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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1919)
'em m v --rpwfv . t ' X VAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS,' OREGON The Evening Herald E. J. MCRRAT Editor FRED BOULE City Editor Published dally except Sunday by Hermld Publishing company or VteaatH Falls, at 115 Fourth street ' NOTICE OF MEETING ESTIMATES OF AMOUNTS TO BE .RAISED IN KLAMATH COUNTY OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1920. Count ty Club Work - '00.00 County Poor Poor Farm Maintenance '5?S '22 Poor Farm Nurso . v fi I!""" Alii Poor, Not Farm !'"""'"" Total - ; ;v II 1,260.00 Court Hohm IConio Salary of Janitor , JJJJ.OO Water, Fuel, LlKht, Repair, Furniture, etc 1,700.00 In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Klamath County. In tho Matter of tho estimates of amounts of money to be raised b iaxa. tlon In Klamath County, State or Oreson, for tho cnsuInK ear. Tho above entitled matter comlnK on regularly to bo heard In the nboo entitled Court this 6th day of December, 1919, there being present Hon. R. II. Bunnell. County Judge, Burrcll Short anil Asa Fonlyce, Lommissioncrr, Tt)nl what. ti fnllnwlni. r.mrwt lnirft U'l.rn Illtll. tO-Wlt! I - " . . . . ... r . lUl.nl1i PnllltlV ' ... is. .. . t .. I . .... , I n l.'...... l. That It Is hereby ordcreu uy tne uouniy -ourj ui miuimm wmmi snlarlos Judges, uicra". Mippiicn, iir,i"iii.i.Mi r.-.n, - State Bounty (ono nnuj IteitlNtratioii and Klrrf lnn , :,ooo.oo : Oregon. That there be, and there la hereby estimated, the amounts of nil -... ., .v. nnatnfflcM at Klm. i .Moneys proposeu 10 oe rniscu oy uuuuuu u. " "".'U " tkFllT On fontSJOBthru!wn. r he ensuing year, as provided I" Chapter 234. Oregon Laws. SS;L!1TZ 11913 Session, and as amended by Chaptor 222, Session Laws of 1916, to- ! wit: Total Refunding Taxes Juvenile Court ....$ r., ooo. oo .... 2,000100 ....$ 7,000.00 000.00 .100.00 Bnbscriptton terms by mall to any 1920, from tho 1919 tax rells: Juvenile Court iuu.uu Estimates of Amounts to be raised In Klamath County, for the year ilumno 260.00 I Mresa In the United States: hM year ... DB6 month .$5.00 Sheriff Office Salary of Sheriff 13.000.00 in ..... i.ovv'.uv 00 k One Deputy at $160.00 per month ..... 1.S00. ou Traveling Expense 200. Member of the Associated Press Totnl .16,000.00 a"... .... JK,"9 lttE Board of Prisoners. Supplies, etc, .....,!....,. -H . 1.600'00 - - --.. cvi&uiiimi nun iirfiiiui ni iiitp . ProMVUtlnir Attorney's Office Deputv Hire. Upholding Criminal Ijiw $ 3.200.00 State Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measure 120.00 I Total ! - I 3,320.00 I Homl Fund, General 'itoad Viewers, Supervisor's Salaries, Damages on Nrw County I lloads. etc $ 2,500.00 School Llbrnry Fund -. 160.00 RBI'ORT OV Tin .. KLAMATH STATE BAN. At Klamath v.tlm ,. .. ftn Oregon, at .,, C0. "A 8l Ql ixoveiuimr 17, 1010. ou'nes lli'miiiti-ra l.nnna .....I .I... " Overdrafu. 3ll,, tlllNiiriiriul " Bend and warrants Hanking hotmu Furniture nml fixtures Duo from Imnks (not ro- serve Imuks) Duo from approved ro- KxchniiRes for clearlne nouso . . Cash on hand Other resource. Total all new. dispatches credited to If sNriM.B 0ffice .Tl.Z:. 15.000.00 M,Mri,"nwu - " - 6-"-"0 m::t.?:rnGl. County Tr,rfr- Office tefll - w . I'mtniv iniMM.'. iirr,M . . .. . rn'iirrai runu norrnnis . - I'onnir 'iwuurn lllliro I rr...i c emn jia .1.0 .oca, new, pum.snea ry of TMWr ,1(500.00 j--ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IJOOO'.OO All rights of republication of spe- herein are also reserr- County Asisor's Office Salary of Assessor ...,. ....... $1,500.00 Tui-i County Deputy. Hire and Extra Help 4.880.00 , J SMUGGLERS PLY TRADE ACTIVELY iTravelinc Expense ' l AthkMlcs - -..' 300.00 naslum - 3,000.00 Estimate $102,800.00 SMclnl Oiunty lindn lllirli Mrluull Total ....:. .., $6,380.00 lRlnr,. TpftPhr. jnnitor. etc. K. II. S : $20,162.00 . - - i - minir m iiric'i is iiim .....-..--.,- --- -- . .. ..-.. TUESDAY, DKCKNBEK . "", g.,.,, for CountJ, Clcrk JZZZZ:SZ $2,000.00 . 'h"- TnxXlTjA " 7 000 00 ! rw..,.- Hire and Extra Heln L .. 5.700.00 Till Ion paid to Kural High Schools 7'25S'S-5 I rmtnlv Slirwil Viitwi-ltittsiiti ftfii Salary of Superintendent :.. $1,500.00 'm !rkA..... UIM r n aa . uvuj aaiJ ni,nm,wHtMmM,MMmninm,t,iHMw,,iHwmMiHM,w WVViVV m If T 1 AA 400.00 ,"u" - .vrvK.'.-.v T ,-.-.vw OiiKIt. 0-V,l t. II. -t... !.!.. rn n I IM1IU1 T Iinil 8th GnTde Exarain-dtlohs and SurameVTVn7n7'hooi""('or"lnsti: , Kor M"lnlnlnB Roads. New Construction, Bridges. Material, etc $86,000.00 I mtal inn fin hlttlr lllgnWAy MAYENCE, Germany, Nov. 21. ' v.v itcr,.M on llonds $347,704.00, 5p !fc $20,362 00 I By Mail). Smuggling is on the In-. Total $2,850.00 Connty Court nml Commissioner Circuit and Justice Court Fines 2U00.7J 8.JU.1J 3.001.7J XJOJ.OS MtMl 23.550.U l.t23,!( : . : ... . $59.4aa I i.ini.illllc ' Cnpltiil Htock pnl, in i RflflBft(,. Surplus fund ... ' u'XSX'SJ UndhldodproniH.lcsox. ''0'00 penses mid Iiuch lm,i 2ii Duo from lu.nks smi ,,M.0I bankers .. . , , Individual deposits' nub- l Jecl to check . j jo ..... Cashier checks miULnd- "8,!808 Certified chocks 8"-J Time and Knvln ik.P0(u. zo'00 Letter, of credit .. 62(,"-J 653k.j Total ESTIMATES OF PKOIlAIUiE ItKCKIITN IN AIX FUNDS FOR YEAH i inao cuiiiiENT exim:nse fund. ii r.nn nn Interest on dally deposits In banks ....$ ,w v v w - 4.000.00 3,000.00 3.000.00 1,000.00 400.00 afcnA Vkn vvAAn itnnnit nlo1 fwrvi t n w- uCv-ccu F. """' I sai-rvcountv Judce .. j .i.A A....Ki. -HHM nln.i . -. -- . n nnA nn uiu me u.A.upicu ivuks, tiLi;uiuiu( iip jaiarj oi uuuuissiuuciB ... uvv.uv p,,.ln... pri, p . recent Information received by the.J5f.per,,ns Books - - Konnn Circuit Court Fivs '. Intelligent oHcers of the French !AdTU! Miscellaneous Sales and Hecelpts Tota, J5 G00 00 J To,nl - " $11,400.00 County Surveyor's Office ' , ..,. KM AI ITWLATIO.V parUcnlarly active of late and that; Salary and Expense of Surveyor 12,000.00 fi,n,n TnV -""""' - ,v-' " Ihpro nrn npnrlr na mnnv wnmpn tOUIltjr Coroner S Of flee , " v'wv MV. . . - ... ,-. T! . V UI UU Zm O VrYTS MrtHWtMWWMMMWHWttmmHmMWMmHWttlHMWt Physician Fees army of occupation. French army officials say that women have been ama-glers as men. An Alsatian wom an smuggler claims to have made 60,000 marks on one deal. The woman, when discovered. Juror and Witness, etc . .. 600.00 250.00 450.00 Total $1,200.00 CVinnti- YMivtilrlnn anil ITonltl. Cttttr- eaid that she had gone from Stras-Jgaiy Health Officer $ 100.00 burg to Solingen, in unoccupied Ger-, Salary County Physician and Examinations 1,300.00 many, where she purchased 100 doz-; on fenlvpa nt air mnrVa pnrh. Sh . . . : V .............. . ",1UU.UU Total Stat. and Current Expense $147,800.00 Less Probnblo Receipts 11,400.00 t Btato of Oregon, nt County of Klamath, u; 1H I, Ida II. Momyor, Cashier of t& ..wm.w iianu, uo loiomly sweir that the above statement la true ts. 'he best of my knowledge nJ bt. tiM- IDA 11. MOMYER. COrniKCT-AHMt: CMhUr CHA8. B IMI.KV, ' V 8T0NK. . J. A. (lOIU)O.V, I , ... Dlrectorr. i Subscribed and sworn to befora mu this 3rd day of December. UU ' II0LI.0 C. UltOKSIIKck. I heal Notary Public. or ,comml,"lon expires Jsnutry FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK Dalnnce $136,400.00 REPORT OP THE CONDITION Or County School Tax - iu.oou.uu State Agricultural College Extension .....".. '. 2,500.00 Road Fund Special 85.000.00 High Schools . .... 35.512.00 i Otitatnmllnir WnrrnnI Itodnnintlon 68.000.00 She Countv Vet"e7i'nari"an"and'sTo7 nn'nn County Library Fund (Cnrnegle) .. 600.00 niBuagca 10 gei me Knives ovr tue county Fruit Inspector Alsatian border without Davinc duty. ' Circuit Court and afterward sold the knives to a! Jurors, Ballff, Juror and Witness. Meals for Juries, etc $11,000.00 Interest on County Head llonds .. 20,352.00 Revision Co. Pint IJuok - i 900.00 trench dealer for 20 francs each. I Returning to Germany the woman. Bald she exchanged the French Books, Stationary. Postage, money for marks, at 280 marks for etc fall orrices) 100 francs, the rate of exchange at that time. Justice Court Justice, Constable, Juror and Witness Fees, nil Justice Courts... $2,500.00 Current Expense Expressage. Telephones. Insurance, Widow's Pensions 9,000.00 School District No. School District No. School District No. j School District No. I School District No. $14,000.00 Total Amount to be Levied for $409,204.00 TAX KEVINS TO COVER HONDKD SCHOOL DISTRICT. 9 1 A, 2.2 Mills 2 3.3 Mills 5 1.0 Mills C - i. 4.3 Mills School District No. .$5,000.00 School'Dlstrlct No. .6 Mills 11 9 Mills 13 6 MIIIh 19 .1.1 ll l"l I 1 1 It I ! 4 1 1' 1 'H tntt Htf School District No. 14 2.2 scnooi uisirici .o. m i,i School District No, , School District No, School District No. School District No, School District No, Mills Mills Mills 10 2.9 MIIIh no 23 4.1 2.3 Mills Mills Don't Lose Your Opportunity School District No. 28 School District No. 35 School District No. 36 School District No. 40 School District No. 41 School District No. 4 2 School District No. 44 .School District No. 49 25 2.8 Mills At Klamath Kalis. In tho State of Oregon, at Hie closo of builncii ( .-Mivenmer 17, IU19. HeMiurcei Loans and discounts $1,146,363,11 Overdrafts, sue tired and unserurvd 21, 228.31 llonds and warrants. I72.II7.IS Stocks, securities, Judg ments, etc. . 22.(09 41 Furniture and ftxltircs 7,603.50 Otliur real estate own ed 17,215.8) Due from bunks (not serve hunks) 6,554,50 Due from approved rv- survti banks . 209,625.26 Checks and other cuah Items 5,097.69 Exchanges f-r clearing housu 21,790.34 Cash on liunil ... 27,406.45 .9.7 .1.9 .2.7 .3.6 .4.1 .4.1 .2.9 .1.4 Jjtcclnl Tax luetics Citlcn, School DlhtrlctN, Etc. City of Klamath Falls - 22.5 City of Klamath Falls City Park , 5 City of Bonanza 1 0.0 City or Merrill J " School District No; School District No. School District No. School District No. School District No. School District No. School District No. School District No. School District No. 6.2 3.4 1.7 3.2 4.7 0.0 9.0 2.9 3.1 School District No. 10 1.3 I can offer you the Greatest Opportunity of a Life Time. Here is a chance for the small investor! For the man or woman who always wanted to own a few acres of land! Some thing they could handle themselves! Cultivate themselves, or have cultivated for them. Within 10 miles of Klamath Falls, on the railroad, I will give you the chance to purchase in 10-acre tracts. Rich reclaimed Delta Land, which is classed among the richest on the Pacific Coast, every inch of which is productive. Think what a Christmas present this would make! One acre planted in celery will produce $1,500, or plant in potatoes or onions. Help yourself pull down the high cost of living. I have sold 12,000 acres in the past two months in large blocks to the most discriminating experts in land. At the request of a number of our peopleof Klamath Falls, I have reserved a few 10-acre tracts to give the small investor a chance to purchase on easy terms. Call 622 Main St, phone 72, or Room 311 White Pelican Hotel and I will be glad to call and explain this plan to you. L. JACOBS. School District No. 11 School District No. 12 . School District No. 13 . School District No. 14 . School District No. 15 . School District No. 16 . School District No. 17 . School District No. 18 . School District No. 19 . School District No. 20 . School District No. 21 . School District 'No. 22 . School District No. 23 . School District No. 25 School District No. 26 . School District No. 27 . School District No. 28 . School District No. 29 . School District No. 31 . School District No. 35 . School District No. 30 . School District No. 37 . 1.9 . 3.8 . 62 . 1.0 . 1.7 . 3.2 . 1.0 . 8.2 . 2.7 .14.0 . 3.1 . 9.4 . 1.0 . 5.2 . 4.7 . 1.0 . 5.0 . 6.6 . 4.0 . 3.8 .10.0 6.0 School District No, 40 14.0 School District No. 41. School District No. 42 School District No. 44 . 4.9 . 7.0 .10.1 School District .No. 45 ". 14,6 School District No. 47 13,0 School District No. 49 School District No. 52 School District No, 63 5,5 3.7 6.5 Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mill Mills MIIIh Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills MIIIh Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills MIIIh Mills Mills Mills Mills MIIIh Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills MIIIh MIIIh Mills Total . .. $1,657,972.77 l.l.ilillltlcx Capital stock pa hi In $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided prnllts, lets ox pc n m s and taxes paid . 12,965.52 Due to bunks and hunkers 25,449.69 Individual d e p os It s, subject to check . 1,069,666;26 Cashier checks out standing 87,520.67 Cor tilled checks 1,816.98 Time and Savings De- posits 362,171.63 Notes and bills red Is- counted 21,219.41 Hills payable for inoti- 1 ey borrowed 25,000.00 Reserved for inteiest und tuxes 2,162.61 Total .$1,657,972.77 .V h .yt STATEMENT OF I'llOIIAIlLE II EC Kl ITS WHICH WILL UK- ON HAND AT , DATE OF MAKING IJ3VV County School Funds $37,379.00 State School Fund '. 5,913.00 Agricultural Extension Work 1 622.74 Estates ,.. 294.00 County Fair Fund 921.00 General Fund 38,000.00 County Library Fund ..., 2,000.00 School Library Fund 2.16 New Court House Fund 85,000.00 Special Roads Fund - 22,790.00 J You are hereby further notified that the County Court of Klamath 'County, Oregon will hold a meeting for taxpayers In tho County Court Chambers, in tho County Court House, In the City of Klamath Falls, Klam ath County, Oregon, on the 29th day of December, 1919, at tho Hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of discussing the estimates herelnbeforo mentioned. Done in open Court this day of A. D. 1919'. R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge. 4 BURRELL SHORT, ASA FORDYCE, County Commissioners. Attest: C, R. DE LAP, County Clerk, 1 ($EAL) By GARRETT K. VAN RIPER,, Deputy, State of OreRon, County of Klamath, ss: I, John Siemens, Jr., cashier of the nbovo named bank, do solemnly swear that tho nbovo statoment Is true to 1 tho b ist of my knowledKo and belief. ' JOHN SIEMENS, JR, I Cashier. CORRECT Attest: 1 J. W. SIEMENS, A. H. EPPERSON, Directors. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 1st day of Decomlior, 1919. I RUTH M. OOWEN, I Notary Public. I (My commission expires May 2 1 1923.) i Big ouble phow tonight at the Liberty. ATTENTION, KNIflHTS TKMI'MR Cavalry Cominandory will ihcet In regular session Wednesday even Ins tit 8 o'clock. Election of offl . ......... 1 .i..,, lmslnesu. cors nnu oinur uhjiui " All Sir Knights requested to attend. C. II. UNDERWOOD, E. C. DANCE l'O.STI'OXi:i) Duo to tho pressure of uuslmaj and other demands of tho I10WW season, tho Elks lmvo uccHKd postpono their dnnco which was 1 have been held tomorrow evening, until the Now Year's eve, when the disappointment 'of those whe , baa contemplated attending tho ftineiw ... . ... ,.nnvnd. for tney wjii no more muu .v. .-- . aro Planning one of the host dan" of the lodge's history on that uai . ........ nmen for pettf offenses was by no ?anfls "" common thing in vir$i- - ' ago.