i l V "" V "V. paoi; six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOtt yuA-.-.'M.i :.' jr,M'jHf.vc ksbtj For Xmas or Everydaji TOILET OUTFITS " immammrmii yi niMtw.iii t " ' "'"-" i' i i ' r !.' i k ' r j v w in AJlu. . .. HI x& j& im h INCREASES YIELD OF WHEAT .Exnarlment of Treating Occd tricaliy Meets With 8uccti In England. An liitoiiiins impertinent us to the eflVrt of electrically iifniiiiii mul wlii'iit before kowIiik Iiri boon cur riml out ut lloilshiiui Orooti. EliiiHtentl. Kent, during this hoiimhi, by W. I i Pledge of the Victoria Hour mills. Ah- fnl'il. ilit Loudon Tliui' mutes. 'I In' MlllWN uf MllOlll cllHM'11 for llll 0pt'll- mi'iit wiii "red stnnilniil" and two ml- liilimiK plots wore sown on November l.'t mill 1 1 lust nt the rnto of iSilL!'5m:u. IHI "111 ... HhW VVN- U On Ilium. in.nru.uu LnouiilLLIUUIIIV JH FOR SALE Miscclhuiuous' l-'OU HALM Now ruiiKo, mill crnl- oil, lit wlioUwiilo pi loo. Inn bo kuoii iifiovnooiiii ut llo.l Lincoln, n-:it How else coulcHiumanity exist without the modern toilet items, with so many different things for daily use to improve and en hance the appearance, to preserve cleanliness, to protect health? Toilet goods make excellent gifts for Christmas, and very desir able for personal e very-day use. We specialize in toilet outfits as in single pieces. Early selections for best choice is advisable. H Underwood's Pharmacy 'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Trffw I u I PUHITY I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS ac . Salad Jell Lime Jiffy -Jell -is; fla vored with lime-fruit es sence in a vial. It rnaKes !a tart, fjreen salad jl Jiffy-Jell desserts are ' Savored with fruit-juice essences, highly con densed, sealed in glass. Each dessert tastes like "a fresh-fruit dainty and it is. , You ' will change from ' old-style gelatine dainties when you once try Jiffy Jell. Millions have ' changed already. Order from your grocer " now mm 10 Flavor, at Yonr Grocer' 2 Packages for 25 Cent DKKlt 1'liKXTlKUIi MILES CITY, Mont.. Doc. 15. Deer are so plentiful In the Custer National forest that ho has at times seen from 50 to 60 from his cabin tloor, says Forest Hanger G. L. Dodge of the Poker Jim station. Un- jtler protection the same has multl ' piled rapidly and now the deer trav el In large herds. The forest Is dense and little visited and most of the Rama-there, it is said, probably never has heard a rltle tired. vKM'irrr.Ui motion BOZEMAN. Mont.. Dec. 13. Tho problem of cheap power has been .met In a novel manner by tho Mon- Itana state college ;here. Oak Forbes DeKo Heats, a bull owned by the college, runs a tread mill that fur i nlshes power for a ccw mllkdr at I the college dairy barn. SHIPYARD STRIKERS OWN $7,200,000 U. S. SECURITIES Liberty Bonds and War Sav ings Stamps Help Support Idle Workers llH.els 111 tlll 1UTO. tlio HOOll l IIIIO plot being electrically treated mill that uti tlu other not. The land uis trout oil exactly nlllfe nil through tlio your. Iteoontl.v tho growing crops worn In ipoctod by n party. Including II. L. llo'ih, lecturer on agriculture ut the Suuilionstem Agricultural collect, Wie, Kent. A marked dirforoncc between tlio two plots wan notlconblo, tlio whrnt mi the treated portion being much Iho more vigorous In crowth it ml tinblt, anil promising, so fur ns tlio export pros ont wore ublo to Judge, a yield nt leant 20 per cent higher than tluit of tho untreated plot. Tlitro wer ev. dent stem of runt, too, In the untreated crop, and It wan significant fact UiiiI the other plot wns, nt any rute nt tho present stage, entirely free from thin disease. It urns the generul opinion of thoto prenent that electricity I likely to become a very Important fac tor In tlio cultivation of agricultural crop und that great developments aonj( that line may be confidently an ticipated In tho near future. KOU HAliK -Ono iiumtor homo powur motor, onu throu hiirnu- pouor motor, ono !0 itulloii hot llireo wnti'P tiitilt luiiilro Now t'lty t.nuiidry n-iot '-J!5HyNEouT ; f.r ...i,,..;,, n,l,Muttl S " . H-Ct ti:ams wanti i. Tr; "'HI Imllcia ,.,, ', Imul j Kdiilondu, l2R1.il Ooil I,,,,. 'Ineiilii or HEART OF THE DOUGHBOY XOTICK TO CltEDITOHS EXKCUTHIX" XOTICK OP FILIXG FIXAL ACCOUXT Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned, by order of the County Court of Klamath County, State of Oregon, has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of deceased. All per- ! Eliza A. Flent In the County Court of the State of .sons having claims -against saidjis-Oregon-for Klamath County late urerequired to present snme-to In the matter of the Estate ofsuid Administrator at tho -Law William Whltlock, Deceased. . Ofilces of H. C. Groesbeck In tho Notice is hereby given that I have city of Klamath Fa'lls. Oregon. filed my final account and report as within six months from the date of txecutrix of the Last will and Te3t- this notice. ament of William Whitlock deceas-' FRED E. FLEET, ed, and that the above entitled! Administrator of tho Estate court has fixed upon 2.30 P. M. of Eliza A. Fleet, deceased. Saturday-the 10th day of January. Dated: December 15, 1919. 1920 as the time and the County 15-22-29-5 12 Court House of Klamath County,' Oregon In the City of Klamath Falls, I XOTICK TO CIIKIHTOKS in said County, as the place when Notice is hereby given that and -where any person may present, the undersigned has been duly any objection or exception to any- r appointed Admlnlstrator-wlth-the-thing done by me as Executrix of ' Will-Annexed of tho Estate of said Last Will and Testament, and Susanna Leach, deceased, by the at such time and place the above County Court of the State of Ore- enutieu court win nnauy pass upontgon for Klamath County, and all Experiences of War Taught Him to Tackle Every Problem From Rock-Bottom Up. Most of our xoldlors went to the other side young; boys. They enme back men burdened by fire ntid ex perience. They will loll you Unit they hhvo "figured nut a now bunch of dope," or that they have "lenniod n rule or two about tho little sumo of life." What they moan In Unit they tuivo gone down to funditiiiontnl.i mid tackled every problem from rock-bottom up. It was with the iinderNtiinillug that the doughboy It it new mini and n prob lem In hliiinoir Hint Col. Arthur Woodx, iisslsttiiit to tho xorretnry of war, laid out bin plan of campaign for the wnr department'! gigantic effort to got Join for returned wrvleo men. "Thin." ho told his assistants, "Is not merely nn employment Idea. It Is a new experi ment In psychology. We must under stand the Holdlor, tho millor, the ma rine, right down to tho ground, leant their problem minutely mid take In Unite pains to reMore llicm to civilian said: "Secretary Miller's flKiires on I ' with as little friction nnd as much tho Liberty Uond holdings and their J celerity ns possible. KOU HAM;- Cheap fur cuhIi. a two-ploeo, dry wull oncreto I block mnehtiinl nooil ns new: ued' only nun noamiu. Could not bo bniiKht today for $4500. Will xoll nt ii bargain im owner In In other . lino uf bimliiuim and cannot glvo It) n m attention. tipionuui oiiuiiiiik Hun... i , t a u. ".""'""yon il. ii l'hnn. U.Jt. Aiiyom, wIh,1k l'lnatloii clii.ir ..,,.i n Duplex 111)10 com. uuro tor unit iiiiaiuohh iih inoro in a big demand for blocks and concruto brlckn. Machine Is In tho city' and ran bo soon ut nuy time, Don't uiiHwur unloiiH you bavo the rauli, Address Dux 1, Hornlil OITlce. 1-tf eoto A Hiiiitn, 6.(1 FOR RENT OR LEASE FOIl HENT-illooms. umo of bath niul phono. 80 Walnut, cor of 0th. t lltf n ood, 117 ''"ON" I'KYTON fr CITY OA If 11 An ip. .... Qrbl,Borwi0;cJXnV S ' SITUATIONS WANTED HELP WANTED wmmwmwwvww WANTED .Throo nnwalmva l tlm Horald Odlco. n.tf LOST AND FOUND Ono of tho reasons the striking shipyard workers in seven plants around San Francisco bay havo boon able to hold out for tholr demand of fight cents an hour Increaso Is that collectively they own moro thnn 7, 000,000 worth of Liberty Honda nnd about $200,000 In Wnr Savings Stamps. "Tho Liberty Ilond and War Savings Stamps holdings of our men havo certainly stood us In good stead," said Frank Miller, secretarj of tho Sua Francisco Iron Trades Council. "When wo win our domand I am going to rcommeml that the men savo that eight cent an hour In crease nnd Invest ft weekly with tho Government In War Savings Stnmps. They provide nn ideal way for tho worklngman to save." C. A. Farnsworth, nssoclnte direc tor of tho War Loan Organization for the Twelfth Fedon.l Iteservo DlBtrict, and settle said account Amelia Whitlock, '" Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of William Whit lock, deceased. 8-1 5-2 2-2 9-H Best yet. Herald Want Ads. Demorest, Dentls.t, over Sugar man's Store, 6th and 3Iain. 2-tf persons having claims against said Estate are icquired to. present same to said AdminMrator nt the law offices of R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date hceof. Dated: December l."i, 1919. U L. nitOWNELL. Admlnls trator-wIth-the-Wlll-A'nnexed, of the Estate of Susanna Leach, deceased. 15-22-29-5-12 Investment' In War Savings are con Bervatlvo and thoro is no doubt thnt they havo aided greatly In enabling the mon" to support themselves while on strike. Tho men can borrow tho faco value of tholr Liberty Ilonds without sacrificing tho bonds and they can cush In their War Savings Stamps." The Government's War Savings Stamp Is the working man's woapon against a hand-to-mouth existence. It helps blm get ahead. A $5 Christmas present fdr $.23 a War Savings Stamp, These boys nre coming homo cngor- ly. but nls(i a little fearfully. We must brldgo tin gnp that they hnvo crossed during 11)17 and 1018. America' fu ture IIom In her youth. The woldtor who fought In Franco, tho sailor who piled the dnrk wnterH, and the men who drilled faithfully and patiently nt home, must not bo loft In the lurch uf (or what they have done for us." LOST Uar pin with scroll iluslmi. und ono diamond. Ituturn to Mrs, 8. II. Francis, 711 Ou.k or Phono 190-M. Howard. 13-2t IF YOU WANT rtitiii..v .... o cnll tho Klnmnth CoubW ii.V 8cl.ool-pho.io 350. fllrh fS, J ,h cop) lug mid llllng; a,0 ' housework, carlnit fnr Aim genm oy for clerking, JS ZZ chores, etc. Hpoclal attention ..!' Ml lo this service by th8 k'i, nut horltles and an offer I, 0h t mndo to make, cillclont, conwohft nn. profltnbla both t0 he ffl and to ihoiu requiring ihelrieRS 'lit ' n nn i limn n fK-rlalty .,f nr. i,8 nn.l aeelile.it l..si.ri..re.llmo ca.ud mo'II do tho reM. a,llnto & S0, lh xetici: of ham: of KSTATK. iti:.i. Givo hlra a War Savings Jtnmp for ennstraas a $5 present for $4.23. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS On account of the condition of the roads, our de livery service will leave the market promptly on this schedule: Going east at 8:. 10 a. nt. Going west at :00 a m. Going; east nt 10:J10 a. in. Going cast at '. 11:00 a. m. Ono delivery in tho afternoon at 3 o'clock. THE PEOPLE'S MARKET 5L Peredixo Toothpaste Dirty besides doing ciiiuuucuiyuiiifc'r paste can do -ii S Better Any bank or postofY.ee will soil you a $5 Christmas present for $4.23 a United States War Savings Stamp. A Seattle labor leader buys War Savings Stamps "because," he says, "the interest on them will offset the war taxes I have to pay whenever I buy anything." whitens like peroxide Sold ojJy where AD'S goods nre displayed ny geirlywhlt Large Tube 5$ .NOTICE Annual Election Enterprise Irriga tion District ' Notice Is hereby given that tho regular Annual Election wIlLbo held on Tuesday, tho 13th day of Janu ary, A. D. 1920, within tho Enter prise Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon, for tho purposo of electing ono member of tho Ilonrd of Directors of said District, and to de termine whether a certain contract Is to bo made by tho Enterprise Ir rigation District with tho United States of America for n water right for the lands of said Enterprise Ir rigation District, wherein tho maxi mum amount to bo paid for said water right Is to bo sixteen dollars per aero for each and ovorv aero irrigable within tho boundaries of said district, and tho proportionate part or tho annual operation and maintenance cost of tho project works used In conveying tho water to said district. Tho polls to bo opened nt 8 o'clock on tho morning of tho election and to bo kept open until C o'clock in tho afternoon of said day. Tho Hoard of Directors havo spec iffed tho following polling places In said district for said election : Tho resldenco on tho Old Var nor Ranch, known as tho John Smart placo, situated in Section 2, Township 39 South, Range 9 East of tho Willamette Morldlan. Given by ordor of tho Board of Directors of tho Enterprise Irriga tion District, this second day of Do comber, A. D. 1919. BUimELL SHORT, President, G. J. HILLYAnD, Secretary, Board of Directors. 15-22-29-5-12 New Photo Dark yRoom." The dnrk room, necessary uvll, has nlunyn been the one rigid obstacle to i be perfect llexlblllly of the photo iniplile art. Now, however, the operator ran curry a complete dnrk chamber il'i'ii? with him, and develop his expos ui ok when and where he pleases. The "room" described and Illustrated In Popular Mechnnlcs mngazlue packs In a case less than two feet long, nbout n foot wide, and four Inches thick. It opens to a height, In the larger size, of 18 Inches in front nnd 13 Indies In buck, with wnlluvof light-proof fabric. Elastic cuffs nt the side admit tho op erator's bunds, while he looks through n hood In front, equipped with two shutters thnt are opened by pressure on the hood, and Instnntly closes on re leiise. Trays nnd plntes nro Inserted through a ruby-glassed door In tho top. Laborer Builds Organ. That worklngmen who nre earning big wnges possess a grand piano or even two pianos Is evidence that a lovo of music Is ono of the first pleas ures Indulged In when a man begins to have moro money than ho wants for necessities. I could tell you of a worklngman In a Mldlnnd town, who, being of n muMcnl nnd mechanical, bent, tins built himself n small organ In his living room. The Instrument possesses n reed stop nnd several pedal notes, und Is n marvelous piece of Ingenuity. Ah the family Is n large one nnd the room about 12 feet square, It can be Imagined what Inconvenience tho family Is willing lo undergo In order to Indulge Its love of music. The or gan Illls nbout one-third of their only living room. London Chronicle. In tho County Court of tho .Statu uf Oregon for Klnmnth County. In tho Matter of tho liituto and Guardianship of Albert Hopkins Plerco, a Minor. Notice Is hereby given thnt, pur suant to an ordor of ilia iihovo en titled court, mado und entered on tho Cth day or Decumbor, 1919, I, tho undersigned duly appointed, qualified nnd acting guardian of the estnto ami person of Albert Hopkins Plerco, a minor, will, on nnd after 10.00 a. m. on Saturday, tho 3rd dny of January, A. 1). 1920, ut tlio office of II.- M. Manning In tho Ixiomls HiilldlUK. Klamath Fnllii, Statu of Oregon, sell ut private sale, to tho highest nnd beat bidder thurutor cash In hand, Gold Coin of tin I'nltcil States of America, nil of tho following described laud and real cstnto located nnd situated In Klnmnth County, Stnto of Oregon, to wit: Tho south Vt of tho tinrthwost Vi, tho onu Vt of tho Houthwost 'i nnd 1-ot 3 (olhorwiso known ,iih tho Northeast quurtor nt tho northwest cjunrlor) of Section two in Township 35 South Hnngo Six, East of IJio Willamette Morldlan. and also nn undivided one-fourth lntore.it In nnd to tho southeast ' of tho southwest 4 of Section 35 In Township 31 south Range 0, onst of the, Wll- ' Inmotto Meridian. I Terms of sale shnll bo purchase price cash In hand, bids to bo Itii writing, nnd shnll ho loft with thlsi guardian nt tho offlco of hor said : attorney II. M. Mnnnlng, nt tho nil-! dross aforesaid nbstrnet of title shall ho at tho oxponso of tho estate. Tho sulo of said promises shall bo mndo subject to confirmation by tho said County Court. Dated' at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this fith day "of Novombor 1919. (Sgd) AONES PIHROE. Guardian of tho Estnto nnd Person of Albort Hopkins Pierce, n Minor. 8-15-22 29 5. NEGLECTING THAT GOLD OR COUGH? Why, whon Dr. King'i New Discovery to promptly checks it r'S nnturnl you don't wnnt lob nircloNS und let Hint old cold or cough drag on or Unit new at tack develop M-riotisly. Not when ou can get hiiiIi a proictl nuccesi fill remedy us Dr. King's Nvw Dlj cowry. Cold, rough, grippe, croup doci not ronlst this mnnil.iril reliever very long. Its quality Is ns high toilny iih It always Ihih been nnd It' i been growing sii-iiillU In popa In. Ity for iimru than fifty jenr. Wle. and Kl 20 n bottle nt ull drug gists, (iho )i a trial. Constipated ? Here'aRelief Not thnt often harmful, nlwnji violent nnd temporary I'dp that comes from lirirwli piirgntlvc.i, but tin comfortable, gratifying, correc tive regulation of stubborn Lowell so pronounced In Dr. Kings New Llfo .Pills. . Tonic In nctlon, they promote free hllu How, stir up the Iniy, tfcor-. ouislily but gently clennw the sys tem of waste matter and fenncnt- U'B '"'"'V '".'.'. k.'V, "?!, .ST,, 25 ror iiiini worn mi" m .... . ..!.. All ilrnirirlsts 2oC II I ion, All drut'Klsta iwc A subscription to Tho Evening Horald for a prospective locator this yenr, might moan a Christmas present for nil of us next yonr. Get the Genuine . and Avoid 0m &zn2 yttGSPm Every Cake MASONS ATTKXTIO.V Special communication Klamath Lodgo No. 77, A. V. and A. M Monday evening. Ncc 15. Work m tho F. C. Degree. Visitors welcome. T . - ,.mn I Iff TIPW Hv nncr 01 lil.u. - ui"y."' . 13-2t W. M. Why Not? Clymer Jeffries, Jri, of Williams, Ariz., four and one-half years of age, recently acquired n small dog nnd n few dnys later the following conversa tion occurred between him nnd his next-door neighber: "Mrs. M., I want you to keep your chickens out of our yard," "Why, Clymer, what do you mean by that?" . "Well, I hnvo a dog over here, nnd t your chickens como over hero I nm afraid that ho will get the chicken pox." An epidemic of chicken pox was on nt tho time. I Make That Old Tire Give More Service At this tlmo of yonr it glvos you tho opportunity to havo your tires patched and vulcanized. Don't dolay until spring for that work thinking tluit thon It will bo tlmo enough to ropalr thoso tires, but bring them In now und lot us do n goo Job with plenty of tlmo to do It in. Wo can mnko a now tiro out of that old ono so you will got muiiy moro miles out of it. Wo want you to como In and bring that tiro along. Auto ac cessories nnd tiro repairing Is our business. If you need a now tiro buy a DIAMOND. Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Company MAUPLK &rJMITir, Proprietors 120 Houlli Hlxdi St. I'hoiie 107