iiosnAV THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVfc ll DADDYSEVEIK "WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH; THATS WHY WE SELL FOR LESS' "w - ' " -- " r j FAIIWTAIF 1 1 $i 6y Mary Oraham Bonner L4 ni:ci:Min:u in, 1010 r?Ll . ' ' "' ' ' V iLOTiwiisTOsl y J m 4 MUSIC MAKES HOMES HAPPIER That's Exclusively Our Business Earl Shepherd Co. New Store S X K i. lBP'Ti I1VI - "' VB ifiC1 507 Main .V HOUSTON'S HwatrovolrUs) ABMwnti " tfetropolrUa luuiAjiryvvi"'''''''""'' HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING KVKRV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY STAR THEATER gCXDAY AND MONDAY CLARA KlMRALIi YOU NO And Her Own Company In l'THK IJKTTKn WIFE" Also A Uljc V. Special Comedy Starring LA BUY SEAMAN ' Is -"YAPS AND YOKKL8" TEMPLE THEATER HU.VDAY AND MONDAY GLADYH LESLIE "A STITCH IN TIME" AIo a Two Rl of Good Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE) MOTION PICTUKKb TIWDAirH AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Oracos) In Scandinavia, Thursday Is con sidered tbo unlucky day of the week, Imtead of Friday as in other lands. "PAL" GOOD WORD, BUT SLANG Term In Qsod Society AccspUa M Msanlna "Chum;" In Vocabulary of Crlmt Stands far Accomplice. The dictionary recognises the right of "pal" to Inclusion In our language, thoogh designating It as slsng. I.Ik Biany words thus classed, It Is a terse way of expressing a relationship readily understood hut not so easily denned. In good society It Is accepted as meaning a rhuui. a congenial com panion; In the vocabulary of crime It atauds for a confederate or accom plice. The most natural and Instinctive thing In life Is a desire for congenial compiinlonihlp; only the abnormally developed mentality caa live on a sufficiently exalted or shsll we sa self-centered plane as to other per sonalities. A pul Is au Intltnute friend of either sex. to whom one may "talk as tht heiirt heats,' may confide hopes. fear. bnpplneKS and disappointments, cer tain the triiHt will not be betrayed. Iletween opposite sexes Is excludes lotemaklng or "spooning." hut mean a broud. Intelligent, faithful, yet subtle friendship, since all friends are nut puis; not necessarily a unanimity of opinion, hut a disposition to "agree to disagree" in cose of differences. There Is a tacit respect for each other's Individuality. I'erhnps one of the best tests of a pal Is Hint the two enjoy silence to gether; there Is a sense of companion ship In being together without the constant trickle of words which most of us feel necessary unless one would be thought unsocial. Detroit Free Press. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. The Next Fire may get your car or your house. It costs so little for protection that you can't afford to be without it. Just phone 484 and I will call and fix you up. JAMES M. WATKINS, JR. Suite One, Swanson Building LITTLE RED LIZARD8. "It'll very funny." snld the little red llrnrd to IiIh coiupnnlori iih they hot li crawled along n wnlk which led from a limine to the street, "hut people renll.v don't know how to appreciate things." "I know whnt you mean." snld the second little red llr-nrd whne mime I wn Mule. The firm little red llxard ( was named Lionel, which his mother hud thought wus n very beautiful ' nu me. ! "Yes, I know whnl you mean," Mule I hiii nyiiui, Aim Wlim in murr, i agree with you. People don't know how to npprectnte things. Now here there Is a nice cool day. It's not too cool. It's not such a day os there will be after a time. "In fart. It Is father an unusual au tumn day, or fall day, or whatever you want to call It." "I'm not particular whether It Is called on autumn day or n fall day," said Monel. "So continue' "And," continued Mule, "It Is a rainy day. That Is best of all. The streets are wet, the grass Is wet there Is delicious dampness everywhere." "Yes," said Monel. "and, people never speak of there being a delicious damp ness over everything. There again they are so foolish. They don't th'.nk'l dampness Is delicious. We. fully ap preciate a day like this. wbeniw,M crawl along and when everything Is nice and weL We don't care for other days Ilk we do for these days." "Life Is very funny," said Mule. "Life and people both. Now when I say that I mean life la funny I mean that there are so many amusing things happening all the time. "For Instance, while I was sitting on this walk or rather sprawling on this walk I beard the people talking on the porch. Not only did they talk against the dampness and grumble be cause It waslnlng but they told such jMialtei aiins'lAtl "Will you ' tell them to meT' said J Lionel. "Part of the time we were on Ida. walk In frint nt th hnnco I trail I ...,.- -. . ... .. r ., ,tf S -VMSV VANMULDRUIHER 411-413-415 MAIN STREET KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 9 SHOPPING DAYS TO XMAS SNOW "No immediate prospect of moderation in temperature," says the weather man. This is probably the forerunner of several acute cold spells. Lots of peo ple are unprepared. Those who are should SCAN THIS BRIEF LIST and take the opportunity to buy the things you need. SHOP EARLY SHOP EARLY Underwear Heavy winter underwear for men, women, boys, children. Best makes. All styles and sizes. A wide ranpe of pricesl Gloves and Mitten For everybody. Hosiery Men's, women's and children's. Shoes and Rubbers Men's, women's and children's. Bath Robes For Men, Women and Children This is the jolly month of the comfy bath robe. Mother notices that dad's old one looks as if he needed another; dad searches mother's old one for exactly the right sire; and perhaps it's Santa Clans who discovers that the boys 'and girls of the. family need a bath robe apiece. All the bath robes are in the latest designs and in the latest patterns ,in the best of materials at moderate. prices. Sweaters For men, women, chil dren and boys. For the' Hone,, r Everything-to keep you warm. . Outer Garments o ' For everybody. Men's and boys' overcoats and mackinaws. Men's leathers coats. Women's aoparel5' and furs'. Children's wear. LIBERTY THEATRE "TUB PICK OF THE PICTURES" WMV H .W. POOLE, Owner. 1IAUKY UOUELi, Musical Director TONIGHT "DAWN" A story of feeling, sympathy and pathos, writ ten by- the author of "Pollyanna," produced by J. Stuart Blackton, and featuring SLYVIA BREAMER and ROBERT GORDON Also A Harold Lloyd Comedy "SWAT THE CROOK" Tomorrow "DUST-OF DESIRE" A dramatic, thrilling and fascinating photoplay. "Broken Blossoms" next Sunday. Door, open lsao and 7:00 1 M. Evening pictures start ut 7;0 -I Agree With You." thinking of a talk I had had only the other day when It was rainy with Leppold Llsard." "Yes," said Llirle. "Well, of course they were talking about the weather to begin with and as a matter of fact they spoke about It every once In awhile all the time and they ended off talking about It, too. "One of them saw me and spoke of how funny It was we came out and seemed to enjoy such days. ' "But they told such curious stories. One of them told how a child had dreamed of bats and hud wakened up In the middle of the night quite fright ened by her dream. Just Imagine how foolish that was. Gracious, there nre so many people who think every one must be just as "they are. I've never heard that bats were harmful. "And the child was especially fright ened because she said one of the bats scolded her In her dream and that the, bat was a mlddle-nged bnt who was particularly cross looking." "How nbsurd," said Lionel. "And they told that they hnd heard wild pigeons ate more thau any other animals In proportion to their size, meaning that considering their size they ute more than any other crou turcs of thnt same size. "That Isn't so funny. They told It as something very curious. To me It Is more curious that they should think It so queer, becnusn I think people do a pood denl of eating themselves and that It's not In the least becoming of them to talk about the way other creatures eat I "Then they tnlked of butterflies who opened nnd shut their wings when they were surprised and of the noise they mode with their wings and of butterflies who'd gone for their winter sleep. "They spoke of cnterplllars who would strike their heads on the leaves and mnkc sounds wlwn they were rest ing or swinging and they thought thnt was very queer. "Hut to me the queer thing is that the peoplo should talk about such things. Why shouldn't butterflies hnvo their way of talking Just as peo ple have? "No reason nt nil why they should not," snld Llpnel. "Well," said Lizzie, "I'm glad we're sensible nnd not queer, though I sup pose everyone thinks other ways from their own nro queer. For hero I ntn tnlklng about people being queer be cause they think other creatures are queer. And I'm doing the same thing In my thoughts, tool" t t In cold weather baby must be taken care of, so visit our iWtl Babies' Dept. In toe Babies' Department we handle everything for the baby, In cludlngiSllk Bonnets, In white and nicely trimmed. Bootees are white but-dafntily trimmed In both blue and pink. Baby Mittens We have them. Quilts for baby, silk coverings with wool fillings. Baby Coats silk covered and filled with wool, In blue only. Knit Sacques is what the baby needs. Now then, a Blanket In cotton, both pink and blue. Comb and Brush Set forthe baby. Pillows with down filling are the delight of the little one, where it may lie in comfort. Also the Snowball and Dar ling Sets, in white, grey, red and cadet, keep the baby warm when ex posed to the weather. Everything you want for baby, we have a com plete line of it. "Visit Our Big Toyland" J h PERSONAL MENTION f o o Mrs. C. A. Plath and daughter Corrine left this morning for Los Angeles where they will spend Christmas with Mrs. Plath's mother and later will go east to Cincinnati whre Corrine will be placed In a private school. The expect to icturn in June. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. TAILLEUR OF GRAY DUVETYN SPRING HAKE NOTES Bert Dawson and family Viifiieo with the Alex Cheyne's Sunday. Walter Stewart went to Merrill Saturday and purchased an auto mobile. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schreiner Sunday. AMERICAN RANCHER . FREED BY BANDITS' m ' baflanHL - m 1 K?4amBft 1 &.J-. " bh wmb sHr BW - ri--s lo JUPeST aV AjK-? ilftVV il-1; i " kPHEsaHA tmmw z SaVSafl FJtlsi rwaaBi . .:. I v.1 t Jvsf.Bmm:'- Ftmmfia , EAGLE PASS, Texas, Dee. 15. Fred Hugo, 'American ranch man ager of El Paso, kidnaped by Yillls tas near Muzquiz, Mexico, several days ago, has been released with out ransom, say (reports received here. TO INVESTIGATE RAISE OF COMPENSATION RATE SALEM, Dec, 15. Governor 01 cott today appointed" Leslie Butler,' Hood, River; Sidney Graham; Del Dinsmore,' DrT.horwaldsen', Port-v landV and C jiijwley, of McCoy, . a committee4tf0prcsent-; the state at a conferenoe'-JwiPortlapd Decern--ber 22, to inquire Into' the 'question of raising .rates for injured ' work men 'under the workmen's compen-sition-"dctfl wbllh is the main rea son for calling a special session of. the legislature January 12. Five other committeemen are to be named by the ; Oregon Industrial associa tion and .fire byv the State Fedora- tion "of Labor. MURGUIA PROMOTED In excellent tasto Is this tallleur of gray duvetyn, cut with collar that Is most becoming, whether worn high or low. Narrow belt Is placed at a rather high waistline and fine tucks and bone buttons well placed relieve the severe line. The flatness of Denmark is some' fl . . m.t . I wnai remarKaoie; me loiuesi moun-, MEXIC0 CITY, Dec. 15. Gen tain of the country is said to be eial Prancjaco Murguia, for somo only 535 feet high. j tIme comman(1er of military forces Many of the women and children ln the northern part of the republic, of Slam are clay eaters. . nas been named nead oI the force3 in we state oi sonora. ,..j.......JMJ...j.llg....H.H.tljMl iji iji ijtlljl ijl 1 ll ' 'f Your Christmas Shopping will be easy at The Sunset Grocery if you will drop in and see us. We will have a good selection of all the real good things to eat. Our line of fresh, new nuts and candies for the holidays are in. In the face of the sugar shortage it has been really hard to se cure some of the things that in former years we have had. But we have been digging around until we have finally secured a fine assortment at prices which will attract you. Our line of Mince Mats, Jams, Jellies, Plum Pudding, Raisins, Citron and Orange Peels, Figs and Dates will be complete. Place your orders with us and we will take care of you in the manner in which you will like. 'A -... -J ..r T v THE -SUNSET GROCERY Phone 200 'H,'M,,M'Wt'K Hi 1 t ? i