The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 11, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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n nomi RANSOM Avrnia
'.'? JM3
iav, ukckmhkk ii, join
rP " """N
m wm m mm m cs. m,mKsx-jm' m im
VMk Kv3 M JKJ9 K-afl 'JMC'ZW OK? BvX jVWl. IKuffl ' 1 YW.
Prospective Ford Buyers Notice
A mioclnl letter from Iho Pnrd Motor Company
ntiiKinnct'H nlnu hundred extra nirn will lio ullottud
to Oregon within tlio noxt thirty (Ihjh. Wo would
uruly appreciate your ordor now so wo rim receive
our portion of thlH iillotintuit In Kliiuiiitli territory
mid Iiimip) Immedlnto dollvury according to ditto of
your ordor. Cull In pernon or phonu rind wo will
lio Kind to cxpluln our plan ho everybody enn lmvo
a Kord car with now ntnrtor equipment at once.
Don't ovorlook thin opportunity, hut plnro your
order, ovon for a later dollvory, no you won't lmvo
to wait when you roally need your car.
Wo lmvo ttyo now stnrtor nuil domnifutnblo
wlici'lH In stock which wo can Install on all Into
model earn. Wlndnlilold Cleaners, Weed ChnlnH,
rtulx'H, H. & I). Shock Armoriern.
A now Htock of accessories Jtmt In.
Let oh overhaul your car while the snow Ih fall
ing Ho ready whon the bum rIiIiicn. i
i -t
No. 123 Sixth St. Phone 427
ly less than thin and In many cases
the distance from lorik.oiil utntlnim
rlKL-rlUMllINIj AlU to tho flruf filling areas Is Iphs than1 tin
1 tit. k..nn ! .i..
mmmmmmammm iinj uiiivn
DEXVrit, Colo, Dec. 11. Cnrrlerj
plffom are to'bo used by the Unit-1
(d StatcB forestry service noxt year
toconu'y flro reports from look-out-1
itatlons and ''fire flghtem at the
front," to the national forest head!
quarters, according; to an announce
cent niiulo by tho local otllces of the
department. Tho pigeons, and
equipment of the navy department
r to bo used for this purpose.
The value of the bird In the moun-
A Waltinrj Gnne.
"HuppoM' you unit here In this com
fortable cat while I match thw two
fnmplcs of ribbon." wild Mrx. Simeon
sweetly to bcr.hiiKlinnd, who bad been
entrapped Into going chopping with
When she enme bnck she rnld con cen
tritely: "Have 1 kept yon uniting mi
lmpardonnblc Ions time, you poof
Ob. 1 haven't minded It," he said
Ulnous and lako roglom whoro In' cbcerfully. "I Just Jumped on a car
many places travel Is most difficult,
isd where there nre but fow tele
phone and telegraph lines, will bo
eipeclally great, It Is believed.
Flights of GOO miles In a single
day have been made by these plgo
onJ, The illBtiinco to he covered In
the national forests nro considcrah-
and ran up to the football tr.ntcb,
and then I took a little spin In Jack
Dance's new car. Did you match the
"One of them. It' ro provoking. I
shall have to come In again tomorrow,
for tbpy are Just closing tho shop."
London Ideas.
tr M S B I UI HI 11 l5!
. DojYour Christmas
Thinking Early
DELAYS nro troublesomo and bothersome and particularly-Christmas-Shopping
dolays. If you want tq save
yourself the inconvonlenco, jostling crowds and raw
edged nerves hhop early.
Hut nlso shop thriftily and don't forget to Include a
First National SAVINGS ACCOUNT for each boy and
girl In your family.
E. It. Uptimes Pirslrtcift
A. M. Collier, VIcv-lMesldent
z .lolin M. Mcmuo, Vice-President
IatnIIo Rogers, Cashier
ie First National Bank
They will give you the service They are Union
Made and have a number of features over other
makes of .overalls. First is the material from which,
they are made; second, all seams are felled and
triple stitched: third, cord-bound button holes and
full cut in seat Last, they are Union Made.
We handle the complete line.
K. Sugarman
"I ain't mad at nobody"
KOSY-r hcfkeil n boob
boy on his new red
slid iped dovMi the
Ions "now-chid lilU. A
dozm gnjly chiiiii-rliii:
girls tripped tow.iitli
the lightly frnzm pond
wlli ih.'lr .kiiieM. A
farnifir came Into tlpu
ulth n wugon bind of
newly cut ('lirlMinnn
tree. VtilotlilH cheer
ns rrfefvecclrig. tint
there was no rexp""!
echo of It fervor In the lie.irts of
Join Lime titiil Mnrlln Freer.
"I n 'ii ncdird ltb y rmiiplntnly,"
the Inner van fny'rig "My son. SW
ney I i tlp iImhc of hie life in-ciiier
a In. oncer In I lie ell. v. Slice he
fell In Ime with your hnlf niece mid
ward. IMnn, Ii" ccein to have loci rill.
oiiibltlon of making bis way outside nf
uliinlii'.' her."
"A fonh.h fancy," rjcclnrei! .lolin
l.nne. "L'dnn Is too young to think r
"We lire golnc to Mnd l'dnn nwn
to ii prUnic lionrdlm; hiIhuiI after Hie
liolldnjH ' lie cotitlui'cl. "and (but "III
prolinhly end the nifalr."
Mciiritliiic IMph Merrill pined In Iter
priMiullI.e s(d!tude Hud Sidney roii'IiI
to (Ii'vIm ii way to get wonl to tier '
Al Ihelr Inst meeting he had iSnld
"no irnlter whut comes, they vlnill.nm
pur iik"
"Tbc nre coIiir to send tmth of
us riuny widely npnrt." mourned IM-
Vl. .1...... Inl
I'll iimii I M't Mr K"9 s
ihein do it!" ami immWSsa Riv
. . ' m .--bj. mvt:
Sidney r piled.
'Tlave you the fnllb
to believe In me. to
net with me with
out iticKtlon If I
find n wny to de
fent two old men.
who have forgot
ten whut love
"I hnve given
ou my heart sole
ly and trustingly,"
answered ICdnn
"Then you shall hnr from me wlu-n
I liavp miitured all my plans." prom
Ised Sidney.
' There was n certnln polnce for Slil-
joy In climbing lhe high garden wnll nt
the rear of the Lnne grounds and gaz
ing up at the window of the room that
j held his heart's treasure, tie hud a
note written detailing Ills plans ami
hopesT and he hod almost despaired
I of delivering It, when, the afternoon
; before Christmas, he observed tliut
the window was open.
Sidney added a few lines to the
note, gathered up a handful of snow,
enclosed the note In the white sphere,
aimed, let fly, and it passed through
the open window.
The note bad suggested the clop
xnent he and Kdna had previously dis
cussed. He hud added a line, "I will
be In the lane nt eight o'clock. Don't
fall me."
There was a light In that upper win
dow, now closed, when Sidney return
ed, and tho lamp was set in a pe
culiar wny. Across the frosted Inside
of a pane two words had been scratch
ed, rending: "At eight." ,-jgfc
A few minutes later' theight was
extinguished and a speeding figure
crossed the gnrden, unlocked a rear
door in the wall and the lovers were
"Quick." spoke Sidney. "It Is a ques
tion of getting to a friend of mine, a
clergyman nt Amherst."
He clnsped Edna's arm and they
hurried down the lnne. i
The lane the fugitives were now In
wos.deep with snow. As they neorcil
a large barn with
in which showed n
light Sidney diew
Kdnn through its
open door.
"We must hide
for a spell," he
said, and, as quite
breathless they
entered the great
rambling s t r u c
ture, they Mured
lu nmnzumeut nt
n scene strange
and striking.
In Its center wns
whnt looked like
no old circus chariot. There was gilt
nnd holly and evergreen trimming In
profusion. Four horses were attach
ed nnd upon a sort of throne In the
center wns seated a gorgeously at
tired Santa Clous.
"We'll better start," spoke one of
the men, "If wo wnnt to get to Am
herst before everybody Is abed," and
catching sight of a sign on tho chnrlot
Sidney wns mado aware of the fact
that to ndvqrtise a now soup this
modern publicity van wns touring the
district, giving nwny samples ns hol
iday presents.
"Step Into that low space at the
bnck." he whispered to Edna. "We
shall be snfe there."
When tho unique Santa Claus ve
hicle arrived at the. edge of Amherst,
the fluttering lovers left It unnoticed.
There wns a hurried walk to the home
j of n clergyman. "
The same telegram wns sent by the
happy- bride nnd bridegroom to Johu
Lane and Martin Freer. It read:
"Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frew wish
their Ibvlng friends n Merry, Merry
Christmas." .
R. J. ncjfDoid Tobacco Co. -.,,-" . ' 'in
A i ,
tha national
joy. smoke
makes a whale
of a cigarette!'
Ill rfct?i&
"i W)F?ffi'iW:
B iv - i ".
KOU certainly get yourz vhen you lay your cmoIicccrJa en tho tibia,
call for a tidy red tin cr a toppy red bag cf Trlncs Albert cr.d rcll a
makin's cigarette 1 You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count
cf your smokestunt3 1 Why, you never dreamed cf the epert that lica
awaiting, your call in a home rolled cigarelte when ifa P. A. for the
packing I . .
Talk about flavor! Man. man. you haven't rret the listen of hrlf vour ?
smokecareer until you knovr what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for your
contentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, nnd rare fragrance proofs of &
rrinco Alberts quality stands cur patented process that
cuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. your smoliescng in a makin's ciga
rette will outlact any phonograph record you ever heard! Prince Albert
is a cinch to rolL It's crimp cut and staya put like a regular czl! -
Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a
jimmy pipe can be ! It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke
pipes where one was smoked before; It has won men all over the nation
to the joys cf smoking. "
S.wa.ttnfi, yir mayei. yoa'll
fndioppy rtd heBf tidy red
tint, handaomo pound and
halt pound tin Iwmidars''
nrf that efosy, praciicat
pcund triatal (latmhvnudor
xrith epon&fi mohtcner top
tht keeps PiinceAloert in
uci perfect CL.idition I
i viLmi(f&w-xtt33Bm&'&
is imL.ri?x?xim
A short tlr-e ago Mrs. J. H. Gar
rett was" appointed chairman for
KInmath County for the sale and
distribution of Red Cross seals, the
proceeds of which are to be used in
the fight against tuberculosis
throughout this country.
Part of the money realized from
the local .ales will n all probability
be expended In Klamath county, for
under the present plans of the man
agement, a trained U to be
sent to Klamath shortly after tfje
fitst of tie ;cor, wnose duty it w'
be to examine carefully -into local
conditions and to aid and assist
tho'o who may be afflicted. If
early stages are permanently cured
after brief treatment, and substan-
tial and definijo relief is given een
the malignantly developed cases.
I Mrs. Garrett has as her assis
l n s n this work, Mrs. Fred C
Murphey, who is chairman for
t viuraatu Foils, and who is assisted
by Mrs. Horace Shidler, a returned
Red Cross nurse, Mrs. C. E. Burton
and Miss Maud Carlton.
These ladies are planning to have
booths erected in the- various local
stores at which puich,es of ttje;
seals may be rrade. Alreadv -!i
the dry goods and drug stores are
co-operating in this drive and have,
the seals on sale.
The quota for Klamath County is,-
600, and In order to meet this as
signment, it will be necessary for
bve.y man, woman and child In the.
county to invest the tremendoujN
sum of five cents In this life saving
ork. m
m I
The -Herald would bring good
cheer from Klamath County; nni
onlv diirinc the Christmas season.
I Tint HiitItii fvrrv rtnv In thn vpflr..
- .. ..v. ., ...111 i. ... --.-.. . o ---. -.. - - r
iiuccbsu i suuu iiciavua win uu iui- gfgn Harly.
nished tianspoitation and sent to
one of the many enrnpa maintained I
by the Red Cross society for th9
care of persons suffering from the
(l!tnon qTi- t'nieR tho1 iv ''-
I A. F. Graham I
H .mt .mm. I 1
I . Concrete I
I Construction I
H Shasta Sand Used 'H
B Ivvclnsivolv lB
B - - . A 11
December 1 1, 12
"'nr AdR bring results.
Men with teams and sleds,' or
wagons to haul lumber from Round
Lake. Good wages, Steady work.
Apply Big Lakes Box Co. 6-6t
Pecember 11. 12.
Flour builds brawn and
brain for growing-ups and
So, say 01YMPIto your grocer
wncnyou order
Pancake Flour
and Wheathearts
also at your grocer.
4i'.,i ,
,.i V.
) KIm J UU
; aUnt U
OUR. 1
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.'.'ji'.wr. j .. ii
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