,tlimmY, IIKCKMIIKK II, 1010 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE 111 Kit ft. Mtt JPV i v HOLIDAY SALE THE JOYFUL BELLS RING OUT COLLARS t What we all need is Earl and Wilson, he Arrow Brand and the Silver Brand. Our prices during this sale are 2 for 25c This is a Real Sale To take advantake of this sale you -must se lect your goods at once, as we are selling out fast in many things. DON'T DELAY, BUT BUY TODAY is a good motto for the Christmas shopper. The place where Women may come to buy gifts for the Man's Christmas. UNDERWEAR Extra heavy Hygienic wool fleeced Shirts and Drawers that formerly were $1.50, we put on during this sale at. 95 Cents FOR MEN Suits that SiiIIh ttmt Suits that Hulls that Suits time SultH that Suits that Overcoats OvorcoatH Ovorcoiitn OvorcoatH OvorcoatH OvorcoatH woro woro woro woro worn woro woro that woro that woro that woro that woro that woro Unit woro C0, 45, 45, 37, 3D, 30. 25, 00, now 9210.85 00, now ... :io.85 ,00, now .'I2.H5 DO, now 20.H.1 00, now 27.83 00, now 22.H3 00, now 10.8S $50.00, now....5:i.85 45.00, now.... ilO.8.1 40.00, now.... H2.H3 35.00, now.... 27.85 30.00, now.... 22.85 2G.00, HOW.... 10.85 EXTRA MEN'S PANTS Panto $8.50 valuo. Salo prlco , 1'antB 7. GO value. Halo prlco Pants 0.G0 volno. Salo prlco , Pants G.G0 vnluo. Halo prlco I'nntH G.00 valuo. Halo prlco ,.?0.05 . 5.05 . 1.05 . :m5 . ii.U5 MMM t rr 'vvk' X - MEN'S HATS Thp market prlco In tulvnnclng dally, hut Btlll wo nro offering Mon'H Huts at a hargaln, bo liny at thoBO prlcoHp- $7.00 Hats. Salo prlco $5.85 $G.OO HatH. Salo prlco $4.85 $5.00 HatH. Sulo prlco ... 9:1.85 $4. GO .Hutu. Halo prlco 9.1.45 $4.00 HatH. Salo prlco :i.S15 $3. GO HutH. Salo prlco 92.05 $3.00 HatH, Salo prlco 92.45 "vjfc. J7 nils Tho vital question of today Is: Where can I buy for loss and get quality? That Is answered In only three words CEN TRAL OUTFITTING CO. That Is tho place to save money and got tho values. Accopt tho groat salo that Is now going on and patronize our store before it is too late. Opportunities In clothing for men and boys that rcr.y not como -again. FOR BOYS Suits that wero $i5.00, now. 911.85 Suits that were 12.50, now 0.85 Suits that wero 10.00, now 0.85 Overcoats that were $20.00, now 913.85 Overcoats that were 18.00, now 11.85 Overcoats that woro ' 15.00, now.... 0.85 MACKINAWS.AND PANTS Karsky-Abraham all wool- Macklnaws for men and Boys at greatly reduced prices. For Men, $18.00 value. Sale price 14.85 For Mon, 15.00 values. Sale price 11.85 For Men, 12. GO values. Salo prlco 0.85 For Boys, 12.60 values. Salo price 0.85 For Boys, 10.00 values. Sale price 7.85 SPECIAL IN GLOVES CANVAS GLOVES 100 dozen in stock; - 20c values at 12 c pair. DRESS GLOVES We have the largest assortment in this city. Como and look them over. Everything in the glove line at prices that you will sit up and take no tice. PRICES 20 PER CENT BELOW WHOLESALE COST TODAY. Uncle Eam's WORK SOX A grado we aro proud of; 25c value. Sale price 18c. GARTERS far below wholesale cost 35c value. Salo price i27c; and 25c value, salo price 19c. c 'THE STORE OF SERVICE" ENTRAL OUTFITTING C Klamath Falls, Oregon 0. Corner Ninth and Main Sts. COME IN TODAY TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE AT THE THEATERS "Tho choator cheated" is tho basic idea of Halo Hamilton's new est picture, "That's Good," which will bo soon nt tho Liberty Thoatro f tonight. Motro's nowost star Is c(iut In a rolo that fits him llko tho Provorblal glovo. Ho plays Marcol lua Starr, a small town merchant who Is booked to bo tnkon ovor by n gang of wlro-tappors who uso a beautiful girl as tholr luro. JlarcolliiB Is qulot and oasy going. "That's good." ho says to most everything. But ho proves In tho end that tho swindlers shot far of their mark when thoy picked him for a dub. "That's Good" is a scroon version of ono of 'Tho Phoonlx" storjos by Richard .Washburn Child which ran In tho Saturday Evonlng Post. Ever soo n ilosort sandstorm? No? Woll by nil moans soo Sollg's spectacular spoclnl, "Tho Gardon of Allah," at tho Liberty Thoatro, on Friday when a realistic Sahara sand storm will bo presented. Wo oo tho flying clouds, ,tho day darken, then tho eddies of wind continually Enthorlnir In fnren until a vortldblo hurrlcano rosults. In tho rain of sand, tho mnn and tho woman Journoy forth to moot tholr fate. Helen Waro, tho famous emotional nctrcBS, Is glvon many opportunities, for slncoro and appealing work. Othor oxtiltlng situations in "Tho Garden of Allah," a film version of Robert HIckons' novel of the same name, Is tho attack on tho desert caravan, tho chargo of tho Bedouins, tho foroenst of tho Sand Dlvlnor, tho mooting of tho lovers, and the sucesalon of passlonnto lovo sconos that then onsuo. William N. Sollg, who is responsible for tho foaturo film succossos, "Tho Spoilers," "Tho No'or-Do-Woll," "Tho Crisis," "Tho Rosary," otc, spent a fortune in pro ducing ''Tho Gnrden of Allah." In hor how Goldwyn Plcturo with tho lntorostlng tltlo of "Spotlight Sadlo," Mno Marsh oomos to tho Star Thoatro, beginning tonight, and tho star promises to give an uncom monly good account of herself. Sho is Sadio Sullivan, a timid newcomer in tho chorus of a Broadway musi cal comedy with tho nvowod inten tion not marrying a millionaire and being happy ovor afterward. Sho moots him and thoy lovo onch othor, but their happiness Is of Bhort dura tion becauso of tho Jealousy of an other girl. Sndios sweetness and innoconco aro made capital of by tho management- of tho show, with tho result that she is heralded far and wide as "tho saintly showgirl." Stories are told of hor fondness for, reading a prayer book whllo waiting for her cue and when tho young fellow learns that this Is true he is con vinced of her high character in time ho is made to know mut it is part of tho rolo Sadie unknow; Ingly plays. When ho sees hor at a notorious cafo, where she has gone in responso to a fnlso message from a friend, his worst suspicious are roalUed- A powerful climax is worked up from this point, In which Mao Mash displays all her whimsi cal appeal and unique dramatic power WANTED Men with teams and sleds,, or wagons to haul lumber from Round Lake. Good wages. Steady" work. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. G-Gt , Best yet. Herald Want Ads. ZIZ December 11, 12,' ' We are offering for the Holiday Trade the Finest and Most Exclusive Line of XMAS CARDS Novelties and Fane' Stationery ever shown In Klamaln Falls. PIONEER PRINTING & STATIONERY COMPANY. 126 Main St. -.126 Mai nSt. smmzmim Christmas in the Barnyard Br MARY ORAHAM BONMBK AsMKJKs $$S$$5SJ5$$ ttm filrlE J & m?-w "You May Be Eat. en, Mr. Turkey." (Copfrnot, UU. 7 Wjni Nwiptpr Colon) HRISTMAS Is coming," crowed Mr. Rooster. "Christmas Is com ing," gobbled Mr. Tur key. "Don't be too hnppy about It, for you may bo eaten, Mr, Turkey," said Miss Hen. And then she clucked. "Christmas is coming." "Gobble, gobble, gob ble," said Mr. Turkey; "you needn't be so sore that you won't be eaten yourself." "Well, It's the best time of the year to be eaten. It's an honor." "That'e what I've always said," gob bled Mr. Turkey. "Please, Miss Hen, try to be original." "I may try to be many things," clucked Miss Hen, "but It Is Impos sible for me to try to be original." "Why?" asked Mr. Turkey, who was much puzzled. "Because I don't know what It Is to be original. I don't know what the word means. How can I be something If I don't even know what that some thing Is? I can't try to be a thing, I don't know anything about." "You could ask what It means, couldn't you?" Inquired Mr. Turkey. "Are you too proud for that?" "Not too proud," said -Miss Hen, "but I don't ask favors. I like to have them banded to me without the ask ing. It makes me appear so supe rior." "Absurd," said Mr. Turkey. "Well, If you think so then," said Miss Hen, "I suppose I will have to swallow my pride or my su periority and be friendly at this time of the vear. Yes. I will nctimllv ask you. What does It mean to be origi-1 nal?" "I will tell you." said Mr. Turkey, "but first of all let me say that you cannot swallow your pride nor your superiority. Those are 'not things to eat. "You may rise above your prld, but It Is Impossible to swallow It." '"Now, Mr. Turkey, I may be only a poor hen, but I know a few things. It's a saying and a perfectly good saying when I speak of swallowing my pride. Everyone knows no one means to chew It and swallow It actually. Be sides, as far as that Is concerned, I might say to you that it was not cor Vect to talk about rising above your pride as though pride were the ground and one took a trip in an airplane above It." "Let us not quarrel," said Mr. Tur key,;,"for' the joyous Christmas season Is fast, approaching' "Yes," muttteredMlss' Hen, I "and 1 was fast approaching victory In that argument." " Mr. Turkey pretended he hadn't heard.. "Oh, by the way," he said, after a moment's pause, "you wanted me, to tell you what It meant to be original." "Yes," clucked Miss Hen, while a smile passed over her hen face. VWell," continued Mr. Turkey, "when"a creature Is original and says original things It means he Is saying things he has thought up himself and hasn't copied from someone else. A person who has original Ideas all his own. A crea ture who says original things, says things no other creature says." "You copied me when you said It was an honor to be eaten at Christmas. That was what I have always "Everyone Should said." Give Me Pres- "Don't be so ents" fussy, Mr. Gob bler," said Miss Hen; "we can't nil bo original,' as you call It ' Besides words are words and we all have to use the same ones to be understood, so what difference, does It mako how we put them together?" Mr. Turkey walked proudly about, as though some creatures really hadn't enough brains to bother talking to, but soon a great noise was heard. The pigs were all squealing and grunting. "It Is the time of theyear when ev eryone should give me presents," squealed Pinky Pig. , "Everyone should give mo presents. That Is what Christmas means," said Porky" Pig. "They should all give them to me," said Brother Bacon, "or you pigs don't know the spirit, of Christinas giving." "You don't know ft yourself," said Miss Ham. "Christmas Is coming. I'm all ready for presents." But the ottier animals sighed and shook their heads. "Pigs don't even forget they are pigs during the Christmas season I" I I 4 Our supply of Blocks Limb and Slab "Wood is adequate for the pres ent demands of our cus tomers, but please order before you are entirely out of wood as we are behind with our deliv-" eriea. TERMS CASH All fire wood must be paid for in advance or upon delivery, as we. cannot afford to collect small accounts. If it is a C. O. D. order, please have the right change ready, otherwise driv ers are instructed not to leave the fuel. 0; Peyton "WOOD TO BURN" 702 Main St Phone 187 "OUCH! THAT OLD RHEUMATISM!". Just get out that bottle of Sloan's Liniment and V "knock it galley-west" , WEREN'T prepared for that quick switch in temperature, were you? Left you stiff, sore, full of rheumatic twinges? . You should have had, a bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy that would havesoon eased up the muscles, quieted the jumpyr painful, affected part penetrale.1 without rubbing, .bringing gratifying relief. i Helpful in all attacks of lumbago, sciatica, external -'soreness, stiffness strains, aches, sprains. Get a bottle at your druggists. 35c, 70c.. $1.40. Klamath, Lodge No. 137 I. 6. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at Z. O. O. F. hall,. Eth and Main street P. J.Gerges , N. G.j Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain-Treasurer Ewauna Encampment' Mo. 46, L O O. F., meets .Tuesday night of eack week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlie Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe J P. L.. Fountain Treasurer. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short timtv Don't wait until pains and achea. become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking. GOLD MEDAL WHEHniBI The world's standard remedy for kidney liver, bladder and uric acid troubjoa th, National Remedy of Holland since 1695. Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. Vook for the nunc Cold Medal on eiery has. and accept no imitation , F.STKA'ED CATTLE One black bald face yearling heifer and one 2 year old red heif er strayed fom my place. Connect ed J. K. brand.. Crop off each ear apd split in each ear. Notify Joe Koesol, Daly, Ore. 10-3t WAXTED Men with teams and sleds, or wagons to haul lumber from Round Lake. Good wages. Steady work. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. 6-6t JZJT 'Whitens like peroxide1 -flifev Peredixo Toothpaste Sold only where AD5 good ore dif played UtyeTube 25$ .iiii'tj m M m -1 . itfil ':.! '; m M 7.4i . rM