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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1919)
,,v- ' "- ;Va' -A FOOT. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALTlS, OREGON mondav, m:cian,l;w s 9 H f The Evening Herald E. J. MURRAY Editor PRED HOULE City Editor Published dally except Sunday by N1a Herald Publishing Company of KUnath Falls, at 116 Fourth Street. Entered at the postofflce at Klam 4U1. Falls, Ore., for transmission thru tt malls as second-class matter. WHERE THE ROMANS 6UILT SIU of Old City of Clrta, Italy, Dt scribed' at Plac of Mourn ful drandcur. The site on which the city of Clrta stands rises sharply from the south j to the nortl It Is a terrible i height. Looking up from the little footpath running round the corse at a REVOLUTION IN Records Toll of UprlilriQ Which Evl dtntiy Endtd Unhappily for tht Rebellious Cltlaona. OLD EGYPT ' . ia'WK' taiR " A recently deciphered papyrus shows a pretty revolutionary spirit among the Kgyptlnn In the year WKW 11. C. or nearly 4,000 years before tho French thought of an upheaval. Subscription terms by mall to any 'Mross In the United States: ll'l-tin tw..i..t la Iw.ft.tnnit Htrt ntll flllfl tilt) .- ?tnJ! W-U"U." 1:."' ' wUWIo kingdom, .and an Kgyp.lan Y II.. 11 7 amos'traV,; " ,.' "nnZXn X ft 1111 IP V Q grandeur of the place I. In keeping . .J' .. ' , Si "" n. ', Y VI UUlC V O . i.i. . -...... ., t...K... .... u.,.1 .-.i.iii.inir -. imv wm.i..i - J 'One year ....., Dn month .. m. m. tOU Member of tho Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively wmucd to tne use for republication wt all news 'llspatches credited to It w .not otherwise creditqd In this pa yer, and also local news published rein. All rights of republication of spe Ud dispatches herein are also reserv- MONHAY, IlECKMliKI. 8. tOI. fc.1... .... ... lu ft.iiut ti'tttfifl V. t. other stern and saxnge chieftains mid , '" ,un , " . n t., ,1 r .he uncompromising times lu which, r mld be so.n. 1h '; ... ii..i ! like a potters wheel, 'lhe noble cr. ""V ... , out nnd the poor are full of Joy. Karh lhe gorge of the Hummel Is nar- , u. Myv , ,,,. row. rarely more than some hundred, f w h ,,,,,. .,.,,,, ,, ynrus across, am MrniKni. wore c,0,,.s nre w rniw. ,Noble iIJt'1119 til illMIIMIl nilllH Mill Vlllltf HI 119 ' precipitous shies wliorover Imminent . women trail through tho land, ami housewives say, 'Had we only some-, JJ tiling to catr . . . ine Hor os ns lordly things, and those who . 1. 1 tmt tli i.tii a. tlvtta fn until III In lilt VI' lave treasure. . . . The people t m.A .......if iin tanii mr'atia. t . k . it I I HIV IT llt'lllf (ilfl'U Hit IMHK " P-.ifi.- fnpniPil nf fflin nnnln f f Tim f itrt atltfuti . . Ai . .,' - v.. ...v ....,.... cutH, ll(( jclllI,," T,nt t,lt. revoiu- can be found. Along the north side the water has burrowed deep down J through a series of caverus until It . reaches the Kasha. The Homans took t advantage of the natural arch thus using the arch as Its foundation to erect a magnificent bridge, known tlon was a success seems hardly have been the case, for the papyrus 'Custer's Island. The town of Hays. Kan., has a nor- "3nal school and a hNtory. Tiie two Naturally come to mind together, for the normal school K hullrneur the site of the historical events which made Bays famous, and th'e students of the cliool have taken It upon themselves to restore the s-pot to something of Its old-time appearance. Hays was once Fnrt Hays and Gen eral Custer, the famous Indian tight er, was stationed there during the ""building of the "tlrn transcontinental railroad. His wife accompanied him and shared all lhe hardships of front ier life. A little island in the strea-n which flows past the fort is known as Custer's Island and Is especially asso ciated with the name of Elizabeth Coster because she nearly lo!t her life ther in n flood. One of the ofll cer. lashed her to a great log. si that brr, body might be found after the Hood was over. The engineering class of the Hays JCormul school has undertaken the ! work of restoring the old fort and ' blockhouse nnd Ims already erected n ' monument to General Custer upon the I lshiod bearing his name. The cus ; toru is for eain clns to erect some here as were the bridges at loledoj, , ,., ,,. . V the Calceus Herculls near Itlskra. and , , , , w u,d ,, elsewhere as "hi Knutara." the .; , Bridge. Its ruins still remain. i " J I Cyril Fletcher Grant. In "Twist Sand! .' and Sea." I I Distinctive Cries Among Animal. If a complete llt could be made of the distinctive names by which the! noises produced by birds nnd beasts, are called. It would be found that ' there are few duplicates. This mayi be Judged even by the most common. ' The hors'e neighs, the sheep bleats,' the cow lows, the pig grunts and squeals, the turkey gobbles, the hen cackles, the cock crows, the goose . hisses, the duck quacks, the cat mews, the dog barks, the wolf howls,, the lion roars, the bull bellows, the sparrow chirps, the pigeon coos, the' irog croaks, the rook enws. the, I- . T... I i While In Africa recently Mr. A. S. 1 Lo Souef, director of the Taronga J siio (Sjdney), saw plenty of elephants, . tilrt. w iir. iliiutnif.f In. tn flu. imtm T. 1ui in i'v me niiiix-H in mi- utiiiiiiiu country. He also observed the hotly I of a small antelope about H feet up y a tree. Tho curciaa of ths antelope 4, ht been jmt In this position for, 1 Mife kceiilng. by leopanls. "These members of the cat family are hand- rome. and extremely active," says Mr. '. I.e Kotief, "They play about In clear J places In the forest, tear up the J priuind, and spring fnr up the tree. ', They are most active, but they do ' A i n :n i i ! I jjf ll SlP 1 1 V Ftl ' "V mi I lili il -jsaSLar. i t f I lav v t cunr IilN. HHlIt ? V HI ll H 'ik. V XilffllillNif V1U Q w V 1 : - . U 1 1 KEfeHEk " H i aw a w.t in ti'ii i i i ii v -v' u m i mi l t i - . v a i u mm&sti xjp-wr k .ai m av it iiti iiii ... r z.T-r ii'iiomi.i.-Sfc -c-w wjT' -i i' i i i i wm a'a i 1 1 ff"m . 9M ' I 'rhw, i.mnir.. kl I i ! lltSi?S.7r ViliffiJ 2MC I to '! L7 J. m. mrn m. urn '.riaw"v ""r"."finii rsg5s w,n " " " T iizr: nnt r.Miflltl nllnKL1 hiiniuiilrv iinln.. ..... ....,...., ................ ...... -. T montrnr rhmtur. t, ,.!.,.". . It be a child ut evening, and they t pets, the camel grunts, the stag culls nrc """K 'N" henuty of their fur, V the rnhhlr .rr..n.n,nii. !.-! makes them desirable for a xoo nnd I woundwl the donkey brays, the bee1 for " but ,,,e nunhcr that maj'bejA J hums, the fly buries, the grnsshon-' iIIUH' ls ,n,w'- ' w ' beautiful , 1 I . . .. . Pfilnhiia ftinnL'ov trMnK In vil.. ,r I . TT per cnimip im swallow twitters, -;""" ....,., .....v... ... n,...,- ,i.- , , fhrt i,it. 0 ns t(ie ,0UI1(1 l)ayj UUJ' MrlKlng blnck-antl-uhltc colorttiB, was the owl hoot.. i d-fflcult to observe nmonc tlu Jui.!pr i frrK frmn trrmen lirnnnriuu liiint Iiihi. I T . I--"'-' " "- ...-. atu. i -"lK .,!,..,. 1 1.. I t t'urvtrn ui iiliivii. Bradley U still givinrj the public tKe opportunity of buying shoes at a great saving... The sale is still carried on and grows more in teresting as we carry it on. We now intend to move the children's and boys' shoes so we offer you a big special. ON EVERYY PAIR OF CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' SHOES OVER $2.50 PRICE'WE WILL ALLOW $1.00 and LESS THAN $2.50 WE WILL ALLOW 50c. Men's Dress Shoes still continue to be very popular and loggers will find it to their advantage to visit our store when they are in need of Boots or Shoes. From forty lo ..u . ,es " are n.r...n.An. i r.o,.. en... I..n.l ....! I killPfi fflT thf nnnilfll f flfl fflVm'e - .,o ii t .. it u. i .,,. i i a f Smoking In the streets of London W H VI tyttt U(f(Ui alli.C4 UniU i kUUl(Ub 1U UUUUUUl atraduatlon day the class unveils Its To be perfectly proportioned a was not known until Introduced woru to the pulillc iliksah. in Chi- n;an should weich twentv eleht officers who had returned from tho ' pounds for every foot of his height. Crimea. ajago Dally News, "'Ii T Bradley Shoe Store '9t'ttttnttf tit I X It " '. ' 4 MM X Battle Between Tooth Pastes1 -)'- .-i . f H : i t . ' r -- ' 'is 1& It must bo DernloxlnR to the read- to decide whlclwof the claims aro i logical and wnicn are unsupported v A ?. f s A Don't Lose Your UNION STORE 727 MAIN ST. UNION MADE KLAMATH FALLS, ORE : f T t t T T t T T t T t T t f Who Will HrtUc Tiie rirunicnt. I-ct Your UruKRlst Il The Itcferc'. Tha Lotus Festival. It was u hot. summer night, and nX the shop windows were bright wltn lunternK fiinped like the lotus buds In the big moat. The moon rose high over tho curving I'eklng roofs and flooded the streets. A brought him, a forth from one of the big. dark gate- CROWD ENJOYS CLEVER FARCE viuihttn ha rAOila iVo trlnurlnir iiflvnrt(ia 4 a. .. i ". i.- wuvk. In hln tiundH he hfld a hrtlllint TIM ii i iii-i is" rni -- -- - - -- ---- ments of the various I of Tooth Paste. I One maker's product lays' stress on the flavor. Another claims to 're move the film." Still another, leaves a "clean feeling." Another calls at tention to tbe teeth of wild animals ")d is reputed to be highly antisep tic. . After reading all carefully, the in telligent person decides to refer the matter to the court of last resort for the true answer. The DTugglstds the ono whom the physicians and dentist relies upon to furnish export advice on the action of chemicals. Why, therefore, Is he not tho person for you to trust7 Long yeorti of patient training nnd a knowledge of the ro tative valuo of the various Ingredi ents In nil chemical products havo fitted, him to express nn opinion, flo knows because he Is qualified to know. Something over"2S 000 druggists nnd physicians in this country bo loig to national association known as tho Amerlcnn Dnigglsfs Syndl- .Tjcate, Tho national formula commlt 2 i tee of this great apsoclatlon met nn ?nunlly In conforenco for 10 consecu .jtive years In ordor to select tho best , formulas for household repicdles to !?'bo manufactured In their own great laboratories mnlutalned at Long Is- Clty, A clover little farco "Popping the' If the moon had Question," wus represented a(, tno child came timidly : Star Theater Suturday Jfiernoon and evening untlor direction of E. Cstelle Carrier. All present enjoyed a real laugh. Lucille Hockley In the part of the young ward looked the part of the young wuid looked tho part of the Bweet und lovoly Ellen, and FJreit Cooner. thouich ?n understudy, In , rfle ,u Mua. Jolus bud and a lottm-bud lantern. Then from every gutewiiy. all up and down the streets, the children come forth. The air was filled with the mu sic of their hnppy voices, and there rni- the sound of their little feet going j.ttuput In the dnst. Soon (he streets were childhood's tho part, filled nicely the j. Hland jJ Ont5 of tlielr won Known propara- ' 4 4f.t u ta A i nuu3 ta -l' -' ' . fj. t "i4tv ( .M " T':F ' f- "y Ai at f S: t : , '. 5' " f in ' t ' . ' V ' , v 5" ? t D. S. -I'orcrilxo Tooth Pasto which has been nntlorsed by loading .j-idonllnta In ovory stato of tho nation. ivour druKRtst win toll you (.lint It onJoB a fast repeating nalo and Us claim mi a porfect product is hrlofly ntntcil whon ho tolls you Hint "hc nlilos doing all that nny.otlior tooth panto can do, Poroillxo 'whitens llko poroxldo,' " ITargo production of thin romnrk nhlo proparutlon aonal;lc you to ntlll jiurchaso tlio lar'go tuho at tho old prjco 2n ennts. Try a tuho today and ho convinced. tmwunmiMMWttm lond, full of color, wound and uesN. Still the chlldron came poor children In silk gnrme bright colors, children In rags, and lit tler naked, brown children, all carry ing the lotus hud mid the lotus-hud lan terns, which threw soft lights up Into their happy, chlldlRh faces. ICvcr the crowd of breathless, joyous chllUrcn nnd lovely flowers Increased. For n brief. Joyous hour, like fairy elves, the children frolicked. -tien the candles burned low In the lanterns, and one by one went out. As quickly as they came, the children vnnlshed. The streets were again silent and gloomy, From "Pioneering Where the World Is Old," by Alice Tlsdnle. happl- Henry Thornton, her lover rirh "' i beth Orlgsby. as Dobbin, Iht rcald, lent of ' .. , n . .,n U1U 0UUIC WICTVI """'ft' Tho old maid parts were Inter preted by Fern Hanks and Fred niohn. Character work Is difficult, but theso two young ladles snowed real talont and wcro a scrm from start to finish. Kenneth Case, who had the ro! ' of Mr. Primrose was very saiuue. tory In that character, and proved a Jloveahlo, elderly gentleman All In all tho Public speaking claw deserve much credit for their effort, and bear wltnebs thut they aro dolnff cxcollont work. CIIKISTMAH I'llIiSKXTS i:.TltAOIIII.VAItV. 3 by C heavy Snnltury, Oriental draperies nnd curtains, Whlto heavy Fur Uuga, Itoyul Tea and Chocoluto Sots, Hand mndo brass trays, 1311c Uonmfino sots 7 Plocos, T. O. Huguo, Hoom 201 Will Itts Ilulldlng. s-2t i'm:wi:i.ii (From Llfo) "I'm going away now. If I snoBl,? ifllitm durliiB my absence, picas keop mo till I coiiki li.ick " "I1UKLKB0N" w J J7S tly i-fc. TooihRwte fhh Wo arc offering for tho Holiday iMfJ fczl? Trade Hie J'inest and Most ty Exclusive Line of "S ilCARDSl i?rr& ! ifri Novelties and Knncy Stationery JUU? PmP c.liownliiKliimallil'ulli. IM M mWi, DlAMrrn nniMTitin o PTATmMCDV PHMPANY tW s r"s TVWx'd riiimrrn i-hm'jimmi-. ai .iihi iiiivi ii i uu i"" &"nr-i Whiiono lilto peroxide1 Sold only where ADS bootls aro dtsplaysd larfceTubo 25 ifylCSi Wl w. 126 Main St. .-, 126 Main St. jJM RE? Mm s V J.