The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 09, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    EftDAVj mamnvn , 1010
J$ ISM? '
3TS' IwflKEui'i jfkfdtfM' X ' Kni. I
Why Not A
Trunk, Suit Case of Bag for Xmas?
Something that you need every day of
the year. See the new styles we have
just received.
Exclusive on Belber Luggage
Imp It handy It knows no equal
iu relieving pirns ana sencs
mU for 38 yiuri. Today, it ia
more Dooular than ever. There
on be but one antwei it produce
Applied uithout rubbinr. W-tenttratts
jo the saluted part, bringing "relief
Iron) rheumatic f wintrr. trifltirn. ftnri
& trained munclw, larrie.back, and
ttty exterior pains and 'uprairn and
t KiuiL 01 exposure, it leaves no
Bwnei,' itain, 'clogged 'pores.
Get a laree bottle lor ereater econ-
iy- Keep it handy for 'use' when
i "Med. Your drucelat has'it. Three
w ox.. 7C SI. 40
. -. j-" .
L 'a aM ABb ''BsSBBBBB'tahfBBBrBBBfl
ZI z
December 11, 12,
Unii ays Ul Product of good,
'Boiesomo mntorlals, carefully
boat . 1,. tho ra08t delicious,
f,r, , Bomo nl only econom
lcal 'ood todnv
it 1.
but ftf " fIU08ion of geography,
Ul t common sense.
Phone 281
V -
t '! it
When Does the Day Begin?
When does 'to day begin? Different
nations lmf had their own methods of
punctuating time, bur culendar fol
Iowa the Itomnns In beginning the day
nt midnight; for all practical purposes
te reckon It from sunrise to sunrise.
The Athenians and the Hebrews, how
ex er, begnn their new day at sunset
Iu the story of Crentlon we are told,
"And the evening and the morning
were 'the first day." This Hebrew
bnlilt !of beginning the day at "sunset
bin survived even lo our own time In
regard to the day of recti The whole
significance ofBurns' "'Cotter's Satur
day Night" Is lost If we forget that to
the Scotch" Presbyterian "Saturday
night was a part of (lie Sabbnth. The
n'cek's cures' wrc tin-own aside when
the peasant saw. In tbe evening shad
ows, the beginning pf the Lord's day.
Atlantic Monthly.
Freeze False Fur.
A process patented In Franco con
tltts In an Improvement In the manu
facture of Muffs or objects which Imi
tate fur, plush or velvet, or for use as
carpets and the like. The process
starts with an animal's fur, 'or an as
Kemblagu of animal or vegetable fibers,
anil these are immobilized by freezing
them" In n block of Ice.
The Ice Ms then tnwcd Into slobs,
nnd a slab Is made to 'undergo a sur
face melting so as partially to free the
hair or fibers on one side; then a suit
Rble glue or cement Is applied upon
this mi rf 11 ct'.
A sheet of flexible material acting
ns tho hnsls n'f a new makeup Is then
laid on, so that the hairs udhere to It,
and afterward the whole Is freed from
the ice by melting, lenvlng tho hairs
attached to the support. Rubber serves
as a good basis for the glue or cement.
Not Sufficiently Cooked.
A hunter, more boastful than sue
cetsful, onco Joined n bear-hunting ex
pedition. During tho hunt, ns this
man wns resting by the side of n
rock and talking with another hunter,
he remarked:
"If there's anything I dote on, It's
bear. A slice of bear steak nicely
done Is perfect!"
"Well," said his compnnlon, looking
j up, "I'm hanged ir mere isu 1 a ui-ur
I now!
1 The man who "doted on bear" looked
tip, saw an Immense grizzly standing,
on the top of he rock, gavo n yell and
leaped Into tho woods and disappeared.
Ills companion soon ovortook him. nnd
said to tho fugitive ns ho came up:
"I thought you liked bear?"
"Well, I do," said tho runaway ; "but
that oue ain't done enough I"
Try 'em, Herald Want Ads.
Waters In Cornish Town ef Lliksard
Are Reported to Confer Pe
culiar Benefits.
In Cornwall, near the town of LJs
Kcard, Is nn ancient well, formerly
supposed to be possessed of miracu
lous powers. It Is the well of Saint
Keyne, n pious virgin of the fifth cen
tury. According to the story, firmly
believed In by all good Cornish folk,
the blessed domsel laid a spell upon
iho cooling waters of the spring nnd
thereafter all who drank of It became
the agisters of their own households,
were they men or women.
After the death of Saint Keyne the
tiny spring became the most vlsltel
spot In Cornwall. Every young mar
ried couple Included It In their win
ding trip. The poet Southey" tells of
an, unusually foreslghted bride who
carried n bottle of the magic water to
the church, forestalling her unfortu
nate hiixhnnd. The men of Cornwall
theiutflws. however, boast that they
have refused to avail, tljejinielves. of.
tile blcfslngs of the spring: tbal tbev
are willing to submit to the rule of
their wles.
The precious waters, by the side of a
dusty highway, rtre protected by a tiny
sprlnghouse of stone, built by the
Cornish folk of other dnys who were
not ashamed to believe In the power of
their spring. Their descendants have
permitted the tiny building to crumble
In neglect, forgotten by the roadside. (
Klve huge' trees curl their roots pro
tectlngly about the fallen masonry '
two oaks, two ash and the elm of trn- '
dltlnn. They are cif the same spe
cies.' but are not the Identlcnl tree
of the songs and poems. These an
cient guardians of the holy well were
blown down In a storm some 200 or
aOO j ears ago. The trees of today
were planted by a worthy Cornish
squire early In the eighteenth century.
"NlUsah," In Chicago Dally News.
Three Men aHold Commissions From
"Uncle Sam. as Full Generals In
lV ' 'His Armies. '"
, . v iy ,
This Is tho'flrst time In the history
of the United 8tntes that the nation '
hns had three full generals at ,tho
same time. Of course, we have a
number bearing the prefixes of lieu
tennnt. major or brigadier-general, but
they do not wear four-starred shoulder
straps. The three fortunnto lenders
are Tasker II. Hllss. Peyton C. March,
chief of staff, and John J. Pershing,
commander of the American forces In
France. Only these font have pr
ceded them ns holders it the higher
rank: George Washington. Ulysses 8.
Onint. Wllllnm Tecumseh Shermun and
Philip II. Sheridan.
The capture of Vlcksburg on the
Fourth of July. 1803, won Grant the
title of major-general. The victory at
Chattanooga In the following Novem
ber caused him to be made lieutenant
general nnd commander In chief. In
July. 18C6. congress rewarded 'the hero
with the rank of general when he was
only 44 years old. Just before his In
auguration as president In March, 180ft,
he resigned from the array and was
succeeded ns general hy William Te
cumseh Shermnn. In 1883 Sherman
resigned ns enmmnnder In chief of the
nrmy. nnd wns succeeded by "little
Phil" Sheridnn. who three yenrs later
was advanced to lieutenant-general,
then mnde a full general Just before
his death In 1S8S. Carl Schurz Low
den. In Need of Repair.
Many years ago I attended a wed
ding in Cripple Creek, Colo., writes
correspondent of Chicago Tribune.
All wns progressing Bayly until the
bridegroom wns called upon to pro
duce the ring. In vain he felt In his
trousers pecket: nothing could be
found except a hole through which
the ring had evidently fallen Into bis
boot. Tie glared helplessly around
the assembled guests.
"Take off your boot," ordered his
prospective mother-In-lnw, The younif
miner hesitated, the suspense nnd si
lence were pnlnful. "Take off your
hoot," again came In strident tones, as
the old lady crowded forward In a
threntenlng manner.
The young fellow reluctnntly pulled
off his boot, the ling wns found nloo
a huge hole In the stocking through
which five toes protruded. A pnlnful
silence ensued but ngaln the efficient
old lady saved the day by remarking:
"Sam, It's high, tlmo you mere mar
ried." Electric Transmission.
How different It Is now, In the trans
mission of electric power, from what It
was, say, 25 years ago, when there
had Jo be relay stations for the trolleys
every ten miles or so. For example, in
California, physical connection of three
large hydro-electric systems hns been
made by "Wans of which power gen
erated near the Cullfornln-Oregon line
Is transmitted continuously for a dis
tance of 300 miles to the San Francisco
bay region. Experts were wont to say
In the nineties that nothing like this
could be done. But It Is being done,
nnd experts nro now proclaiming that
other nndgrenter things contemplated
In electric power transmission are Im
possible. Time will perhaps show that
they are not.
S.'ie Didn't Get the Idear.
Wlflo (to husband who hns econom
ically switched from cigars to stogies)
"Albert Pennyroyal Jones, you have
deceived me again. You have beert try
ing to tell mo you are cutting aown
your tobacco bill and here you are
smoking cigars that are longer thaa
CAMELS meet your fondest cigarette, tan
cies in so many new way.ttHhey axe so
unusual in flavor, so refreshing, so mellow
mild, yet so full-bodied that you quickly
realize their superior quality, and, become a
Camel enthusiast I
Camels are unlike any other cigarette you ever
smoked Their expert blend of choice Turkish and
choice Domestic tobaccos gives you so many delights.
It not only assures that wonderful smoothness and
refreshing taste but it eliminates bite and harshness I
And, you smoke Camels without any unpleasant ciga
retty aftertaste or unpleasant dgaretty odor I
No matter how fond you become of Camels f Smoke
them liberally I They never will tire your taste I
The blend takes care of that t
Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at
any price I
Wlsutosv-SalesB, N. &
Mjhh Fliffenee KIliK of I'bicusu.
president' of the National Wom
en s AnsoiM.illon of Commerce,
says it is up lo her sex to lead
nrer hack into production Helds
-for l'li per cent elfort if coat of
llvlnj is to come down She sa
womnn sioed behind the men on
the tiring 'luc uud thut tnc-y'ro
Mil) Kt.iiKllni: behind them i
'te Eusinsss Woman's club of
Cleveland has started on Its career
with an active membership of fifteen
It was said that Mm-3. Anna Bish
op, one of the most fanuus singers
of her day, could sing in no fewer
than nine different languages.
One of the highest-salaried wom
en in New York City is M ss Jane
Carroll, wh ohas resigned as for
eign trade promoter of the American
Express company to accept a posi
tion as general manager of die o.
the great safety razor companies.
IL jk Jill I
Jf m DtKsT-l 'jn
f TbbY mr H bbbS B. bbV v- na .tt
I ItvliitWPl
B -- sj SJB' SJV aF BbibW Wr' H
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fTSrnj.iSSKv PWvJiJAV ,
m-Mrm. . mw
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kKA15 -M&f F filVsski i BEXaau&.l JIT -j I frv .
viwr : iiLiui.ttii9Jti i ."ubbbbbi -',ax
IBBsflBM.t ; -li J". -. it ,ifvl' ' BBP?BBBB1 f .'.jl.-"i
Ubbbb&bI 4 &"?!&, & i-- Jff 1 bbbbbbVt .?.
Sr W i- i -dC UFWriL- ! I .l.i.T
s f i -r".-v.rz'j
Traveling Cases
Traveling cases always supply a want, as you know;
gifts that are wanted are gifts properly .given. Gifts
of traveling cases containing small equipments' up
to the great big fellows as complete as a boudoir.
Leathers of all kinds and colors, some plain, some
ornamented with silver, monograms, too, if youlvish.
See these traveling cases for gifts or buy one for
your own personal use.
Tm 'kiffJtmTT TT
zt-j: pu iv Turin DRUGS n,-; ,,,-i
1 6sjsA jJfN. Ldm&&&STrBL!il
WL .4 It, wV mi
v iTtrf iv - . ? r?y: ft. " v
Sff is&'rSJESfftYWK,!
: iMeitii
... v.' .s-ssrvj.
'-t-f y?Mfc?A?l
. v S S.tX'X fLKk
i-H.Vfiwv sweet, from urana
napiUs. Mich., may e a member
of President Wilson's cabinet He
is now actlnp-cblef of tne Msrt
ment of Commerce since the
resignation of Secretary RedHeld.
but' Mitch has not beeu accepted
olhciallj as yet.
Improved Hotel Service.
In some New York hotels there are
two delces to diminish the buMness
of hellbojs. Icewnter circulates In
every room. Then there is n device
called the "servldor" a small ward
robe which Is built Into the bedroom
doois. The guest may open It from
the InMde nnd put his shoes and
eloth" Into It. They will be noiseless
ly extracted by nn attendant from the
outride nnd returned shlned and
prewd. If a guest orders a bottle of
clt7er or any other small object. It
vHl be left by a hotel employee In the
efi(!or. A signal mi the door shows
Mi-tnntly when mi thing Is put Into the
erv'ilor. Tluouph It n newspaper if
delivered silent) eery morning.
Women clerks of retail stores in
Washington, D. C, have organised a
T T sH MT3t1lriW
" - - iv, yiTT ii T
' l I " w . KuWKaf BB . U
' t It"
Our supply of Block,
Limb and Slab Wood
is adequate for, the pres
ent demands of our cus
tomers, but please order
before you are entirely'
out of wood- as we are
behind with our deliv
eries. J -
All fire wood must be
paid for in advance or
upon delivery, as we
cannot afford to collect
small .accounts. Tf it is
a C. 0. D. order, please
have the right change
ready, otherwise driv
ers are instructed not 'to
leave the fuel.
0. Peyton
702 Main St. Phone 187
We can do your
work and do it
We have opened a
Garage at
522-538 S. Sixth St
and we are going to
have a repair depart-
ment that" sec
ond to none.' We will
do all kinds of auto,
truck and tractor repair
ing, and the charge will
be such as to 'make you
glad you came, and
bring you back. We just ,
as,k for one trial.
J. H. Garrett & Son
'- ff