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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1919)
DKCKMflKR f, J 010 jtBflPAy, pjEBT. r0N CASH IASIS ...i r.Mrflt Bualnesa la Dan 1 1"11' ".ion rirm Oparatlna 7 In China. krn '",,,'n nrm opcn" ur ,n 1,1 ' ii. nmt cares It o select ftltl one ""... . - THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAl is OREGON PAGE FIVB i(om ipriilofi writes "Amerlcua" In iriMWlnc " individual la illf i tnUhs rclint of the mM V with considerable property. He LofflM. not nn employee, but a kind v..Mrlite of the forelim hualneaa t tai while l,,'I,l"f "P ln n"ny i ill own Independent cotnmrrclnl " turf, he eainhllahfa on office con- liloB with Ihe flnn'a offlcea, where Mlftl lltnwll"rJr f0r fll1 tn,n- Jjijfrt order I booked without hla .,..!. for he takea wit place or our 'rrfdlt "" and knowa who con be JjUmI and to what extent. Hut he Yt.n from the credit man In tlmt i, id return for n commission on the MtMCllen. assumes full reapoiialtilllty ta it and pay J nimseir ir tlie Bintoiaer defaults. Being a miin of nHiMftf he ciin no hub, ami io inane 1 1 I fl r r aaB.. JUUULJ mt '" . . 'v rEit.uuviii.ia .. . -r ISi a.iWMLJ. T- Upon the theala that a thrifty man la a better clllwn and "that many vi uur economic ilia and much of our V prcaent day aoclal unreal are due dl rectly to thrlftleaaneaa," I'ollce and' Superior Juditea of San Kranclaeo art, t planning to give peraona convicted of i minor inrractlona of the law an aitor- in ui inTeaimtni in uovcrnment ' aecurltlei, auch aa War Havlngi Btampa and Treaaury Bavlnga Certlfl. catea Inatead of fining them. Judge T. I. Fltapatrlck, Prealdlng Judge ot the Police Court here, aald, "I aball be glad to aailit In the movement In thla direction, keeping ln mind, howevor, at all tlmea, tho provtilona of the cbarter of the city and county." ine alternative o( Inveatment In Oovernment securities will In. ntturmA unnfriT iir , " .- - . -v , . ..-.... .Btrtnce doubly "r, the foreigner j nooever It li within the power of A ' ,ii. rffliilreH hlrn to depoalt aeciir- -he Judge to fine or aet free the do-, JL t, in the form of title decda to limd "naant In a mlademoanor caee. "Thla . f ,m cah In some case. When the attempt," aald another judge, "wllljy !i are finally delivered It la not , a' ucn acrendanta a chance to help ? ' ,i0 give long credit. In one of the ' lEWSJJU! and lnelr Oovernment and Step Vfi S China poymenta iTfA I Sll'l'vate a habit of saving, lack of m wfc rvwi? rx i zr."1 Family rWa whlcn find their wayV igto. court ana nave many tlmea as their fundamental cause lack of thrift or spendthrift habits, are expected to furnlab a rich field for tho exDcrl TOYS Icci aovero lecture, and hereafter It la probable that family rowa in San Francisco will really be bcglnnlnga of mony bank accounts. The judges will attach only on condition In levying a penalty of In veatment rather than fining a defend ant, and that condition la that the guilty accepting the alternative must keep their securltlea until the date of maturity. In thla way the Jurlsta hope to lead the thriftless Into the ways of thrift, sound living and bet ter cltltenshlp. " .i.i . ft rollctl nnl'vc blink order, I. e AkU uatMl live or ten unya niienu i ..iIaj1 liv cnirii. PlilnoHi hunk. inu triiiiii" .v - - i diliff wnriN very little real credit yi)Mi l done, nccordlng to our Iden . .... bn. ai.i.l II . 0,l,1.f.flll,..ltlt If no I ll'liii. "' ' ' ".." ! mil .7 7. r . . ,w& xi "uriirlKliis thut there ure ao few i UiCJBi iD.J!enalliallpn to be tried by . .. the Ban Francisco (niliro. IT, ml iv,. i..4. i.. 7i tr.JL ?-- rr ' -rj a k j, ., --- ..- .u .uni i..v. iiiv riei ) .. ... .,n. ... to nne or release defendants wllf, n aaiiiii uniauw a -j aiuiBi nnni i - f- -i & ------ RUinn nuhlto ill unuuniii HiHirchcs of Antiquarians Have Brought to Light Many Thlnga of Historical Interest. A aide roml lendM to the left from iU I'twe Way of ancient memory, irxj wliiiln tilling a nlley healde the nriy Vianilerlnga of the Colne, In the tijllih CoIkwoU) country, a writer In tte Ctirlntlun Science Monitor myn. Tit car, rhiiBRlng !ta wny up the ' Mil romrs to rcM lit Inst benenth the tnti uhlrh crowd around the Itnrmin tllli, it Chedwiirth, Nnd n pntchwnrk nn-ft of sun ii ml Miiulow Invites to Idle lolterlnc In the warmth of a xprlng di;. Hut suililcnly one Is unlit-red Into U tnlll!ht of the Kotniin occupntlon. to (are on friiKiuenta of iuokmIc lloor Icr end urattrrcd pillars mill brlcka std itoni'K, nil Unit reinitlnn of the prwptroiis home of Nome rich Itoirinii ilo k-IIIim! hrrc In the duwn of Kng lib lilitory. Tbf ti'iiutlful coloring nnd dcxlgu c( the inoNiilc floors lire not more rrlklng tluin the hollowed brlcksntid fumscea which tell of wonderful lieut- b( arrangeinenta, of grenter einvleury Uiid Hint of which most modern Kng lib homes can IxrnM. litre, beMde the vllln. Inundrlex nnd tih would nppenr to hnve been n mall wu'ltlriK estnbllNhinent, which nun hate once inudc the pluce n 111 tie Hit of InduHtry nnld the wild uur- ' roondlncs of Ilrltnln. All this lay undiscovered through tit centuries till men ciiine mill tin rtliwl It from the dut nnd debris , nil fallen leaves of well-nigh two ttousand yeura. MS "9gra 1b &82M$msmr2ffi- r 'Vaaaaar2r M. aaaVaaa 11 ZMTi i k WaaVTJMVaaaaaaaarJksU L1V1 XWTBBW v snVha 4aBafHstVJK niTlm Vtaaam.'MamSIa I HaaaaaLaaaaaW. -X KEissssssK IJYAAJJiA.ii lli 7B9SaaaaaaaV a LaaalnaV aM Laaaaal I aaaaaaaM JA I aaa aiTZW. II ' sT- aa9aBBaFr to Ar tSV H ms' aaB-ULV imTr i. rmr. am?s-7inaaaBBBr aaaaii bbb mE"wMBr k rm , mo& ; asrvasssssssssF' r t iLustasssswasw ?m mw r ntr y u aaaaaaaal aaT m J MM. I VaaaW.' 2 mmwr7. X . MSTAS , A wy MmV x iv - W 0 A T : t .t t f V In our Toy Department we carry most everything that the little boy and girl might expect -.for a Christmas present from Santa Clause. Our message to you Is we want you to come ln and look over our large stock of toys, Including Kiddy Kars, Sammy Kara, Mechanical Toys, Dells, Teddy Bears, Doll Furniture, Games of all kinds, and thousands upon tlioa farids of toys in material from every, thought originating in the mind of the toy maker. All have been assembled to gether Into this great toyland in our Toy Department. Give your hoy a War Savings Stamp for Christmas. It will cost you only .23 and It will lead him along ways of thrift and sound Investment. A War Savings Stnmn Is the Ideal Christmas present. It brings pleas- T T t t T t t ? I HANDKERCHIEFS FOR ALL Exceptional offerings in Men's, Women's and Children's Handker chiefs. Women's and Misses' sheer white lawn Handkerchiefs, with dainty embroidered designs in corners,, finished with rolled edges, offi Joj oajqi paoi-id Novelty Handkerchiefs for the younger set,, in bold and dainty shades and borders. There are new In style and very appropriate." White Linen Handkerchiefs fcr all the family at all prices. Handkerchiefs are priced to suit all from 3c to $1.00. Wc wish to impress upon the people that we have the largest stock of handkerchiefs ln the city in all designs and materials. Da'ntlness in handkerchiefs is the desire of milady's heart, when presented as a gift. & ure to the recipient and at the same lime mi ucca him to save his money . und buy more. A 5 War Savings Stomp costs $4.23 thla month. Togs At laEt we have received what tho young ladies have been looking for ward to, and that Is the now JACK TAR TOGS. These consist of Mid dy Clothes made from the best of ma terials in the following cleths: Mid dy Cloth, Galatea, Belgian Cloth In plain white and many with fancy blue middy collars. They also have the fancy ensigns. We have some for the little girl from two years old up ln plain white . and fancy, decorations. These are called-the Middy Dresses. Ask to see them. i Something new in Scarfs is presented to the women of Klam ath Falls In coat scarfs. Tou will like them, as they slip on like a coat, which is made in the newest design consisting of a large collar and belt, with two small pockets. Made of the finest brushed wool in grey, pur ple, blue, red, pink, and brown colors. Many other late and new shades that appeal to the eye of the critical woman. These Coat Scarfs priced at $6.85. are Tho Government is the only mer chant giving bargains In Christmas presonta. It sells $C Wtr Savings Stamps for $4.23. GIvo a War Sav ings Stamp for ChrlBtmas. Your dollar will go further In bujlng Christmas presents this year If ou give Wur Savings Stamps. Any postoffice or bank will sell )oti a $5 War Savings Stamp for $4.23. Tho bank doesn't make any profit on the deai. Frltndihlp. loo munt make your own friends. i Borne men are born with a natural torosltlon to be friendly. Other men Hh equal bruins are born with natures Ut do not easily make friends. The out mnn needs to be careful Hint he not make too mnny friends and u other needs to cultlvute-the nrt of oiklng friends. Both men may make ljwrek of life by allowing the Mlural bent of their lives to domlnnte wm.. Some folks mny sny a man would make his friends among thot-e 1 able to help. Tlmt mny be ul nilitle but as n rule a fellow wants Mendi w),o will help themselves. The tfndtncr Is to make friends of those we life appeals to us without re tard to profit. But the wise mnn will 'He stock of the friends he makes and cultivate those who help him to lie '!tler ,n""' I,e net'lH ,,,c Incentives w men nre nlile to nrouse with '" Wm. "To make friends you must fcl0w yourtclf friendly." Mako your Christmas presents mean something this year. Give United States War Savings Stamps. Five dollar Stamps cost $4.23 at any bank or postoffice. They. Increase In value constantly and Induce the re cipient to buy more. t t t t T t "WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH: THATS WHY WE SELL FOR LESS" SHOP EARLY Smmm ssil NICEBROIHIS AM-413-A15 MAIN STREET KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MHV . ydMLJm shop C V?AJBP' CJUCJLY a W. Ja aBBHiBSaBBBBBBaaiiiiinaBaH ftat. 5 y T T Z X T t T T t T T T T t T J t T T t T T T T T T t T f T T T t T T T t T T T T T T T T T t $&rf!4JrJfr1fy4faj$4$ Instea-' of giving your boy or girl a useless toy for Christmas, give blm, or her a War Savings Stamp. It wlllj teach tho lesson of saving and Invest-, men'.. i BUYING CARS ON OPTION The Government will continue Thrift and War Savings Stamp sales through 1920. The 1920 securities are In the I hands of the engraver. : I buy w. a. a. i m CITY TO PROSECUTE I BOOT-LEGGING CASES LONDON, Nov. 22. (By Mail). Purchasing an automobile in Eng land these days is largely a matter of "futures," paying for options on machines not yet built. At tho au tomobile, show here IMs year, at No. 249. iBEPOnT OF THE CONDITION OF MALIN STATE BANK I At Malln, in the State ot Oregon, at I the close of business November 17, 1919. j HeourccB Loans and discounts $18,078.30 .Due from banks- (not re- i j serve banks) 10,448.27 Due from approved re- I serve banks l.soo.ou Cash on hand 750.00 Total $30,77 6". 57 Liabilities Capital stock paid ln $15,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. 776.57 Individual deposits sub ject to check 15,000.00 (Continued from Page 1) which there were more people and 'fewer cars than over before, $5000 was paid for the option on a $15,000 j chassis that could not possibly be delivered before next spring. The Ktuno nmniint was collected bv a man State of Oregon, - ' . -..... T.-l IV. V,lo nli.r nmni. thn firEt fiftv y-uuuiy uiniomiiui, a. Total $30,776.57 Ji. Army and Navy Union. Toe history of tho Army nnd Nnvy union dates from March 1, 18S8, when 'erans of the United States iirmy '''Wined ni tides of Incorporation for i organization to be known us the nuT Army of lno Unlon of tl,e "Jnited Slntes of America. According "!m Ul,lr BC,,t out h' th0 Ul,l0" " J, , '" defend nnd elevate tho inn '" smiidiiig of the olllcers nnd en I,.,1 ' n,K'"- encourages and ubets legls 'n In their behulf, hh well ns for thnuTeTnm w,, 1,,,vo returned to i ft " !"lte8 c,,ro "f Us B,ck' "p8 Its dead nnd extends n helping "a, pecuniary nnd otherwise, ns may Dmm c,CMnri'i" nnd generally strives to irwiote patriotism nnd faithfulness. di. , . nosscS8 nn honorahle ills- ""K0 from tho United States service, "o regular or volunteer army, nnvy Mo, , oor,s' w,'e'nr service was boml lr,ns or slnco n,iy war nt je or abroad, uro eligible to admls- 00 Us ranks. t A Dlsry Feellno. id Zt you ever tnken BP'n In "'rpline?" xzlrt X've ,,een cnl,cd upon un- 5K? t0 mnke BPet'ch n1 1 ' sensation is about the aaine." firemen to uso thoir efforts to ralBoi'"' ",D ""V-D "'"b i '" 'i j Louis Boldlschar. Cashier of the d fund to povldo a third paid fire t0 whoin tne manufacturers of an above named bank, do solemnly mnn. The majority of the council expensive car are to deliver ma- swear that the above statement is ooDosed tho idea on tho ground that chines certainly noi uoiore January ; '","'" ' ..-. -b the citizens had refused to sanction . lst- tho budget, recently submitted to a So mnny have been dealing In fu spoclal election, containing provision ture contracts with the Intention of for mi Increased fire department, selling their property rights that and It would not bo right to burden one Inrgo firm has made its con- a fow porsons who might bo willing tracts non-negotiable to subscribe with a charge that tho ontire city should bear. Sixth Street Claims The suit of Leslie Itogors, admin istrator of tho Martin estate, tp col lect $4000 worth of Sixth street' pav ing warrants, Issued on work dono In 1914, wns discussed. Tho matter was roforred to tho city attorney. It souins posslblo thut a settlement will bo mndo. Tho Arab chief lessens tho chances of domestic quarrels by having a sopnrato tent for each of his wives. WANTED Men with teams and sleds, or wagons to haul lumber from Round Lake, Good wages. Steady work. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. C-Ct. and belief. LOUIS BOLDISCHAR, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: J. W; SIEMENS, JOHN SIEMENS, Jit., A. KALINA, Directors. Aftor thn second dav of tho show' bUDseriDeil and sworn to before . , , . mo this 2Sth day of November, 1919. tho ngents for an American manu RUTH M. GOWEN fncturer ot n light, cheap, popular j Seal Notary Public. cur, woro reputed to have accepted i (My commissfon expires May 28, 38,000 with no doll very , 1923)- Although pressed to ac- Big double show tonight at tho Liberty. orders fcr promises. copt more orders, they refused on any condition whntover. Conveniences on the American machine nttracted much attention nt u.u B..u. DU...U Ul i..u .ulI,u.u..m., A (Uvorco complaint was fllod In that Americans take as a matter of,tho cJrcult court yester(1(ly by Lori8 SUITS FILED course aro rarely seen on uritisn prominently advertise that a self selling from $2000 to $4000 still prominently advertis ethat a self sturter 1h Included. It is not unusual to see a driver cranking up a $15,000 car because it has no starter. Big oUblo Liberty. show tonight at tlite Isaacs against Ira Isaacs. A suit to foreclose a chattel mortgage was fllod by M. K. Reynolds against Harry K. Barton. Real Butterflies as Ornament. The mounting of real butterflies as millinery ornuments is a work of great skill, and one ln which the clever fingers of the Frenchwoman are al most Indispensable. The Insect to be utilized Is first left for a day upon dump sand in order to soften It nnd mnke It ensler of manipulation. Both sides of the wings are then covered with a transparent white alcohol var nish, and It Is at once backed with sateen of nn appropriate shade, accord ing to a writer In Wide World. When dry. this stuff Is carefully cut round so us to exactly fit the butterfly, which is then mounted on a wire a light and Ki'nceful object for a modiste. SPECIAL NOTICE Of monthly meeting of BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Friday even ing, December 12th, 6:30 P. M. Banquet at the Deer Head Grill. All members urged to attend. Matters of importance to the association to be discussed. I By order of the President. ! W. C. VAN EMON, I Secretary. Women who pursue a seafaring career are not uncommon In Njrway of the Ontario legislature. The "best seller" of fifty years ago was Miss Alcott's "Little Wom en," first publisher in December, '69. i Best yet. Herald Want Ads. LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OF THE PICTURES" H .W. POOLE, Owner. HARRY UOUEL, Musical Director AAAAAMAAMMAWVWVWWVWVSW k AaVVVWWVMV TONIGHT Big Double Attraction Emotional Florence Reed in "HER GAME" and TOM MIX in "ROUGH RIDING ROMANCE" Note The Florence Reed picture will be shown first, followed by the Tom Mix picture, and the Flor ence Reed picture will be run again to complete the show. Coming Soon "BROKEN BLOSSOMS." Doors open 1:80 and 0:80 P, M. Evening pictures start at .7 o'clock rji ;'"