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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
HATUHDAV, i)i:(;, rAOK SIX KMllUii THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ?'?' aiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi Tr- - ,VeJ ,'J SSSSSSSSsk- A iWBEff Jlfe' ' ikKTw a, " &' h !' ,im4' .sv iu. .m . h i, i ; . 1 j .1 u jMjLfcj'- 'wvwmk w,tvu i." f - HT'! VAfiA?asoa . 3 r3ff?!L&3S5 g u asfci0e22? vri,:2i XN &ujrniS-Ht-ft,c. n&N,'v '-eafa6&fcS IS t3 Kb ' n .-i 300,000 Maxwells Precede This Post -War Car 3 FOR five years the talent of great engineers was devoted to the Maxwell chassis, and as that is now a work of rare mechanical ex cellence through mag nificent Post-War improve ments, the Maxwell hnsb'een improved wonderfully in appearance. N Perhaps you have seen this Post-War Maxwell and, like so many others, have stopped short in your hurry and given it a good looking over. Its simply beauty, its delightful grace, its clean cut, sincere appearance its daring simplicity you noted, and your respect for Maxwell became more definite. Mr milt ta Iiri 5S4J' SlJ'SiMfc .ai.:.;-i -.or tiij - 5 "T1 H But you did not know, unless you 'sat behind the wheel, how easy it drives, what a comfortable castering effect there is in the front axle, how snugly it clings to the road with its heavy rear axle, how decisive and sure is the emer gency brake, now located on the transmission shaft! Unless you have sat be hind the wheel of the Post War Maxwell you know but little, for there is a new lure about this car that, once experienced, impresses you beyond words. There are 300,000 Max wells before this all able cars. This is greater in many waj s e::cept in prfce only $985 f. o. b. Detroit. Howie Garage KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON AT THE CHURCHES No fliimgyN Mill Im Hindu In (III column hiiU'km tho copy N at 'I ho Kieiilng llrriiltl olflco by ft" o'clwk Friday otciiluji. JI iLjLii uijiiiUIIn ujjiiin iiutj n niinjtiii iiLiiumiiMii ii JijjjniJHi iniijiijii i jiuiiiiin liw: . -i j Miiiirrrrf Miss Ere Booth, upon whom tho. A joung womanbr "Edinburgh. Distinguished Service Medal wic re-j whoso hatpin Injured a man's ee cently bestowed in recognition of i and caused him to loan ih nirrht nt A f PS Vl f tt f ff Mn 4I,HM It .ft d tftBM t & a . ..- 1 . i .uc mum uuiiii v;ii;, imi, unuruu us compensation to ninrr dent of the Vancouver Good Roads Jpleted fifteen jears as conuHanasr him. Tho offer was accepted. League, the leading organization oft of the Salvation Army forces in the m its kind In firitfsh Columbia. I United States. Best yet. Horald Want Ads. Mrs. H. H. Godard, an enthusias tic worker in the cause of good roads, has been elected vice-preai- PRIVATE OWNERSHIP Superiority Demonstrated in World War iE,t?-. HFiey who served throughout the war as chairman of the United States Shipping Board, was asked what in his job had impressed him most. He answered: "The efficiency of private ownership and operation as com pared with public ownership and operation ALL PRODUC TION CENTERS ON THE COST you can't get away from that. Shift responsibility for the cost, for the best possible result under a given set of circumstances and you shift the responsibil ity for efficiency. On the Shipping Board, we shifted this respon sibility from private shipbuilding concerns to the Government. "With the shifting of responsibility of cost to the Govern ment, that keen interest in results which follows private initiative was gone. THERE YOU HAVE THE WHOLE PROBLEM AS BETWEEN PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND PRIVATE OWNER SHIP STATED. "I don't know of a government-owned plant that produces more than two-thirds efficiency. In the years to come some way may be found to keep incentive to best endeavor in men under government ownership, but until that is discovered that system may be classed as a failure." t J ? J T J t i ::jk:kk:" Y t t T t f f T Y T f t t Y t Y t T f T T f T f J t J T T T 'T T T J T T T T T J I Klrnt Hmtl(t Church, cornur WhiiIi Infiton and eighth. muiuIio Huiiuol Ht 10 n. tn., U. K. OuI.hp. MiiparlnUindent. TronchlnR at 11 a. m. I'noor fin weo W uiltii'vtiny at 8 I1, M. Kvory nocond ami fourth NVoduoittlay jvonlng will boMouitud to luUslonury work. 1). Y. l U. Oundur ercntng at 8 p. m. A cordial Invitntion li oatond od to alt to attend thoso Borvlcoc. Sacred Hoart Utiurcn, cornor 8th xiA Illgh Htroots, ltuv. Hugh J. Mur ihall, pUMtor.'H'H Mhhh at S.00 Adull'H Miihh at 10.30. Hortnon "You." Holy Hour ul 7 00 Monday Day of ObllRittlon, Mnasos ut C nnd S a. tn. First Froabytorl&n Church, Corner 3rd and l'lno. Iter. B. P. Uwrue, Mlnlator 437 Third BtrcoU Phoat 489. MornliiK Worship 11 a. m.. Sub ject. "The l'orptituat Problem " lu tho ovunliig thuru will bu a union mooting lu tho Miithndlst church nt 7:0 f. m. nt which tlmo two or throw. moving plcturo reoU of tho Armenlnn situation will bu shown. ThoKd nrn tho pictures that should hau boon shown during tho Sunday hcIiooI convoutlon, but wore (tolnycd. Kvoryono should boo them. Mnny of thorn wero taken In an iioroplunu flying ovor Jerusalem nnd Home of 4I10 cities of Armunla. Theso pictures woro tukun by 0110 of tho promluunt Armenian workers thoro und tiro bolng shown nil ovor tho country this wlntur. It shown the movement of throngs of refu gees tho dastardly work of tho heartless Turks, tho wonderful or phanage work Into which Hov. and Mrs. Itambo have gouo and many other scones which every contribu tor to the Armenian cause should soe. Sunday r.chuol as usual at 10 a. m. Our Sunday school Is growing rapid ly Come and help mwoII the num born. ' hope hooh to bo In our new quarters witn many more convenlewoa. cordial invitation If extended to any who have no other church homo to worship with ux. Lutheran sorvlcos will bo hold nt Library hall, corner Third and Main, conducted by Hov. M. C. Hosainan, .pastor, HcHldonco, S29 High Ht. Morning Worship at 1 1 n. ut. Sermon Subject "Tho Kvll Kyo." Sunday School will bo hold ut 10:15 11. m. All nro cordially Invited to wor ship with UM. Methodist KpUcopul Church, Tenth ind High, Kov. S. J. Chanoy, pastor, 1117 Kant street. Phono 67 W. Sunday, h.icl nt U'.On A M. Morning Worship nt 11.00 A. M. Junior I.caguo nt 5:30 p in. Kpw-orth Loaguo nt G:30 p, m. Kvonlng Church Service 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday oven- Iiik at 7:30 p. in. All aro cordially Invited to all tho services at tho MothodlHt Churcli. Tho young pooplo can do no bettor than spend an hour with tho Loaguo from U'30 to 7:30 p. in. each Sun- I day. I First Christian Church, cornor Ninth nnd Pine streots. C. V. Trim- hip. pastor. Sunday School, 10 A. M. Sermon 11 a. m. Christian Kmlcnvor C:30 p. in. Prayer mooting Wcdnosda even ing 7:30 p. m. Tie Sunday evening sorvlces will bo at tho Methodist church. Kmnnuel naptlst Church, Eleventh and High streeU. Sunuay HChool 10 a. m. Rev. J. W. nrynnt of tho Con grcgntlonul church will preach nt 11 a. in. Prayer mooting Wednesday nt 7:30 p. in. Woman's Home nnd Foreign Mis sionary Society will mcot Thursday Doc. 11th ut 2:36 p. in. at tho homo of Mrs. li. S. Grlshy, 1028 .Tofforpon You aro invitod to those Bonricea. Tho Christian Scionco Socloty of Klamath Falls' holds services at 113 Fourth street ovory Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday ovenlng at 7:30. All are wolcomo. Tho subject of lesson for Sunday, "God tho Only Cause and Creator." The Sunday school session Is from 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday morning. The free reading room , and free lending library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. HERALD'S CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOU HAM: 1 J l S DodfH' cur lu A-l condition, unto rolio, L. (.', Smith shot gun. font, rumpliig ouulpmunt, now floHs uiullroHH, bml and spt li,i;t pillows, wiifflo Iron, illnlum, bookH, tools, ote. Cull after 10 a. m, 1125 Mnlu St., !:, (I Argrtivo.i 1 :. tf FOU SALKllyo lluy 1 10.00 per ton If taken 'by tho ntnek at tho Memlonhnll IMaco, P, (J, Cnrlsou, Klamnth Falls, 4-4t (iniiiio WllShlllK for Vnmlli0 Uk iS? . M'H. Will .nPB,mdy'J,B " milling, 1327HyrV,tykt. 'VI 1JI 1-Olt 9AI.K 100 tons flrtt cI-imi al falfa hay, also straw. Jay Man ning, Kliimath Fulls) It. F, 1). No, 1 3-0t FOU HAM: 1918 Dodgu car In A-l condition, inito robo, I,, C. Hinlth shot gun, high boots and coat, camp ing equipment, now Moss mattress, bin! nnd springs, pillows, new beau tiful electric percolator urn stylo, aluminum ware, wiifflo Iron, dlshtvi, books, tools, otc. Call after 10 a, m, 1125 Main Ht. K. U. Argravos. 3t( FOU SALi: . Onn 35 lb fonthnr bod nnd double pillow. All (loivno and Duck feathers. Price 126.00. Phono 2GfiJ or call 229 N jltvorsldo. 2-Gt VdH HAMi Choap for cash. A two-plcco, dry wall oncroto block miichluo; good n now; unod only one svnson. Could not bo bought today for $4500. Will soil at a bargain as ownnr Is In othor lino of business nnd cannot glvo It his attention, Bplendld opening here for this hiuliienH as theru Is a big demand for blocks and concrete bricks. Machlun Is In tho city nnd can bo soon at any tlm. Don't answer unloss you hnvo tho cash. Address llox 1, Herald )ff)co. 1-tf FOU SAM-: at 11 bargain tho follow-. Ing second hand cars: 2 1910 Iteo'n In good condition, $850. euch: 1 1916 Ford touring car $350.: 2 Studubnkors, 5 pnssonger $850 , and $1050. C. L. McWllllnms, 1157 Main, Phouo 109.. 17tf FOR RENT OR LEASE FOU ItKNT llousokooplng and slooplng rooms 1313 Main. 4-5t Central Market, 335 cth ', "M WANT l.fn n..'. """ -- ? Vfttn fm,y 'or Z'hlT M. tr. llox 501 orVgy, Mib. lor month- Juy M, ?'"',!'' I'Hi Palls, II. V. I) n"11 " KU. "' '' J Cl CITY OAUllAOl-Whon (larbago removed Zn, Jg Docombor 11 12', IF YOU WANT HTtSTm call the Klamnth ctt lift' Hchool-phono 3G0. airUforttZ copying and filing; n,0 V.JnT housework. carl..K for chlidrU'tl? oys for clerking, m".,o J ? n S chores, e c. Hpoclal aiuntlon h ilr un to this sorvlco by ti ,& AUthorlll.. and an fTort f. W made to make utlleleat. conTenl and prolltable both to 'the "S and to thoHu requiring tholr ,?", Ut Wo make n eclnty f ,tf I( ami nrrldent liiMir..,r,.. l.lolle bJ j wo'll do the n-M. Chllcoto 8a. ih FOU ItKNT Farm of two hundred acres, montl) all tindor Irrigation. P. C Carlson, llox 185, Klamnth Falls. 3-3t PHON13 PEYTON for Wood. 112R. HELP WANTED WANTBIJ Girl for gonornl house work and cooking Mrs. O. G. Lnb nroe. Illy, Orogon 1-tf MADAM IOINA, Palmiit- World'd Gmtlrxt I'lircnoloxht, PaliuM mid Milium Heads your eiitlro llfo pit, pr'enetit nnd future correctly, giv Ing milium, dntes ami figures In bui. Iiiohh, lou. law, inurrliiKu and dom estlc troublcH Toll you what rou aro best iidiiptod for und what to do 10 iicttor your comlltlons In llfo. I This lady rends )our hand as you 'would nu oimu book A reading bj J her will meet your hlgliMt expecu tloiis, and ou will ho wiser and 1 happier, after consulting her. the having tho gift of removing all crll lulltinnccN mid placing you In nn en vironment of hntipy thouRht and contentment. IteailliiRs: Sunday and dally, 9 a. m to 9 30 p m. Itoom 5, SwauHou llldg , oior gun atoro, Main St , bntweon cth and 7th, opp. West urn Union, Klamath Kails. Oregon. ' 12-13-19 California-Oreaon Power Cnmnanv England has a hcom or more of poercsses in their own right who may becomo eligible to scats In tho House of Lords, but It is likely thut ago or Infirmities would kcur at loast three-fourths of tho number form oxorclstng tholr privilege So mo of tho nations have add legonds us to tho origin of woman, Tho Japaneso beliovo that sho grow on a tree; tho Laplanders that she was once a rabbit; tho Persians that she foil from tho heavens; and tho Australian natives that, sho was onco a toad. NOTICIJ OK H!li:Ui'l"H HAI.K. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Klamath, No. 1103, Equity. Gus MelhiMo, Plaintiff, vs. Don Dayton, Defendant. Notice Ih hereby given that, by virtue of an execution und order of sale, duly Issued out of tho above entitled court and caiiso on the 2nd day of December, 1919, upon a docroo mndo and entered of record In said Circuit Court on tho 1st day of December, 1919, und in favor of the above mimed plaintiff nnd ngnlnst tho above named dufonduut, directing the salo of tho premises therein and hereinafter described, to satisfy tho mini of $1900.00, with Interest thereon from tho 19Jh day of September, 1914 at tho rato of 7 per cent, per annum, $250 nttor-' noy'n feo, $17,45 roqts nnd dlsburso-l men tn, and accruing costs. Now, therefore, by virtue of said 1 execution, and In compliance with I said writ, I have duly levied oni suld promises nnd will, on Tuosday,1 January 15, 1920, nt 10 o'clock n. m. of said day, at tho front door of tho, county court houso, in tho city 01 Klamnth Fnlls, Klamnth County, Htuto or urogon, sen, ni puuuci miction, to tho highest bidder, far cash, all tho right, title nnd Interest of the abovo named defendant, In and to tho following descrlbod ronl property, situated In Klamnth County, Stnto of Orogon, to wit: Tho northoont quarter of sec tion 1, Towimhlp 39 south, Hango 11 Eust of Wlllamotta Meri dian. 0 or so much thereof as may bo nocossary to satisfy said exocutlon, togothor with (tho tenements, hnrodltnmonUt nnd appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywiso npaortalnlng. Tho proceeds of said sale will be applied In tho ftatlufaction of snld oxocutlon order and docroo, Intorcst costs and accruing costs, and the overplus, If any thoro bo, paid into We can do your work and do it RIGHT " We have opened a Garage at 522-538 S. Sixth St and we are going to .have a repair depart "ment that will be sec ond to none. We will do all kinds of auto, truck and tractor repair ing, and the charge will be such as to make you glad you came, and bring you back. We just ask for one trial. J. H. Garrett & Son court to bo further applied as by '" Da'led Catdklnmnth Falls, Oregon, "ffV'lIUMPIIBBV. Sheriff. Draii8iw. AWKNS. Deputy. l I 1 '! Docombor 11, 11 HSTKAY Strayed to iny ranch nhout 10 days ago, ono yearling Horford steer crop off each oar no other brand noticeable ownor can hare same by paying for this ad and feed bill. Jay Manning, It. F, D. No, 1. Klamath Falls. 3-3t Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. i" '-1 rVisAite.i