iii:(.'i2Min:it la. wm HUIAV, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TAGE SHVKN FEDERAL TROOPS RESCUE VICTIM OF EDIIMIBBIIlfllHEV l t A Gift Store FOR MEN MEXICAN REEELS Mi Mountainous BATHROBES A good sensible gift every man appreciates. Our stock is now at its best. Robes made of heavy blanket ma terial in a choice assortment of new patterns and colors. Several styles. The kind that Dad will really like and there are nifty ones for big brother, too. IAWAVAAAM STYLIS Assortment of SHIRTS Practically all the Shirts a:j :vv this slsoii. TVy are from leading manufacturers. AVe have them in every pattern and design of all serviceable shirtings. Indeed, you cannot do better. They come in every material that go into the making of an excellent Jirt. Silk, cotton and wool ; are very moderately priced. L rman "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" The Men's Holiday Store Slurp npniN wk iIhjn nt N:il() n. in. Stiiru upciiH Sa(ut'(ln)N at HUM a. m. Closes wih'I; ilajN a( 0:00 p. Closes Salurtlays at ():()() p. in. in. Mint Jell Try Mint Jiffy-Jell with roast lamb or cold meats. It is vastly better than mint sauce. Try -Jiffy-Jell desserts with their real fruit flavors in essence form, in'vialBr Each is' so rich in condensed fruit juice that it makes a real fruit dainty. Yet they cost no more than- old-style gelatine desserts. mm 10 Flaoon, at Your Groccr'a 2 Paehagai for 25 Ctnf UL GERMANY ALSO HAS MANY PROFITEERS i COHLENZ, Nov. 17. (By Mall). American Intl'lllgenco olllcors in the occupied urea recontly started a campaign against German food speculators who were held respon sible) for tho high prices ot food In Cohlenz and vicinity. Tho first day of the "round up" twenty profiteers were deported to unoccupied Gor 'many, with instructions not to re turn. ! As an example ot tho nature of the dealings carried on bythe spec ulators, or "Schlebcrs," as' they arc 'called in Gorman, an Incident is cit ed by tho Americans of a carload of starch shipped Into Coblenz. 'It cost tho original purchasers 40,000 I marks. Tho car remained untouch ed In tho rullroad yards whllo" it was sold from one man to another, each time at an increase in price, until the carload was finally dispos ed of for SO.OOO marks, Just double what tho first purchaser paid. I inscription to tho Lvonlnng, . .ul)BCrlnUon to Tho Evening uil would perhaps bo tho most Herald for a prospective locator this 'shed gift for tho absent frlond. ! year, might mean a Christmas , present for nil of us next yea 'tl'i "ceniber 11, 12. Want Ads bring result. DON'T SAY "OVERALLS," SAY JT UNION MADE JFm They will give you the service They are Union Made and have a number of features over other makes of overalls. First is the material from which they are made; second, all seams are felled and triple stitched; third, cord-bound button holes and full cut in seat. Last, they are Union Made. We handle the complete line. K. Sugarman "I ain't mad at nobody" MKXirO CITY, Nov. 20.--(IIy A'. ill) I'Vdi'iul fom'ii rocently res- g tiled T. (I. McKonzIo, American SJQ miinngor ofNui electric p wer plant I In ('ninntgn, Hlato of Chihuahua, H who hud been captured and roblxjI(H by ri.belc nml hold with n vlow tu H rminotn, according to reports roach- W lug !i"i". iH Mr. McKp-izIo had set out on' horn bad: fnim Par nil and was tak-i "n uiptlvn by a small hand of men who announced ho would bo hold 'f r runtion:. A small boy hlrilne in ibc IiiihI fn witnessed the attack iml i fug Iran to Purial, where federal forces jjy were n ivinod and Dursu t boirun Tho II bandlu wero ovortnkon at nightfall 1 - ml. after a r-'jurp encounter In which three bandits were killed and diio v .iiuiled, McKenzie was refi-ci;ud. Palace M ark et FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY m m MEATS MEATS THAI)!-: IM IC1 AHIX(! m ra m a MEAT The Best of Klamath County Meats SPECIAL LOW PRICE R FOR KIO l)K JANKUIO, Nov. 12- (Dy Mali)- (Jivat lncrcajo In tbo num-, ber of American vcescIh plying be- j twueit I'nlted Stulws uml Brazilian poiu wub shown when, In October, I 3; vcil'qIh flying tho American flagjl entered tho o.t of Ulo Jancrlo. I .-Hatl'licH t.hou ''.it during tbo elf-I Lite ear - ..1J only 20 American;! vessels arlvo in Rio SATURDAY Reduce the High Cost of Living by eating more mut ton. The most wholesome of all meats. , S HE IRaiSED TO SEE NIGHT GOME a "?,' '. I'IXT WOUSK J MOUMVU THA WHKX UK VK.T TO li'-.O i.!S TW'K.NTV l'(A.M)S TAK l; TAXI.AC. 'It suro W33 :i lucky day for me when I began taking 'iannlac," said Leo Piettner, an employee of the Hammond Lumber Company, who ioaldes at 1"." Astor Street, Watts, Cal. lecontly. Continuing, he said: "About lour yejrs ago I began to suffer w.tli btomuch trouble. everything I v.oald eat would sour and gas would form and I would havo tho wowt sort of pains. 1 would become terribly nauseated and soon got so 1 could nut retain u thing, not even waier or milk. I vouJd hao vomiting spells aftir oveiy meal that would leave me so weak 1 could scurcely get around. Often when I went homo from work my wlfo would have tempting dish es prepared hoping it would induce mo to eat a little something, but I would have to leuve tho table without eating a mouthful, for the very sight of the food vould make mo sick. I went on a milk diet for a while, but that did me no good, as I could not keep ft down. 1 never know what It was to get a good night's sleep, for I was so weak anil nervous 1 could not sleep but a few minutes at a time. At this time Iwas mining in Yellow pine, Nov., and when I had fallen off, from 185 to 165 pounds I gave up my Job, for I was so weak and jun-down 1 could not work. 1 was afraid 1 had tuberculosis and came hero to California hoping the change would do me good, but It did not, for I was Just as bad ns over and, was so weak and nervous I would Just tremble like a leaf, and" I would dread to see night coma for I would got up feeling worse than when I went to bed. I had taken all sorts of medicine, but thoy seemed to mhko mo worse Instead of better. 'Before I left Yellowplno I had a friend who had been in a condition similar to mine, and ho told me Tunlac had saved his life, and urged mo to try it. But I did not, for 1 was discouraged and . dlsguste.d with all medicines. Well, one night after coming here I read a statemont of a man who was re lloved by It who had been in the same condition I was, and then I remembered my friend's advico, and next day I started taking Tan lac and by the time I had finished two bottles 1 wusa great deal, bet tor, and when I had taken three bottles I knew I was getting well, I began to eat again anil my stomach was in flue shape. All the gas and nausea left mo entirely, 1 began to sleep well again and, all, my nervous ness disappeared. I havo used seven bottles now and am back at work fooling as strong and good as I ever did in my life. I havo gained twonty pounds in weight and feel ten years younger than 1 did a year ago. If I had only taken my friend's advico when he recommend ed Tanlao I sure would have been saved a lot of suffer'ns." Tanlac is sold in Klamath Falls . by the Star Drug Co., and in Lorvlla .9 an 9 M 1 BEEF Nice juicy cuts of the best Klamath County beef at the following low prices. Nice Juicy Rump Roasts 25c Fancy Shoulder Roasts.... 20c to 25 Shoulder Steak 22c Fore Round Steak ... 24C Boiling Beef ....2l2c to 15c Sugar Cured Corn Beef I212 to 15c Hamburger Sausage ... 20c LOOK Prices Cut To Pieces ROAST MUTTON. Any cut 20c MUTTON CHOPS. ah cuts --20c: f 1! MUTTON STEW ... 10c i CHICKENS! CHICKENS! Hens 28C Springers 32c Klamath Packing Co. a 3 SMAIN ST. PHONE 68 fl k - i FIRST GERMAN BOAT REACHES MEXICO WANTED Men witn teams and sleds, or. ' wagons to haul lumber from Round jLnke. Good wages. Steady work. VERA .CRUZ. Nov. 20. (By APP Big Lakes Box Co. 6-6t Mail). The first German vessel taj arrive here since the beginning of,. Demorest, Dentist, over Sugar tho war has reached this port with,man'8 Store, 6UTand Main. 2-tf: The Herald would bring good cheer from Klamath County; not only during the Christmas season, but during every day in the year. Shop Early. ZIZ December 11, .12. a mixed cargo of hardware and drugs . ' "V, from Germany. Tho captain an- t4w4MM,twJft nounced that several other vessels soon will leave Hamburg for Mexi can ports. Ho confirmed previous announcements that Germany is planning an aggressive campaign for Latin-American trade. A.F.Graham ..General Concrete Construction Shasta Sand Used Exclusively "It's the Best Ever" I I That good old Arkansas Silver Tip Sorghum. t Have you tried it? If you are a lover of this article 1 you don't know what you are missing by not hav- 1 1 1 1-J!i. J i Al '1. !.. mg a real uieaitiasL every muiiimg m ine wetsK. uy serving nice, fluffy, hot biscuits with some of our real genuine ''Silver Tip" Sorghum. We only have a limited amount of this, and those desiring a gallon had better phone 200. at once, for there will be no more available this sea son. We also have a large assortment of nice pre serves and jellies in 15-ounce glass jars and 5' and 10-pound pails. Give us your order over phone 200. The Sunset Grocery "Ml by the James Merc. Co, Adv. fTttTTTl t. ATA JTATM fXBXXM ,' m ' mm