The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 11, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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; home gaga! jJftiB SsSBSJapl ' ipMTlfi yJg l-i43
Admission FREE
Jazz in the Ziz in the Moose
, For Ladies SPECIAL PRIZES Fof Gentlemen
Good Home Cooked Eats
Thursday and Friday
and 12
From 4 p. m. Thursday to Midnight Friday
Oronlritlon Etabllihd by Botton
Firm Well Worthy f Imitation
by Other Employer.
A pioneer medical clinic, established
IS yenrs ago to protect the health of
000 employees, und gradually enlarged
and expuiidft until It now cares for1 a
totnl of 2.70O that I thk.record proml
ly hold today by a well-known Honton
tlrtu. At the time of Hi organisation
the medical director wu In charge of
the clinic In tho capacity of director
and vUltlng nurse. Now the clinic la
In charge of a practicing phjslclnn and
surgeon, assisted by thro full-time
graduate nurse.
During the tnflurnut epidemic of lat
winter, over S30 employee were treat
ed per day, with only six death during
the entire course of the dreaded dis
ease. All cases were given careful.
Individual attention and. In Instance
where .no family doctor wai In at
tendance, Immediate arrangements
were made for medical care.
It la the policy of the nuraea In tho
clinic to advise all employeei with
whom they come In contact to be In
aured, an activity which the Ann Itself
handles through an employee' organ
Izutlon. The purpose of such advice
Is to secure Insurance for all em
ployees In order that they may receive
Iti benefits nftor one week's Illness.
Tills arrangement does not plnce a
premium upon tho employees' being HI.
und at the snmo time the clinic co
operates In tho matter of Insurance.
A dental clinic Is In u formative
state and. no doubt, will be established
In n short time. The plan anil method
of administration and nrgnnUntlon la
simply In tho making, but It l safe to
say that,the dental clinic wll'. bo as effl
dent as the medical clinic.
Tho Modern Hospital. In describing
tho clinic, says that It has fully proved
Its value In protecting tho health of
the employees of this particular com
pany and merits the commendation
und Imitation of other mercantile and
Industrlul establishments.
Plenty of Fun
Biscuit of Ancient Origin.
The biscuit Is In reality the oldest
form of bread. Nobody knows when
the process of fermentation wns In
troduced In baking, but It Is certain,
that the making of simple cakes with
flour and water and without yeast
that Is, biscuits dates from the high
est antiquity, for such biscuits have
been found among neolithic remains.
The Greeks and Romans had advanced
from the primitive form of bread, but
they baked biscuits for special occa-
srons. Tor use In military campaigns
and on voyages. Tho Romans called
this form of bread "pUnls nuutlcuV
while the Greeks iipil for It a term
meaning "bread twite put Into the
fire." The word biscuit means, of
course, twice baked, but the undent
practice of double baking has long
been abandoned.
Childrens Coats arrived at
MOE'S; those in need of garments
should call at once.
At Last - THE Gift
Gifts of utility aro tho beat to give. A VACUUM DOTTLE
does not prove a novelty; it proves an article of usefulness,
something that you can give to anybody. There aro plain, sub
stantial bottles, small and largo sizes, for school children,
workers or travelers. There is a 'hie fellow and a pretty
one for tho car; there aro Eomo excellent and handsome bot
ties for the sideboard in carlfe style. Place vacuum bottles
on your list and your gifts will reflect best character.
Underwoods Pharmacy
I purity! BUY THEIR DRUGS IaccupacvI
A Boy Just the Same.
Little curly-headed, four-year-old Joe
had often been mistaken for a girl by
reason of those same beautiful curls,
but It was a, very sore point with him.
He came very near, however, turning
1 It to advantage one afternoon when his
sis-year-old sister jwas giving n birth-
i day party "for girls only."
Poor little Joe wnndercd around the
refreshments spread on the grass, gass
ing wistfully at the cookies and lem
onade which his sister was serving to
lir little girl guests.
"No. Joe. this party is only for little
girls, and no boys can come." Then'
poor little Joe turned past taunts Into
an argument that would admit hlra,
and walled out, "Well, sister, 1 ain't
much of a boy, anyway."
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 11
Southern California In general and
Los Angeles and San Diego in parti
cular aro planning greater ndvertlso
ment than ever of their clfmato and
scenic wares.
Los Angeles has arranged a ten
tative program for next year that
will include a series of fiestas, each
of which, It is planned, will oxcell
any of tho former "Fleatas do
Las Flores."
To do this, a committee appointed
by Mayor Meredith P. Snyder has
begun a campaign for a fund of
$500,000- San Diego has decided
to expend a fund of ?1GO,000.
Other sections of tho southorn
part of tho state also aro qdvertls
ing, among them tho youngest
county In California Imporial-
which is pfferlng its submarlno
"altitude," below sea lovol, its
claims to Ho the "winter-garden of
America," and tho Salton Sea'to
tourists and permanent residents.
Applicant for Divorce Are by No
Mean Alway In the Day of
Their Callow Youth.
There Is no age limit to divorce. In
Oregon a woman at tho age of eighty
two years Is suing for n decree from
her husband. who Is n callow stripling
of seventy-one' summers. This seems
to be another case of too much mother-in-law,
as the wife asserts that her
huxlmnd's lou has been allcnutcd and
undermined through tho work of his
mother, who Is now ninety-four years
old and who neer did like her, any
how. They have been mnrrlcd some
ten ycnrs'novv, and the wife said that
when the husband took her money to
buy an nuto for his mother and
wouldn't let his wife ride In It, she
know that his love was dead. When
she remonstrated the husband coldly
Informed tier that she could leave tho
house. When the wife said thut tho
homo was her own and bought with
her own money the husband replied
that might be so, but ho had thought
fully had tho deed recorded In his own
name. Now she has to appeal to the
courts. It Is rather rough when a
bride of eighty-two has to compete
with a nlnety-four-yeor-old mother-in-law
for the affections of her husband.
A Foreign Ship.
Homer L. Ferguson, president of tho
rhnmher of commerce of the United
States has stirred up the patriots over
tho reproduction of a foreign ship be
ing on our twenty-dollar bills. Making
a speech recently, and seeking to Im
press his auditors with the fact that
this country has entirely too few ships,
he whipped out a twenty-dollar bill
and declared:
"Why, even the, ship reproduced on
this bill Is one that was taken over
by tills country during tho war. It
flies the American flag, all right, but
It Is a forelgn-bullt ship."
Examination proved ho was abso
lutely correct. The ship has four fun
nels, and thcro nover ha's been a four
funneled ship built In this country for
our foreign trade. '
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
P'f"'"fcf1 - fc-fcr , y.-,---,-
FOR HAI.i:--Sovon passenger llulck
cur, nt Wltlto I'ullciiu (inrugo
Will tnko cash or stock In exchange.
C. S. Doollttlo. LnuKuIl Vnlloy, Ore
gon. 8-Ut
FOIt SALi: 100 tons of flwt tint
ltyo Hay. Flno feeding grounds
und plenty of water. Knrly spring
panturo If desired. Address llox
490, Klamath Kails. 8-Ct
FOIl SALIC Ono span buy mares,
weight about 13Q0 lbs, each, aged
four nnd six years; nlitu ono sot
hiirnoBS nnd ono lumber wagon, size
3 V . Inquire Sum King. Shipping
ton. 80t
FOIt SALI. Persian kittens from
prlxn stock. Iluy ono for tho kid
dles Christmas. It, I. Shaw, Chllo
ttiln, Oro. C-Ct
FOIt SALIC Cheap for cash. A
two-ploco, dry wall Auncrutu
block machine; good as now; usld
only ono season. Could not bo
bought today for I4G00. Will suit
tit n bargain as ownor is In other
lino of business and cannot Who It
his attention. Splendid opening
hero for this business us tlmro Is a
big demand for blocks nnd concrete,
bricks. .Machine Is In tho city and
can bo soon nt any time. Don't
iinswor unless you have tho cash.
Adrirusi llox 1, Herald Otllco. 1-tf
FOIt IM.NT Room with bath.
USt Plnu. Phono 47S. 10-31
.nrii , ;, ' l m
'cl. Mala prlco Und B0D
Pnwor. nonatm orc "'j0,
4 in
December 11. 12
CITY OAIlllAnV ,.rr
n-.i,7 """"""rw.l"n you vim
""' """" icmoToa phone 91, jfj
7. 1 .
December 11, 12,
o call the Klamath Cowir SS
School-phono 3C0. airufortrp
cow In and tiling; ,i,0 S
houHowork. caring lor cbtldrea "tc
llos fur clorklog. messenger rrl ci
chores, etc. Bpoclal attention 1 , ffi
on to this oervlco by the tchool
authorities and an effort U to be
iiiado to mnko olllclont, convenient
and nrotltnblo both to the itudtnt
and to thotu requiring their services
Jtl '
ttu iiinkt n HHrInll)- nt iln, (e
niul urrldeiil Iiimii-inre. t'lione il ami
we'll do the ret. L'lilliotc & Snub
fit f
FOIt RUNT- Onu slooplng room
Phono -U7-II. Address 22? Jcf
forson St. 10-U
PHONU PEYTON for Wood. 11211.
WANTED AT ONCK Lady to take
chargu of homo and cam for 1
ehlldruit. Inqulro over llrnudun-
ImrL-'a ttlnrn. 10.3t '
burg's store
WANTED Girl, for general house
work and cooking Mrs. O. fl. Lab
aroo, Dly, Oregon, 1-tf
WANTED Mlddlo aged lady for1
housework In family of two.!
Phono 18D. 8-Cl
Wurld's (Ireate-t 1'lircnologbt,
PiilmNt and Medium
Heads our cntlro llfo put,
present and future correctly, glT
Ing nnmeA, ilnten nail flguro In but
Ini'dM, luo, law, mnrrlngo nnd dom
estic trouhlcii. Tolls ou what you
11 ro bent adapted for ami what to Jo
to butter jour conditions In lite.
'Ibis lady rcadH jour hand as you
would an open book A reading by
her will meet jour highest expedi
tions, nnd jou will lio wiser and
hupplcr, after consulting her, she
having tho gift of removing all evil
Inlluunccs nnd plnclng you In an en
vironment of happy thought and
commitment. Headings: Sunday and
dally, 0 a, m to 9 30 p. m. Located
at Moore Hoomlng Hous, 1311
Main St , batween Hroad and Spring
Streets, one block east of White
Pelican Hotel, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Remarkable Thinnest.
Prof. J. Perrlu has made a study
of soup bubbles JtiMt the kind that
little folks blow with clay pipes and
ho announces that they are fie milli
microns thick. This means that It
would take more than five million
films of n soap bubble to mnko one Inch
of thickness. While this Is getting
down pretty fine, still the elementary
leaflet of" mica Is finer. Mica can bo
split down to n thickness of ono mole
cule, which Is thinner than tho thick
acts of tho skin of a soap bubble,
which suggests that the latter muit bo
crystalline In structuro. Just before
a soap bubble bursts dark stmts form
on It. Ho found that'these housed still
darker, smaller spots. These nro drop
lets of water surrounded by strata
condensed upon tho membrane. They
aro described as being like dust mutes
In a sunbeam.
CHi:iIAUS. Wash'. Dec, 11
Shlpplng of Chrlstm-m trees from
this section to California and ex
tremo eastern points Is now well un
der way. For several da)i the
docks In this section have bt-en p.led
with young fir trees. Chrlstmu
tree shipments from hero durln?
tho InHt few years have grown ccv
slderably, ninny of them going a
far as tho Atluntlc coast.
A subscription to Tho Dental
Herald for a prospective locator tr,
jear. might mean a rMm
present for all of us noxt year.
Tho Ladles of tno Y"1".'' DC 11,
will hold their annual Fair Deew.
The. Mean Man.
Everybody knows tho story about
poor Tom Sharkey, who electrified tho
loungers In his saloon ono dny by say
ing heartily, "Well, boys, what aro we
going to have?" And then, as tho
loungers gathered round the bar, he
added, "Ruin or shlno?"
Representative Gordon Lee of Chick
amauga told a story of a similar kind
about a mean man nt Atlantic Clly.
Some friends visited him on n hot eve
ning and after they had sweltered n
while In tho sitting room lie said:
"Well, friends, could you stand
some refreshments?'
"'Wo certainly could I' tho visitors
replied, and they, moistened their dry
lips In pleasant anticipation.
" 'Then, said the mean man, rising,
we'll open this window. There's prom
ise of a breeze.' "
Take. advantage of the present price of
Woven Wire Fence
to meet your spring requirements.
We have recently received a car from Die
factory and can take care of your specifica
tion at prices which cannot be duplicated
next spring.
Baldwin Hardware Co.
Klamath Falls, Oregon