'WmrJKKPm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OggggN JiiSSlwaii. PAOE EIGHT :KxK":":" "WE mUY AV0 SfciO. rwiT .r. f nt ? ? T T T T ? T t T TlBf WMW ALTERATIONS CORSETS Fitted By An Expert CORSETIESE ma brother Made By Our Expert TAILORESS 411-4134t5 MAIN STREET slft im& t f ? T T t X T t f f f t Y t I T T ! t A Y Y T t Y 1 t Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y X X Y Y Y Y t X Y f t T Y Y Y t Y Y T T Y t Y VWWVWWVMW-i-AAAA TOYS Santa Onus has loft thousands of toys with us for tho holidays. Here you will find everything that tho little one may want (or Christmas., Visit our Toyland and seo for your self what we have on display and you will bo convinced. Santa's mes sage to tho little felks: "Buy your toys from the only largo Toyland in Klamath Palls, where tho Tarloty Is tho greatest. All made in America by toy makers who are Americans and know the wants of the young ones' hearts." KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Shoppers' Gumb vw I RIBBONS n Thin Is linforu lionullful novor WOMEN'S DEFT. 4 .. .. ,f- SILK DRESSES AND COATS FOR WOMEN The garment storo will bo glad to show you Its line of beautiful suits, dresses and coats, which are mado up of tho most desirable fabrics in all the late shades and colors. The assortment embraces a large number of the season's most favored styles, and hand tailored. Some are smartly tailor made while others are trimmed to the extent of dain tiness; Nearly all sizes. WAISTS FOR WOMEN Irresistibly lovely are the blouses, irresistible are the prices. Georgette, crepo de chine. In varied styles and col ors. Popular shades in pale green, red, pale blue, navy, brown, white, flesh, pale yel low, corn', maize, black and most every shade that a wom an may desire. We, without any' doubt, carry the largest supply of real waists in the city. They arev moderately priced. Charming garments that all women will be pleased to possess we are offering unlimited choice in tho celebrated and thoroughly dependable undersllks. Surely the recipient will have cause to gratefully remem ber your thoughtfulness if your gift should be on6 or more of these exquisitely dainty and beautiful garments. You have choice from vests In all popular styles also Bloomers -En-velope Chemise, and Union Suits, in white and flesh color, and in all sizes. Everything considered, prices will be found as attractive as the garments themselves. See these offerings at your earli est convenience. SILK ENVELOPE CHEMISE SPECIALLY PRICED Beautiful Silk Envelope Chemise in styles with hem stitched top and shoulder bodice effects, and with hem stitched bottom. All sizes, in white and flesh color. SILK VESTS Extremely beautiful silk vesta made from extra heavy tricot glove silk in styles, with tailored top-bodice effect, with hemstitched band and shoulder straps. All sizes, in white and flesh color. BLOOMERS 9 Silk Bloomers of fine quality glove silk with elastic knee and top reinforced. Exceptionally well mado garments, In all sizes, in white and flesh colors. CORSET COVERS Excellent quality of crepe de chine and georgette crepe, tailored and daintily trimmed with heavy laces and hand em broidered. These are nicely interwoven with beautiful ribbons. BOUDOIR GIFTS , An extensive showing of the lato designs in Boudoir Caps that please the particular lady. Trimmed in lace and ribbon novelties. Will appeal to tho women. Colors in pale blue, white and flesh. DAINTY SILK NIGHT GOWNS We have an unsurpassed offering in Night Gowns. Made of crepe de chlno and georgetto crepe, with nicely trimmed bodice and hemstitched. These are very appropriate for HEIt. IN THIS GREAT STORE YOU WILL FIND EFFICIENT HELP TO WAIT UPON YOU. EVERYONE IS THOROUGH; LY EXPERIENCED IN HIS OR HER LINE, HAVING SERVED IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL DEPARTMENTS FOR MANY YEARS. A CHILD CAN SHOP SAFELY AT THIS STORE. WWVWMWMVIAMMMMMMM BUTTERICK PATTERNS We have without a doubt the largest stock of patterns be tween Portland and San Francisco. We carry all sizes and all the latest styles at all times. Butterick fashion book at your disposal. HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEPT. Rugs, Mattresses and Springs Wo are closing out few of tho best Springs, made of colls and full size. are now offered at a very good bargain. Cannot bo bought again at this price. on n lied steel Those $6.50 Mattresses of tho 40 pound kind, made up of cotton felt and extra good covering, of tho Good Night brand, we uro soil ing for 9 !.. An excellent mattress. In extra good quality tick ing, with cotton felt fill ings, 920.00. A few choice rugs still left at veiy moderate prices. These are being sold at a price you cannot afford to miss. Ask to see them. Real values of the Golden Rule kind. MMMMMMMAMWWAAAMAAMAAAMMMMAMAMAAMMAM WWWMWWWWWWWWAMMMAAA BLANKETS AND COMFORTS Wool-Crib Blankets, in white, pink and blue, with fancy bor ders. Sizes 36x50 and 42x60; priced moderately from $4.50 to $7.85. In our Home Furnishings Department you can find the larg est and most complete line of Comforters, Blankets, etc. They make ideal Xmas gifts as well as useful ones, Imperi Comforters, in holiday boxes, $7.50. All in dainty colors and patterns. Blankets of every description, in cotton, wool and woolhap, in grey, brown and white, from $1.95 to $22.50. Comforters in many patterns and colors from $1.95 up. We also have a large assortment of Pillows from $1.50 up. to $8.00. INLAID LINOLEUMS We have just received a shipment of this durable material that is so lasting, satisfactory and economical. The patterns are veiy pleasing and of sufficient variety to meet the demands of the most exacting housewife. Printed Linoleum, Congoleum and Pebcoline, in fancy patterns and very reasonably priced. FARR & BAILEY'S Felt Floor Covering. This is. entirely new in Klamath Falls and will be appreciated by the woman of the house. It is made in the form of Linoleum with a felt back. A great cold chaser. DISHES FOR THE HOME In giving gifts, select something for the homo. In this lino wo find our dishes are the thing Nippon make extra pieces and whole sets, in plain, with gold bands, and In fancy patterns. Cut Glaus and Candle Sticks are vory appropriate. Byrex brand Casseroles complete; also Pyrez Pie Platos and Custard Cups. VVVVVV'MMMigll''t''' -!- IIIIIIIIJ CURTAINS, CRETONNES, ETC. Tho large shiment of Cretonnes and Curtains which we have been expecting has arrived and we are displaying them in our windows and Invito you to come and boo them. Cretonnes In a variety of designs and colors, all blonding to make them very popular with the women folks. Patterns that have never boforo boon shown In this city. In printed repps and linen finish. All one yard wide. 5c, 980c, 08c, $1.20, 91.30,, 91.50, $1.85 the yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS Pilot nets with bird and butterfly designs, In white, Ivory and ecruj 36 to 44 Inches in width. 85c to $2.00. Get the full beauty of your draperios by using "KIR8CH" FLAT RODS; guaran teed not to sag, turn black or rust. Easy to put up or tako down. Ask to hog thorn. 18c to 50c, BLUEBIRD MARQUISETTES Now on dlspray in our windows, Hlueblrd Marquisettes of tho latest pattorns and designs. This is something now in marn,ulsotts, and in the shades of Ivory, ecru and white; 36 Inches In width, at 85c tho yard. WE UROENTLY ASK THE PUBLIC TO VISIT OUR HOUSEHOLD DEPART MENT IN THE ANNEX. WONDERFUL VALUES CAN DE FOUND IN THIS DEPARTMENT. Y 'Mon I'hrUtmu, f V ... .. . .r. "rO r Minn. V "" more I or more iinlvr..ti ... i K Wi are planned to announce that It J has bmm our good fortune to gtn f an utuurpauod Mock of the Bot popular and itnplo ribbon la m I width, colors and pattern, ultbU V for all purposes MEN'S DEFT M 'V"VVWWMWMl INTRINSIC GOODNESS no lens than surpassing stylo Is commanded! n our Suits and Overcoats for Men and Hoys, Thoso will attract tho attention of many, as will tho nintchlcn values In price and material. Original Now ork styles. All model to plonno both the older and younger man can ho found In our largo stuck. HATS Our Hats aro tinulo by tho loading Amorlcau makers. In tho latest stylos, of excellent uinlnrlnl, and tho shndos that appeal to men. Wo have a largo stock of Men's and Hoys' Cap some fur lined 91.80 up. MEN'S SHIRTS Wo havn an assortment com prising ovory pattern and kind of nintnrlal ouo could expect to find. Silk and plulds, wool, rot ton and many othors. From 91.50 up. SHOES FOR MAN AND BOY Men's and Hoys' Dross, High Tops and Loggers' Shoos of all descriptions. Army Shoes for IJoys, Wo also liaviVa largo supply of Shoes for Ladies. VWWMMWVWMWWWWMWWWMMWMMMMAMAMMMMMWM HOSE Hose In silk, sizes nnd 'colors. llslo, cotton , ,. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS . "fn cotton and linen, hemstitched, from 12ic up. IJandnnus In rod and bluo, 3 for :i5r. v JHm 1 l 'If ' I : and wool. Cashmere In all y ? t J ? : MUNSING UNDERWEAR FOR MEN 'AND A A BOYS Union Suits In cotton nnd wool, from 9-1-00 to l-00- Hainan' 2-pleco Suits In cotton, 92.50 suit. Glastonbury wool In light, medium and hoary. 12.50 up. REEFERS The nowost In tho newest designs, 91.08 up. a KID GLOVES I The suit t I' T Y J Y I SWEATERS Thoy mako a splondld gift for tho man. Wo also have a lUlftU TtlllUl Ul )U U1UJUD. . W- Wo handle a complot lino of Work, Gauntlet, uwa Driving Gloves. T Y In all tho latest stylos and In Army, Cont and Jersef" i Men and Boys. Solid colors and fancy stripes. From ft.w j 912.85. V Y ' Y t T ....... V In tho niuiesi. a BELTS All leather, In brown, black nnd tan. 75c up TIES ThQ classlost assortment of Tlos in town, patterns of tho season's lutost. and tho prices rango from 75o up. " THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ' .......... .. hem X Wo havo any numuer . - t T T ! V 4- 1 if