JIIIIMV ni:ri;MMi;it iu, nm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK T!Ut2fc LET THE Xmas Gift Problems Moro than 7,000 leading druggists in the United States and Canada have organized co-operatively to buy and manufacture in enormous quantities. That is why the Star Drug Co., which handles Rcxall goods in this town can sell you the articles shown here at such low prices. Make up your Christmas lists from these suggestions, and come to our store and see the goods. If you do you will want to buy them because they mean sensible and satisfactory gifts at prices you can afford. REMEMBRANCE Cun you Imagine n more nccoptnblo gift than u groat, big, bonutlful box of writing imiKir, n hundred sheets of pnpor ami u hun dred envelopes, In whllo or any ono of tho six different oxtilHltu tints different sizes for different kinilH of lotturH nil Hod wltb ribbon to nintch tho tlntH tho wholo box on rloHOtl In i glaclno wrapper that keeps It clonn nnd fresh till opened? This Is not or dinary, choup-fiuullty-juiit - for tho - holiday trado pnpor. It Is tho SYMPHONY LAWN WRITING PAPER m Stylish, of tho best quality, oxqulslto In finish nnd goodness. Hero Is a perfect gift, ono that will glvo ploasuro and bo useful for months to come. Symphony Lawn Is correct from tho fash ionable viewpoint. Your uso of It stamps you as one who possesses refinement and good taste. You may have Symphony Lawn in tho clear, pure white, or In the following tints: Twilight grey, boudoir blue, old lavender, shell pink, surf green, champagne and you may havo it in smaller boxes if you' wish.. Cost you from 16c to $6.60, according to quantity in tho box and tho style of border you select. SWEETNESS Horn Is a hint to you, gallant gontlumon, nnd to you, fair mnlds and matrons, whoso slightest proforonco expressed will govorn ninny u choice of Christmas remembrance. Just two words, Important to romombur and potent In delightful suggestiens: LIGGETTT'S CHOCOLATES moaning n dny or so of pleasuto, of sharing with tho homo talks and rrlonds; that Is what makes Cbrlstmustldo completo. Llggett's Chocolntes are iih good as tho bust and purest Ingredients and the skill of expert confectioners can produco Llggett's come In a wide assortment of do llclous flavors and blundn and nut and fruit centers. Tho chocolate coating Is the finest that ran ho made. In handsome, rlbbod-tlcd, embossed boxes; sold exclnshely In this town by tho Star Drug Co. A feu suggestions uhIc to sen them. Llggett's Chocolates--Assorted. In pounds up to live-pound boxes. Llggett's Chocolates rrult Cordials, In pounds Llggett's Chocolntes tor sweets, pounds. Llggett's Chocolates more than pound boxes. Llggett'B Chocolates pounds Mutter and milk blt--Molro package In Dutch box, In FRAGRANCE If you know someone who loves flowers, and you could brings arms and baskets and automobiles full of them and literally smoth er hor with tho divine fragrance then you would not be able to give her as much pleas ur as you can by a gift of one of several of tho CARA NOME PERFUMES AND TOILET PREPARATIONS Because In them is the lasting fragrance of tho choicest llowers, their sweetness captured and imprisoned In extracts and toilet waters and sachets and other dainty toilet acces sories that give pleasure every day through out the year. Cara Nome Extract. Cara Nome Sachet. Cara Nome Toilet Water. Cara Nojno Talcum Powder. Cara Nome Complexion Powder. Carn Nome Toilet Soap. Cara Nome Cold Cream. Cara Nome Vanishing Cream. THESE GIFTS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE STAR DRUG COMPANY AND MAKE AN IDEAL CHRIST MAS GIFT FOR ALL. WE HAVE- MANY OTHER THINGS THAT ARE ALSO SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS, AND INVITE THE PUBLIC TO VISIT OUR STORE WHEN CHRISTMAS SHOPPING i:.vm.VKi cattli: Ono black bald face yearling heifer and ono 2 year old red heif er strayed fom my plnco. Connect ed J. K. brand. Crop off each car ami split In bach ear. Notify Joo Koesel, Unly, Oro. 10-3t Try 'em. Herald Want Ads. WAM'KI) Men with teams nnd sleds,, or wagons to haul lumber from Hound Lake. C!ood wages. Steady work. Apply Big Lakes Uox Co. C-Ct Stiroty bonds wnlle you wait. CM! coto & Smltn. 5-tf Q&e&m Bpte wmm - M Kl .Vfk. AkM dl HM BBSS IlJ ' f A.ailrVllTV)Tt' IHWiiHKH.i. . t mmlmsf mbnewvw&wsm APPROXIMATELY one-third of all the water power in the United States is within the Columbia River Basin. The water power resources of Oregon are roughly estimated to be 0,500,000 horse power. This is a great asset. It means that 'Oregon will eventually be come a great manufacturing center. Nature lias done much. U, But you must do your bit. Encourage the rapid growth of Oregon industries by purchasing Oregon products. Associated Industries of Oregon DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IX "THE KMCKi:mtocKi:u huokarooV 0,700 Feet nf Thrills and Laughter It took six solid months to make "Tho Knickerbocker Buckaroo," the biggest and best Douglas Fairbanks plcturo over produced. Six months, many thousand feet of film, hundreds of actors, magnifi cent set,s, the lease of a complete rnlhoad sjstom, engines, cowboys, Moicans, Now York clubmen, pretty girls, vllllnns nnd Douglas Fair banks. Tho longest nnd most pretentious, tho funniest, the most exciting. Fairbanks picture over attempted. Kvery foot of film Is packed with punch nnd laughter. It will make you gasp and laugh and 'applaud and yell for more when tho G.700 feet Is run. And you'll talk about It for wcoks! It cost a quarter of a million to make. It means tho best evening's onjoymojjt you over had. At tho Star Theatre today and tomorrow . Matinee at 2:30. Of 73 historic kings of Scotland 01 died In battle or weio murdered. Fio is consldored a sacred number among tho Chinese Tho longest rher in Japan Is tho Tono, its main course being nbout two hundred miles long, Your earninjpower when it rains is made sure tfJWEft r SHf0 k REFLEX SLICKER Look for ihe m IVitVM MMfV C'AJTawrafn Established ISM Boston, Mass. I .yyw "yv JLJ -s. 3VAW Yvntti't 9KXsnsr jjy mJ SPECIAL NOTICE Of monthly meeting of BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION", Friday even ing, December 12th, C:30 P. M. Banquet nt the Deer Head Grill. All members urged to attend. Matters of importance to the association to bo discussed. By order of tho President. W. C. VAN EMON. Secretary. Chlldrens' Coats arrived at MOE'S; those In need of garments should call nt onco. ll-lt ii i imm0mem i ipSj SSI We are offering for the Holiday Trade the Finest and Most Exclusive Line of LJVjLxTLtO CARDS Novelties and Fancy Stationery ever thow n in Klamath Falls. PIONEER PRINTING & STATIONERY COMPANY 126 Main St. ,-126 Mai nSt. rfri. mwmm $ Btmt'd (Elaua 8 mt HHurja If, ft Br E. 3. HENDERSON A zi- feGOOCCCCCCCCCCCCCW I (Copyright.) HUISTMAS cheer was In the air, hut the fact did not particularly appeal to Bojd WIs ner, for he was con sumed wltb ennui nnd suspense. It was typ ical old-fashloncd yule tide season. A great snowstorm had blot ted out every country turnpike and the rail road connecting bis town with Mayvllle. "Boyd mopes around like a lost soul," commented his sister Nettle to her mother. "If his fellow ace of airship fame In France, Willis Thorne, cannot get here In time for the holiday festivities we shall have a dull season of It" "It's Muriel Lane," asserted Mrs. WIsner. "A year ago this time bo'b you and Boyd bad the time of your lives at Lane farm and the contrast Is Irksome to the poor boy." "And "the poor boy,'" mimicked Nettle, "Is on pins and tjeedles of sua- as pense. Of course you know that be proposed to Muriel a week ago?" "1 didn't know It, but I suspected It would come to that." "Muriel asked him to give her a few days to think It over, so she would be sure she knew her own mind. Then this storm came along and the tele phone wires hae been down until this morning." But that very day Boyd WIsner heard from the prudent maiden who sought to make no mistake In solving life's greatest problem marriage. His quickened heart throbs were a series of thrills as he was called to the phone at his office, and more alluring than the soft cooing of n dove were the fluttering words, "Is that jou. Boyd?" "Yes, darl I mean Miss Lane." "Don't be-silly, Bojd. We nre snow bound, but I wanted to tell you that I am sure of my mind now. The chil dren are crying for last year's Santa Claus. and I oh, I wish It would rain hot scalding water and clear the roads! Merry Christmas I Come soon 1" And then the provoking damsel dropped the phone. Muriel had made up her mlndl Boyd was Inspired with the most radiant soul of hope. He reached the street to find It crowded with people looking skyward. "DOu ble luck!" he Jubilated. "It's Thorne," and he decided that the airship aloft. gracefully circling to land, must be .the one which hls'fellow ace of France hnd.purchased after returning home. Twenty miles dlstnnt, lovable and loving Muriel Lane looked out upon n bleak, white expanse, surrounding the old farm home. Her six little brothers and sisters nestled about ber. ' "We can trim up the Christmas tree with last year's spangles, children," she said. "I want to see Santa Claus I" whim pered little Tim. "If he can land on a roof and come down the chimney he ran ride on the air. Ob, sister, there's the telephone." It was the first time It had Tung for a week. Muriel ran to it, and her cheeks grew to wild rose beauty and her eyes sparkled as the words came: "Look to the northeast for a new star at nine o'clock tonight" "Boyd " began Muriel, flutterlngly. "No, Santa Claus, by air. Dave the tree ready and keep the children up." xnnt wise little head of Muriel com prehended. She wns as unsettled nnd expeetnnt as the children. The tree was trimmed, the candles all ready for lighting. She took a chair at the win dow and began telling them stories. Finally she leaned closer to the pane and strained her glance. A speck of luster held her vision until It bad re solved itself Into mingled colors of red, white and blue. "Wrap yourselves up warmly," she ordered. "We will all go out and look for Santy," nnd a great liubh ,carae down as tho group dlscoered "tho new star," nnd the outlines of 15-32 be came cleat ly distinct In the crystalline air and there settled to enrth Willis Thome's airship driven by Boyd WIs ner. Forth from tho amazing nlr vehicle stepped a form familiar to tho wonder eyed children the Santa Claus of last year with frosted beard and a bulging bag of gifts on his back. And only the two older children ever guessed the identity of this grand Krlss Krlngle on wings. And, oh I , the marvelous 'gifts he had for them all I And Boyd drew Muriel behind a door nnd kissed her, and only old Grandfather Lane. go(ng up the stairs to his bed, witnessed the event, and chuckled serenely. Our supply of Blbckr Limb and Slab Wood is adequate for the pres ent demands of our cus tomers, but please order before you are entirely out of wood as we are behind with our deliv eries. TERMS CASH All fire wood must be paid for in advance or upon delivery, as we cannot afford to collect small accounts. If it is a C. O. D. order, please have the right change ready, otherwise driv ers are instructed not to leave the fuel. 0. Peyton imrNrvTN nrv ni fvmff VYUUU 1U DUIU1 1 702 Main St Phone 187 High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STVLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Tour inspection invited - Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR 618 Main St ..?.. wste: m M& .m niimwg;iiu GOOD BREAD is always the product of good, wholesome materials, carefully baked into the most delicious, most wholesome and only econom ical food today PAN DANDY BREAD It Is not a question of geography, but of common sense. HIRVI BAKING CO. Phone 281 isSSlSC ?5? y jpb"y WhHen like Peroxide iigSw. fl mx Peredixo ToothPaste, SSSSsJi 3p5hs Sold only SaZa WANTED Men with teams and sleds, or wagons to haul lumber from Round Lake. Good wages. Steady work. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. CCt FN f- 1 .t t S? tf