po&,lwW"T, '"' ?vv! i.,f ?$$ws $$pv- -'KV THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON hati'iiiwv, m:v 1Af.! TWO i! LARGE RETURNS FROM MINT' x -- - . . .. ? United StAtei Supplies Dttll v; mii !.-. of Pep ! pormlnt Oil for the World, i i:.Miii'n ... - . . in. in. Rex Cafe Special Sunday Dinner mi:xit X' Crab Flake Cocktail . - Soup Chicken Okra with lttco ItclMies Ripe Olives Dill Pickles Salad Celery nnd Apple ' Your Choice of. Young Klamath Tom Turkey," Oyster Dressing; Supreme of Chicken Fricassee, a la Peasant, Cranberry Sauco ? 1. fa Vegetables ji Creamed Whipped Potatoes, Sifted Peas in Cream Dessert . -Your Choice of aiome Made Pumpkin Pie Diplomatic Pudding Custard Sauce Cafo Nolr Tin hulk Of the poppormlnt oil of the world Is produced on the mucU lauds of Mtuthwc-storn Michigan miiiI n fow comities or northern Indiana. The total u-nrlj product In estimated at MHUHH) pound"". Thoro are two varl-' ctUx oi poppeimlnt. tl- Amrrlcnn nml the Ktigltsli or Mltehem. The latter l hit1 nltim-i superseded the Anierlran i neing neuor iiiiipii to our son mi" .ollmato. and favored by the trade. It Is tiNn hardier and yields larger crops. Tho Ideal mint farm W one having l hoth high land and mnek toll, which Is j a distinct adMititiigc on account f the, rotation and Iiiiiiiuh In (lie soil. do- enjed ogetntloii helng essential to the, peppermint crop. Hy the use of print er amounts and kinds of commercial l firilllrer. I. .to crops of mint can he I -i grown for muny ears in succession J on the Mime ground. The mint plant, after the oil Is removed, makes a eryl V .1. ...I .M.i. i.. r.i..i .... H,. kit....!, ...titfiitiii . 1 Ml "Ml iltill- IVVH HM !,- w . t -, ... nmiut (lie same amount oi iooii aiuu as an iier. of ordinary meadow land, divides The oil. Thus two profits are harxoMod from one acre of peppermint. An acre of peppermint will yield from "0 to 00 pounds of oil, while a vocond cutting "III yield from six to '20 pounds extra. The farmer need' no otm equipment tti grow this crop than found on the ordinary, farm ex cept a small still to roll no the oil. In MUlilgnii and Indiana from 'JO to UH faruurs co-opeinto In the operation of K stills handling from :0 to 100 acres ,.f peppermint in the onevmlll. It Is now n large Inilustry. In connection with this special dinner we will also serve our regular popular-priced menu. Jl).JJvv---:4"----'; $-';-? l-KOSEI.YTIXG UU.VUj tahllshment of a Mcnuonlte sottle- meat in that section of southern KIO DEJANERIO, Nov. IT. (By Brazil. If conditions are found Mail.) Johann P. Wall and five' favorable, it is said, cxtcnslvo tracts . .. ... ,.., of land will be purchased. other representatives of the Sen- m nonites of the United States are Tho Heram would brln(T holding conference with state oiu- cheer from Klamath County; dais at Porto Algre. Grande do Sul, ood not State of Rio only during the Christmas season. looking to the es- out during every day In tho year. Shop Early. it ff t"-rifKPm'lT .IT' tJ a I "iiBH . -i ff'i mra nf X$&1 TRAVEUNG GOODS U 99 Why Not A BELBER Trunk, Suit Case of Bag for Xmas? Something that you need every day of the year. See the new styles we have just received. KKK Store Exclusive on Belber Luggage STILL USE ST. BERNARDS Tunnels, However, Have Greatly De creased Hla Importance In tho Alps. Although the tunnels width now con nect Switzerland with Italy have greatly decrea-ed the Importance of the St. Hernard and other passes, .pe clally during the eight mouths of snow. It Is still deemed advisable to employ St. llerunnl ilojn. It Is no longer cus tomary, however, to send out the dogs alone with baskets or rood and drink; a man nlways accompanies them. Tho.-t' dugs are not really or the ra nous old St. ISermird breed. That originated In the fourteenth century, through a crnhs' between a shepherd dog from Wale and a Scandinavian dog whose parents were a Great Inline and a I'jrenonn mastiff. The last pure descendant of this tribe was burled under tin nvalnnche In 1S10. Fortu nately, there were found subsequently at Marllgny nml on the Sltnplon pass a few dogs which, by crossing with, mates from Wales, yielded the modern St. Bernard dog, which Is physically even stronger Ihnn his medieval namesake, and shares most of bit traits. Tom Sawyer . Grown Up. ,So;neuhat reminiscent, of tbemeth od of one Tom Sawyer, Vho did not enjoy whitewashing the picket fence, was 'the means"" adopted by an In genious ofttcln I at the scliool field meet on Ilelle Isle Friday. This Individual hnd charge of 'the bug man-power clock, mounted ntup a .hjgh. platform, which required hli-attendance'at flre mlnute Intervals to adyance, the hands. He' noted that several pho tographers were looking longingly at the pteplndder he used, In mounting to the, clock, , and whenever one, of them n'pprnached to borrow the ladder be would anticipate the reqneat with a statement that they -could take It for' five minutes If they would ''first go up and move the elock hands for lilto. it ceremony which he directed from a shady position on the ground.--Detroit Free Prei. ' Philatelic Notes. The llliKjtrntloti on the current doV lar stamp in China represents the arch of the Temple of Confucius at I'cklng. The Sultan of F.gypt recently sent MOO to n dealer In Philadelphia for 11 rare Egyptian stamps. It Is said the sultan possesses the most valu able collection of Egyptian stamps In the world. The 10 cent red strimp Issued by lielgliim on July 10, 1010, was com pletely sold out In five duj'H. There were only -Wt.OOO copies printed and only live stamps were allowed to be sold to one person. New stamps are appearing for the city of- Flume bearing the words Tofjte Flume" liihtead of "Flume." Plunder. The gentleman burglar flashed his lamp In the startled eyes of tfie aroused head of the family. "Where's your vuluables?" ho de manded, politely. "For heaven's sake, don't shoot 1" ,plcoded the victim. "My Jewels are In that box on the bureau; my money Is In the handbag on the dresser; my hiifcband's watch " Impatiently shooting a hole In the pillow, the burglar snapped: "Don't kid me I asked you where you keep your butter and eggs!" Eut with a shriek of desperation the woman leaped upon him, for that was too much, too utterly much I Richmond Times-Dispatch. Subscribe for the Herald. After Dinner A "small black" of Folger's Golden Gate A- Q:Ooci cigar, l nil J batisiaction ! r H You should be particular about coffee. You will like Folger's Golden Gate- vhether you drink it with cream cr without. (t0 Mote, e Bagrangfe 1 1 s VACUUM PACKED Phonooraph Repeats Record. Whep 'the needle comes to Hie end of Its travel and the music rraes the irtvner of a pbonogrnph (s)iilpped w'fh a new nttiichment. snys I'opolnr sferhanlcf inngazltie, takes no , heH.ij nnd a moment later the machine F)nJ pisyipg ine same a r oyer agn'n Tlds Interesting result Is aehlfyeil by' means of a metnl arm pivoted at n" point outside the turntable. Its Inner' en J -resting upon tho projecting tip 'f the spindle. At the cndf the record the traveling sound Ikix engage m trigger which nrjunles n vrrlli-al screw, and the tnejnl arm rlea, lift Inx, the rieedje from the retsird, Th eonnfl Itox slides ha along the In-' clliied nnn to Its starting position, the descending arm replaces the'ncdi! 4ccurately In the outer groove, and the' music goes on. Wealth In Waste. The foundation of some of the most prosperous corporations were laid In utilization of what wits formerly wnste. The field Is sr'll open to thn southern pine lumbermen. The nnnunl cut averages feet, board measure, and for one foot that goes to the lumber piles two go to woMo. Chemists would say this was not waste, but wasted raw material for vast quantities of paper, twine, bags, pulp boards, turpentine, rosin, pine oil, charcoal, tar, varnish, ethyl alcohol and acetic acid. Yet lumber men throw away this great source of wealth and complain of the high cost of producing lumber. Wall Street Journal. Central Outfitting Company Jut to reminfl you to watch our advcrtiicmcnto on our big PRE-HOHDAY SALE Opportunities df a life-time. Myriad of Snowballs. A singular phenomenon, reported to science by I.. IS. Woodman, was wit nessed last March around Hangor and Orono. Maine. A four-Inch fall of snow was followed by high wind, and occasional gusts caught up large Makes ami rolled them over In the damp top layer, forming n myriad of snowballs from two Inches to nearly two feet In dlainetir. The triangular trail of one was .10 feet long. The balls were largest on downward slopes, nnd a meosured pne hod a horizontal diam eter of 20 Inches and u vertical dlnio etcr of J4 Inches. I Central Outfitting Co. 1, Subscribe for tho Herald for your Eastern relative or friend. Thoy would owe you an evolastlug debt of gratitude J.Ji fflTp yj&v&w. &fe3Si tii' Sir' Have an Oil Heater toUknofftl.ochilMvlny too warm to have i tho furn going. Wo have tlie", at) protty as a ."""' n. vory Httlo oil and or tood to ho frco ".Hfth. Hindi. Don't wait till family have colds. Oct o" ROBERTS & HANKS 3 Maui " 4 A m.- KJty. 'IM1 ". -" i -MaaBa1aMaaWiW-ll,,---''' ri?IT RAMI? lWCATrPAPQ Frr.MAQH FOR Murphey's Feed & Seed Store unii, v vnii, mum uviini u, ujj uinuii CHICKENS 126 South Sixth St Pbon 87 w y.