fr"""''? fw "r j 1 wnXKHPA nl00' 0'. ltl V r - ....... .. Tj iinn "f alwats WARNING OF RAIN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Christmas Morning (told f, HART OKAHAM BONHKR HIIISTMAH comes QUI ones year, Christmas comes bat once j tat," ahouled Iho chil dren they hurried down italn on Christ mil morning. Their daddy and mother fol lowed and they aang too, "CbrUtmaa cornea hut once a yearl" From the atnlra they the library with the Ore la -uried. There waa Dig tree .n trimmed I And under and around J ilurt were Juat the thtnga they all Hi teen waiting for, and a lot of JiMf thins they hod never expected. Oh, bOW DfdUIIIUI 1! WM, II IOOKIMI , ih children aa If It couldn't he 1 md It seemed to them aa If they tit be dreaming as If nil thla won i.rfni room, filled with presents and nocklopnnd everything elae.thnt was tit, Cflolu not do real nuer nu. But they hod thought thla way on ftltt Christmas daya and they had irt been dreaming on other Christ MiBornlns To be sure they dream ri of Christians before Chrlstmns msf but they didn't dream of any th'cr nearly no wonderful aa Christ tn alwaya wna. TLtrt wcro four children. Lucy tod Detty npd Hobble and Hilly, litre. In t(io center of the library, lithe bin tree. It wne' covered with ntdlfi and though It wna daylight ih raodlea were lighted and the tain pulled down no as to make the tree look Its very beat. And too, It rus't to very bright at that hour. lor they weru nlwaya up very, very ml; on Christmas morning. They began to see the thing on the tree they hnd nuked Knntn Onus for. ltd then they looked "to seo If he bid taken the notes they hod written for him ulihlng him a Merry Christ- Sort enough 1 Flu hnd tnken them. Ib; wondered If he hnd been pleated Irrfe, Insect, m; Weeds Foretell Dewnpeur to Tkt Whe Are at All Oaeervant Th shepherd afceng his sheep or the laborer on the farm will not heal tata In hla reply to tho often naked question, for these men of the flelda are almost uncannlljr wrnther wise. Their hnrometer Is not only the moon, the clouds, the -stars, hut alao the beasts, hlrds, Insects and weeds. The following signs, among othera. warn the countryman of the coming rain or atorms, " M, P, M." writes In tht continental edition of the London Mall: The shrill cry of the peacock scream ing from the farmyard gate. A herd of cows prone on the meadow, Instead of gracing on the pasture. i.ambs leaping and frolicking with extra vigor In the fold. Ducks balanced on their heoda In a pool with only their tails and a portion of their backs appearing above the water line. A flight of awallowa skimming low. Smoke ascending In a straight line from the chimney. The continued sound of cronklng frogs from the ditches. The antagonistic condition of the bees, round the hve. Tlje alienee of singing birds In the woods. The pimpernel on the banks with Its scarlet blossoms closed ngulnst the on olnught of the storm. The' (ixtrn brllllunce of the stnrs (on the eve of rnln). The hn're around the moon. Spiders seeking refuge within the cottiiKu or the hnrn. The tiniiKuiilly distinct ronr of the train heard from nfnr. PAQp FIW IXKKKH o'T CHRISTMAS- I Shoppers' guidE i POET WAS ERRATIC GENIUS Thomac Chstterton Did Marvelous Work Before His Suicide at the Age of Eighteen. i t ? t t nsv T ? J T f i t ? J f t t t T Y ? I t t SILKS Ifl HOSIERY OR MOST ANYTHING MAKE A SPLEN DID CHRISTMAS GIFT. GIVE SOMETHING THAT IS DUR ABLE AND DAINTY. BEAUTIFUL SILK HOSIERY FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. A department filled to overflowing with unsurpassed offerings in first quality Silk Hose, well known and X reliable makes, in all popular styles and colors, and at prices to suit every purse.' Nothing more essential to X a well dressed man's or woman's wardrobe than silken hosieiy. You could do no better .than select from X these. Pure Silk Thread Hose from $3.00 to $4.00. ' u " '' X Ail full-fashioned and semi-fashioned in full showing of all new and staple colors. All first quality. ,- Other makes at $1.75, $2.00, $2.39, $2.69, $2.90. Artificial Silk Hose for women, from $1.20 to $1.75.. These come in all sizes. INFANTS' SILK HOSE n , Pure Silk Hose for the baby, in white: sizes. 4 to & years, $1.00 to $1.35. MEN'S SILK HOSE Pure Silk Hose of first ,quality and very appropriate for the men's Christmas, grey, $1.00 pair. , Men's Artificial Silk Hose, m black and brown, ct 50c pair. Men's Silk Hose, which are a splendid bargain in all colors and sizes, 2 pairs for $1.25 In black, cordovan and Knit Underwear Section Y I !! !! gnr 'in' mrwf - " 'i . Thnt mhrveloua boy poet, Thomns Ohntterton, n youth with wonderful nillllllllll-IIIH IIUl WIIODC gl'IllUS wuh cr- i mult iiii-ii iii-iuii- iir ui jo i-uin uiii, i on Aug. , 1770, by Inking nraenlc I "In nntlclpittlon of n slower death by I atnriitluii." rrom nis enrneai cniiiinooa, cnnxier- v ton hnd a ghnstly fnmlllnrlty with the i Iden of suicide, find among his pnpers ' J lirenerved In the Itritlsh museum Is n J Inst will mid testnmeiit. "Executed In V the presence of Omniscience, the 1-tth of April, 1770." full of the wildest wit , & nml profunlty. While there Is a pe- i J culliir Interest to nil he wrote, he la best remembered as the author of the i ocullcd "Howley I'oems." which num- . tier nearly four-score. "Kllnour and J Jugu" being the only one which np- V ienred during the lifetime. Some of ihpin twiHKCKK iliut benutv of lmnuln- JL. ntlon with which we nssoclate the 1 THjS ,3 A RIBBON CHRISTMAS nurn ui nruis 111111 uit:iiuir. . iirri: poets, hh well as Itosettl and Wllllnm Morris, owed much to Chntterton. Delightfully Beautiful Gifts in ; Knit X Underwear X Section X. Charming Garments That All Women Wi 1 Be Pleased to Possess We Are Offering Unlimited Choice in the Celebrated and,Thoroughly Dependable Undersilks. t UNDERSILKS t i X . j it T ' T T i. Surely the recipient will Jiave cause to gratefully remember your thouirhtfulnesB if your Klft should he one or morp of thefe exquisitely dainty and beautiful garments. You have choice from Vest3 in all popjjar styles also Bloomers Envelope Chemise, and Union Suits In white and flesh color, and in all sizes. Everything considered prices will be found as attactive as, the garments themselves. See these offerings at your earliest convenience Silk Envelope Chemise Specially Priced Beautiful Silk Envelope' Chemise in styles with hemstitched top and shoulder bodice effects, and with hemstitched Lottom. All sizes in whfte and flesh color. SILK VESTS Extremely beautiful silk veses made from extra heavy tricot glove silk in styles, with tailored top-bodice ef fect, with hemstitched band and shoulder straps. All sizes, in white and tleBh color. BLOOMERS Silk bloomers of fine quality glove silk with elastic knee and top and re inforced. Exceptionally well made garments in all sizes in white and flesh colors. , DAINTY SILK NIGHT GOWNS We have an unsurpassed offering in night gowns. Made of crepe d chine and georgette crepe, with nicely trimmed bodice and hem stitched. These are very appropri ate for HER. "Christmas Cornea But Once a Yearl" mil bid. All these thouchta went throuch lUIr minds very quickly and then ""J began to say. "Ah," and "Oh." "Un't It wonderful,- and "Look I" "Well." said their daddy, "lot us "It down and look at all our presents." They aat down on tlie floor. And fb one took a stocking whjch hnd en banging In front of the mnntel met. Every stocking waa well filled ' For never before were ribbons more beautiful or JL mnrp iirnvprsnllv nsprl. and vp are nleased to an- During the Inst few months of his Z. nnnn.p that. it. has heen mir ennd fortune to rather 'L'S'lwrXS'i an unsurpassed stock of the most popular new and tini essays, buriettes, letters in the staple ribbons in all widths, colors and patterns SUlt- ; tl-nl essays, buriettes, letters in me staple riUUOIlS in ail V tbey hoped very much that he I e of Junius, and mediated writing J X ae for aj purposes. a history of England. For a time his J r c .1 MMnnnB .nitmiul A hrlffllfOtl llllfl & nrosnects seemed to brighten, aim while many editor were willing to ustnl his articles and gave him praise, few were willing to pay for them. Why the Moon's Phase. The light of the moon Is due entire ly to reflection of the light of the sun. and the different phases of the moon to Its position In relation to the post- id each stocking stuck out queerly ' lon ot ,ne eurth and ,ne Bun When i that no one could guess what wns there Is a new moon, half of the sur face or ine moon is iiiuuiiuuiru, um OIL tt'hat n guessing mntch there wns fore they emptied tho stockings W to keep the surprise a little long '. for they hnd nn Iden thnt Snntn 1u wnntcd them to be as surprlvod IxwIMc. And when they did guess 'tot n In some 'of the stockings It '" uih fun I After the stockings hnd been looked 1 mid the ornnges nnd npplcs hnd d out of the toes, tho presents e taken from tho tree. Tbe enndy ennes nnd enndy nnlmnls "i the decorations were kept on, for ' candy would ho enten Inter on nnd decorntlons would bo kept through Christmas Penson. "hero were mnny presents around ,e foot of the tree And now they "w that they weren't renlly drenm ' They were renlly, renlly nllve, 1(1 this wns renlly, renlly Chrlstmns. Everything about It wns rcnl nnd w presents were renl nnd they wo wide awnko and beginning to ' hungry, for they hndn't waited ,bve brenkfnst Hrst. They nte Snn wonderful ornnges and mother i to dnddy: "Dear me, I wish I could find big 7 oranges like Snnta Clnus does. e better Rhopper thnn I nro I" Ad their dnddy Inughed nnd snld, "e' a smnrt old fellow. It's hnrd Kt abend of hm. And even If we y And such good oranges we got eery year through his good- em Ml' ,Va" onld Lucy, "except tho fam- "He's wonderful," said Betty, "nnd y dollle Is so ndornble. Ho gave nm the kind I asked for." He's a wonder." said Robblo and '. tsether, nnd then everyone bis or her orange nnd paraded ' toe dining-room, singing once "rtitmaa comes but once b. jenrl" the greater portion Is turned from the earth and only a delicate crescent ap pears to us. At the first quarter, half of the Illuminated surface Is turned toward us, nnd at the fifteenth day the moon renches a point In the heav ens directly opposite to that which the sun occupies. She Is then In opposi tion, und the whole of the Illuminated fcurfneo Is turned toward us, nnd we hnve n full moon. From opposition the moon pnsses on in her orbit, grad ually decreasing In size, or rather less and less ot the Illuminated part being turned toward the enrth. "WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH: THAT'S WHY WE SELL FOR LESS" Bells In History. Bells nre old, old friends of men. Cen turies nnd centuries ago, even before Christ, the ceremonies of Isis were celebrated with bells, and later, ac cording to Expdus, there were "a gold en bell nnd a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegrannte, upon the hem of the robo" the robe of ephod. Bells hnve summoned soldiers to arms and Christians to church. They have rung fires nnd tumults. On the third dny of Enster In 1282, 8,000 French were massnered In cold blood by John of Procldn nt the ringing of Slclllnn ves pers. On the 24th dny of August, St. nnrtholomew's dny, In 1572, bells rang In the mnssacre of 100,000 Hugue nots. At the time of Nelson's triumph Hnd denth nt Trafalgar, the bells of Chester rang a merry penl alternated with one (lend toll. Z lfrMIC Oil V CUIOTC men o aiiiv jnnvu No doubt he would be more than pleased to get a handsome silk shirt for a Christmas present. We show them in an assortment of beautiful patterns. X All sizes at the price of $7.00 each. i . f T T T t T t T t T T t T t HER GIFT- t T T T T T f T T T An extensive showing of the late de- ! signs in boudoir caps that please the particular lady. Trimmed in lace and ribbon novelties. Will an- ! peal to the women. Colors in pale- blue silk, white and flesh. f. T at Kot iwr f CORSET COVERS Excellent quality of crepo de chine and georgette crepe, tailored and daintily trimmed with heavy laces and hand embroidered. These are nicely interwoven with beautiful ribbons. BOUDOIR GIFTS -A WAIST Irresistibly lovely are the blouses, irresistible are X the prices. Georgette and crepe de chine, in varied styles and colors. Popular shades in pale green, red, X ' pale, blue, navy, brown, white, flesh, .pale yellow, X corn, maize, black and most every shade thaa worn- X an may desire. We ,without any doubt, carry the X largest supply of real waists in the city. They are ; moderately priced. X . SELECT FROM OUR LARGE STOCK OF BLOUSES THE GIFT FOR YOUR LADY FRIEND. X ; i:; ! WE SUGGEST SILK FOR CHRISTMAS, AS WE THINK THAT IT IS APPROPRIATE AND MOST Y SUITABLE. THEREFORE, VISIT OUR STORE TO SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF SILK IN 5! GARMENTS AND UNDERGARMENTS. ! - Y T T t t T T T T T KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON X 4aV SHOP EARLY zmmm sll ANNICEBROffiEft 411-413-415 MAIN STREET Mirrn zm shop Kk0y tAKLY Pro and Con. "They tell me women have no strength of ehuroctcr." "Nonsense I" "Thnt's what I sny. Did you ever hear of nn nvlntrlx stopping In midair to powder her nose?" "No, sir. I never did. Hut do you suppose she Is going to meet anybody in midair who can Bee whether or not her nose Is shiny r Birmingham Age-Herald. Medical Education In China. The China medical board of the Rockefeller foundation will soon have In operation In Peking a splendid In stitution for medical research and teaching the Peking Union Medical college. A group of 15 buildings is in course of construction. On account of their green-tiled roofs the new build ings have already acquired the name of "the Green City." The college will open In the autumn of 1010. A pre paratory school was opened two years ago. It Is expected that the whole establishment. Including a new hospi tal, will be running by the end of 1020. The board plans to open another medi cal Institution In Shanghai. Scientific American. Easy. Fastidious Country Boarder Great Scott I Can't you do something to keep the files out of this dining room? Fanner Wal, yes. I could set the table In the kitchen. Boston Evening Transcript. Horses Still Numerous. Despite the large number of motor enra and trucks made In America, horses and mules seem to be holding their own. according to a recent trade statement. Although 7,700.000 automobiles have been produced In the United Statea since 1800, half of which were manu factured since 1015, there are now 21,. 534,000 horses and 4,025,000 mules In the country with a total value of $3,-800.000.000. SPECIAL NOTICE Of monthly meeting of BUSINESS Banquet at the Deer Head Grill. All members urged to attend. Matters ot importance to tho association to be discussed. By order of the President. W. C. VAN EMON, Secretary. Power of Ideals. It Is hardly possible to estimate the power of ideals In human life. I nm disposed to think there Is no one who does not have his Ideals, conscious or unconscious. Some there may be who are not clearly aware that they possess them, just as we all breathe and do many other things which we are not conscious of. But I am disposed to think that absolutely every human being really does have, hung on the walls of, that room of his mind where dwells the wonderful fuculty which we call the Imagination, pictures, dim or clear, of what seems to hlra the most desirable kind of life pictures of per sons, whom perhaps he knows, or may- -v. ' -' . w- V. ,, DVU ,, IIVIU JV., JWUiWH absuuxatjun, v nuay oven-ji bc nns known In some past time, or If JUKi UCCVlUUOr IdlUt u.uv A. w not that, then'Viersons dreamed of, who represent to his thought the kind of life he would be able to live. Subscribe for the Herald for your Eastern relative or friend, They would owe you an evelosttng debt of gratitude, aSfH PwraQV Whiten. like Peroxide' JB& Peredixo loothKtste xn W-ZwF & -lft WP lfCs SoUorfy wlwre AiMftod, ntlaplryvd ip9 KjjwSk ipm pa WANTED Men with teams and sleds, or wagons to haul lumber from Round Lake. Good wages. Steady work. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. C-6t Try 'em. Hernia Want Ada. i