' ' TAGG POtm M M 1 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I The Evening Herald E. 3, MURRAY Editor FRED SOCLK City Editor FORGOT HE CHANGED HIS HAT Published dally except Sunday by Aed Rtstaurant Patron Makei Search for Straw Topplect, But Find Own Derby. Nice old gentleman In the rcstan- rnnt. with n long line of tint trees BOXNG UT PROMISE ILL UoxIhk fans arc promised n run for their money In tlio contests h z m rfr- T KabfnTcoTpany Vt '!! .,!?.,e.r:. "l8i,n" Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth Street., '. " !" i- ' - " '" turned to the hut tree hack of him Catered at the postofflco at Klam-1 and took down his hat, or the hat he Kk Falls, Ore., for transmission thru' had no doubt was his. but when from SCheduled for next .Monday night, !! nails as secona-ciass matter. ; force of lml.lt he looked Inside of it . ,,,,.. ,r. ... ,,, iiou.ton onera " ! to make sure he found that It wasn't!, .... .. . K ... . ;. I1U11PV, IIIV II1PI UVIU.O IlilUVI UIV .11.- splces of the. new municipal boxing commission. Toby Miller, whose hard-hitting reputation Is well, known to local. Subscription terms by mall to any! hls hnt nt Bl" Mdress in the United States: Dae year . Dae month So he put that hat back on the tree lgnn;and tried the next most likely one, 5q but with the same result, and It was I tuc same with all the tints on tun huh m nil 1 1 111 of the ssoclatcd Press i trce wn,cn n I000 Into one by one (fans, Is training for the main bout until he. had looked Into nil excepting wth miiy Huff, and declares that tt atari Dpita la ATlttolvnlV . . . . . ... . . 'Member , The Associated Press Is exclusively ' a bjacj- avtbs. which he did not In- HVt UlUCt IflPC WICUItCU m vu.o yi- Vr, and also local news published rln. All rights of republication of spe- dispatches herein are also resenr- -9HUR8DAV, DECEMBER 11, 1010 I t Sam Had His Fee. Sam was on trial, charged with steal tog ten dollars. He pleaded not pull- ty. Being unable to hire a lawyer, the I -Judge appointed younjt Clarke ns coun- I el. Clarke put up a strong plea In j dexense. and Snm was acquitted. Ar terward the pair met outside the court room. "Now. Sam." said the young lawyer, "you know the court allows the coun sel very little Indeed for defending a ease of this kind. I worked hard for yon and pot yon clenr. I'm really mtltled to a pood big fee and yon should dig up some money and pay tne. Have you pot nny money at nDV "Ves. nh." replied Snm happily, "1 still done pot dnt ten dnllnhs." Hut then, to leave no stone un turned, he took down that black -derby and looked Into It: and, pood gra clous 1 that was the hat he was really looklnp for; thut black derby hat he was now looking Into was his very own. PITCAIRN ISLAND IS LONELY he Is In better condition for tho com ing contest than ho has bevn for any event In years. He Is confident that ho can s,top Huff long before tho tenth round. Huff Is losing no sleep from anx iety over l 111' uiuiuiur. iiu oujn imti j. his Oakland opponent looks no big- cer to him than any of tho rest of $ He smiled ns he put It op. He had ,,, ,.,, nninta fw nnt m.r. I changed thnt morning from straw to ,...,. , ,,, . , ,,, i i,i 5 i. ., ... . , , .. . Iformances of his own to sustain nls 3, felt and then had forgotten all about , ....,.,,, ... . S lu content on that tho dec s on will not gq to his opponent s corner. f....A ....i. ...... r... -.... ...I M.nl I... I .. t. ! inU BHUl'J &U11I 'IUUIUI 'l Utlllllllll- rles between Kid llnrrlnngton nnd 9l04.U.t Outfit This flno Phonograph with 10 selections has trlplo mo tor equal In power to many nt twice tho prtco. Crop payments or by tho month, Natives Occupying Spot, Peopled by About 150, Have Degenerated Through Intermarriage. Jack Edwards, lightweights, and Kid J Indisputable Proof. A dmririst ii'hn.Mst!nc In the com pany of hl frlend of h! well-nssorted stock In trade. "There ln't n drug McPherson and Young Souza, wolt- i ers, are on the card, and a six-round T, scml-flnal bout between Quy Itob- Hnms Iq trhnM ttia linnpt la httt itiA ....... .... r ., , "- " .-,.-. .... erts ana 1)0 Allcn( wmen runs heart p cks out some iuot unii.unl , , , , , u locations at times. Ka.her near, as c,a ,n ,8 KOlnK acca8,on "8 n,uch J Pacific ocean distances go. to the So-, excitement as the main event. J clety Islands. Is Pltcalm Island. It Is; Members of the boxing commls- certainly n lonesome spot, says the slon publicity commltteo declnro any t New York Sun. nnd ns far Imck as'ovldonco of a frame-up will result 1S50 the nrltlsh authorities decided 'in barring tho guilty parties from t that It was no fit place for human ' ruturo exhibUlon8 horo. nn,i fllr. habitation. So. the descendants of the .. ... , , ..,,, , mutineers of the "Bounty" who had jthermore, that no rowdyism will ho settled there In 17P0 were transferred tolerated. They assert that all bouts that. year to the more Inviting Norfolk undur the$r management must bo Island. Several families, however, j clean contests, cleanly conducted, were so homesick that they went back and any deviation from this ruling . 10 PltCnlrn. '.Kill nn l..l Inlamlail fn. n mln.ito V IDIjSJkBV 91WI.MU Outllt Beautiful walnut or onk. "Push the button, outcomes tho record," Ornfonoln. Pow erful motor and seut tone. Will there be a Victrola in your homo this Christmas? There is nothing so suit able as a if t for all the fam ily as a Victrola, Grafonola or Sonoru Phonograph, so why not have the stimulat ing and pulsating sounds of the' world's best your home? music in I win iiui uu ujiuruicu lur u imiiuiu. Tom Watters, whoso Integrity and -missing.- ne sain: -noi. even or me The popuiaton from t,lese ew fnm, most uncommon sort." I niou ho. n, innn...i ,,.n ... inn -Come now." said one of ,.,e hv- l ,e nre on ,hfi ,, Thr0UJ,h ,. knowledge of the boxing .game nro standers. by way of a Joke. "1 in -mre tcnnarrnpe nnd other evils of Isola- uoth ot ,he h'Kllcs'. wl,r referee tho , - f- - uon tnese Planners nnve uegeneratea lu"1' tlon. as well stocked as you are, "Why not?" said the druggist, not Id the least embarrassed. "You shall ace for "yourself." So saying be left tae room and returned leading his "wife by the hand. Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. nnd their retrogression undoubtedly will end In their extermination. I. It is said that n custom peculiar to Buddhists Is that of wandering fthntl? th rnlintrv ivlth hnmmnr nnrl T lan Sold" 2.??.? T - olr symbols up- J R. E. Smith, 517 Main St. 11-lt on rocks bV the wayside. ju Put .more pep into your home life, get out of the rut, take more pleasure and live lonfier- JiJU Gonvcnicnt teims make it possible for eveiyone to have this music, so why not you? EARL SHEPHERD CO. Open Evenings in December New Store, 507 Main St. Phone 282J . IS fiau.no ()utflt SfiD,.We.U.,ifh. U $ "d 20 .VimUom. tmm 1 fca Bl'vts'. "i-B 9200.00 Now design In the Colonial. M 1 leM 1 1 1 ilt44r J XI You Can't Fool 9148.SU Outfit Larger modol "Push But ' ton" with drawer and 20 selections. Convenient terms. $2.10.00 Latest, nouvst design and very hnndaomc, tin browa mnbogany. f4- , ' ' 't .' H - Experts f s. .t.fc., 'il! $f!P y M&k5 i MAi.VW ".I The greatest activity will take place this spring on on rich, productive tule land. Thousands of acres of land have been sold to the greatest land experts in the county. Buy 10 acres adjoining them within 10 miles of Klamath Falls, on the railroad. I will give you a chance to purchase in 10-acre tracts, on easy payments, this rich delta land, which is classed among the richest on the Pacific Coast. Do not wait. Come and investigate at once. I only have a few of these tracts left. L JACOBS, 621 Main St. Or R. E. Smith Realty Co., 517 Main St. GOOD LAND IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT 'IN THE WORLD. , '6 X ABOUT LOVE AND MARRIAGE Signs Reveal Something, but Pact Re mains That We All Havt to Takt a Chance. No man Is ever really In love who can say so with all the ease, ardor and eclat of a stage lover. No man ever loved a wonmn Just berausf she was good. The man uho says prei'ty things to his wife all the time may have had lots of practice eliher before or sine bis marriage. The husband who never gives his wife a decent word or a compliment would knock down any other man who would treat her In the same way. The slncerest lovers are hoe ho are tongue-tied, and don't know where to put Ihelr feet. A man who seems very stupid Jn a crowd can often be extremely Interest ing In a dlnily-llt. cor.y corner with only one other person present. There are two kinds of rournge the courage of the limelight, wh'rh prompts a nice young man in wh'te ducks to Jump overboard after a girl's handkerchief, and the reul rouriige that makes n man face ihe horrors of a fashionable wedding, ihe torture of meeting the hills of a housekeeping apartment, nnd the agonies of walking I the floor all night with n hahy. The two are seldom coupled In one young man. i The first wife of a widower never wns such nn nng"l ns she seems to him after his second marriage. A mini Is like a piece of eioth war ranted to wash and matrimony Is tho laundry. It may Improve him, give him starch and freshen him up, or It may take all the color out of him. You have" in take the chance's. Philadel phia Inquirer. Pursued. f x"T,rK Nathaniel Hiiwhnrtie' handwriting wns so Illegible Unit some of his miinti-' Tno '"!" Ad So-'etv of ft scripts remnlned unpublished because Methodist Episcopal Church sill nobody could read them. This was hol'L ,H nnnunl nfuu ,of J22 in,,.,...,. .... ., , , i . work, aprons, candy and cooked Ikewlse true of nrlyle. Tho story fo0(I nl jolinom,-g Kurnlturo store Is tolil of a type romposltor who win Saturday December 13th The sale employed by n London printing nfllre BtnrM nt 1000 o'clock ll-2t' because of a strong recommendation - brought from Rcntlnnd. The first piece cSftrlljitlill, Italy's famous patriot. of manuscript given him to set was aVQ wrot0 novM whr WM - m h, ... 'llfchod In six IniiguasM. but never ..... ....... ..,,, ,,,,- iirv l.viirfi'in-r. Rove you got that man here ton? I fled from Scotland to avoid him!" Ladles Home Journal. paid In any. Fares on the London subwir lines aro graded, being higher .In tho West End than In the poorer sections of tho metropolis. Th Inhabitants, of Heligoland mnko money by trapping larks while migrating for the winter. As flftmi thousand 01 m Unstylish. Dude, "Do you know how to make n pas dowdy 7" asked her husband. It was too good nn opportunity to let go by. "Certainly." she replied. "All I have i,ir,iK j.iivn been caught on the Is to do Is to dress the pan In the kind lnn(, ,n ()no nKi,t. of clothes you make me wear." j 0no of , flrgt pretentious hiilldlngH erected In Sun Francisco- wns ninilc of stono which was cui, i many as Tho population of tho exceeds n population of tho world jintiHn - - -,..., . olHnn with Kmillro. rrn,.,l nno.nnnrlnr nf .h IleI ami piaccii . i" ,, -out mortar In China, uml then shlp- I ped across tho 1'aclflc. Duy your boy or your wife a Xmas present that will bo an In surance against poverty. Get ton acres of tulo land. A llttlo down, a llttlo every month. That la all you need. It. K. Smith, 517 Main St. 11-lt Best yet. Herald Want Ads. ", si. ii . ; " ' 4 !' RECKARD TAXI-AUTO SERVICE Winter Schedule Single trips, 50c passen ger; Pelican Bay,, $1.50 for either 1 or 3 passen gers. . ,; . Rex Cfe. Phone 77 ' LIBERTY THEATRE "TUB PICK OF TUB PICTURBS" II .W. I'OOLB, Owner. MAAMMVVArM IIAIlItY IIOKBL. Musical IHiertor TONIGHT The original "Easy Mark" HALE HAMILTON in "THAT'S GOOD" v and a Peerless Comedy "THE AMBITIOUS RUBE" TOMORROW A wonderful dramatization of Robert Hichens' world famous novel "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH" Doors open U80 and 0:80 P, M. EvenlnK pictures start at 7f f TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfl ? f