The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 13, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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,V, DKCIIMHUIt Irt, 11)11)
oxing Contest
9:00 O'CLOCK
Under the Auspices of llie
At Houston's Opera House
Starts Off
f4 444 t-t IVVf4
Main Event
of Oakland
of Klamath Falls
Three Snappy Preliminaries
(Six Rounds)
(Four Rounds Each)
All proceeds above expenses and sinking
fund go to establish a civic emergency fund.
I ilij5taiir.y
Ij me," sold Rnn
I I "Hoy of tin
1 1 iiihI dive fu
I I Ulll.i) UHN ll'l
iwipinini, in ui ivciurn ntmipuptu Liiiutl
6 JT-v ANTA 'I..IJH' dog Hoy
-i? "f ""' Not Mi wiih burk
ing." said I'mlily. "for
there wii great excite
mi ft iiji NorMi
"The excitement whs,
11 liCrllllllM 11)11 inn v (li
able 10 gtlCSM. tllMl Slltl-J
In Clinis wns nliotit to;
Mart IiIh trip.
" 'I luivo more things
to ilo this ivnr tliati
in,-." n.d tor1 " r"- W !'?.. ho rich ... surprises to
,, , , tnvrywiy niiin tlmt It is not
,' '"- '"" ""-'-h in" inn startling to learn they contain ethv
" ,('"v" f,,m'.v "' "'"'' 1'wrkn one. which hy synthetic process,
l li I i t. iiu hlu ii ,r i i.i 4 . - V
" ""J '" IIIIIUHIIIU '"I HOII CW1 lit I (!Hl(iTIIil lirnli.r III..
my ti nt every year, lie irjlng to
It'll Siintu Chilis. n he put liN cold
noo In Kiiiuu'h hntiiJ nnil ruhliuil up
heSlllo him.
"The ri'lndecr wore waiting. The
hells on their reins were Jliwllns nni!
the sleigh wan filled with pucks mid
pucks of toys.
"'Niiw. let me see,' wild Snritn
('Inns. 'There lire many shops were
pucks awnlt me. Tho children hnve
writ ten to me itbnut the things they
Imvo seen mid of what they want.
II o
1 hrirt
I nings
Wlio are the men and women that
become masters over great things?
They are thdse who first of all become
masters over little things.
Tlnllni mile mirl cilvoi ilimoc ai'a nnr f
little things, so little that they often
trickle away in every direction and ,
yet they have formed the solid foun-)
dation for many a comfortable income
through the following slogan :
r i
Start a Savings Account today.
First State &
Savings Bank
LONDON, Nov. 24. (Dy Moll)
Many thousands of bunk clerks hore
lll shortly become part of tho great
army of trndo unionists. Their
tnlef grlovnnco Is tho continued om
Ploment of girls in places formerly
Md by men. They say thoy do not
object to fair competition with
omen who accept men's jobs at
men's pay, but, they state, tho ten
dency now Is for girls employed
temporarily during tho war to bo
taken on tho permanent staffs to
I tho detrlmont of former soldiers
. seoklng reemployment.
Thoy ohjoct to tho placing of
I bank clrks returning from tho army
In positions subordinate to yomen
I who have taken tholr places during
' their absence.
I Best yet. Herald Want Ads.
They will give you the service They are Union
Made and have a number of features over other
makes of overalls. First is the material from which
they are made; second, all seams are felled and
triple stitched ; third, cord-bound button .holes and
full cut in seat. Last, they are Union Made.
We handle the complete line.
K. Sugarman
. tt V' r f . .' X ' i-
"I ain't mad at nobody"
Blossom Produced, When Sun Dried,
Gontalno 60 Per Cent of Its Weight i
In Fernuntable Sucar. I
Alcohol In thffto days has attention
from giiterntiiciit In dlverni! ways,
Knphind Iiiih a committee studying
the pimHllillltlus of IncrciiHlnx the pro
duction of iilcoliol to ho "used In pen
ernfliiK ion it.
The opportunltlfcs discussed by the
committee are Interesting. Of courne,
potntois. artichokes nnil cereals came
in Tor attention. Hut It ceeniH there
r'ire lens Known Hources of alcohol. Tor
example, there Is the llouer of the
iiiiilimi tree, which llonrl'hes In Ilyder
nhiid and the central part of India.
This flower, when sun "dried, contains
00 per cent of Its weight In ferment
able supiir. and apparently Is to be
fathered by the ton. Then there are'
tho fertile gaes of the coke ovens.
of wnr may be converted Into ethyl
With the coal beds nbou't to pro
duce alcohol, and the trees of India
falily blossoming with It, the man with
a motorcar may quiet the fpnrs orous
ed by the scientists' figures which
fhow thol we ure within sight of the
end of petroleum and gasoline. There
li nothing- like being easy in one's
mind. The Nation's Huslness. '
Tt-TV. '!''!', .'.t, . v .'!'''. .'""lf!lllK I '
The Better the Rang.
The Better the Dinner
"Good-Byc," Shouted Santa.
That Is why 1 like tbe stores to have
o many of my toys. The children get
a good Idea of what they want.
"'Then they write me letter, the
pleclous tt nth! They write of what
they want nnil how much they care
Plants, Perries, Weeds and Roots
Among Ancient Remedies Used '
for Curr of Allr.ien'.j. '
Quaint mnlaih remedies of the past,
many of which led to wealth on the
part of The Inventors, were nearly nil
made of berry plants and many of
common weeds. I'nkeherrlc. years
ago. were used to moke plaster fnr
a ciincr. and grapevine sap was pre
pared for hair tonics. To produce a
sweat, ten "-as made from magnolia
leaves nnd the berry of this plant wa
often mentioned as ri aire, for con
sumption. For toothache, the veteran prac
titioner used the hayherry root. Ber
ries of the cedar tree were supposed
to stiffen the spine, and a purge wns
made of alder buds or of elderberries.
The goldenrod. the mullein plant, the
burdock, and common weeds were also
heltl forth as cures for various ail
ments. "Tuscarorn rice." Invcnted'by n'Phtl
odelphla woman, nnd "-held 'forth as a
Jhis ARMCO Iron
"9 'if
a., i,
Is made of the same rust-resisting ARMCO
,. Iron uiid in the construction of battleships.
Then tho most suitable, admirable and satisfactory
gift v,ould be a WEDGBWOOD RANGE tor that wire or
mother of yours. It would pr6ve a lasting tribute of
jour kindness. One can easily make selections' from
tne complete stock we show of these fine' stovc3 that
make lasting friends of all who use thorn. '
Old stoves taken in on new, .
910 Main St.
tltloner to secure a fortune for her
self. It was nothing more than hom
iny made from Indian corn.
for mo mid htm much they love their
sisters and brothers and mothers nnd j cure for tuberculosis, enabled the prac-
tiatmicK ana piuyulntes and dogs and
other pets.
"'Hut I musn't stop to think of all
these letters for I must get sturted,
for I've n Itlng way to go."
"He knew he had to start soon for
the reindeer could hardly wait any
longer, and were trying to hurry him.
"I won't be late.' said Santa Clous.
I hnte never been late.j'et-inrid I've
been dolngi this trip this trip to the
lands where tlieru 'are children for
a good 'many years'. '
"And the reindeer made queer
sounds and jingled their 'bells .again
'for they k'nevr 'SiUta 'Clius Was right,
nut sfill they were In a great, great
hurry I
, "They were thinking of th roofs
they Woufd'tlash 'across. Oh.'how anx
ious they were to start!
JAntl Boy of Itbe 'North "was -anxious
too for them to start, for .although
he didn't go, with them, "he longed to
see them come 'back and hear about
4hetrlp, '
"yes,' continued Santa Claus, 'I
must get the packs from toe different
shops. I know just what 'all' the" chil
dren 'want.
"'Then I must keep a good many
engagements I've made promises to
appear at some big Christmas trees,
although I never let 'the 'children see
me when I'm arriving with my pack.
Oh no, that's my fun to keep all that
a great, great secret
" 'And they love 'secrets, the little.
denrsl Now let me see have I the
nuts and raisins, the bright new pen
nies for some of the stockings and
the big oranges, too!
To Extinguish Fires In' Coal Mines.'
The mud-Jet seems to navebeen
found especially adapted to extinguish
ing fires In cool mines, but Jt Is liable
to be JnefHciently applied." A recent
Investigation' shows' "that lime and clny
should be Included In the mud. The
usual success o'f the mud-Jet In con
trolling 'five Is largely dile to the ac
tion of these cement materials In con
solldatliigr loose particles. Tatod -closing
gas-emjttlng op'enlngs Ijy forpilng a
cake over'theni. The'rttuse'tiust from
the cleaning rff-birfst-furnnVe ga,lbtll
er ash, sifted .earth, rand f ven combus
tible'' products" like 'the refuse .of''Vr6al
washing, may make'upthe-bulk o'f fthe'
mud." "A 'tank, 'of Wd with gravity
discharge Is suggested asj the ordinary
flre-'Qghtlng plant, though steam 'or
compressed .air maybe used.
Diseases of 'Women a Specialty.
Yes, we're. real
ly and truly ready at last.' '
"When Santa Claus said 'We're
rendy,' the reindeer pranced. Hoy of
North harked and Santa Clnus .sprang
Into the sleigh.
"Off went the rejndeer with Santa
Claus and the toys, games tind count
lebs other things for Christmas morn
ing. "'Good-bye, Roy of the North,'
sJioutcd Santa Claus. 'Good-bye, dear
old North home, good-bye everyone
and everything.
"Tin off on my bis trip of the
"And as he shouted this tho rein
deer were almost out of sight and
tho last that could bo seen of Santo
Claus was as he waved Mils red cup
with tho red tassel.
"'Now,' said Boy of tho North. I
will havo everything ready for him
when he gets back.'
"So the dog got Santa Clous' slip
pers and his heavy," warm winter wrap
per which his master wore when ihe
wasn't working. He put them near
the fire, but not too near. For he
knew Sutita Claus would be gone quite
a long time and when night had passed
and the next day had come, even
though It was not bright, ho would
then move them Y'ry pear' the pre
and have them ready.
"And Boy of the North fell asleep
and .dreamed and his dreams were
happy as his life always was, for you
can Imagine how happy the dog ot
Santa CUus must be.'' .
Advance of Japanese Women.
Japan Is 'making remarkable prog
ress In-elf lines of Industry and In the
'development of modern Ideas and
thought, declared an officer of
the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation, who returned from the Flowery
Kingdom a short 'time ago.
1'iirtleUlarly Interesting she ald. Is
the changed attitude toward 'the Jap
nnese woman wito Is now being ad
mitted to the big universities In Japan
and given a freedom to develop her
self along educational lines 'that 'ho
heretofore been rigidly denied her.
This, new attitude toward the
Japanese woman Is the, most revolu
tionary thing in the change of thought
and serves to Illustrate the progress
that Is being made.
Shoes Worth More Than Pigs.
A shoo manufacturer, so this story
l" told, raises pigs on the side. He sold
ono the other day. He got $00 for It.
The buyer paid him 22 cents a pound
for It, nnd It weighed over 400 pounds.
"A good price you got for that pig,"
remarked a friend.
"Not so very much so," replied the
shoo manufacturer.
"Well,. 00 for one pig looks like n
good price to me," answered the
critic. "It Is more than you get for
shoes." '
"That Is not so," responded the
manufacturer. "I sell my bhoes at the
rate of $n a pound, and for 400 pounds
of shoes, I would get $2,000. So, you
see, shoes are worth a lot more than
pigs." 'Brockton Enterprise.
Canned Music Lures Seals.
Seal hunters of the' Pacific are said
to be meeting with great success
through the use of the phonograph In
luring seals to their death. A large
Instrument Is employed and Is set up
near the rendezvous of tho seals.
They gather In the vicinity and re
main with their heads out of the
water listening to the music, tlm
giving e the hunters, opportunities to
shoot them. Fishing Gazette.
TOKIO,' TfoTt 17: (By Mail).
Ocean-go steamships built 'for the
United States Shipping board, have
teen launched recently in Japanese
yards, frbey were the Eastern Trade,
a, 13,000-ton steamer, and the East
ern 'Glade, a steel cargo ship 400
feet 16ng..
Dentist, over Sugar
6th and Main. 2-tf
oir.3 ij . n t
'PARIS,' tDec 12. Georges Cr
peritier 'today issued a challenge
to I'rck Dempsey for a bout 'fo the
htaj weight championship of the
world. v t
Annunzio, the Italian poet, an
nounces that he intends. to-fly to tho
Pacific coast. To 'keep the" cou,Yi-
ftry from penning him up, he will
have to do it.
ttrutf cb jymrwit J
Prospective Ford Buyers Notice
A special letter from the Ford Motor Company
announces nine hundred extra cars will be allotted
to Oregon within tho next thirty days. We would
surely 'appreciate your order now so wo can receive
our portion of this allotment in Klamath territory
and insure immediate delivery according to date cf
yotir order. Call In person or phone and we will
be glad to explain our plan so everybody can have
a Ford car with new starter equipment at once.
Don't overlook this opportunity, but place your
order, even or a later delivery, so you, won'ti have
to wait when you really need your car.
We have tho new starter and demountable
wheels in -stock which 'we can Install on all lato
model cars. Windshield Cleaners, Weed Chains,
Robes, H. & D. Shock Absorbers.
A new stock of accessories Just In.
Let us overhaul. your car while tho snow Is fall
ing. Be ready when the sun shines.
No. 123 Sixth St. Phone 427