorris. They are guests at tho
, Hotel Hull.
Judge and Mrs. A. L. Lcavitt havo
Public Sale
Having sold my ranch, I will offer for sale
all my implements and household goods at the
ranch, one-fourth mile south of Mack's Store on
the Klamath Falls-Merrill road.
Thursday, Dec. 18
commencing at 11 o'clock.
TERMS : All sums of $20 and under, cash.
On all sums over $20, twelve months' time will
be given on approved security bearing 8 per cent
interest; or 5 per cent discount for cash.
E. C. REAM, Owner
MERRILL & MOORE, Auctioneers.
1 returned from a visit of sevoral days
with their daughter, Miss Mubollo
I.eavitt, who Is a fetudent at tho Uni
versity of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. II. h. Polland loft
yesterday morning for San Diego,
California, where they will spend
the winter.
Mrs. Charles Ueilloy and son,
Charles left this morning for San
Francisco, whero they will spend tho
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Robertson and
Mrs. Charles Otoy left for San Fran
cisco this morning to stay until after
tho holidays.
Herhnprtngor at Klamnth Falls,
December 13, 191U, to Mr. and Mrs.
Helno Horhuertnger of Chlloquln, a
of lakohiinn II a tin, ,, .i ,l
nnl.UV,t l, African. nm
thOMHOh. It. lltl Nl.f CiUt "
AinnrlcniiH l.nm ,00 , (ll8
of lleorho root and clRmit, ,J
ncco u
.'nrtuniitob now hnvo'nuaer.
..nMi..wi innrcimn'men ilrlnjE
the I.uMim irmla nnd th n,..i.
llHhment of American lianki n n,,
commorclftl c.-nterB of tho Near Eut
In onb a (iiPtlon of wpki or
month. Tim American commercial
outlook In the Unnt and th D.
kiin h Indeed lirlght.
"Conntnnlliioiilo may l9 tormtd
the hub of the Near Kaat. Tho trlbu
tary territory of this ancient city
which for centurlua was tho learing
hotiiio of the world's clvlllra'lcn, li
coimtnntly expnnillnti cipcclallr to.
wards the C'auciuua nml Bouth Itu.
Mia and tho countries of tho Danubj.
Under a ntnhlo nnd Just noYornraent
Coimtnntlnople will regain much ot
lot pant Klory. It In tlio main door to
Aitln to which. It Is claimed the 20th
century belongs.
"What In principally wanted out
hero to Insure American commercial
UMconuency jA,l"yiran, capital to 1
used In the dotcloiuhent'oThalurit
i.yfjijj-eitonrfes uniMpr purposes of recon
mrueiinii 4
'Ui tho KeilcjnJ Hesono Act and
illti' Wobb-I'oineh'no Act ratijii hate
lu'en proljled fur an ndequate ei
tension of American foreign trade,
o,rv vnuttlujlzl,ii5 American bank!
abroad and tho other affording pro
er triltf. WtKntjIxnt.lon.'iJiccpt, In the
matter of, our naylgntlun taws, !(,'!
not legislation which now Is' wanted
ut uiucli as lslon nnd courage
iiraonK.'Our uiunutncurcra and mer
..J'Otir ksidora of Industry nerer )
-.,Jjud,a finer tlinnco, to shew their
mettle than nt present. South Hui
'lti callri thwiii to InunfOlttto'pcllBii
nppenlliiK to tholr (orlht as n
othor coubtry nii'peoleij'ile'fore.'
Traiis-CaucnHltt cluillenrj-j'thcr wis-
'(loin. Athx Minor numn om them to
Hhotv their spirit. Of theso suggested
operations, ComitnntlnoploMs the un
(jueHflotied bnso.' , '
f"7hln lf( no? time for dawdling. lt
uii bo up and doing jiml holii to win
p.-:ico nnd pro?porlty for oirseWis
and others as wo helpol onwelvw
and, others o splendidly hi tho war."
Wi1'i:i Ot T IS HUMOn.
A - l
od hero Hint 1300 liriusn iroups m
I'orslu hao lieon wiped put hi
hostile population.
momentum. Ho
hUHlnoM men to "bo up and doing"
so tnnt the now Ainoncnn mercnnnii m
Imnrlno mpy provo not to linvo boon
built In vain Mr. Hnvndal also urges
American shipping IntflrestH to con- i.on'DON' Dec IC It Is claimed
suit American consuls rind tho Am- ft ,nRImtch from Moscow recelr
orlcnn shipping Interests to consult
American consuls nnd tho Amorlcan
Chiimhor of Commorco for the Le
vant In picking for their steamship
Mr. Itnvndnl sfild to Tho Associat
ed Press:
"Amorlcan trndo figures In Con
Htnntlnoplo are climbing up. In tho
three months ending Soptomhor no,
1U10, exports from this city toAm
orlca nmounted to $2,900,000 us
ngnlnst $1,300,000 for tho Juno
qunrter. Tho ho aro considerably In
Best Makes
Best Stock
Best Service
Best Terms
Earl Shepherd
In tho County Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, For Klamath County.
In the matter of tho Estate of Kmll
Klleso, Dcceasod.
Notice is hereby given that tho
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator, with tho will an
nexed, of tho cstato of Emll Klloso,
deceased, by tlio above entltlod
court, and all persons having claims
against said astxito aro required to
present same to said administrator
at his law office, over tho First
Stato and Savings Dank, in Klamath
Falls, Oregon, within six months
from tho dato of this notice.
Dated this 10th day of Dccombor,
Administrator of tho estate of Kmil
Klloso, Deceased,
1 - - hi" ' r -" "
For ages perfumes have made ideal gifts, and ap
preciating their advantage we have this ye
stocked an unusually large amount of pe"uJJ
some of which can be bought in bulk in plain ana
fancy bottles, others in packages complete or without cases.
America's finest perfumes yes and many others of foreign make.
Place your perfume orders early while it is possible to get kinds
you want at prices you will he glad to pay.
I Inftoruood's Pharnwf V
pir.c UP? AJiJU